Zone1 Do Christians Proselytize out of “Love” - or Arrogance?

Interesting article----VERY MUCH consistent with
my own experience in "sunday school" and church as a child on invitation of my playmate's mother.
JEWS were, CERTAINLY, mentioned here and there.
You, suradie, seem to have missed it. I remember
'let us pray for the PERFIDIOUS jews"---I had to
check the dictionary for 'perfidious' It was either
an episcopalian (probably) or Lutheran church.
Other lines ---here and there, referred to "the
conversion of the jews" like it was some sort of
happy future event because until then the jews
were consigned to WANDER (like the cute little
houseplant). Allusions to JOOOS are all over the
place in christian churches------allusions to christians do not exist in synagogues. My hubby
grew up in an orthodox home-----each year I
RE-EXPLAIN what easter is all about

No churches I attended as a child in the US or Arabia ever mentioned Jews.
I never said He was little Ms know it all. He is however a descendent of David.
A lineage for Jesus exists in "Matthew"---the roman
shill tax collector. A lineage for Muhummad exists
in the koran linking him to Ishmael who was literate
but the concept of reading and writing somehow
GOT LOST (as far as I know ---a FIRST IN ANY SOCIAL ORDER). My lineage links me to Moses---
and that nasty guy DATHAN played by Edward G.
Robinson in the movie. I prefer Charlton Heston---
No churches I attended as a child in the US or Arabia ever mentioned Jews.
It would be easy for you to miss it since you were
not ATTUNED, Not only are jews mentioned in
churches----ENGLISH LITERATURE is ---uhm
FULL OF IT-------you did read a little?---right?
They don't mention jews in arabia? The very
virulent anti semitic literature that I read as a child,
cast about here and there in my EPISCOPALIAN
written by escapees from the Nuremburg Trials.
The few Saudis I knew ----knew ALL ABOUT
Jews That land which historically was also
considered part of "arabia" --and where Hubby
In fact, the reason that the koran interested me
when I first encountered it at age 20 (LONG
LONG AGO)----just about every other word was
JEWS. Somehow you missed it. Never read the
koran?. I will admit----Pakistanis I knew seemed
to know MORE about jews than did the few Saudis
I knew.
No churches I attended as a child in the US or Arabia ever mentioned Jews.
arabia-----well--that is Saudi Arabia where visting
jewish doctors sign a statement promising NOT TO
ARABIA. Could be that the anglican compound
was restricted from saying or writing "jew". Of course -----booze was not restricted----RIGHT?
It would be easy for you to miss it since you were
not ATTUNED, Not only are jews mentioned in
churches----ENGLISH LITERATURE is ---uhm
FULL OF IT-------you did read a little?---right?
They don't mention jews in arabia? The very
virulent anti semitic literature that I read as a child,
cast about here and there in my EPISCOPALIAN
written by escapees from the Nuremburg Trials.
The few Saudis I knew ----knew ALL ABOUT
Jews That land which historically was also
considered part of "arabia" --and where Hubby
In fact, the reason that the koran interested me
when I first encountered it at age 20 (LONG
LONG AGO)----just about every other word was
JEWS. Somehow you missed it. Never read the
koran?. I will admit----Pakistanis I knew seemed
to know MORE about jews than did the few Saudis
I knew.

Saudi Arabia didn't have much money when you were a child. You must have read some special Koran.

Of course I knew about Jews. Just didn't come up at church and Sunday school beyond reverence for the patriarchs.

Wasn't your husband an infant when he left Yemen?
Let's look at what the Torah says....

The Torah teaches the equality of all human beings created in the image of God and is positive toward non-Israelites
The Torah is the first 5 books of Our Bible.

It is ISRAEL'S STORY. The Jews are only one tribe.

The problem with Judaism is the pagan 8nfluence from their captivity 8n Babylon and the many unscriptural books produced by MEN. Many are hateful and disgusting
I never said He was little Ms know it all. He is however a descendent of David.
So God is a descendant of David? Because if he is the son of God, he can't be a descendant of David from the actual meaning of "from the house of David". To be "from the house" means that you can trace back to that person using patrilineal descent. Wherever mary comes from is irrelevant.
Saudi Arabia didn't have much money when you were a child. You must have read some special Koran.

Of course I knew about Jews. Just didn't come up at church and Sunday school beyond reverence for the patriarchs.

