Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

Let me tell you - it is a 100% fact that conservatives are exponentially more informed than liberals.

That's a potentially hefty statement there.

I have no choice but to challenge you with the burden of proof. Prove that Neocons are actually exponentially more informed.

Difficulty: Provide references


The "proof" was clearly listed in the rest of the post that you conveniently left out...

Ah. NBC style posting. :clap2:
What do you think I have failed to prove? Be specific, if your art degree in fake science taught you what specific means.

How many times are you going to keep saying "my fake art degree"? Dude I do not give a shit what you think of psychology. Saying this same shit over and over is not going to change that.

Failed reading comprehension and math, what a surprise.

I never said your art degree is fake, I said you have an art degree in fake science. As for how often I will say it, how often do you intend to post on this board?

Okay then clearly you have no life whatsoever if your concern at this point is to say it every time i post. Apparently you are more pathetic than I thought which actually doesn't say much.
So how much do you make again?

How much student loan debt do you have?

Your mommy and daddy paid for your education. Is that supposed to make you better than me? I earned my education.

You just hate me for my money. I am not attacking the lack of money you have. I am criticizing your stupidity. You have some fucking audacity to call others stupid when you went tens of thousands into debt to get a worthless degree that has no marketability outside the field. What kind of work do you do again? Did you even need it for the job you have, which can't even help you pay down your debt . The funny thing is, I am probably ten times richer than you, and in no debt, but I also got a real degree and have had a real job since high school through today.

I hate you for your money? Oh, you mean your parents' money. Right. I'm such a jaded liberal, let me tell you.

I already told you I got a job relevant to my degree months after graduating. Why do you assume I can't pay off my debt? Where are you getting that from? Yeah, it will take awhile.I am not going to deny that, but i am content with it. The fact that you think money is a measure of a human being is just pathetic. As far as I am concerned, you didn't earn your degree.

I also never said I was smarter than anyone. You didn't even know I had a degree until you asked you dumb shit.
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I still don't understand why a distinction needs to be made about getting an academic career verses pursuing some other career when it comes to life experience. How exactly does one define life experience based on this logic?
The distinction is that career academics are highly left and non-career academics are not.

This connection you are making about socialism is pure conjecture.
Not really, do you know how universities are run? BTW, pretty much every academic I knew no matter how left they were agreed that university systems are modeled exactly like socialism. The only disagreement is as to whether that's a good thing.

It doesn't necessarily dispute your claim, but from what i recall, in the 2008 election voters who voted for Obama tended to have a higher education.

Not sure I believe that, but I'm not saying you're wrong. In 2008 though you had two candidates who were fiscally liberal, so it wasn't a good test. I realize you also were saying you were making no conclusion on that either, just commenting.

Its not the idea of a socialist structure that I question. I question the idea that a supposed socialist structure in universities would have any connection to the idea that is why educated liberals become professors.

What does them being left have anything to do with life experience?
Your mommy and daddy paid for your education. Is that supposed to make you better than me? I earned my education.

You just hate me for my money. I am not attacking the lack of money you have. I am criticizing your stupidity. You have some fucking audacity to call others stupid when you went tens of thousands into debt to get a worthless degree that has no marketability outside the field. What kind of work do you do again? Did you even need it for the job you have, which can't even help you pay down your debt . The funny thing is, I am probably ten times richer than you, and in no debt, but I also got a real degree and have had a real job since high school through today.

I hate you for your money? Oh, you mean your parents' money. Right. I'm such a jaded liberal, let me tell you.

I already told you I got a job relevant to my degree months after graduating. Why do you assume I can't pay off my debt? Where are you getting that from? Yeah, it will take awhile.I am not going to deny that, but i am content with it. The fact that you think money is a measure of a human being is just pathetic. As far as I am concerned, you didn't earn your degree.

I also never said I was smarter than anyone. You didn't even know I had a degree until you asked you dumb shit.

and what the fuck is this shit? newsflash: real life is hard.
As for faculty, actually it's because university structures are pure socialism and people who get higher degrees and stay in academia typically have no real world experience. As for political science, you seriously have to ask why people who specialize in government are pro-government?

Also, academics are not the same as people with advanced degrees. I have two masters degrees, an MBA from Michigan and a MS in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. There's no doubt academic institutions are highly liberal, but applying that to students who don't stay in academics as a career is wrong.

And if you look at voters, Republicans are higher educated and make more money than Democrats as a whole. So the same question could be asked of you in reverse.

You say people who stay in academia have no real world experience, yet you are quick to point out your own educational achievements. Are you some exception to the rule? You have real life experience yet anyone else that achieves a degree doesn't? Why would becoming a professor mean you have no life experience? Wouldn't you agree that we need professors?

