Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

What part of a combo of all three are you not understanding?
That's why liberals have huge regulations that hold back the free market system.
If liberals were for the free market system, they would not keep adding tons of regulations on businesses. It keeps them from expanding their business and hiring more employees.

Regulations are necessary. Do you know who has publically stated that regulations are necessary? Self made business man and republican Mitt Romney. Look it up.

There is a great big difference between necessary regulations and tons of unnecessary regulations.
We are getting so many, that we are going down the road of some African Nations that created so many (and we are getting there fast), that it created illegal black markets.
Once they started getting rid of them their markets started coming back and people were able to get jobs again.

What regulations would you repeal, exactly?
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Or perhaps it's because liberals have learned how to rig systems to benefit an elite few while creating zombie classes. They've done the same thing in lower education and look at the state of that.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives? - TIME

Satoshi Kanazawa did an extensive study which shows that people with a higher IQ and more education are more likely to consider themselves "Liberal".

"He argues that smarter people are more willing to espouse "evolutionarily novel" values — that is, values that did not exist in our ancestral environment, including weird ideas about, say, helping genetically unrelated strangers (liberalism, as Kanazawa defines it), which never would have occurred to us back when we had to hunt to feed our own clan and our only real technology was fire."

A very biased report written by a liberal of course.
High IQ?
I know quite a few high IQ liberals and very few of them have any common sense or reasoning.
Here is a survey which is more accurate than a biased study.

Surveys: Republicans more open-minded, better informed than Democrats | The Daily Caller
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives? - TIME

Satoshi Kanazawa did an extensive study which shows that people with a higher IQ and more education are more likely to consider themselves "Liberal".

"He argues that smarter people are more willing to espouse "evolutionarily novel" values — that is, values that did not exist in our ancestral environment, including weird ideas about, say, helping genetically unrelated strangers (liberalism, as Kanazawa defines it), which never would have occurred to us back when we had to hunt to feed our own clan and our only real technology was fire."

A very biased report written by a liberal of course.
High IQ?
I know quite a few high IQ liberals and very few of them have any common sense or reasoning.
Here is a survey which is more accurate than a biased study.

Surveys: Republicans more open-minded, better informed than Democrats | The Daily Caller

what are you insane? dont post the truth......
Look no further than this board...

You're honestly telling me that Deanie and TruthMatters are more intelligent than a box of rocks? Or that the people who get their news from MSNBC, Think Progress, or The Huffington Post are somehow more intelligent than someone who doesn't?

Look no further than Washington. Which Party couldn't submit a budget for years? Which Party oversaw Fast & Furious and thought it was a "good idea"? Which Party came up with ObamaCare to "fix" healthcare costs?

You see...there's the problem when you declare that you're smarter than everyone else...people will actually expect you to ACT intelligently.
Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives? - TIME

Satoshi Kanazawa did an extensive study which shows that people with a higher IQ and more education are more likely to consider themselves "Liberal".

"He argues that smarter people are more willing to espouse "evolutionarily novel" values — that is, values that did not exist in our ancestral environment, including weird ideas about, say, helping genetically unrelated strangers (liberalism, as Kanazawa defines it), which never would have occurred to us back when we had to hunt to feed our own clan and our only real technology was fire."

A very biased report written by a liberal of course.
High IQ?
I know quite a few high IQ liberals and very few of them have any common sense or reasoning.
Here is a survey which is more accurate than a biased study.

Surveys: Republicans more open-minded, better informed than Democrats | The Daily Caller

what are you insane? dont post the truth......

I know !
They can't handle it.
How dare I, that I'm trying to bring them into the real world and out of their fantasy academia world of theories that look good on paper, but never work realistically. :)
A very biased report written by a liberal of course.
High IQ?
I know quite a few high IQ liberals and very few of them have any common sense or reasoning.
Here is a survey which is more accurate than a biased study.

Surveys: Republicans more open-minded, better informed than Democrats | The Daily Caller

what are you insane? dont post the truth......

