Do any of you Fence-sitters / Moderates/ Independents see yourselves voting for RFK in 2024? Does he make you feel giddy at all?

He's a loon.

That's why he appeals to you, and why Republicans support him and Democrats do not.

RFK Jr. is well educated, intelligent, and makes more sense than any other politician.
For example, Biden claims that even though it is well documented Fauci paid for the covid "gain of function" research at Wuhan, to make it more compatible with humans, that the out break at Wuhan had nothing to do with the "gain of function" research.
In comparison, that makes JFK Jr. sound like a more stable genius.
No sane person has the slightest bit of interest in voting for that loon.

Why do you call him a "loon"?
RFK Jr. followed the science of covid much better than anyone else.
The mRNA vax clearly was a total failure, and "flattening the curve" is even worse.
I’m not exactly sure why I feel the way I do but it seems like RFK has some appeal to those scared of conflict and or stuck in never-never land. He seems to toe the line on sensitive issues, he seems level headed and he seems to choose his words wisely….all traits that I feel never-never landers could embrace. Am I on the right track?
Moderates want compentent people running the country, RFK is not one of those...
I advised of what you should do…I’m a common sense kinda guy, if the Dallas Cowboys are playing the New York Giants I wouldn’t bet on the Eagles to win….Why would you?
Because it's not a bet. We've gone over that.

I'm not going to vote for a bad candidate just because a bunch of morons like you say that they are.
Because it's not a bet. We've gone over that.

I'm not going to vote for a bad candidate just because a bunch of morons like you say that they are.
Voting is actually a lot like betting…The metaphor I provided is extremely accurate, I know you know that.
Look, most of us would rather elect something far different than the duopoly…unfortunately, we probably won’t be able to in our lifetimes.
Sadly, we’re stuck playing politics because that’s the shitty game that is.
Sure, but the point is he is vastly better than Biden, whose goal was to "flatten the curve" in order to push vaccines that did not work at all.
I recently listened to an interview where RFK junior said he believes in giving reparations. .. :cuckoo:

But I doubt RFK junior will get the nomination because the Democrat machine is all in to get Biden re-elected.
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Voting is actually a lot like betting…The metaphor I provided is extremely accurate, I know you know that.
You know I'm not going to fall for that bullshit, so save your typing.
Look, most of us would rather elect something far different than the duopoly…unfortunately, we probably won’t be able to in our lifetimes.
Sadly, we’re stuck playing politics because that’s the shitty game that is.
Only because of morons like you. Please stop. Electing a bad leader isn't a win.
Moderates want compentent people running the country, RFK is not one of those...

And you think Biden and Trump are BETTER?
RFK Jr. is vastly more "moderate" and "competent" than Biden or Trump.
RFK Jr would not have violated treaties and given arms that are likely to start WWIII.
RFK Jr would not have tried to "flatten the curve" waiting for bogus vaccines.
I recently listened to an interview where RFK junior said he believes in giving reparations. .. :cuckoo:

But I doubt RFK junior will get the nomination because the Democrat machine is all in to get Biden re-elected.

I think you have RFK Jr, wrong.
He has said many times:

RFK Jr. On Reparations... "I Would Be Against Cash Payments"​

What RFK Jr. said was that instead of "cash preparations", what we need to do instead is ensure high education is accessible and affordable, as well as housing.
Which is more of an affirmative action position than reparations.
And you think Biden and Trump are BETTER?
RFK Jr. is vastly more "moderate" and "competent" than Biden or Trump.
RFK Jr would not have violated treaties and given arms that are likely to start WWIII.
RFK Jr would not have tried to "flatten the curve" waiting for bogus vaccines.
Neither Biden or Trump violated any treaties.

No one is likely to start WWIII

You are full of shit
There is nothing real complex about it Fellas….you vote for the candidate you believe will set the country on a trajectory of improvement…BUT…most importantly, you have to vote for a candidate who actually has a chance at winning. I believe Tucker Carlson would make an amazing POTUS, but I won’t write him in simply because my FEELZ….and or some weird conscience sort of thing.

What a surprise that this loser ^^^ thinks of conscience as something "weird." :rolleyes-41:
And you think Biden and Trump are BETTER?
RFK Jr. is vastly more "moderate" and "competent" than Biden or Trump.
RFK Jr would not have violated treaties and given arms that are likely to start WWIII.
RFK Jr would not have tried to "flatten the curve" waiting for bogus vaccines.
RFK is a loon, he has passed on Conspiracy Theories like:
Covid-19 targets certain races and gives others immunity
Mass shootings are linked to prescription drugs
The 2004 presidential election was stolen
The pharmaceutical industry is throwing money at Democrats
Gun ownership in Switzerland is similar to the United States

The Covid-19 virus was genetically engineered
Former White House medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates sought to exaggerate the pandemic, in part, to promote vaccines
Vaccines can cause autism

It doesn't matter if he is moderate, he is fucking nuts..

Ye are so shitting about is this person Right or Left, you forget to see if he is nuts or not..
Kennedy is liberal and so only appeals to liberals.

The Stalinists of the left won't vote for him because he isn't an authoritarian like they are and right wing won't vote for him because he is liberal.

That leaves just a very narrow sliver of the population who follow principles instead of herd.

Kennedy isn't a "liberal". Americans on the left aren't "stalinists", or "authoritarians".

Why do you believe so many lies about your fellow Americans???? When you make stupid posts like this one, people believe you're stupid.
Kennedy isn't a "liberal". Americans on the left aren't "stalinists", or "authoritarians".

Why do you believe so many lies about your fellow Americans???? When you make stupid posts like this one, people believe you're stupid.
The problem these guys got is that a liberal in US is center in other first world countries...

Democrat party is center right in Western Europe...

Kennedy believes stuff with little to no basis in facts or evidence... Sorry, we don't vote for you..
This is the difference, they voted for Trump even though he has no clue of the Bible and is no Christian because he said he would give them right wing judges...
Screw can he do the job, this is about ideology over country...

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