So from a conservative standpoint, there is no need to study political science?

Where are the numbers to support your claim that Republican voters tend to be more educated than the rest?

Do you understand the difference between staying in academia and using your education in the real world?

Hint, one of them gets you money, the other gets you tenure, maybe.

This logic does not make any sense. What about being a professor means you do not have life experience? Money? Really? Having a lot of money means you have life experience? You have clearly given this no thought whatsoever. Either that or you tried and failed.
You just hate me for my money. I am not attacking the lack of money you have. I am criticizing your stupidity. You have some fucking audacity to call others stupid when you went tens of thousands into debt to get a worthless degree that has no marketability outside the field. What kind of work do you do again? Did you even need it for the job you have, which can't even help you pay down your debt . The funny thing is, I am probably ten times richer than you, and in no debt, but I also got a real degree and have had a real job since high school through today.

I hate you for your money? Oh, you mean your parents' money. Right. I'm such a jaded liberal, let me tell you.

I already told you I got a job relevant to my degree months after graduating. Why do you assume I can't pay off my debt? Where are you getting that from? Yeah, it will take awhile.I am not going to deny that, but i am content with it. The fact that you think money is a measure of a human being is just pathetic. As far as I am concerned, you didn't earn your degree.

I also never said I was smarter than anyone. You didn't even know I had a degree until you asked you dumb shit.
Look, it's ok, I make more money than you, don't hate me for it, or hate my parents' success. But I agree, money is not everything. However, prudent financial decisions and forethought count as well, neither of which you did going into college.

I am glad you admit aren't smart, because no smart person would make the decisions you did, then proclaim they are proud about the amount of debt they are in. You should have thought about that before creating at thread promoting yourself as such.

Also what's "a while"? 10 years, 15 years, 20 years? How old are you.

I didn't earn my degree? So I guess that means I guess that disqualifies me form every other college graduate who in your own words said is intelligent, awesome.

It's so easy to just assume i hate the rich isn't it? You are making this assumption simply because i think It's pathetic you didn't pay for your own education.

I really don't have anything against the rich. For example, I have a great deal of respect for Mitt Romney for being such a successful self made business man. You on the other hand are an entitled snob.

20 years you guessed it. I am not ashamed of it. I take pride in knowing I am in the field that i love. This narrow view you have about debt is laughable. That's how life is for graduates who aren't relying on someone else to pay their way through.
Kid you don't even want to know the real reason "progressivism" rules higher education.

I actually don't believe you are intelligent enough to even understand it.

Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.
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You say people who stay in academia have no real world experience, yet you are quick to point out your own educational achievements. Are you some exception to the rule? You have real life experience yet anyone else that achieves a degree doesn't? Why would becoming a professor mean you have no life experience? Wouldn't you agree that we need professors?

So from a conservative standpoint, there is no need to study political science?

Where are the numbers to support your claim that Republican voters tend to be more educated than the rest?

Do you understand the difference between staying in academia and using your education in the real world?

Hint, one of them gets you money, the other gets you tenure, maybe.

This logic does not make any sense. What about being a professor means you do not have life experience? Money? Really? Having a lot of money means you have life experience? You have clearly given this no thought whatsoever. Either that or you tried and failed.

What logic? All I did was ask a question, logic is a tool used for arguing.
Do you understand the difference between staying in academia and using your education in the real world?

Hint, one of them gets you money, the other gets you tenure, maybe.

This logic does not make any sense. What about being a professor means you do not have life experience? Money? Really? Having a lot of money means you have life experience? You have clearly given this no thought whatsoever. Either that or you tried and failed.

What logic? All I did was ask a question, logic is a tool used for arguing.

Logic does not exclude asking questions. For instance, it might be illogical to ask a question that is not on topic.
This logic does not make any sense. What about being a professor means you do not have life experience? Money? Really? Having a lot of money means you have life experience? You have clearly given this no thought whatsoever. Either that or you tried and failed.

What logic? All I did was ask a question, logic is a tool used for arguing.

Logic does not exclude asking questions. For instance, it might be illogical to ask a question that is not on topic.

All I did was ask a question.

This thread has no topic, the idiot that started it has been all over the place trying to defend the idea that his art degree in fake science makes him smarter than people who do not have a degree.
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Look, it's ok, I make more money than you, don't hate me for it, or hate my parents' success. But I agree, money is not everything. However, prudent financial decisions and forethought count as well, neither of which you did going into college.

I am glad you admit aren't smart, because no smart person would make the decisions you did, then proclaim they are proud about the amount of debt they are in. You should have thought about that before creating at thread promoting yourself as such.

Also what's "a while"? 10 years, 15 years, 20 years? How old are you.

