Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Would these be the same people who tell me that my choice of political beliefs is programmed into my genes? Maybe the reason political scientists tend to be liberals is because they don't think, not because they do.

Are you just making shit up? Who the hell would postulate something like that? No one in the scientific community would believe something that stupid.

But no one was talking about the scientific community. We were talking about the ACADEMIC community, which is not the same thing.
Back to the original question:

Modern "liberalism" is a mental condition wherein one's emotional needs are elevated to a position of absolute moral superiority (i.e., those who have similar needs are "good" while those who do not are "evil"). This provides a rationale for rewarding concurring opinions and punishing conflicting ones. That is why "liberal" students are given higher grades than "conservative" students and are encouraged to pursue careers in academia so they can perpetuate their common beliefs.

Clearly you have never been to college...

Really? How is that "clear"? Because you don't want to believe it's true?

As it happens, I worked for the University of Arizona for a number of years, and I can tell you that what he said is actually quite true, whatever you do or don't want the truth to be.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

They have liberal arts degrees, so they know a lot of things? I mean, having a piece of paper makes you smart right?

It does make them smart actually. Something has to measure intelligence right? It's not like i am saying there are not educated, intelligent conservatives. It's just that the educated tend to lean toward leftist ideas.

No, a degree does not make you smart. It makes you informed on a narrowly-defined topic. The higher the degree, the more narrowly-defined the topic is.

Something DOES measure intelligence, and it isn't however many chunks of information you've digested, particularly if the "information" in question is biased, or worse, made up more of someone's opinion than facts. Virtually anyone is capable of memorizing factoids, given enough time and repetition. Intelligence is measured by the ability to think and learn, however much or little it's been applied, which is why Mensa, the club for people with genius-level IQs, has members that span the entire range of educational levels, from high-school dropouts to rocket scientists and physicists.

By the way, academics and university professors are not "the educated". That particular group - educated, not academics - encompasses many, MANY more people than that, and I'm sure you, with your mindless worship of colleges and the people in them, would be stunned to find out how many highly educated people there are who never even attended college.
Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education

It goes back to that old saying:
People who can do
People who can't teach

Most of the people who are developing new technology and ideas are research scientists and professors in universities. Some do work for private corporations, but their focus is on developing something to provide money for the corporation, not to simply understand and create. The majority of those who are 'doing' are simply people who are following the ideas or using the technology developed by researchers, most of whom come from university faculties.

No, I'm sure you'd like to believe that, but that doesn't make it true. As it happens, there just aren't enough universities, or people in them, to make that true. Furthermore, there's a big difference between working at a university as a research scientist, and being a university academic. In fact, most of the people at universities who develop new technology are actually funded by and working for private corporations. But far more people are employed in this regard outside of universities than in them.

Oh, also, I'm laughing my ass off at your naive assumption that ANY of these people is "simply understanding and creating" rather than doing it for material gain of some sort, or that that is somehow more superior in terms of getting results just because you personally think it's nobler and loftier.
Clearly you have never been to college...

No, I obtained my advanced degrees from a university. But your vapid response indicates a junior high school intellectual level.

Whatever your 'advanced degree' is in, you didn't learn any critical thinking skills. Your post made that very clear. It is actually your post that represents adolescent thinking.

. . . And now you're going to actually explain EXACTLY what was "adolescent" about his post, and where it lacked critical thinking skills, so as to prove that you're making a valid criticism, as opposed to simply flinging around vague, empty accusations like so much monkey poo. Right?

I'll be waiting avidly to see it.
No, I am trying to see the perspective you come from to make your remarks.

Okay well that's all I am going to tell you so draw any conclusions you like.

Also, they are trying to bully you about John Locke, as if simply everyone knows all about him and his philosophy. Most people don't know about Locke, and if they do, most don't care. He is not a necessary part of any educated person's elemental knowledge base. That's BS. These people have axes to grind, are bullies, and have little in the way of an expansive, broad world view to go on. They nit pick at minutia and pretend it is important in some overall reality. Not true. It is in their own narrow realities these things have magnitude.

"Simply everyone"? No, just educated people. And I can assure you that educated people DO care.

And calling one of the men who inspired much of our Founding Fathers' thinking "not a necessary part of any educated person's elemental knowledge base" just made you utterly irrelevant to any discussion of intelligence and education.

By the way, your sandy-vagina sniveling about "bullies" every single post is incredibly boring and annoying. If you can't handle a little robust debate between adults without turning into a fainting violet, you should just leave these boards right now.

Please suck up in private chats henceforth, because your mindless toadying really IS something that no one cares about.
Clearly you have never been to college...

No, I obtained my advanced degrees from a university. But your vapid response indicates a junior high school intellectual level.

jwoodie: here you say you have "advanced degrees." Later you say you have a BA in mechanical engineering. You do realize, don't you, that a BA is not an 'advanced degree'? And you do realize that 'degrees' is a plural noun? If you have more than one degree and they are advanced degrees, how can you then say you have a (singular) BA (undergraduate degree) in mechanical engineering (singular)? Your veracity is now definitely in question. Are you sure you didn't simply complete some 2 year program in engineering?

