Zone1 Do Christians Proselytize out of “Love” - or Arrogance?

I’m sure he’s referring to me because I pointed out that having Christians tell me that G-d is angry at Jews and will send us to hell unless we believe his version of the truth is both arrogant and disrespectful. He wants Jews to just accept the relentless harassment to abandon their religion.

Can you imagine if Jews would hound Christians that G-d is angry at them for elevating a mortal man to a supreme being and will send them to hell unless they become Jewish?!
I actually see similarities between far-right Evangelical Christians and far-left radicals: both insist their way is the one and only “correct” way and become quite belligerent when you don’t submit to it.
Yeah, I've long been fed up with both religions.
I’m sure he’s referring to me because I pointed out that having Christians tell me that G-d is angry at Jews and will send us to hell unless we believe his version of the truth is both arrogant and disrespectful. He wants Jews to just accept the relentless harassment to abandon their religion.

Can you imagine if Jews would hound Christians that G-d is angry at them for elevating a mortal man to a supreme being and will send them to hell unless they become Jewish?!

LOL, you're just making things up now honey. I never said God was angry with the Jews, not once. God let's everyone make their own choices. As far as what will happen when you die? That's out of my hands and it depends on the choice you've made.

Do all religions lead to God?
LOL, you're just making things up now honey. I never said God was angry with the Jews, not once. God let's everyone make their own choices. As far as what will happen when you die? That's out of my hands and it depends on the choice you've made.

Do all religions lead to God?
Yes, they all can if people lead righteous lives.

Your implication in your last sentence is that my “choice” determines where I end up after death, and you’ve made it clear that only people who follow YOUR beliefs find a path to G-d. You don’t see the arrogance in that? “MY way is the only correct way. Anyone who doesn’t submit to MY way is doomed.”

As I said, I don’t tell my Christian friends that the only way they’ll see heaven is if they drop their beliefs and become Jewish.
Yes, they all can if people lead righteous lives.

Your implication in your last sentence is that my “choice” determines where I end up after death, and you’ve made it clear that only people who follow YOUR beliefs find a path to G-d. You don’t see the arrogance in that? “MY way is the only correct way. Anyone who doesn’t submit to MY way is doomed.”

As I said, I don’t tell my Christian friends that the only way they’ll see heaven is if they drop their beliefs and become Jewish.

No, they can't and don't all lead to God. Your choice indeed does determine your fate as does mine. What's really humorous here is that lack any self awareness at all. You insist equally that the way you think is the correct way while declaring anyone else equally sure about their way as being arrogant. You aren't very bright.
No, they can't and don't all lead to God. Your choice indeed does determine your fate as does mine. What's really humorous here is that lack any self awareness at all. You insist equally that the way you think is the correct way while declaring anyone else equally sure about their way as being arrogant. You aren't very bright.
Wow. So YOU are telling me that people of other religions can’t have a path to G-d? Your way and only your way? And you accuse ME of lacking self-awareness?

What is “humorous” here is that you say I insist the way I think is the correct way when I have said many paths - you don’t have to be Jewish - lead to G-d. You’re the one insisting on having to believe in Jesus, and nobody else is right!

And because you are annoyed with people who won’t accept Jesus, as you INSIST they must do to get to heaven, you start in with the insults.

You are doing exactly what far-leftists do: insist others believe the way they do, and when they don’t, start in with the insults.

I repeat: Jews and Gentiles alike have a path to G-d. There’s no “only” way.
Did they jam them all the way down your throat?

I'm sorry but you're not to be taken seriously.

By the way, stop judging my judgment.
She has a valid complaint. Just about ever person not of a "certain" christian sect has had, at one time or another, someone try to shove christianity down their throats.
No, they can't and don't all lead to God. Your choice indeed does determine your fate as does mine. What's really humorous here is that lack any self awareness at all. You insist equally that the way you think is the correct way while declaring anyone else equally sure about their way as being arrogant. You aren't very bright.
Jesus taught the following:

Mark 16:15-16
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned

As a Christian, it is imperative that we go into all the world and preach the gospel. By doing so we are giving others the opportunity to be saved. However, God has given all mankind their free will to choose as they will. God certainly respects our free will and does not force anybody into the kingdom of heaven. As a missionary for Jesus Christ, we should respect each individuals free will. Missionaries should bring the good news to people and let them choose for themselves whether or not to accept it. When we get overbearing with those investigating Christianity it becomes a big turnoff. We should simply teach the gospel and let the investigator make up his/her mind if they want that in their lives. (ie We should be respectful of others and respect their free will to choose).
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That’s even worse. But you may have a point. The poster who said “repent or perish” (or whatever) also said the Christians have a divine mandate to have power over society. Scary stuff.

Um WHOA.....I am wondering where the Bible references for that come.
I actually see similarities between far-right Evangelical Christians and far-left radicals: both insist their way is the one and only “correct” way and become quite belligerent when you don’t submit to it.