I didn't earn my degree? So I guess that means I guess that disqualifies me form every other college graduate who in your own words said is intelligent, awesome.

It's so easy to just assume i hate the rich isn't it? You are making this assumption simply because i think It's pathetic you didn't pay for your own education.

I really don't have anything against the rich. For example, I have a great deal of respect for Mitt Romney for being such a successful self made business man. You on the other hand are an entitled snob.

20 years you guessed it. I am not ashamed of it. I take pride in knowing I am in the field that i love. This narrow view you have about debt is laughable. That's how life is for graduates who aren't relying on someone else to pay their way through.

I am not assuming anything, it is obvious by the language of your posts, you hate people that come from rich families. You are envious of the fact I was born with a financial leg up, along with alot of other grads from my university, and we graduated without debt.

I don't think I am entitled to anything, that is why I am not a socialist. I don't dislike poor people, I dislike assholes like yourself. You posit yourself as an intelligent individual, yet none of your life choices to date indicate that. Even though I think in general it is absolutely stupid to have indebted one's self to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars for a liberal arts degree. Unless you are smart enough to get a scholarship and waste someone else's money for such a degree, it is very unwise, and you weren't smart enough to get a large scholarship either.

I am being a dick to you because you need to get off your pseudo-intellectual high horse and realize how low you are on the totem pole of society.

It's so pitiful you would just pretend I didn't make the statement about Mitt Romney.

You are the one who keeps bringing up my intelligence. I never said anything about me being smarter than anyone. The obvious point I am making is that liberalism attracts intelligent people.

You jackass. Clearly you didn't earn a scholarship either.

I have no regrets about my academic pursuit. None whatsoever.
I am not assuming anything, it is obvious by the language of your posts, you hate people that come from rich families. You are envious of the fact I was born with a financial leg up, along with alot of other grads from my university, and we graduated without debt.

I don't think I am entitled to anything, that is why I am not a socialist. I don't dislike poor people, I dislike assholes like yourself. You posit yourself as an intelligent individual, yet none of your life choices to date indicate that. Even though I think in general it is absolutely stupid to have indebted one's self to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars for a liberal arts degree. Unless you are smart enough to get a scholarship and waste someone else's money for such a degree, it is very unwise, and you weren't smart enough to get a large scholarship either.

I am being a dick to you because you need to get off your pseudo-intellectual high horse and realize how low you are on the totem pole of society.

It's so pitiful you would just pretend I didn't make the statement about Mitt Romney.

You are the one who keeps bringing up my intelligence. I never said anything about me being smarter than anyone. The obvious point I am making is that liberalism attracts intelligent people.

You jackass. Clearly you didn't earn a scholarship either.

I have no regrets about my academic pursuit. None whatsoever.

Who cares about Mitt Romney? Am I suppose to like you because you respect him? I didn't vote and I don't respect you at all.

Now you are trying to hide from the implications of your post, you said liberals are smarter that conservatives on the aggregate, you said those with college degrees are intelligent, and that high concentrations of liberals at universities speak to this intelligence. You were obviously trying to stroke your ego and put conservatives down, or you were, until I put you in your place.

I had scholarship offers(not fully by any means though) to some schools, but thankfully didn't have to restrict myself in that regard .

Of course you have no regrets, you are a moron, either that or you lie to yourself about the financial situation you are in because of your own doing to make yourself feel better.

You idiot me mentioning Mitt Romney just paints the obvious picture that I don't hate the rich yet you are still harping on this idea that i do. You just like the idea of entertaining liberal stereotypes which shows you lack basic critical thinking skills.

Put me in my place? You are such a fucking teenager.

I take that back. I got a $5000 scholarship from AmeriCorps.

You know i am not lying. Don't give me that shit.
Billy liberalism doesnt have smarter thinkers, but academica is full of libtards so guess who gets the awards? Plus it's the same people that accuse republicans of gay bashing, anti women, but then invite and defend Akmenajad(the head of Iran and his fucked up name) they're not that bright.....I hope I dont have to tell you why

and look this was a "Yale grad
Sheila Jackson Lee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not impressed, she's a colossal idiot
It's so easy to just assume i hate the rich isn't it? You are making this assumption simply because i think It's pathetic you didn't pay for your own education.

I really don't have anything against the rich. For example, I have a great deal of respect for Mitt Romney for being such a successful self made business man. You on the other hand are an entitled snob.

20 years you guessed it. I am not ashamed of it. I take pride in knowing I am in the field that i love. This narrow view you have about debt is laughable. That's how life is for graduates who aren't relying on someone else to pay their way through.

