Do as I Say (Not as I Do)

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Finally got around to reading Do As I Say (Not As I Do) by Peter Schweizer. This is a book people on this board should not pass up reading. It really exposes the hypocrisy--DEEP and WIDE-- of high-profile liberals.

Schweizer tells you facts about these people that you will never read in the MSM. He got the idea for his book when the liberals and the MSM were crucifying Rush Limbaugh, Bill Bennett, Phyllis Schafly and some other high-profile conservatives over their "sins". He thought he would do some research into the lives of the liberals to see if they really lived up to the principles they espoused in public. What a revelation his book is!

Everything from tax shelters to keep from paying their fair share of taxes, to hiring illegals so they don't have to pay benefits and higher wages, to giving lip service to abortion, to selecting private schools to educate their children, to profiteering from those "baddies" big oil, war and defense contractors--their lives are ONE BIG LIE. Question: Who owns the most oil companies: the Kennedys, George W. or Dick Cheney? The book gives you the answer.

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