Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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They work for themselves. They have an employment contract with the government. Their paycheck and compensation package belong to THEM!

Wrong. This is how I know you're a liberal jobless parasite.

When I worked in catering, my labor belonged to the caterers. I traded my labor for a paycheck. The money only belongs to me because I worked FOR the catering hall.

When I worked at Home Depot, my labor was for Home Depot, not myself. Likewise, the money they gave me was in exchange for the labor I did FOR THEM.

A government employee works FOR THE GOVERNMENT.

Government does what needs to be done. There is no magic list

We the People get to decide if government is doing too much or too little

No it doesn't. That is a commie lie. The same lie that has been making economies fail for the last 100 years.

Our courts do not seem to think so....only internet nut jobs
They work for themselves. They have an employment contract with the government. Their paycheck and compensation package belong to THEM!

Wrong. This is how I know you're a liberal jobless parasite.

When I worked in catering, my labor belonged to the caterers. I traded my labor for a paycheck. The money only belongs to me because I worked FOR the catering hall.

When I worked at Home Depot, my labor was for Home Depot, not myself. Likewise, the money they gave me was in exchange for the labor I did FOR THEM.

A government employee works FOR THE GOVERNMENT.

Government employees swear an oath to defend the Constitution
They work for themselves. They have an employment contract with the government. Their paycheck and compensation package belong to THEM!

Wrong. This is how I know you're a liberal jobless parasite.

When I worked in catering, my labor belonged to the caterers. I traded my labor for a paycheck. The money only belongs to me because I worked FOR the catering hall.

When I worked at Home Depot, my labor was for Home Depot, not myself. Likewise, the money they gave me was in exchange for the labor I did FOR THEM.

A government employee works FOR THE GOVERNMENT.

A government employee EARNS a paycheck like everyone else who works a job!
They work for themselves. They have an employment contract with the government. Their paycheck and compensation package belong to THEM!

Wrong. This is how I know you're a liberal jobless parasite.

When I worked in catering, my labor belonged to the caterers. I traded my labor for a paycheck. The money only belongs to me because I worked FOR the catering hall.

When I worked at Home Depot, my labor was for Home Depot, not myself. Likewise, the money they gave me was in exchange for the labor I did FOR THEM.

A government employee works FOR THE GOVERNMENT.

A government employee EARNS a paycheck like everyone else who works a job!

No, they trade their labor for a paycheck. Your labor belongs to the employer, the employers money then belongs to you (via paycheck) according to the contract. Get off the government dole, apply for a job and read the employment contract.
They work for themselves. They have an employment contract with the government. Their paycheck and compensation package belong to THEM!

Wrong. This is how I know you're a liberal jobless parasite.

When I worked in catering, my labor belonged to the caterers. I traded my labor for a paycheck. The money only belongs to me because I worked FOR the catering hall.

When I worked at Home Depot, my labor was for Home Depot, not myself. Likewise, the money they gave me was in exchange for the labor I did FOR THEM.

A government employee works FOR THE GOVERNMENT.

A government employee EARNS a paycheck like everyone else who works a job!

No, they trade their labor for a paycheck. Your labor belongs to the employer, the employers money then belongs to you (via paycheck) according to the contract. Get off the government dole, apply for a job and read the employment contract.

You don't trade your labor for a paycheck?

Your labor belongs to you.....your employer pays for it

Same as with government employees
Deflection is also not a river in Egypt.
Your living in a fantasy world is not a defense

Government is essential to any society, the private sector benefits from government and in many ways controls it, the government creates jobs both within and from the government
No. Government is not essential. Government is at best useful and at worst a detriment to all life on earth.

The private sector only benefits from government on occasion, usually government is a waste of our hard earned money.

The government employees who manage people who provide services to the taxpayers are merely middle men. These government employees work for taxpayers and take the part of the middle man in the spending of taxpayer funds.

No society can function without a government from the most simple to the most complex
The private sector cannot function without a government providing essential economic, support and protection
No government can exist without taxpayer support, both in funding and supplying manpower. We are the owners of our government, government employees work for us not the other way around.
Is it a surprise to you that the government is......We the People?
No, not at all. Is it a surprise to you that we the people can function?
No. Government is not essential. Government is at best useful and at worst a detriment to all life on earth.

The private sector only benefits from government on occasion, usually government is a waste of our hard earned money.

The government employees who manage people who provide services to the taxpayers are merely middle men. These government employees work for taxpayers and take the part of the middle man in the spending of taxpayer funds.

No society can function without a government from the most simple to the most complex
The private sector cannot function without a government providing essential economic, support and protection
No government can exist without taxpayer support, both in funding and supplying manpower. We are the owners of our government, government employees work for us not the other way around.
Is it a surprise to you that the government is......We the People?
Yes, we the union people, we the lawyer people, we the lobbyist people, we the bureaucrat people.

As for teh rest of us shmoes, we're just on the hook for it all.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
Your living in a fantasy world is not a defense

Government is essential to any society, the private sector benefits from government and in many ways controls it, the government creates jobs both within and from the government
No. Government is not essential. Government is at best useful and at worst a detriment to all life on earth.

The private sector only benefits from government on occasion, usually government is a waste of our hard earned money.

The government employees who manage people who provide services to the taxpayers are merely middle men. These government employees work for taxpayers and take the part of the middle man in the spending of taxpayer funds.

No society can function without a government from the most simple to the most complex
The private sector cannot function without a government providing essential economic, support and protection
No government can exist without taxpayer support, both in funding and supplying manpower. We are the owners of our government, government employees work for us not the other way around.

Seriously, you aren't really that fucking stupid - are you? It's just an act - right?