I am not assuming anything, it is obvious by the language of your posts, you hate people that come from rich families. You are envious of the fact I was born with a financial leg up, along with alot of other grads from my university, and we graduated without debt.

I don't think I am entitled to anything, that is why I am not a socialist. I don't dislike poor people, I dislike assholes like yourself. You posit yourself as an intelligent individual, yet none of your life choices to date indicate that. Even though I think in general it is absolutely stupid to have indebted one's self to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars for a liberal arts degree. Unless you are smart enough to get a scholarship and waste someone else's money for such a degree, it is very unwise, and you weren't smart enough to get a large scholarship either.

I am being a dick to you because you need to get off your pseudo-intellectual high horse and realize how low you are on the totem pole of society.

It's so pitiful you would just pretend I didn't make the statement about Mitt Romney.

You are the one who keeps bringing up my intelligence. I never said anything about me being smarter than anyone. The obvious point I am making is that liberalism attracts intelligent people.

You jackass. Clearly you didn't earn a scholarship either.

I have no regrets about my academic pursuit. None whatsoever.

You should tell the mods somebody got into your account and posted using it.

Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.
Billy liberalism doesnt have smarter thinkers, but academica is full of libtards so guess who gets the awards? Plus it's the same people that accuse republicans of gay bashing, anti women, but then invite and defend Akmenajad(the head of Iran and his fucked up name) they're not that bright.....I hope I dont have to tell you why

and look this was a "Yale grad
Sheila Jackson Lee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

not impressed, she's a colossal idiot

I can already see Columbia holding a tenured position for the Boston Marathon Bomber as soon as "Steadman" Holder gets him off of all charges....

I received my BA in Communications and Political Science many, many years ago and even then, University was filled with Che' Gueverra wannabes. Absolutely disgusting.
It's so pitiful you would just pretend I didn't make the statement about Mitt Romney.

You are the one who keeps bringing up my intelligence. I never said anything about me being smarter than anyone. The obvious point I am making is that liberalism attracts intelligent people.

You jackass. Clearly you didn't earn a scholarship either.

I have no regrets about my academic pursuit. None whatsoever.

Who cares about Mitt Romney? Am I suppose to like you because you respect him? I didn't vote and I don't respect you at all.

Now you are trying to hide from the implications of your post, you said liberals are smarter that conservatives on the aggregate, you said those with college degrees are intelligent, and that high concentrations of liberals at universities speak to this intelligence. You were obviously trying to stroke your ego and put conservatives down, or you were, until I put you in your place.

I had scholarship offers(not fully by any means though) to some schools, but thankfully didn't have to restrict myself in that regard .

Of course you have no regrets, you are a moron, either that or you lie to yourself about the financial situation you are in because of your own doing to make yourself feel better.

You idiot me mentioning Mitt Romney just paints the obvious picture that I don't hate the rich yet you are still harping on this idea that i do. You just like the idea of entertaining liberal stereotypes which shows you lack basic critical thinking skills.

Put me in my place? You are such a fucking teenager.

I take that back. I got a $5000 scholarship from AmeriCorps.

You know i am not lying. Don't give me that shit.
Dude, seriously, reading through your posts, it becomes quite clear that you're not very intelligent.

Look, there ia a little thing called a comma.....Educate yourself, and learn how to use them.

Christ, the quality of education being provided by these liberal "professor" types, is absolutely atrocious.
You say people who stay in academia have no real world experience, yet you are quick to point out your own educational achievements. Are you some exception to the rule? You have real life experience yet anyone else that achieves a degree doesn't? Why would becoming a professor mean you have no life experience? Wouldn't you agree that we need professors?

So from a conservative standpoint, there is no need to study political science?

Where are the numbers to support your claim that Republican voters tend to be more educated than the rest?

Do you understand the difference between staying in academia and using your education in the real world?

Hint, one of them gets you money, the other gets you tenure, maybe.

This logic does not make any sense. What about being a professor means you do not have life experience? Money? Really? Having a lot of money means you have life experience? You have clearly given this no thought whatsoever. Either that or you tried and failed.

It says what it means professors dont have any life experiences and if you think they do, well you have just been watching to many indiana jones movies.
What "question" would that be exactly? "Knowing" how plumbing works is not the same thing as "understanding" the purpose of plumbing. Someone can be a highly competent plumber their entire lives without "understanding" what purpose it serves. They can have taught others how to install good plumbing but simply because they don't "understand" the purpose does that make them a "fool"?
Teachers, at all levels, professors have no life experience beyond school.
They go to school, then college, then back to work at schools.

They are afraid of the real world so they stay where they feel safe, at school.

Their world view is shaped by indoctrination not experience.

Can you provide irrefutable substantiation for those generalizations or is that just your personal opinion?

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