I know !
They can't handle it.
How dare I, that I'm trying to bring them into the real world and out of their fantasy academia world of theories that look good on paper, but never work realistically. :)

Let me tell you - it is a 100% fact that conservatives are exponentially more informed than liberals.

Why do you think conservative radio ratings are through the roof (Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Andrew Wilkow, Mark Levin, etc.) while they can't keep a liberal radio show on the air?

Why do you think conservative tv ratings are through the roof (Fox News, Glenn Beck, etc.) while liberal tv ratings are completely pitiful?

You average liberal voter is made up of "Obama phone woman" from Bedford, OH and the filthy, women-raping, drug-addicted scum of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Those people can't even read, much less care enough to actually know who their representatives are and what they are doing.
what are you insane? dont post the truth......

I know !
They can't handle it.
How dare I, that I'm trying to bring them into the real world and out of their fantasy academia world of theories that look good on paper, but never work realistically. :)

Let me tell you - it is a 100% fact that conservatives are exponentially more informed than liberals.

Why do you think conservative radio ratings are through the roof (Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Andrew Wilkow, Mark Levin, etc.) while they can't keep a liberal radio show on the air?

Why do you think conservative tv ratings are through the roof (Fox News, Glenn Beck, etc.) while liberal tv ratings are completely pitiful?

You average liberal voter is made up of "Obama phone woman" from Bedford, OH and the filthy, women-raping, drug-addicted scum of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Those people can't even read, much less care enough to actually know who their representatives are and what they are doing.

Case in point! These are very short and they are absolutely priceless. Everyone should watch these - it's indisputable video and it's a real eye opener.

Typical uninformed liberal voter:​
[ame=]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

After a libertarian goes to great lengths to educate the same liberal:​
[ame=]Alex Jones Wakes Up the Obama Phone Lady! - YouTube[/ame]
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

No that has nothing to do with it. Between the ages of 18 and 25 most people are at their most vulnerable stage of idealism. And they haven't had to go out in the real world yet.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

No that has nothing to do with it. Between the ages of 18 and 25 most people are at their most vulnerable stage of idealism. And they haven't had to go out in the real world yet.

Much as we try to keep Santa alive for our kids we tend to nurture, or at least tolerate their idealism.
They will have to face reality soon enough, let them enjoy their youth.
Who better to teach them than those for whom reality has not yet taken root?
Those who can, do ... those who can't, teach.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

No that has nothing to do with it. Between the ages of 18 and 25 most people are at their most vulnerable stage of idealism. And they haven't had to go out in the real world yet.

Much as we try to keep Santa alive for our kids we tend to nurture, or at least tolerate their idealism.
They will have to face reality soon enough, let them enjoy their youth.
Who better to teach them than those for whom reality has not yet taken root?
Those who can, do ... those who can't, teach.

I agree that parents do nuture idealism to some degree. But a smart parent will include some real world advice. Make them do a chore for an allowance. Instill work ethic. And talk to them about what they are learning and point out real world examples of whether what they are being taught is not always correct.

I have a saying "dumb smart people". Sometimes the smartest people are truly dumb when it comes to real life.
No that has nothing to do with it. Between the ages of 18 and 25 most people are at their most vulnerable stage of idealism. And they haven't had to go out in the real world yet.

Much as we try to keep Santa alive for our kids we tend to nurture, or at least tolerate their idealism.
They will have to face reality soon enough, let them enjoy their youth.
Who better to teach them than those for whom reality has not yet taken root?
Those who can, do ... those who can't, teach.

I agree that parents do nuture idealism to some degree. But a smart parent will include some real world advice. Make them do a chore for an allowance. Instill work ethic. And talk to them about what they are learning and point out real world examples of whether what they are being taught is not always correct.

I have a saying "dumb smart people". Sometimes the smartest people are truly dumb when it comes to real life.

