Do Conservatives Believe In Social Darwinism?

Of course conservatives believe in social Darwinism. They just normally call it personal responsibility.

Or we can accept the fake Rabbi at his word and then postulate that, since Conservatives don't believe in social Darwinism, they are actually irresponsible, probably sucking on the big gubbermint tit.

This thread is fun!
Fine example of non-sequitur, Herr SHithead.
You seem angry. Problems at the sanitarium today? Catheter a little too tight? That lovely nurse with luscious titties juuuuuuuust out of reach?

Poor you. It's fun when I see you trolling your own thread. So, now that I've asked 3 times, can you kindly define "Conservatism"?

Thank you. And don't forget: the blue pills calm you down!

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Can't deal with reality, I see.
Your surrender here is noted. Now get lost. Adults are trying to talk.
Bullshit. You're a narco-libertarian at best.


I'm not sure what that's even suppose to mean, other than the fact that bullshit statist fucks like you pretend to be conservatives but just can't fathom the idea that the American people should be free to live their lives as they see fit so long as they aren't hurting anyone other than maybe their own selves.

Who has backed down and when has shit hit the fan?

You have! :lol:

I've posted several threads offering conservative solutions that address the [professed] concerns of both Republicans and Democrats. And you've been among the biggest members of the bitch squad, whining and crying that people can't take care of themselves and that we can't really cut spending or taxes. You're worse than Obama. At least he makes no excuses for the fact that he wants to tax and spend. You pretend otherwise but you're just full of bullshit.
Now you're simply hallucinating.


So you deny objecting when I suggested that spending be drastically reduced and taxes as well?


Second, how are you planning on slashing 50% from Social Security. My mother lives on about 1,000/mo SS. You want to cut that to $500?

You and your mother are entitlement junkies.
I objected to your thowing millions of people who truly cannot go out and get a job into poverty. SOmehow you seem to miss that part. These are also people who paid into social security, so they are hardly freeloaders. As for me, go fuck yourself, asshole. I never took a dime of government money.
I objected to your thowing millions of people who truly cannot go out and get a job into poverty. SOmehow you seem to miss that part. These are also people who paid into social security, so they are hardly freeloaders. As for me, go fuck yourself, asshole. I never took a dime of government money.

What's stopping them from going out to look for work? What stopped them years ago from planning their own retirement properly? You're just a tax and spend entitlement junkie. Think the government's job is to force other people to pay for your own family. You're a pathetic piece of shit.
I objected to your thowing millions of people who truly cannot go out and get a job into poverty. SOmehow you seem to miss that part. These are also people who paid into social security, so they are hardly freeloaders. As for me, go fuck yourself, asshole. I never took a dime of government money.

What's stopping them from going out to look for work? What stopped them years ago from planning their own retirement properly? You're just a tax and spend entitlement junkie. Think the government's job is to force other people to pay for your own family. You're a pathetic piece of shit.
WHat's stopping them from going out to work? How about being over 80 years old and in failing health?
What stopped them from planning for their own retirement? How about the expectation of receiving SS benefits WAS part of their retireement planning? WHch part of that do you not get?
People collecting SS benefits paid for those benefits, capiche?
Bullshit. You're a narco-libertarian at best.


I'm not sure what that's even suppose to mean, other than the fact that bullshit statist fucks like you pretend to be conservatives but just can't fathom the idea that the American people should be free to live their lives as they see fit so long as they aren't hurting anyone other than maybe their own selves.

Who has backed down and when has shit hit the fan?

You have! :lol:

I've posted several threads offering conservative solutions that address the [professed] concerns of both Republicans and Democrats. And you've been among the biggest members of the bitch squad, whining and crying that people can't take care of themselves and that we can't really cut spending or taxes. You're worse than Obama. At least he makes no excuses for the fact that he wants to tax and spend. You pretend otherwise but you're just full of bullshit.
Now you're simply hallucinating.


So you deny objecting when I suggested that spending be drastically reduced and taxes as well?


Second, how are you planning on slashing 50% from Social Security. My mother lives on about 1,000/mo SS. You want to cut that to $500?

