Do Democrats REALLY Think Americans Will Turn Their Guns In Peacefully If They Pass a Law

Ban AR-15's.

They are coming TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!

Get a grip.

And what exactly does banning AR-15s accomplish?


I see

So why ban them?

We differ on that.

On the other hand - there is a huge difference between banning AR-15's and

THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
It may be a bar on Congress but is definitely not a total bar on federal legislation.

Congress is the only federal body that has the authority to engage in legislation.

It may be a bar on federal legislation, but it is not a total bar? "Shall not be infringed" sounds like a total bar to me.

The power is reserved to the States. So, California can make whatever commie gun laws it wants. Leave the other states out of it and let them decide.

The right to keep and bear arms belongs to the people, not to the states. The states have no more legitimate authority than the federal government has, to violate this right.
Do Democrats REALLY Think Americans Will Turn Their Guns In Peacefully If They Pass a Law
What? Are you saying American gun owners are violent lawbreakers?

Well I can understand why you'd say that.
Ban AR-15's.

They are coming TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!

Get a grip.

Maybe you Stalinists ought to stop SAYING you're coming to take our guns?

I mean, we know you're liars and all, but your hatred of civil rights makes us tend to more believe you on this one...
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Ban AR-15's.

They are coming TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!

Get a grip.

And what exactly does banning AR-15s accomplish?


I see

So why ban them?

We differ on that.

On the other hand - there is a huge difference between banning AR-15's and

THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Uh no, there really isn't.

About 80% of modern guns are semi-auto.

Go for it though, it WILL be a bloodbath.
"Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California wants to ban assault weapons, instate a federal gun buy-back program for those who own them and criminally prosecute those who refuse to hand them over.

The representative wrote an op-ed in USA Today Thursday rolling out what he feels is the gun control policy America should adopt:"

"“Reinstating the federal
assault weapons ban that was in effect from 1994 to 2004 would prohibit manufacture and sales, but it would not affect weapons already possessed. This would leave millions of assault weapons in our communities for decades to come,” Swalwell wrote.

“Instead, we should ban possession of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, we should buy back such weapons from all who choose to abide by the law, and we should criminally prosecute any who choose to defy it by keeping their weapons.”"

Raise your hand out there if you think this would end peacefully, with law-abiding citizens simply handing over their (until that moment) legally-owned guns to a bunch of Liberals trampling on the Constitution in their continued effort to dis-arm the American people (Because you KNOW the Liberals would not stop there...)?

Yeah, that's what I thought. Not going to happen / end well....

Eric Swalwell Unloads Gun Platform Liberals Really Want
I reckon they’re fine whether you turn it in peacefully or not. From your cold, dead hands maybe?
It could be the other way around. I don't think you realize what would happen if you try to take guns from law abiding citizens.
There would be no problem taking from law abiding.
You really can't be that ignorant.

Do you not know the definition of law abiding?

Ban AR-15's.

They are coming TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!

Get a grip.

Maybe you Stalinists ought to stop SAYING you're coming to take our guns?

I mean, we know you're liars and all, but you're hatred of civil rights makes us tend to more believe you on this one...

Maybe you ought to do a little research on Stalin before ignorantly spewing your "Stalinist" comments.
Come and take my guns, my body is ready, leftists.

I hope you're not surprised if it's the last thing you do.
Ban AR-15's.

They are coming TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!

Get a grip.

And what exactly does banning AR-15s accomplish?


I see

So why ban them?

We differ on that.

On the other hand - there is a huge difference between banning AR-15's and

THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Uh no, there really isn't.

About 80% of modern guns are semi-auto.

Go for it though, it WILL be a bloodbath.

And most aren't considered assault weapons.

Keep up the Chicken Little act though.
Maybe you ought to do a little research on Stalin before ignorantly spewing your "Stalinist" comments.

Done plenty.

So, you Stalinists want to try and crush civil rights. You want to outlaw free speech and disarm Americans.

You're waging civil war and engaging in treason.

We shouldn't shoot you, WHY?
Ban AR-15's.

They are coming TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!

Get a grip.

And what exactly does banning AR-15s accomplish?


I see

So why ban them?

We differ on that.

On the other hand - there is a huge difference between banning AR-15's and

THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

AR-15s are specifically protected by the 2nd Justice Scalia states in his dissent in Friedman v. Highland Park, clarifying for the lower court what he already stated in D.C. v Heller....

Friedman v Highland Park...

The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes. Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3.

The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.

Heller, however, forbids subjecting the Second Amendment’s “core protection . . . to a freestanding ‘interestbalancing’ approach.” Heller, supra, at 634. This case illustrates why. If a broad ban on firearms can be upheld based on conjecture that the public might feel safer (while being no safer at all), then the Second Amendment guarantees nothing. III
Ban AR-15's.

They are coming TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!

Get a grip.

And what exactly does banning AR-15s accomplish?


I see

So why ban them?

We differ on that.

On the other hand - there is a huge difference between banning AR-15's and

THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Uh no, there really isn't.

About 80% of modern guns are semi-auto.

Go for it though, it WILL be a bloodbath.

And most aren't considered assault weapons.

Keep up the Chicken Little act though.

Ooooh, define "assault weapon," Comrade?
Do Democrats REALLY Think Americans Will Turn Their Guns In Peacefully If They Pass a Law
What? Are you saying American gun owners are violent lawbreakers?

Well I can understand why you'd say that.

And, of course, you are an idiot......American gun owners are more lawful than democrats.....
So you intend to shoot police officers ?

People rightly defend themselves against armed robbers. Most police would refuse to become criminals.

Well, all police are criminals against natural law, but within the context you're suggesting, I certainly hope you're right, but I'm not so sure. I think things would have to get pretty bad for them to stand up. If their masters said "go round up all the children and bring them to work camps" I believe many would take a stand, but tyranny doesn't usually work like that. It's more of a step-wise, tip-toe effect.

But if they said "Go get their guns, not ALL of them, just those really dangerous ones that they don't need for hunting and stuff" I think these guys will come and take them. My view can be skewed because I'm from NYC, I don't know. I have this notion that cops in more gun-friendly areas would be more likely to stand up, but it's just a guess.

I think if they try, they're gonna get slaughtered.
Ban AR-15's.

They are coming TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!

Get a grip.

And what exactly does banning AR-15s accomplish?


I see

So why ban them?

We differ on that.

On the other hand - there is a huge difference between banning AR-15's and

THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Uh no, there really isn't.

About 80% of modern guns are semi-auto.

Go for it though, it WILL be a bloodbath.

And most aren't considered assault weapons.

Keep up the Chicken Little act though.

The AR-15 isn't an assault weapon either.......and the AR-15 is specifically protected by the 2nd Amendment, as are all semi automatic rifles...since they are in "common use for lawful purposes."
Ban AR-15's.

They are coming TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!

Get a grip.

And what exactly does banning AR-15s accomplish?


I see

So why ban them?

We differ on that.

On the other hand - there is a huge difference between banning AR-15's and

THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Uh no, there really isn't.

About 80% of modern guns are semi-auto.

Go for it though, it WILL be a bloodbath.

And most aren't considered assault weapons.

Keep up the Chicken Little act though.

The AR-15 isn't an assault weapon either.......and the AR-15 is specifically protected by the 2nd Amendment, as are all semi automatic rifles...since they are in "common use for lawful purposes."

Definition of "assault rifle"

A gun the Communists want to ban.

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