These are two completely separate considerations. People "insist that their way is the one and only 'correct' way" about all manner of things. For instance my husband is convinced he alone holds the secret key for how to load a dishwasher properly. It doesn't bother me that he thinks that (in fact, he always loads the dishwasher bc of it so, so sad for him! heh)

It's not really that we think we're correct that bother it? I'm sure Muslims believe Mohammad is the only way to Allah. This does not bother me. Does it bother you if they think you're wrong, or I'm wrong?

It's just the insistence that bothers you I'm guessing. Yes?
She has a valid complaint. Just about ever person not of a "certain" christian sect has had, at one time or another, someone try to shove christianity down their throats.

I hardly see this anymore. What I do see is atheists/secularists flooding Christian online spaces and overtaking them with nastiness or trolling. Strangely, they almost never do the same to Muslims--people who, you know, throw homosexuals off the roof and etc. For some reason their inability to condone homosexuality just doesn't bother seculars that much. Ain't that something?
Yeah, I've long been fed up with both religions.

I have been an evangelical Christian--that is, born again--for oh, 20 years now. Believe me when I say that my church is much more relaxed and accepting than Leftists are. I don't go there to escape Cancel Culture garbage--but it sure is a nice benefit.
Wow. So YOU are telling me that people of other religions can’t have a path to G-d? Your way and only your way? And you accuse ME of lacking self-awareness?

What is “humorous” here is that you say I insist the way I think is the correct way when I have said many paths - you don’t have to be Jewish - lead to G-d. You’re the one insisting on having to believe in Jesus, and nobody else is right!

And because you are annoyed with people who won’t accept Jesus, as you INSIST they must do to get to heaven, you start in with the insults.

You are doing exactly what far-leftists do: insist others believe the way they do, and when they don’t, start in with the insults.

I repeat: Jews and Gentiles alike have a path to G-d. There’s no “only” way.

So your last statement is doing the very same you don't like. You're telling us our beliefs are wrong. I can guess you don't like it when Christians tell you that you're wrong about Jesus.
Wow. So YOU are telling me that people of other religions can’t have a path to G-d? Your way and only your way? And you accuse ME of lacking self-awareness?

What is “humorous” here is that you say I insist the way I think is the correct way when I have said many paths - you don’t have to be Jewish - lead to G-d. You’re the one insisting on having to believe in Jesus, and nobody else is right!

And because you are annoyed with people who won’t accept Jesus, as you INSIST they must do to get to heaven, you start in with the insults.

You are doing exactly what far-leftists do: insist others believe the way they do, and when they don’t, start in with the insults.

I repeat: Jews and Gentiles alike have a path to G-d. There’s no “only” way.

LOL, have made fun of Jesus, accused Paul of "making up" a Religion and scoffed at the fact that Christ is indeed God. No, "all paths" do not lead to God, in fact that statement reveals that you don't even believe what God says in the Torah. All you've done is cobble a belief system that you can accept, that is not the way it works. The Hebrews are warned repeatedly NOT to mix with non Hebrew peoples. My observation stands, you are not very bright. I am not "annoyed" by the choices others make, it has nothing to do with me.
These are two completely separate considerations. People "insist that their way is the one and only 'correct' way" about all manner of things. For instance my husband is convinced he alone holds the secret key for how to load a dishwasher properly. It doesn't bother me that he thinks that (in fact, he always loads the dishwasher bc of it so, so sad for him! heh)

It's not really that we think we're correct that bother it? I'm sure Muslims believe Mohammad is the only way to Allah. This does not bother me. Does it bother you if they think you're wrong, or I'm wrong?

It's just the insistence that bothers you I'm guessing. Yes?
Yes, of course. It’s the badgering over the “need” for me to adopt someone else’s religion and abandon what I’ve been brought up with - and treasure - that’s the problem. I’m fine with the fact that you think you’re right, and that it brings you comfort.
So your last statement is doing the very same you don't like. You're telling us our beliefs are wrong. I can guess you don't like it when Christians tell you that you're wrong about Jesus.
No, I didn’t say your beliefs are wrong. I’ve said there are many paths to G-d. You can believe in Jesus and get to Heaven, as your religion teaches, or you can belong to another religion and still get to Heaven.

The difference is that I am not warning you that your beliefs are wrong and you will go to hell if you don’t change, and that is what I have been told - quite aggressively, and repeatedly - by Evangelical Christians.
No, I didn’t say your beliefs are wrong. I’ve said there are many paths to G-d. You can believe in Jesus and get to Heaven, and your religion teaches, or you can belong to another religion and still get to Heaven.

You said "there is no one way". That would be you asserting that your way is correct and mine is wrong. Which is fine if we're debating on the merits. It doesn't offend me.

But this whole thread is that you don't like being "converted"--is this not an attempt to talk Christians out of their belief that Jesus is the only way to God? Or was it more "I don't believe there's one way"?

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