Do black people not want to get ahead?

You two are PART of the problem. It is a fact of life that black society in the slums has taught whole generations of blacks to NOT get an eductaion, to not work to improve their economic position.

And no, it is not because of the white man keeping them down either. Well ya actually it is, but not the way YOU mean it.

Liberals went out of their way to turn hard working, independent black families into dependent slugs of a welfare State. One reason was for votes and power. And they generally succeeded.

When you spend 50 years giving hand outs and teaching a group of people that hard work, initiative and drive mean nothing and that Big Brother will feed and cloth you and house you as long as you VOTE for the right party... you have done nothing but return those people to a state of SLAVERY. It may be self imposed but that is what it is.

Whole generations going back to 70's have learned the lesson well. Destroy the family, get no education, find no work, let Big Brother take care of you.
That ringing in the ears some people are hearing right now is the sound of them being whacked upside the head with reality.
When you spend 50 years giving hand outs and teaching a group of people that hard work, initiative and drive mean nothing and that Big Brother will feed and cloth you and house you as long as you VOTE for the right party... you have done nothing but return those people to a state of SLAVERY. It may be self imposed but that is what it is.
Or, you're a lifer soldier, sailor, airman, or marine.

Reality sucks, don't it??
When you spend 50 years giving hand outs and teaching a group of people that hard work, initiative and drive mean nothing and that Big Brother will feed and cloth you and house you as long as you VOTE for the right party... you have done nothing but return those people to a state of SLAVERY. It may be self imposed but that is what it is.
Or, you're a lifer soldier, sailor, airman, or marine.

Reality sucks, don't it??

There we go, the required attack by a liberal on the military. Ohh damn when will all those Liberals that cry foul be here to defend me?

Tell you what you drug addled brain dead moron , do you even know what you are talking about in regards the military? Give us a break down of your stellar military record from which you draw this conclusions.

Or just admit when ever your intellectually challenged you resort to the lowest common denominator in regards Liberal bullshit.
You two are PART of the problem. It is a fact of life that black society in the slums has taught whole generations of blacks to NOT get an eductaion, to not work to improve their economic position.

Disagree as this is only part of the problem and not the meat of it. The racial policies of the past have as much to do with it also, as long as people like you continue to stick their heads in the sand about this there will be no progress between the "races'" just more suspicion and distrust. Likewise the Bass believes that blacks in the inner cities can't let the conditions they live in be an excuse not to want to exceed because doing nothing isn't going to uplift anything and anyone. The Bass has been in and has relatives that live in poor neighborhoods and slums and none of their parents teach them not to work hard and devalue education, its quite the opposite, parents in the inner city slums strong emphasize the opposite, but how would you know that? You're just spewing the retardology of those on the far right.

Liberals went out of their way to turn hard working, independent black families into dependent slugs of a welfare State. One reason was for votes and power. And they generally succeeded.

The Bass agrees with this in as much as there are liberals who have done this to the benefit of themselves, yet the policies of a lot of conservatives are no better since their M.O. is greed and to gain as much wealth and power as they can

When you spend 50 years giving hand outs and teaching a group of people that hard work, initiative and drive mean nothing and that Big Brother will feed and cloth you and house you as long as you VOTE for the right party... you have done nothing but return those people to a state of SLAVERY. It may be self imposed but that is what it is.

More rightwing nutter garbage, what about what conservatives have been teaching? Look at this last administration and the politics of they've employed since Reagan. They equally fail to stress hard work and education in their actions, instead they stress helping out you buddies and the children of your buddies to get by and to manipulate people to gain as much wealth and power as you can. enact as much legislation as you can to favor you and your rich buddies to tilt and maintain the distribution of wealth in a one way direction and then label those who don't have it as failures who don't want to achieve. Thats something that poor, poverty stricken whites have failed to understand since day one, well after that rebellion in Virgina in the 1600s.
Why does Quentin Tarantino get to use the word "******" all the time without getting his ass kicked by Sammuel L Jackson?

Who the fucked said life is fair?
There we go, the required attack by a liberal on the military. Ohh damn when will all those Liberals that cry foul be here to defend me?
I'm not a liberal, Private Pyle.

Tell you what you drug addled brain dead moron , do you even know what you are talking about in regards the military? Give us a break down of your stellar military record from which you draw this conclusions.

Or just admit when ever your intellectually challenged you resort to the lowest common denominator in regards Liberal bullshit.
I don't wave my service around in everyone's face, as though it makes me a better man than the next.

I did what I did, and moved on.
Liberals went out of their way to turn hard working, independent black families into dependent slugs of a welfare State. One reason was for votes and power. And they generally succeeded.

The Bass agrees with this in as much as there are liberals who have done this to the benefit of themselves, yet the policies of a lot of conservatives are no better since their M.O. is greed and to gain as much wealth and power as they can

Bass you got this right.
Its really funny how some ignore the fact that from the time of slavery up until the late 1960s, blacks lived in a state of second class citizenship for the large part yet none of this has no effect on what goes on today in the slums and our course its all the fault of those damn evil liberals and those dumb, unresponsible blacks that teach their children not to value education and hard work[though to date, no one has ever shown any hard evidence for the claim that blacks in inner cities teach their kids these things].
There we go, the required attack by a liberal on the military. Ohh damn when will all those Liberals that cry foul be here to defend me?
I'm not a liberal, Private Pyle.

Tell you what you drug addled brain dead moron , do you even know what you are talking about in regards the military? Give us a break down of your stellar military record from which you draw this conclusions.

Or just admit when ever your intellectually challenged you resort to the lowest common denominator in regards Liberal bullshit.
I don't wave my service around in everyone's face, as though it makes me a better man than the next.

I did what I did, and moved on.

In other words you got out but feel the need to denigrate those that chose to continue to serve. Why is that I wonder? Come on tell us the sob story about how some "lifer" mistreated your poor sorry ass while in. The Liberals will eat it up.

Unlike you, I worked hard the whole tme I was in, to succeed and to get promoted, NOT just to get more money or more rank, but to grow into what I believed to be what would help the Marine Corps over all in my service and field.

You can take your ignorant "lifer" comments and pound sand. My father was a career soldier , he served 22 years before retiring. He went to Viet Nam twice, second time he volunteered. He was a Grunt. Go ahead call him a "lifer" too asshole.

Using your logic, what ever job you have done for a long period of time is just a place for you to hide out in. Tell ya what DUMB ASS, grow the fuck up.

I loved almost my entire tome in the Corps. It was WHAT I WANTED TO DO. The only difficult time was the last year as I got sicker and sicker. And even then I knew I wanted to be a Marine.

People like you deserve to have your head pulled out of your ass long enough to clean the SHIT off your eyelids so you can see the REAL world for a second.
RGS, Dude, Wow ... um ... for two people who actually agree on this issue, you are both going at each others throats .... why?
, unresponsible blacks that teach their children not to value education and hard work[though to date, no one has ever shown any hard evidence for the claim that blacks in inner cities teach their kids these things].

See Chuck, may I call you Chuck? It is all about teaching your kids the other things, hard work, education. Doing nothing is Zen easy. but jive some effort if you will.

Obama did it, it can be done.
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