Do Democrats REALLY Think Americans Will Turn Their Guns In Peacefully If They Pass a Law

You've been warned traitor, violate our law and you will be shot. Our Constitution stands.
All legislation is deemed Constitutional until it is deemed not to be. Except to law breaking violent gun owners promising blood baths.
And what exactly does banning AR-15s accomplish?


I see

So why ban them?

We differ on that.

On the other hand - there is a huge difference between banning AR-15's and

THEY'RE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Uh no, there really isn't.

About 80% of modern guns are semi-auto.

Go for it though, it WILL be a bloodbath.

And most aren't considered assault weapons.

Keep up the Chicken Little act though.

The AR-15 isn't an assault weapon either.......and the AR-15 is specifically protected by the 2nd Amendment, as are all semi automatic rifles...since they are in "common use for lawful purposes."

Definition of "assault rifle"

A gun the Communists want to ban.

Wrong. Sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet.
You've been warned traitor, violate our law and you will be shot. Our Constitution stands.
All legislation is deemed Constitutional until it is deemed not to be. Except to law breaking violent gun owners promising blood baths.

Don't worry, faggots like you are the weakest link.

So you don't like the Constitution of the United States? Why are you fucking still in America? GTFO and go find your Communist Utopia already.
And, of course, you are an idiot......American gun owners are more lawful than democrats.....
While promising violent illegal blood baths, right.


Treason is illegal fuckwad. Shooting traitors who are waging war on the Constitution is our patriotic duty.

You are engaged in a revolution to try and overthrow the Constitution of the United States. Repelling your treason is the very essence of the law.
Maybe you ought to do a little research on Stalin before ignorantly spewing your "Stalinist" comments.

Done plenty.

So, you Stalinists want to try and crush civil rights. You want to outlaw free speech and disarm Americans.

You're waging civil war and engaging in treason.

We shouldn't shoot you, WHY?

Hyberbole much? Or are you just a murderous thug at heart?
Maybe you ought to do a little research on Stalin before ignorantly spewing your "Stalinist" comments.

Done plenty.

So, you Stalinists want to try and crush civil rights. You want to outlaw free speech and disarm Americans.

You're waging civil war and engaging in treason.

We shouldn't shoot you, WHY?

Hyberbole much? Or are you just a murderous thug at heart?

Again, you are at war to end the Constitution of the United States.

If that is not treason, what do you call it?

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