Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

What you don't seem to understand is that liberalism does not reject capitalism. Limiting extremes of poverty and wealth is not the same as eliminating extremes of poverty and wealth.

Where did I say that liberalism rejects capitalism?
No Government can eliminate extremes of poverty and wealth.
The more that government tries to do that, all it does in make the poor, poorer as well as the middle class. Then it becomes miserable for all.
Then when everyone is miserable, they rise up to overthrow the government and that always ends up in total tyranny.
If you know history, it happens over and over again with the same exact results.

Marxism, socialism, and communism have nothing to do with a free market system.

What part of a combo of all three are you not understanding?
That's why liberals have huge regulations that hold back the free market system.
If liberals were for the free market system, they would not keep adding tons of regulations on businesses. It keeps them from expanding their business and hiring more employees.
There you go again with this fake science non sense. Do i have to remind you of the bonehead contradiction you made yesterday?

Seriously give it a rest. You're going to blow a fuse. If you have any fuses left anyway.

Feel free, I enjoy it when people who believe in fake science point out their contradictions.

Why do you torture yourself? You know what i am talking about.

You: "It's already been proven that there is no causal link between the two..."

Hm gee. You support the finding of a study from a supposedly fake science.


I see the problem, you don't understand English.

There is no causal link between genetics and behavior, numerous studies have conclusively proven this. Despite this, psychologists continue to conduct studies, and continue to cite them as proof that there is a correlation between genetics and behavior.

That is why psychology is a fake science, they keep using something that proves them wrong as evidence that they are right.
Feel free, I enjoy it when people who believe in fake science point out their contradictions.

Why do you torture yourself? You know what i am talking about.

You: "It's already been proven that there is no causal link between the two..."

Hm gee. You support the finding of a study from a supposedly fake science.


I see the problem, you don't understand English.

There is no causal link between genetics and behavior, numerous studies have conclusively proven this. Despite this, psychologists continue to conduct studies, and continue to cite them as proof that there is a correlation between genetics and behavior.

That is why psychology is a fake science, they keep using something that proves them wrong as evidence that they are right.

Does your retardation know no bounds? A finding like that would come from a psychological study idiot. How could an experiment that examines behavior not be from a psychological study?

I mean Christ this connection is common sense. Genetics affects everything in the human body. Why would the brain be excluded from that? Where do behaviors come from? The brain, asswipe.
Where did I say that liberalism rejects capitalism?
No Government can eliminate extremes of poverty and wealth.
The more that government tries to do that, all it does in make the poor, poorer as well as the middle class. Then it becomes miserable for all.
Then when everyone is miserable, they rise up to overthrow the government and that always ends up in total tyranny.
If you know history, it happens over and over again with the same exact results.

Marxism, socialism, and communism have nothing to do with a free market system.

What part of a combo of all three are you not understanding?
That's why liberals have huge regulations that hold back the free market system.
If liberals were for the free market system, they would not keep adding tons of regulations on businesses. It keeps them from expanding their business and hiring more employees.

Regulations are necessary. Do you know who has publically stated that regulations are necessary? Self made business man and republican Mitt Romney. Look it up.
Does your retardation know no bounds? A finding like that would come from a psychological study idiot. How could an experiment that examines behavior not be from a psychological study?

How does that invalidate the study?

I mean Christ this connection is common sense. Genetics affects everything in the human body. Why would the brain be excluded from that? Where do behaviors come from? The brain, asswipe.

Wherever they come from it is not your genes.
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Marxism, socialism, and communism have nothing to do with a free market system.

What part of a combo of all three are you not understanding?
That's why liberals have huge regulations that hold back the free market system.
If liberals were for the free market system, they would not keep adding tons of regulations on businesses. It keeps them from expanding their business and hiring more employees.

Regulations are necessary. Do you know who has publically stated that regulations are necessary? Self made business man and republican Mitt Romney. Look it up.

Which, again, explains why he lost the election.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

I attribute that slight trend to be the result of generations of indoctrination, a focused intent on Marxist agents to infiltrate institutions of higher learning and skull fuck our children with mindless trendy leftist psycobabble.

It's inconceivable to me how anyone could be proud of the results, when so many of these academic ivy league drones come out in public regurgitating insipid bullshit, and when they're made fun of and ridiculed even by trailer trash for their idiocy, they're protected by their brethren, and the trailer trash have to endure another shitty comedy about them in a "theatre near you".

Then the bed wetters wonder why no one goes to the theaters anymore.

Fortunately thanks to the internet and the death of the 3 network TV monopoly of the media, even trailer trash folk know global warming is bullshit, they're safer with their guns, and it's OK to be a lard ass and eat McDonalds, because Moochelle's ass is just as large.