Wasn't your husband an infant when he left Yemen?
His parents were not infants ---he comes from a
LITERATE community that had lived in Yemen since long before the rapist of Mecca was born. Infact,
I conjecture that the language "arabic" was FIRST
WRITTEN using hebrew script----long before there
developed an "arabic script"---something like 300
AD. Excavation of Mecca and Medina SHOULD
HAPPEN----to clear up issues of history for people
like you. Those Yemenites not only WROTE
incessantly-----they saved their writings in clay
pots in caves and in the sand. (I live in the NYC
Genizah---shelves---no caves.)
The koran I read was a copy of PICTHALL. I
showed it to a pakistani surgeon who had heard
of it--he looked thru it and pronounced it a GOOD
TRANSLATION-----not that he knew arabic---at
that time the koran had not been translated into
Urdu. SO---I gave him my copy. WEALTHY saudis
did exist in the 1950s. In fact wealthy Saudi
SUBSIDZED students harassed Albert Einstein--
PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY. Albert died 1955
His parents were not infants ---he comes from a
LITERATE community that had lived in Yemen since long before the rapist of Mecca was born. Infact,
I conjecture that the language "arabic" was FIRST
WRITTEN using hebrew script----long before there
developed an "arabic script"---something like 300
AD. Excavation of Mecca and Medina SHOULD
HAPPEN----to clear up issues of history for people
like you. Those Yemenites not only WROTE
incessantly-----they saved their writings in clay
pots in caves and in the sand. (I live in the NYC
Genizah---shelves---no caves.)
The koran I read was a copy of PICTHALL. I
showed it to a pakistani surgeon who had heard
of it--he looked thru it and pronounced it a GOOD
TRANSLATION-----not that he knew arabic---at
that time the koran had not been translated into
Urdu. SO---I gave him my copy. WEALTHY saudis
did exist in the 1950s. In fact wealthy Saudi
SUBSIDZED students harassed Albert Einstein--
PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY. Albert died 1955

I think Pickthall is the best English translation.
I think Pickthall is the best English translation.
oh----how nice----he also wrote a FORWARD
to his translation which had me giggling for
months. He managed to credit muhummad with
everything from lemons to sliced bread
So God is a descendant of David? Because if he is the son of God, he can't be a descendant of David from the actual meaning of "from the house of David". To be "from the house" means that you can trace back to that person using patrilineal descent. Wherever mary comes from is irrelevant.
Yup. They want it both ways. The Messiah is supposed to be descended from David on his father’s side, and yet Jesus sipposedly had no earthly father.
I wonder why the Catholic Church is so passive about attempting to convert people to Catholicism. It seems the leaders of our Church are content the way things are. Paul would disagree. He wanted to convert everyone he met.
Paul was the L.Ron Hubbard of his day.
Yes. They hate it when they're confronted by facts. They can lie and snivel about Xians but it doesn't work the other way around for the Orthodox and 'Master Race' types. They rely a lot on evangelicals for money and support for Israel, and want to keep up the fictions that 'all Jews are alike, and good Xians have to kiss all our asses', when in fact they aren't all alike and they arent all 'the Chosen people' of the Old Testament. In fact it looks like they were pretty much dumped by God after Isaiah's times, and the Jews got a Messiah and a reformer with a new Covenant to revive the universalism of the original Torah. That reformer and his Jewish followers was much more successful at spreading the word than the self-worshipping cult the Babylonians were reduced to.
If you saw someone about to walk off a cliff, would it be arrogant to warn them?

If one truly believes the words of the New Testament how could they not try and tell everyone and save as many as possible?

There is no gray area in the New Testament, one either follows Jesus or they burn in hell for eternity.
Prophecy after prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes:
The reemergence of Israel as a nation in 1948
The falling away of mainline churches
rampant unrighteousness and lawlessness
false doctrine abounds
All points to Jacob's 70th Week, the coming of Antichrist and the return of Messiah.
Prophecy after prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes:
The reemergence of Israel as a nation in 1948
The falling away of mainline churches
rampant unrighteousness and lawlessness
false doctrine abounds
All points to Jacob's 70th Week, the coming of Antichrist and the return of Messiah.
uhm ---I missed that. "jacob's 70th week" -----got the verse that covers
that -----magical prediction?

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