Sadly, it isn't.
Why don't you two morons go whack off in the corner.
They work for themselves. They have an employment contract with the government. Their paycheck and compensation package belong to THEM!

Wrong. This is how I know you're a liberal jobless parasite.

When I worked in catering, my labor belonged to the caterers. I traded my labor for a paycheck. The money only belongs to me because I worked FOR the catering hall.

When I worked at Home Depot, my labor was for Home Depot, not myself. Likewise, the money they gave me was in exchange for the labor I did FOR THEM.

A government employee works FOR THE GOVERNMENT.

A government employee EARNS a paycheck like everyone else who works a job!

No, they trade their labor for a paycheck. Your labor belongs to the employer, the employers money then belongs to you (via paycheck) according to the contract. Get off the government dole, apply for a job and read the employment contract.

You don't trade your labor for a paycheck?

Your labor belongs to you.....your employer pays for it

Same as with government employees

Agreed with the point that your labor belongs to you..... and your employer pays for it. I'm quite honestly, flabbergasted that you agree to that given your penchant for allowing the government to take large portions of your labor, aka slavery.

That said, the taxpayer is the employer of government employees, cause the taxpayer is the one paying for it.
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You don't trade your labor for a paycheck?

Your labor belongs to you.....your employer pays for it

My employer trades money for my labor. His money becomes mine and my labor becomes his. The employer owns your labor after the trade and I own his money after the trade. Ever heard of time theft?

If you want to get arcane, then the employer owns the "fruits" of your labor.
You don't trade your labor for a paycheck?

Your labor belongs to you.....your employer pays for it

My employer trades money for my labor. His money becomes mine and my labor becomes his. The employer owns your labor after the trade and I own his money after the trade. Ever heard of time theft?
No, the employer owns the results of your labor, not your labor. Your labor is your own. We don't allow slavery in this country unless of course you are talking about personal income tax, aka. indentured servitude.
You don't trade your labor for a paycheck?

Your labor belongs to you.....your employer pays for it

My employer trades money for my labor. His money becomes mine and my labor becomes his. The employer owns your labor after the trade and I own his money after the trade. Ever heard of time theft?
No, the employer owns the results of your labor, not your labor. Your labor is your own. We don't allow slavery in this country unless of course you are talking about personal income tax, aka. indentured servitude.

I said, if you want to get "arcane" then yes, the employer owns the "fruits" of your labor. But do you really need that much clarification?

Also, many employers do indeed partly own your labor in the way you thought I was saying. Trying calling out of work too many times or no-call/no-show, and tell me if your labor truly belongs to you. An employee signs a contract concerning their labor and the fruits thereof.
You don't trade your labor for a paycheck?

Your labor belongs to you.....your employer pays for it

My employer trades money for my labor. His money becomes mine and my labor becomes his. The employer owns your labor after the trade and I own his money after the trade. Ever heard of time theft?
No, the employer owns the results of your labor, not your labor. Your labor is your own. We don't allow slavery in this country unless of course you are talking about personal income tax, aka. indentured servitude.

I said, if you want to get "arcane" then yes, the employer owns the "fruits" of your labor. But do you really need that much clarification?

Also, many employers do indeed partly own your labor in the way you thought I was saying. Trying calling out of work too many times or no-call/no-show, and tell me if your labor truly belongs to you. An employee signs a contract concerning their labor and the fruits thereof.
The additional clarification is very important.

As far I know the only employer that owns labor is the military, in so far as folks relinquish said right to ownership of said labor when they sign on to be a member of the armed services.

I don't think you can sign away your labor to anyone but the government, as indentured servitude is illegal for every other type of employer.

If you get fired your labor still belongs to you.
No society can function without a government from the most simple to the most complex
The private sector cannot function without a government providing essential economic, support and protection
No government can exist without taxpayer support, both in funding and supplying manpower. We are the owners of our government, government employees work for us not the other way around.
Is it a surprise to you that the government is......We the People?
Yes, we the union people, we the lawyer people, we the lobbyist people, we the bureaucrat people.

As for teh rest of us shmoes, we're just on the hook for it all.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us

It seems that rightwinger needs a schoolin' from Thomas Paine!!!

Common Sense (that which liberals lack):
SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.
They work for themselves. They have an employment contract with the government. Their paycheck and compensation package belong to THEM!

Wrong. This is how I know you're a liberal jobless parasite.

When I worked in catering, my labor belonged to the caterers. I traded my labor for a paycheck. The money only belongs to me because I worked FOR the catering hall.

When I worked at Home Depot, my labor was for Home Depot, not myself. Likewise, the money they gave me was in exchange for the labor I did FOR THEM.

A government employee works FOR THE GOVERNMENT.

A government employee EARNS a paycheck like everyone else who works a job!

No, they trade their labor for a paycheck. Your labor belongs to the employer, the employers money then belongs to you (via paycheck) according to the contract. Get off the government dole, apply for a job and read the employment contract.

You don't trade your labor for a paycheck?

Your labor belongs to you.....your employer pays for it

Same as with government employees

Agreed with the point that your labor belongs to you..... and your employer pays for it. I'm quite honestly, flabbergasted that you agree to that given your penchant for allowing the government to take large portions of your labor, aka slavery.

That said, the taxpayer is the employer of government employees, cause the taxpayer is the one paying for it.
Would anyone want our U.S. military to be under private sector control? Wouldn't that be very dangerous? Obviously, many functions are best left under government control.
No government can exist without taxpayer support, both in funding and supplying manpower. We are the owners of our government, government employees work for us not the other way around.
Is it a surprise to you that the government is......We the People?
Yes, we the union people, we the lawyer people, we the lobbyist people, we the bureaucrat people.

As for teh rest of us shmoes, we're just on the hook for it all.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.
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