Do conservatives ever wonder WHY liberalism is prevalent in higher education?

Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

As for faculty, actually it's because university structures are pure socialism and people who get higher degrees and stay in academia typically have no real world experience. As for political science, you seriously have to ask why people who specialize in government are pro-government?

Also, academics are not the same as people with advanced degrees. I have two masters degrees, an MBA from Michigan and a MS in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. There's no doubt academic institutions are highly liberal, but applying that to students who don't stay in academics as a career is wrong.

And if you look at voters, Republicans are higher educated and make more money than Democrats as a whole. So the same question could be asked of you in reverse.

You say people who stay in academia have no real world experience, yet you are quick to point out your own educational achievements. Are you some exception to the rule? You have real life experience yet anyone else that achieves a degree doesn't? Why would becoming a professor mean you have no life experience? Wouldn't you agree that we need professors?

So from a conservative standpoint, there is no need to study political science?

Where are the numbers to support your claim that Republican voters tend to be more educated than the rest?
Psychology is an undergrad degree you get because you went to college simply for the sake of going, and then found out that you had to declare a major.

You don't even have a degree so what's your excuse?

So how much do you make again?

How much student loan debt do you have?

There are students who graduated in 2008 after the economy collapsed who could not find full time work but who have managed to pay off their student loans doing part time work instead. The average debt is about $25k and that is the price of a new car. While it is a stretch to make those payments most graduates want to rid themselves of their debt.
Albert Einstein answers the question of why there are so many liberals in higher education:

"Any fool can know, The point is to understand."~Albert Einstein

Liberals know what they are taught, and like to be filled with information. However, if they EVER begin to actually understand, they become conservatives.
You don't even have a degree so what's your excuse?

So how much do you make again?

How much student loan debt do you have?

There are students who graduated in 2008 after the economy collapsed who could not find full time work but who have managed to pay off their student loans doing part time work instead. The average debt is about $25k and that is the price of a new car. While it is a stretch to make those payments most graduates want to rid themselves of their debt.

Um, how do you have part-time work without having a job?
You say people who stay in academia have no real world experience, yet you are quick to point out your own educational achievements
My point was that I have experience in what you're talking about.

Are you some exception to the rule? You have real life experience yet anyone else that achieves a degree doesn't?
I said professors are heavily left, people who don't stay in academia are not heavily left. Some are, but the percentages are no where near liberalism of professors. I am not a career academic. I got my degrees and left. I fit what I'm saying, I don't get your how am I an exception point.

Why would becoming a professor mean you have no life experience?
It doesn't necessarily, but generally they are people who went through school, got a PhD and stayed in academia. Some left and came back, but they spent so many years as a percentage it's still heavily in academia. I also pointed out the structure of academia is pure socialism. So that's how they are rewarded and people attracted to that generally go there.

Wouldn't you agree that we need professors?


So from a conservative standpoint, there is no need to study political science?
It doesn't attract conservatives in nearly the numbers. Whether it should or not I'll let you lead the discussion on.

Where are the numbers to support your claim that Republican voters tend to be more educated than the rest?

I'm not interested in doing basic research for you, but other than Jewish, in every group both education and conservatism are highly correlated with income.
You say people who stay in academia have no real world experience, yet you are quick to point out your own educational achievements
My point was that I have experience in what you're talking about.

Are you some exception to the rule? You have real life experience yet anyone else that achieves a degree doesn't?
I said professors are heavily left, people who don't stay in academia are not heavily left. Some are, but the percentages are no where near liberalism of professors. I am not a career academic. I got my degrees and left. I fit what I'm saying, I don't get your how am I an exception point.

It doesn't necessarily, but generally they are people who went through school, got a PhD and stayed in academia. Some left and came back, but they spent so many years as a percentage it's still heavily in academia. I also pointed out the structure of academia is pure socialism. So that's how they are rewarded and people attracted to that generally go there.


So from a conservative standpoint, there is no need to study political science?
It doesn't attract conservatives in nearly the numbers. Whether it should or not I'll let you lead the discussion on.

Where are the numbers to support your claim that Republican voters tend to be more educated than the rest?

I'm not interested in doing basic research for you, but other than Jewish, in every group both education and conservatism are highly correlated with income.

Fair enough.

I still don't understand why a distinction needs to be made about getting an academic career verses pursuing some other career when it comes to life experience. How exactly does one define life experience based on this logic?

This connection you are making about socialism is pure conjecture.

It doesn't necessarily dispute your claim, but from what i recall, in the 2008 election voters who voted for Obama tended to have a higher education.
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Albert Einstein answers the question of why there are so many liberals in higher education:

"Any fool can know, The point is to understand."~Albert Einstein

Liberals know what they are taught, and like to be filled with information. However, if they EVER begin to actually understand, they become conservatives

Someone with any understanding would have verified that quotation before using it.