Never mind the long list of intellectuals that have managed to escape these institutions with their degrees intact, have been employed in enriching careers in the private sector, and are a constant reminder of how useless and stupid liberals who've never had real jobs are.
Does your retardation know no bounds? A finding like that would come from a psychological study idiot. How could an experiment that examines behavior not be from a psychological study?

How does that invalidate the study?

I mean Christ this connection is common sense. Genetics affects everything in the human body. Why would the brain be excluded from that? Where do behaviors come from? The brain, asswipe.

Wherever they come from it is not your genes.

I don't get it. Is this an act or are you really just this stupid?
No industrial nation has a pure economic system, most are mixtures of capitalism and socialism.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Yeah, so glad we have those "intellectuals" of "higher education"... :lmao:

"It's amazing how the 'whites' get angry when Obama speaks. Oh well....its most of the whites who is getting blown away. So they will soon be wiped from the earth. Lol" - Ms. Karon Wright, counselor at Andrew Jackson Middle School in Grand Prairie ISD.

Texas School Counselor ?Relieved of All Duties? Over Shockingly Racist Post After Fertilizer Explosion: ?Whites?Soon Will Be Wiped from the Earth? |
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Yeah, so glad we have those "intellectuals" of "higher education"... :lmao:

  • Leader of the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group of the 1960s and '70s

  • “Kill all the rich people. ... Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.” - Bill Ayers

  • Participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972

  • Worked as a professor of education at the University of Illinois from 1987-2010

Bill Ayers - Discover the Networks
Ok, I watched it, they got it half right.

They are absolutely right in criticizing George Bush for promoting subprime loans in a bid to close the "home ownership gap". These unsustainable subprime loan were then packaged into mortgage backed securities(MSBs), and the risk was spread throughout the entire economy.

But they get the second part wrong. MSBs aren't bad instruments in of themselves, rather the debt behind them in this case was bad debt. It would be an absurd idea to prohibit derivatives and credit default swaps. Keeping Glass Steagall in place wouldn't have prevented subprime borrowers from losing their homes or commercial banks which heavily invested in subprime loans, but it wouldn't have prevented the massive defaults.

Glass Steagall was enacted following the 1929 financial crisis as a measure to prevent it from re-occurring. The Republican driven deregulation of Wall Street is what turned it into a casino again and allowed the brokers to gamble with derivatives that they knew contained subprime loans but that there were selling off to investors as AAA rated.

Actually it is you that is making this misguided claim.

Even the video you posted didn't make such a claim. Rather, they said correctly, Government intervened in the market to the benefit of these Major Wall Street Banks. These banks got burned, which is an inevitable result of the business cycle(those the FED inflated and exacerbates this natural cycle).

Banks that were regulated were burned by the deregulated Wall St banks.

You say words like "regulation", "deregulation", "gambling", but have yet to show how Glass Steagall created the subprime mortgage bubble, which is at the center of the financial collapse. saying derivatives caused the subprime mortgage crisis is absurd, a financial instrument can't create a loan, and certainly can't cause a loan to go into default. Subprime rates, and the resulting loans were a result of the low interest rate policy of the FED, and spurred on by George Bush calling for government intervention in the housing market.

The bottom line is, you don't understand the natural business cycle or how the FED inflates it.

Here is a synopsis followed by links that will substantiate the facts.

The 1929 economic collapse was because of a run on the banks when the stock market imploded. The banks simply did not have the cash on hand to give everyone their money. Glass-Steagall and the Federal Reserve were implemented as a means to protect the deposits in banks from stock market fluctuations. In essence they were "walls of separation between banks and the stock market".

Banks make money by lending out funds that they get from depositors. However not every loan works out. This is why loans are assessed by risk. The higher the risk for each loan the more the bank is required to place reserve contingency funds with the Federal Reserve. (Hence the name, a reserve for all risk contingency funds operating nationwide at the federal level.) The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was formed to insure the funds deposited by individuals.

This infrastructure worked until the first of the attempts at deregulation occurred in the 1980's. This was the infamous Savings & Loans crises that ended up costing taxpayers billions of dollars. By deregulating banks they were set up to fail and that is exactly what happened.

This collapse only whetted the appetite for even more deregulation by Republicans and they went at it in a wholesale manner when Gingrich introduced his Contract on America. In essence he allowed corporations to deregulate themselves. By tearing down the wall between Auditors and Management Consultants the stage was set for the Enron scam and the destruction of Arthur Anderson.

The next victim of the Republican deregulation axe was Glass-Steagall. This opened the door for Wall Street to fund their own deregulated banks and make funds available for mortgages. Since they were not subject to the same mortgage requirements as normal banks they could sign up anyone with a pulse for a balloon mortgage. This was predatory lending's "finest hour" since the Wall Street banks had no intentions of holding onto these toxic subprime mortgages. Instead they "bundled" them into "securities" together with normal mortgages and sold them off as AAA rated.