You and your mother are entitlement junkies.
I objected to your thowing millions of people who truly cannot go out and get a job into poverty. SOmehow you seem to miss that part. These are also people who paid into social security, so they are hardly freeloaders. As for me, go fuck yourself, asshole. I never took a dime of government money.
What? You didn't get one of Dubya's stimulus checks? Maybe he only sent them to people who pay taxes.
Bullshit. You're a narco-libertarian at best.


I'm not sure what that's even suppose to mean, other than the fact that bullshit statist fucks like you pretend to be conservatives but just can't fathom the idea that the American people should be free to live their lives as they see fit so long as they aren't hurting anyone other than maybe their own selves.

Who has backed down and when has shit hit the fan?

You have! :lol:

I've posted several threads offering conservative solutions that address the [professed] concerns of both Republicans and Democrats. And you've been among the biggest members of the bitch squad, whining and crying that people can't take care of themselves and that we can't really cut spending or taxes. You're worse than Obama. At least he makes no excuses for the fact that he wants to tax and spend. You pretend otherwise but you're just full of bullshit.
Now you're simply hallucinating.


So you deny objecting when I suggested that spending be drastically reduced and taxes as well?


Second, how are you planning on slashing 50% from Social Security. My mother lives on about 1,000/mo SS. You want to cut that to $500?

You and your mother are entitlement junkies.
I objected to your thowing millions of people who truly cannot go out and get a job into poverty. SOmehow you seem to miss that part. These are also people who paid into social security, so they are hardly freeloaders. As for me, go fuck yourself, asshole. I never took a dime of government money.
What? You didn't get one of Dubya's stimulus checks? Maybe he only sent them to people who pay taxes.
Actually that was the original plan but Democrats in Congress insisted on sending money to people who didnt pay taxes as well.
But that year I paid taxes so I was entitled to the refund.
WHat's stopping them from going out to work? How about being over 80 years old and in failing health?

It's not my fault that they didn't plan ahead.

What stopped them from planning for their own retirement? How about the expectation of receiving SS benefits WAS part of their retireement planning?

So they failed to provide for their own needs, with the expectation that the government would come and wipe their ass for them. That's called being an entitlement junkie. I know, individual responsibility sucks for worthless statist fucks like yourself.
WHat's stopping them from going out to work? How about being over 80 years old and in failing health?

It's not my fault that they didn't plan ahead.

What stopped them from planning for their own retirement? How about the expectation of receiving SS benefits WAS part of their retireement planning?

So they failed to provide for their own needs, with the expectation that the government would come and wipe their ass for them. That's called being an entitlement junkie. I know, individual responsibility sucks for worthless statist fucks like yourself.
You are truly one stupid fucker.
If I buy an annuity from a company am I now expectign that company to come wipe my ass? No. I purchased a financial asset and I expect them to make good on their promise.
Same with social security.
An advocate for social Darwinism will oppose something like the welfare state, on the Darwinist's belief that it lifts it up people artificially and allows them to survive despite their not being naturally 'fit' enough to do so.
Maybe. Can you cite any conservatives who oppose the welfare state because it allows people to survive who otherwise wouldnt?

The ones like you who would abolish Medicaid.
That is incorrect.
We oppose Medicaid because it is a bloated inefficient system that demeans the patients and devalues the doctors. So actually it is the opposite of what you post. You support Medicaiid because you want to see people poor and miserable.

lol. Now you're just lying. End Medicaid and poor people will go without needed medical care.
Bullshit. I guess people just died in the streets before Medicaid, right? You are the one who wants to keep people dependent on government for inferior quality premium priced medical care.

Keeping people dependent? What is it with you people and that nonsense?

A poor person who cannot pay for medical care is dependent on someone for medical care whether there's Medicaid or not.
Maybe. Can you cite any conservatives who oppose the welfare state because it allows people to survive who otherwise wouldnt?

The ones like you who would abolish Medicaid.
That is incorrect.
We oppose Medicaid because it is a bloated inefficient system that demeans the patients and devalues the doctors. So actually it is the opposite of what you post. You support Medicaiid because you want to see people poor and miserable.

lol. Now you're just lying. End Medicaid and poor people will go without needed medical care.
Bullshit. I guess people just died in the streets before Medicaid, right? You are the one who wants to keep people dependent on government for inferior quality premium priced medical care.