Dimtwat, it was Bripat who said he had a degree in mechanical engineering, not jwoodie.

How smart are we supposed to believe you are, when you can't even keep posters on a political chat board straight?
jwoodie: here you say you have "advanced degrees." Later you say you have a BA in mechanical engineering. You do realize, don't you, that a BA is not an 'advanced degree.' And you do realize that 'degrees' is a plural noun. If you have more than one degree and they are advanced degrees, how can you then say you have a (singular) BA (undergraduate degree) in mechanical engineering (singular)? Your veracity is now definitely in question. Are you sure you didn't simply complete some 2 year program in engineering?

Yeah a BA is a Bachelor of Arts.....duh.....and you have a master of bation

ooooh where is the snooty comment now......

I do have a master's degree, yes. Advanced degrees are master's degrees and doctorates. Bachelor's degrees are undergraduate degrees, not advanced degrees.

Also I note, if your hypothetical degree is in mechanical engineering, wouldn't it be a bachelor of science degree (BS) not a bachelor or arts degree? Hmmm? 'Arts' in the context of a college degree means the social sciences and humanities, not the hard sciences. Is there such a thing as a BA in engineering?

Whatever your alleged degree is in, it's clearly not English, since your reading comprehension and retention is appalling.

1) It's Bripat who has a degree in mechanical engineering, not jwoodie or Buckeye. It was bad enough when you were blindly conflating two different posters, but now you're conflating THREE.

2) Bripat DID say his degree was a BS. YOU were the idiot who fucked up and said it was a BA. And Buckeye never said a damned word about ANY of that. For the record, neither did jwoodie.

3) Just in case you didn't get it so far, Bripat, jwoodie, and Buckeye are three different, separate people. Apparently, that can't be repeated too many times for you.
So everyone with a college degree is intelligent?

Yes actually.

So the girl in a sorority, who say graduates with a C average in marketing or communications, is intelligent in your eyes? I mean, she has the degree.

So will you go the next step and say Sarah Palin is intelligent? I would like to hear this.

Or George W. Bush, who not only has an advanced degree, but acquired it from Harvard. Yet we were bombarded during his administration with liberal assurances that President Bush was an idiot, and his master's degree from Harvard was meaningless in the context of his intelligence.

I never expect intelligence or logical thinking from leftists, but a little consistency would be nice once in a while.
I don't get it. Is this an act or are you really just this stupid?

LEt me see if I can explain this to you.

They did studies, and the evidence invalidated the hypothesis that genetics and behavior are linked. Real science would look at the evidence, evaluate it, and develop a new hypothesis that fits the data.

This is not what happened, psychologists tinkered with the data, discovered correlations, and used those to argue that their theories are still correct, the problem is that the science doesn't come up with the answers they want.

That is what makes psychology a fake science.

Dude seriously give it a rest. You're embarrassing yourself. You're making shit up. It's pathetic.

If I made anything up you should be able to show me one of two things.

  1. The definitive study that shows a causal link between genetics and behavior.
  2. The fact that current studies searching for this link are thoroughly debunked in psychology journals.
Use your art degree in fake science to prove me wrong.
Social Security, Medicare have helped millions and they're a product of liberalism

IN theory these are good programs. In practice, they SUCK...
Both are in danger of collapse. This is due to mismanagement, waste, fraud and abuse.
Liberals are constantly tripping over the laws of unintended consequences.

Rather the point. Academics, particularly the liberal ones, are experts on theories that should be written on toilet paper, since wiping your ass with them is the only thing they're good for in the real world.

I don't have to know you to know you have never set foot inside of a college classroom.
So the girl in a sorority, who say graduates with a C average in marketing or communications, is intelligent in your eyes? I mean, she has the degree.

So will you go the next step and say Sarah Palin is intelligent? I would like to hear this.

To an extent, yes she is. Not everyone who goes to college is of the same level of intelligence.

If you knew anything about intelligence, you would know that there are several types of intelligence. While Palin lacks common sense and terribly misinformed, she is still smart enough to complete higher academics.

Even a retard has some intelligence. This is obvious. You said everyone that graduates from college is intelligent, you didn't say they have intelligence. Being "smart enough" and being intelligent are two separate things, being a brilliant enlightened liberal you should know this. Surely you should know something about this being a psych major. I am sure you had to take a class on human intelligence, but shit, I don't know for sure.

So what's your definition of intelligent then, and how does everyone that gets a college degree qualify under that definition?

I'm curious about that. How can one POSSIBLY have a degree in psychology and not know about how intelligence is measured?
LEt me see if I can explain this to you.