What most people have never figured out (especially libs) is that intelligence takes many different forms. I learned that many years ago when I absolutely crushed all of my friends with better grades on college entrance exams. One in particular scored below national average despite routinely carrying near perfect grades. What I realized was that friend had a tremendous ability to regurgitate short term what ever was spoon fed to him. I, on the other hand, had nearly zero ability to regurgitate useless information which bored the hell out of me, but I could think and problem solve.

Does that make my buddy "dumb"? No way. The ability to absorb information and repeat it is certainly a form of intelligence. But he's not a person who you want to face an issue that someone hasn't taught him yet. What liberals consider "intellectuals" are usually just people of average to below average intelligence who like to "philosophize" about utopia while closing their eyes and their minds to the real world problems that prevent their philosophical utopia. Like Sayit already said, "those who can, do.... those who can't, teach".
Let me tell you - it is a 100% fact that conservatives are exponentially more informed than liberals.

That's a potentially hefty statement there.

I have no choice but to challenge you with the burden of proof. Prove that Neocons are actually exponentially more informed.

Difficulty: Provide references

A very biased report written by a liberal of course.
High IQ?
I know quite a few high IQ liberals and very few of them have any common sense or reasoning.
Here is a survey which is more accurate than a biased study.

Surveys: Republicans more open-minded, better informed than Democrats | The Daily Caller

So, you actually have no proof to in contrary to the statement he made. As it stands, you can not disprove his statements, just attack it.

The preferred vernacular is "ad hominem", generally a sign of a lack of defense.
Regulations are necessary. Do you know who has publically stated that regulations are necessary? Self made business man and republican Mitt Romney. Look it up.

There is a great big difference between necessary regulations and tons of unnecessary regulations.
We are getting so many, that we are going down the road of some African Nations that created so many (and we are getting there fast), that it created illegal black markets.
Once they started getting rid of them their markets started coming back and people were able to get jobs again.

What regulations would you repeal, exactly?

I would repeal everything passed since the Reagan Administration, just for starters.
If I made anything up you should be able to show me one of two things.

  1. The definitive study that shows a causal link between genetics and behavior.
  2. The fact that current studies searching for this link are thoroughly debunked in psychology journals.
Use your art degree in fake science to prove me wrong.

You're the one who is coming up with this bullshit. The burden of proof is on you. That's how this forum works douche bag.

What do you think I have failed to prove? Be specific, if your art degree in fake science taught you what specific means.

How many times are you going to keep saying "my fake art degree"? Dude I do not give a shit what you think of psychology. Saying this same shit over and over is not going to change that.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

No that has nothing to do with it. Between the ages of 18 and 25 most people are at their most vulnerable stage of idealism. And they haven't had to go out in the real world yet.

That is so dumb. In order for that claim to have any validity it would have to come from some sort of social science research and I already know that isn't where you are getting this from. Just because something sounds like it makes sense, it doesn't mean it is actually true.
I have always assumed that people get degrees in psychology and sociology because they can't hack the math requirements for a REAL degree. :eusa_whistle:

I didn't even know they had BAs in psychology, he coudn't even handle the simple math you need for a BS in the field.

Psychology is an undergrad degree you get because you went to college simply for the sake of going, and then found out that you had to declare a major.

You don't even have a degree so what's your excuse?
Psychology is an undergrad degree you get because you went to college simply for the sake of going, and then found out that you had to declare a major.

You don't even have a degree so what's your excuse?

So how much do you make again?

How much student loan debt do you have?

Your mommy and daddy paid for your education. Is that supposed to make you better than me? I earned my education.
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

As for faculty, actually it's because university structures are pure socialism and people who get higher degrees and stay in academia typically have no real world experience. As for political science, you seriously have to ask why people who specialize in government are pro-government?

Also, academics are not the same as people with advanced degrees. I have two masters degrees, an MBA from Michigan and a MS in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. There's no doubt academic institutions are highly liberal, but applying that to students who don't stay in academics as a career is wrong.

And if you look at voters, Republicans are higher educated and make more money than Democrats as a whole. So the same question could be asked of you in reverse.

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