Einstein didn't say that either but here are his actual quotes;

Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Quotes - The Quotations Page

Albert Einstein Quotes - BrainyQuote

Albert Einstein Quotes (Author of Relativity)
Intellectual -- a person whose opinions are based on the best possible information at hand

Liberal -- a person whose opinions are based on the best possible information at hand that AGREES with their prejudices- prejudices that demand no evidence in the first place.

Conservative --a person whose opinions are based on the best possible information at hand that AGREES with their prejudices - prejudices that demand no evidence in the first place.

Editec -- A Tellarite who thinks he is a Vulcan.
Regulations are necessary. Do you know who has publically stated that regulations are necessary? Self made business man and republican Mitt Romney. Look it up.

There is a great big difference between necessary regulations and tons of unnecessary regulations.
We are getting so many, that we are going down the road of some African Nations that created so many (and we are getting there fast), that it created illegal black markets.
Once they started getting rid of them their markets started coming back and people were able to get jobs again.

What regulations would you repeal, exactly?

What regulations do you think are necessary?
A very biased report written by a liberal of course.
High IQ?
I know quite a few high IQ liberals and very few of them have any common sense or reasoning.
Here is a survey which is more accurate than a biased study.

Surveys: Republicans more open-minded, better informed than Democrats | The Daily Caller

So, you actually have no proof to in contrary to the statement he made. As it stands, you can not disprove his statements, just attack it.

The preferred vernacular is "ad hominem", generally a sign of a lack of defense.

We do not have to disprove it, this is what the link you posted says about the study.

It's an elegant theory, but based on Kanazawa's own evidence, I'm not sure he's right. In his paper, Kanazawa begins by noting, accurately, that psychologists don't have a good understanding of why people embrace the values they do. Many kids share their parents' values, but at the same time many adolescents define themselves in opposition to what their parents believe. We know that most people firm up their values when they are in their 20s, but some people experience conversions to new religions, new political parties, new artistic tastes and even new cuisines after middle age. As Kanazawa notes, this multiplicity of views — a multiplicity you find within both cultures and individuals — is one reason economists have largely abandoned the study of values with a single Latin phrase, De gustibus non est disputandum: there's no accounting for taste.
(See pictures of John 3:16 in pop culture.)

Kanazawa doesn't disagree, but he believes scientists can account for whether people like new tastes or old, radical tastes or Establishment ones. He points out that there's a strong correlation between liberalism and openness to new kinds of experiences. But openness to new experience isn't necessarily intelligent (cocaine is fun; accidental cocaine overdose is not).

So are liberals smarter? Kanazawa quotes from two surveys that support the hypothesis that liberals are more intelligent. One is the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which is often called Add Health. The other is the General Social Survey (GSS). The Add Health study shows that the mean IQ of adolescents who identify themselves as "very liberal" is 106, compared with a mean IQ of 95 for those calling themselves "very conservative." The Add Health study is huge — more than 20,000 kids — and this difference is highly statistically significant.
(See the top 10 scientific discoveries of 2009.)

But self-identification is often misleading; do kids really know what it means to be liberal? The GSS data are instructive here: Kanazawa found that more-intelligent GSS respondents (as measured by a quick but highly reliable synonym test) were less likely to agree that the government has a responsibility to reduce income and wealth differences. In other words, intelligent people might like to portray themselves as liberal. But in the end, they know that it's good to be the king.

If you were really smart you would have read past the headline, realized that the study you like is deeply flawed, and not posted it.
I still don't understand why a distinction needs to be made about getting an academic career verses pursuing some other career when it comes to life experience. How exactly does one define life experience based on this logic?
The distinction is that career academics are highly left and non-career academics are not.

This connection you are making about socialism is pure conjecture.
Not really, do you know how universities are run? BTW, pretty much every academic I knew no matter how left they were agreed that university systems are modeled exactly like socialism. The only disagreement is as to whether that's a good thing.

It doesn't necessarily dispute your claim, but from what i recall, in the 2008 election voters who voted for Obama tended to have a higher education.

Not sure I believe that, but I'm not saying you're wrong. In 2008 though you had two candidates who were fiscally liberal, so it wasn't a good test. I realize you also were saying you were making no conclusion on that either, just commenting.
You're the one who is coming up with this bullshit. The burden of proof is on you. That's how this forum works douche bag.

What do you think I have failed to prove? Be specific, if your art degree in fake science taught you what specific means.

How many times are you going to keep saying "my fake art degree"? Dude I do not give a shit what you think of psychology. Saying this same shit over and over is not going to change that.

Failed reading comprehension and math, what a surprise.