They did studies, and the evidence invalidated the hypothesis that genetics and behavior are linked. Real science would look at the evidence, evaluate it, and develop a new hypothesis that fits the data.

This is not what happened, psychologists tinkered with the data, discovered correlations, and used those to argue that their theories are still correct, the problem is that the science doesn't come up with the answers they want.

That is what makes psychology a fake science.

Dude seriously give it a rest. You're embarrassing yourself. You're making shit up. It's pathetic.

If I made anything up you should be able to show me one of two things.

  1. The definitive study that shows a causal link between genetics and behavior.
  2. The fact that current studies searching for this link are thoroughly debunked in psychology journals.
Use your art degree in fake science to prove me wrong.

You're the one who is coming up with this bullshit. The burden of proof is on you. That's how this forum works douche bag.
I'll tell you what isn't intelligent, getting into tens of thousands of dollars of debt for a liberal arts degree with no marketability outside the field. But I guess the definition is subjective eh?

good point...sociology degrees for everyone....wooohooo you can be a waiter paying off student loans....and liberals complain about the little guy getting hammered??

Where is the outrage over education costs....SKYROCKETING!!!!!!!!!

I have always assumed that people get degrees in psychology and sociology because they can't hack the math requirements for a REAL degree. :eusa_whistle:
To an extent, yes she is. Not everyone who goes to college is of the same level of intelligence.

If you knew anything about intelligence, you would know that there are several types of intelligence. While Palin lacks common sense and terribly misinformed, she is still smart enough to complete higher academics.

Even a retard has some intelligence. This is obvious. You said everyone that graduates from college is intelligent, you didn't say they have intelligence. Being "smart enough" and being intelligent are two separate things, being a brilliant enlightened liberal you should know this. Surely you should know something about this being a psych major. I am sure you had to take a class on human intelligence, but shit, I don't know for sure.

So what's your definition of intelligent then, and how does everyone that gets a college degree qualify under that definition?

Obviously if we are describing someone as "intelligent", we are obviously referring to a person with an above average intelligence.

You are such an idiot. I already told you that there are different types of intelligence. There is not some simple, broad definition to it. Why are people who achieve degrees intelligent? Because it requires an above average IQ. Are you picking up on things now?

I hate to break it to you, but acquiring a college degree does NOT require an above-average IQ. It only requires an average one, and some degrees allow for lower IQs than others do.
I have a BA in psychology.

A Bachelor of the Arts in psychology? Couldn't even handle the fake science behind psychology, and had to settle for a BA degree.

How is this different than our conservative friend above who has, apparently, a 'BA' in mechanical engineering? I looked it up and such a degree does exist, but it is easier than a BS in mechanical engineering.

The avalanche of abuse being heaped on the OP: all this does is prove how limited are those heaping the abuse.

Okay, seriously, you got THIS far in the thread without yet figuring out that YOU completely fucked up the attribution about the mechanical engineering degree in at least three different ways?

Too funny.
Then how can you claim to be a liberal?

Are you really this stupid?

How abut this, how can you claim to be educated and not know much about the man who almost everyone considers to be the founder of Liberalism, and the one of the most influential thinkers of the enlightenment? You do now, that, without the enlightenment, we would not have a Constitution, don't you, or did you skip history altogether when getting your art degree in fake science?

Could just be that, like many liberals, he believes that "history is bunk", and therefore dooms himself to repeating it . . . and trying to drag the rest of us along with him.
IN theory these are good programs. In practice, they SUCK...
Both are in danger of collapse. This is due to mismanagement, waste, fraud and abuse.
Liberals are constantly tripping over the laws of unintended consequences.

Rather the point. Academics, particularly the liberal ones, are experts on theories that should be written on toilet paper, since wiping your ass with them is the only thing they're good for in the real world.

I don't have to know you to know you have never set foot inside of a college classroom.

Yeah, so glad we have those "intellectuals" of "higher education"... :lmao:

"It's amazing how the 'whites' get angry when Obama speaks. Oh well....its most of the whites who is getting blown away. So they will soon be wiped from the earth. Lol" - Ms. Karon Wright, counselor at Andrew Jackson Middle School in Grand Prairie ISD.

Texas School Counselor ?Relieved of All Duties? Over Shockingly Racist Post After Fertilizer Explosion: ?Whites?Soon Will Be Wiped from the Earth? |
Are you really this stupid?

How abut this, how can you claim to be educated and not know much about the man who almost everyone considers to be the founder of Liberalism, and the one of the most influential thinkers of the enlightenment? You do now, that, without the enlightenment, we would not have a Constitution, don't you, or did you skip history altogether when getting your art degree in fake science?

My degree is not in philosophy nor in political science, if it were, you would have a point. Instead, you are an idiot.

Why would you need a degree in philosophy or political science to understand the significance of John Locke? And why is it you don't seem to understand that THAT is, in fact, the very point Quantum is making? Because you don't have a degree in English, either?

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