Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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I've heard many GOPers say they don't. However, I feel strongly that they do. All one has to do is think about it for a minute and the answer should become obvious. However, the biggest job creators are consumers with money to spend.

Of Course the Government Can Create Jobs - Forbes

Absolutley. Any government program that stimulates economic demand in the private market creates jobs. Employment benefits and food stamps do as much as cons want to ignore that fact.

Every dollar of "stimulus" is more than compensated for by the money taxed or borrowed to pay for it. Every job government "creates" destroys two jobs in the private sector.
Every dollar lost in revenue from this generates $1.67 in economic growth.

ROFL! You actually believe that? You have just enunciated one of the most ridiculous theories of Keynesianism. In the first place, the $1.67 figures ignores all the jobs destroyed by taxation or borrowing. In the second, some wizard in academia just whipped that number out of his ass. There is no empirical evidence to support it. In fact, no credible economist would even use exact numbers like that.

Thats how businesses work. A dollar spent on a business creates profit. It's interesting you cons are so opposed to this idea of government creating jobs when you people love tax cuts. However every dollar lost in revenue from that only generates .59 cents in growth in the private sector.

Another figure whipped out of some wizard's ass.

Every job government creates destroys two in the private sector? Christ dude you cant just go all FOX News on us and make shit up, That is complete bullshit and you know it,

Yeah, we know your post is complete bullshit.
Every dollar lost in revenue from this generates $1.67 in economic growth. Thats how businesses work. A dollar spent on a business creates profit. It's interesting you cons are so opposed to this idea of government creating jobs when you people love tax cuts. However every dollar lost in revenue from that only generates .59 cents in growth in the private secto,

Did Gruber tell you this?
No, Moody did.

Please supply a reference.
No. Government is not essential. Government is at best useful and at worst a detriment to all life on earth.

The private sector only benefits from government on occasion, usually government is a waste of our hard earned money.

The government employees who manage people who provide services to the taxpayers are merely middle men. These government employees work for taxpayers and take the part of the middle man in the spending of taxpayer funds.

No society can function without a government from the most simple to the most complex
The private sector cannot function without a government providing essential economic, support and protection
No government can exist without taxpayer support, both in funding and supplying manpower. We are the owners of our government, government employees work for us not the other way around.

Seriously, you aren't really that fucking stupid - are you? It's just an act - right?

Sadly, it isn't.
Why don't you two morons go whack off in the corner.

Can't do it, you and some other guy are already there.....
Is it a surprise to you that the government is......We the People?
Yes, we the union people, we the lawyer people, we the lobbyist people, we the bureaucrat people.

As for teh rest of us shmoes, we're just on the hook for it all.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs
Yes, we the union people, we the lawyer people, we the lobbyist people, we the bureaucrat people.

As for teh rest of us shmoes, we're just on the hook for it all.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

It's more like discussing the merits of armed robbery with jewelry store owner.
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people

Yeah, I know. I was just pointing out the hopelessly moronic nature of the rightwing posts.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

How would you fund the military?
lol, the same people who say the government doesn't create jobs also say we have too many people working for the government.
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

How would you fund the military?
He is an anarchist........rape, pillage and plunder
An example I've brought up before:

The school district I live in and the one next to mine both, of course, need school buses.

One district has their own buses and everyone involved is employed by the district. The other district contracts out to a private bus company.

So, who created those school bus related jobs? The government, in the first one? The government, in the second one? The government in both? The government in neither?
An example I've brought up before:

The school district I live in and the one next to mine both, of course, need school buses.

One district has their own buses and everyone involved is employed by the district. The other district contracts out to a private bus company.

So, who created those school bus related jobs? The government, in the first one? The government, in the second one? The government in both? The government in neither?
We the people created all those jobs to provide a service to the community. The vehicle we use to do that is government
lol, the same people who say the government doesn't create jobs also say we have too many people working for the government.
In other words, you are saying most government employees are unemployable in the private sector. You may have a point there.
An example I've brought up before:

The school district I live in and the one next to mine both, of course, need school buses.

One district has their own buses and everyone involved is employed by the district. The other district contracts out to a private bus company.

So, who created those school bus related jobs? The government, in the first one? The government, in the second one? The government in both? The government in neither?
We the people created all those jobs to provide a service to the community. The vehicle we use to do that is government

Yes and yet half the people on this board are denying that obvious fact.

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