Keeping people dependent? What is it with you people and that nonsense?

A poor person who cannot pay for medical care is dependent on someone for medical care whether there's Medicaid or not.
OK I can see this is tough for you. Your gross ignorance prevents you from posting anything mildly sensible. But try.
When you sign up for Medicaid you are limited to seeing doctors who will take Medicaid. Because the system is so shitty, bureaucratic and expensive there are fewer and fewer doctors willing to put up with it. This cuts choice among Medicaid patients and makes them dependent on a dwindling number of inferior providers.
Which is probably what makles you happy.
If I buy an annuity from a company am I now expectign that company to come wipe my ass?

The government isn't a company. And taxes aren't buying an annuity. Social Security has never been a payout for what a person has paid in. It has always been a payout to other people. And receiving Social Security has always been receiving a payout from others. It has always been a redistribution, and nothing more.

But statist fucks like you can't get it through your head that the government is the supposed to be the source for daily cheese.
The ones like you who would abolish Medicaid.
That is incorrect.
We oppose Medicaid because it is a bloated inefficient system that demeans the patients and devalues the doctors. So actually it is the opposite of what you post. You support Medicaiid because you want to see people poor and miserable.

lol. Now you're just lying. End Medicaid and poor people will go without needed medical care.
Bullshit. I guess people just died in the streets before Medicaid, right? You are the one who wants to keep people dependent on government for inferior quality premium priced medical care.

Keeping people dependent? What is it with you people and that nonsense?

A poor person who cannot pay for medical care is dependent on someone for medical care whether there's Medicaid or not.
OK I can see this is tough for you. Your gross ignorance prevents you from posting anything mildly sensible. But try.
When you sign up for Medicaid you are limited to seeing doctors who will take Medicaid. Because the system is so shitty, bureaucratic and expensive there are fewer and fewer doctors willing to put up with it. This cuts choice among Medicaid patients and makes them dependent on a dwindling number of inferior providers.
Which is probably what makles you happy.

And what do people sign up for if Medicaid ceases to exist?
If I buy an annuity from a company am I now expectign that company to come wipe my ass?

The government isn't a company. And taxes aren't buying an annuity. Social Security has never been a payout for what a person has paid in. It has always been a payout to other people. And receiving Social Security has always been receiving a payout from others. It has always been a redistribution, and nothing more.

But statist fucks like you can't get it through your head that the government is the supposed to be the source for daily cheese.
The program was sold as an insurance scheme. People pay into the system. People get benefit out of the system in some proportion to what they paid in. It is unlike disability or food stamps or entitlements.
I realize to a pea brain like you every gov't program looks the same. But reality is different.
That is incorrect.
We oppose Medicaid because it is a bloated inefficient system that demeans the patients and devalues the doctors. So actually it is the opposite of what you post. You support Medicaiid because you want to see people poor and miserable.

lol. Now you're just lying. End Medicaid and poor people will go without needed medical care.
Bullshit. I guess people just died in the streets before Medicaid, right? You are the one who wants to keep people dependent on government for inferior quality premium priced medical care.

Keeping people dependent? What is it with you people and that nonsense?

A poor person who cannot pay for medical care is dependent on someone for medical care whether there's Medicaid or not.
OK I can see this is tough for you. Your gross ignorance prevents you from posting anything mildly sensible. But try.
When you sign up for Medicaid you are limited to seeing doctors who will take Medicaid. Because the system is so shitty, bureaucratic and expensive there are fewer and fewer doctors willing to put up with it. This cuts choice among Medicaid patients and makes them dependent on a dwindling number of inferior providers.
Which is probably what makles you happy.

And what do people sign up for if Medicaid ceases to exist?
The replacement program.
lol. Now you're just lying. End Medicaid and poor people will go without needed medical care.
Bullshit. I guess people just died in the streets before Medicaid, right? You are the one who wants to keep people dependent on government for inferior quality premium priced medical care.

Keeping people dependent? What is it with you people and that nonsense?