I never said your art degree is fake, I said you have an art degree in fake science. As for how often I will say it, how often do you intend to post on this board?
I didn't even know they had BAs in psychology, he coudn't even handle the simple math you need for a BS in the field.

Psychology is an undergrad degree you get because you went to college simply for the sake of going, and then found out that you had to declare a major.

You don't even have a degree so what's your excuse?

What makes you think she doesn't have a degree? Is it the same thing that made you think you were smarter than me?
Perhaps its because liberalism represents intellectual ideas? Perhaps something can be said why political scientists tend to be liberal.

As for faculty, actually it's because university structures are pure socialism and people who get higher degrees and stay in academia typically have no real world experience. As for political science, you seriously have to ask why people who specialize in government are pro-government?

Also, academics are not the same as people with advanced degrees. I have two masters degrees, an MBA from Michigan and a MS in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. There's no doubt academic institutions are highly liberal, but applying that to students who don't stay in academics as a career is wrong.

And if you look at voters, Republicans are higher educated and make more money than Democrats as a whole. So the same question could be asked of you in reverse.

You say people who stay in academia have no real world experience, yet you are quick to point out your own educational achievements. Are you some exception to the rule? You have real life experience yet anyone else that achieves a degree doesn't? Why would becoming a professor mean you have no life experience? Wouldn't you agree that we need professors?

So from a conservative standpoint, there is no need to study political science?

Where are the numbers to support your claim that Republican voters tend to be more educated than the rest?

Do you understand the difference between staying in academia and using your education in the real world?

Hint, one of them gets you money, the other gets you tenure, maybe.
Albert Einstein answers the question of why there are so many liberals in higher education:

"Any fool can know, The point is to understand."~Albert Einstein

Liberals know what they are taught, and like to be filled with information. However, if they EVER begin to actually understand, they become conservatives

Someone with any understanding would have verified that quotation before using it.


Einstein didn't say that either but here are his actual quotes;

Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Quotes - The Quotations Page

Albert Einstein Quotes - BrainyQuote

Albert Einstein Quotes (Author of Relativity)

Meh, so Al didn't say it, it's still the answer to the question.
Do liberals ever wonder why liberalism does so poorly in the real world?

Really? You boys really did well from 2001 to 2009. Two wars that have turned out badly, and economic meltdown that almost matched that of 1929. Failed to go after the murderer of 3000 Americans on American soil. That was left up to President Obama. Not only that, it was left up to our President to try undo the damage that was done by the Bush Admin. while you fellows tried everything in your power to destroy the American economy.

Nice talking points credit rating downgraded, more debt added in four years than the eight before that unemployment at or near ten percent if you added those who have dropped out of the workforce threw a hardline but pro american leader under the bus in Egypt for the radical Morsi and the the Muslim Brotherhood Benghazi fast and furious solyndra. You fellows haven't shown you could fix a flat tire much less a economy.

The economy and the US was doing fairly well up until the disaster of 2006. 9/11 was bad but Bush pulled us out of it with hardly a flinch. But the disaster of 2006 was just too much for the country.
Originally the universities offered a liberal arts education, for the sons and daughters of the wealthy and they had no need to learn a trade. Then universities began to teach some of the more acceptable trades such as law, clergy, teaching and medicine. Today the college's and universities role has changed, today many see the university's role as giving a degree for learning a trade and students see the learning as a means to a job. The universities still do the education bit but it seems universities try to slip in the education as other requirements.
Really? You boys really did well from 2001 to 2009. Two wars that have turned out badly, and economic meltdown that almost matched that of 1929. Failed to go after the murderer of 3000 Americans on American soil. That was left up to President Obama. Not only that, it was left up to our President to try undo the damage that was done by the Bush Admin. while you fellows tried everything in your power to destroy the American economy.

Nice talking points credit rating downgraded, more debt added in four years than the eight before that unemployment at or near ten percent if you added those who have dropped out of the workforce threw a hardline but pro american leader under the bus in Egypt for the radical Morsi and the the Muslim Brotherhood Benghazi fast and furious solyndra. You fellows haven't shown you could fix a flat tire much less a economy.

The economy and the US was doing fairly well up until the disaster of 2006. 9/11 was bad but Bush pulled us out of it with hardly a flinch. But the disaster of 2006 was just too much for the country.

sorry to burst your bubble the U.S. economy sucked since 1999. I thought you were in your 40's?
Why would I wonder?

1. You have a group of young adults who are looking to have their ears tickled.
2. You have a group of teachers who are looking to be at government's teet.
Let me tell you - it is a 100% fact that conservatives are exponentially more informed than liberals.

That's a potentially hefty statement there.

I have no choice but to challenge you with the burden of proof. Prove that Neocons are actually exponentially more informed.

Difficulty: Provide references


The "proof" was clearly listed in the rest of the post that you conveniently left out...

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