Because of deregulation they were not committing any crime by doing so. But even worse they knew that these "securities" would inevitably fail as soon as the balloon payments came due. So they set about "insuring" themselves against the very failure that they knew was going to happen. That was what caused AIG to collapse.

FDIC: The S&L Crisis: A Chrono-Bibliography
What caused the financial crisis? The Big Lie goes viral - The Washington Post

What Caused The Financial Crisis & Housing Bubble? NOT The Myth About Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac | Faustian urGe

Economist's View: What Caused the Housing Bubble?

If you can't see that what happened was caused by deregulation and gambling then there is no point in any further debate since none of these facts are going to change.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Yeah, so glad we have those "intellectuals" of "higher education"... :lmao:

  • Leader of the domestic terrorist group Weather Underground Organization

  • Participated in the bombings of New York City police headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972

  • Delighted in Charles Manson's infamous murders

  • Professor at Northwestern University Law School

Bernardine Dohrn - Discover the Networks
Does your retardation know no bounds? A finding like that would come from a psychological study idiot. How could an experiment that examines behavior not be from a psychological study?

How does that invalidate the study?

I mean Christ this connection is common sense. Genetics affects everything in the human body. Why would the brain be excluded from that? Where do behaviors come from? The brain, asswipe.

Wherever they come from it is not your genes.

I don't get it. Is this an act or are you really just this stupid?

LEt me see if I can explain this to you.

They did studies, and the evidence invalidated the hypothesis that genetics and behavior are linked. Real science would look at the evidence, evaluate it, and develop a new hypothesis that fits the data.

This is not what happened, psychologists tinkered with the data, discovered correlations, and used those to argue that their theories are still correct, the problem is that the science doesn't come up with the answers they want.

That is what makes psychology a fake science.
How does that invalidate the study?

Wherever they come from it is not your genes.

I don't get it. Is this an act or are you really just this stupid?

LEt me see if I can explain this to you.

They did studies, and the evidence invalidated the hypothesis that genetics and behavior are linked. Real science would look at the evidence, evaluate it, and develop a new hypothesis that fits the data.

This is not what happened, psychologists tinkered with the data, discovered correlations, and used those to argue that their theories are still correct, the problem is that the science doesn't come up with the answers they want.

That is what makes psychology a fake science.

Dude seriously give it a rest. You're embarrassing yourself. You're making shit up. It's pathetic.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Yeah, so glad we have those "intellectuals" of "higher education"... :lmao:

Kathy Boudin is an American radical who was convicted in 1984 of felony murder for her participation in an armed robbery that resulted in the killing of two police officers and a security guard.

Now a professor at Columbia (yes folks - Ivy League)

There’s a wider importance to Boudin’s story: it’s yet another example of how the left uses America’s most respected universities as both a breeding ground and a retirement home for radicals; a way to give violent ideologically driven criminals both legitimacy and a paycheck, often at taxpayers' expense.

One Weatherman would later tell me that in order to rid the members of their bourgeois habits, the collectives forced couples to separate, required homosexuality, drug taking and round-the-clock sessions of self-criticism. One time, they skinned and ate an alley cat.

The Gory Details About Terrorist Teacher Kathy Boudin
Name a successful nation currently run by conservatives.

The United States of America....
You libs like to forget that 30 of 50 governors are GOP.. 24 of 50 States have full GOP control of their respective state legislatures. And another 10 states have GOP control of one legislative house....Right after the 2010 mid terms, Gallup ran a poll regarding political identity. Now Gallup is not exactly a right wing outfit. The results of the poll were not surprising....except to liberals.
Just 20% of those polled identified themselves as 'liberal'..

Yep, wonderful third world states like Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, South Carolina

"Thirty of fifty" would be more than just Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, completely aside from your arrogant, faux-elitist condescension.

Judging by your "impressive" arithmetic skills, one could be forgiven for thinking you were a college professor. :eusa_whistle:
Do liberals ever wonder why liberalism does so poorly in the real world?

Social Security, Medicare have helped millions and they're a product of liberalism

IN theory these are good programs. In practice, they SUCK...
Both are in danger of collapse. This is due to mismanagement, waste, fraud and abuse.
Liberals are constantly tripping over the laws of unintended consequences.

Rather the point. Academics, particularly the liberal ones, are experts on theories that should be written on toilet paper, since wiping your ass with them is the only thing they're good for in the real world.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

To what do conservatives attribute the fact that education in the US is dominated by liberals? They think it is a conspiracy. Oh the irony! LOL

Let me see if I understand your premise correctly. You are saying that conspiracies do not ever exist, they are always figments of the imagination akin to Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, and therefore anyone who believes a conspiracy exists is automatically ignorant, much as one would assume ignorance in someone who believes in Bigfoot.

The ignorance you revealed in the process of trying to call OTHER people ignorant is the REAL irony here.

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