A poor person who cannot pay for medical care is dependent on someone for medical care whether there's Medicaid or not.
OK I can see this is tough for you. Your gross ignorance prevents you from posting anything mildly sensible. But try.
When you sign up for Medicaid you are limited to seeing doctors who will take Medicaid. Because the system is so shitty, bureaucratic and expensive there are fewer and fewer doctors willing to put up with it. This cuts choice among Medicaid patients and makes them dependent on a dwindling number of inferior providers.
Which is probably what makles you happy.

And what do people sign up for if Medicaid ceases to exist?
The replacement program.

Quit being a twat.

Describe in detail and specifics what the replacement program is.
Bullshit. I guess people just died in the streets before Medicaid, right? You are the one who wants to keep people dependent on government for inferior quality premium priced medical care.

Keeping people dependent? What is it with you people and that nonsense?

A poor person who cannot pay for medical care is dependent on someone for medical care whether there's Medicaid or not.
OK I can see this is tough for you. Your gross ignorance prevents you from posting anything mildly sensible. But try.
When you sign up for Medicaid you are limited to seeing doctors who will take Medicaid. Because the system is so shitty, bureaucratic and expensive there are fewer and fewer doctors willing to put up with it. This cuts choice among Medicaid patients and makes them dependent on a dwindling number of inferior providers.
Which is probably what makles you happy.

And what do people sign up for if Medicaid ceases to exist?
The replacement program.

Quit being a twat.

Describe in detail and specifics what the replacement program is.
There is no replacement program, moron. Not at this time. Does that mean there can never be one? Does that mean there arent proposals out there?
Keeping people dependent? What is it with you people and that nonsense?

A poor person who cannot pay for medical care is dependent on someone for medical care whether there's Medicaid or not.
OK I can see this is tough for you. Your gross ignorance prevents you from posting anything mildly sensible. But try.
When you sign up for Medicaid you are limited to seeing doctors who will take Medicaid. Because the system is so shitty, bureaucratic and expensive there are fewer and fewer doctors willing to put up with it. This cuts choice among Medicaid patients and makes them dependent on a dwindling number of inferior providers.
Which is probably what makles you happy.

And what do people sign up for if Medicaid ceases to exist?
The replacement program.

Quit being a twat.

Describe in detail and specifics what the replacement program is.
There is no replacement program, moron. Not at this time. Does that mean there can never be one? Does that mean there arent proposals out there?

You just told me there was one.

Now you're confessing that you have no better idea than Medicaid, other than to take it away from the poor and let them sink or swim under the jurisdiction of social Darwinist laws of the jungle.

That was my original point. That is YOU.
If I buy an annuity from a company am I now expectign that company to come wipe my ass?

The government isn't a company. And taxes aren't buying an annuity. Social Security has never been a payout for what a person has paid in. It has always been a payout to other people. And receiving Social Security has always been receiving a payout from others. It has always been a redistribution, and nothing more.

But statist fucks like you can't get it through your head that the government is the supposed to be the source for daily cheese.
The program was sold as an insurance scheme. People pay into the system. People get benefit out of the system in some proportion to what they paid in. It is unlike disability or food stamps or entitlements.
I realize to a pea brain like you every gov't program looks the same. But reality is different.
I agree. Libertarians seem to feel that the world began at the time of their birth and they would like all the perks that were in place like infrastructure, technology, society, and an economy but shouldn't be burdened with contributing to programs that helped create that world.
The program was sold as an insurance scheme.

And Obamacare isn't an insurance scheme? I pay taxes so poof! I'm not entitled to have the government give me free health care if I don't feel like taking responsibility for myself?

People pay into the system. People get benefit out of the system in some proportion to what they paid in.

No, people got out of it what other people put into it. Are you really this uneducated that you don't know this? Or are you just this delusional that you're willing to go to any ends to justify being an entitlement junkie statist?

It is unlike disability or food stamps or entitlements.


Social Security is the ultimate entitlement. It has never been a program that pays out what you pay in. It pays out what other people are paying in. What it pays out has been changed countless times. That's why the program is going broke.

I realize to a pea brain like you every gov't program looks the same. But reality is different.

That's right. Government money for me, but none for thee! That's your motto. Just like a Communist pig eating milk and apples.

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