Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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Government wasn't created to provide jobs. That's apparently part of liberal dogma. There are things that only government can do or should do, police, military, safety and security. We are clearly well beyond that and to pretend that those jobs cannot be done in the private sector or even necessary is just faith. Further evidence that liberalism is a religion.
Of course the government was not created to provide jobs....that makes no sense

The government was created to provide public services and those public services create jobs

And the money to do that comes from ...
If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people
When did conservatives ever refuse to help anyone? You're just throwing crap against the wall when you say that.

The problem is that conservatives give by choice, liberals want giving to be done with force
In other words, you are saying most government employees are unemployable in the private sector. You may have a point there.
You mean veterans? Why do you hate our troops?
That isn't what I said. You're a stupid liar. You couldn't even understand your own words!
Soldiers are government employees

Soldiers don't create jobs any more than buying an insurance policy creates more wealth. They are protection for what we have.
The entire military industrial complex would disagree

The conversation is over your head big guy.

It is better to keep ones mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt
Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people
When did conservatives ever refuse to help anyone? You're just throwing crap against the wall when you say that.

The problem is that conservatives give by choice, liberals want giving to be done with force

I invite anyone to show us how a government would function if all taxation were voluntary.
lol, the same people who say the government doesn't create jobs also say we have too many people working for the government.
In other words, you are saying most government employees are unemployable in the private sector. You may have a point there.
You mean veterans? Why do you hate our troops?
That isn't what I said. You're a stupid liar. You couldn't even understand your own words!

It wasn't what I said asshole.

Let's get it down to a level even you might be capable of navigating.

My city has 10 policemen. The city government decides they need 12, so they hire 2 new policemen.

1. Are those 2 new jobs?
2. Did the city government create them?
You said "lol, the same people who say the government doesn't create jobs also say we have too many people working for the government."

That implies that those government employees wouldn't be working if it were not for government jobs. It isn't my fault that you can't process simple concepts. You saying I was talking about the military and that I hate them proves you are stupid and an asshole. I did not use those words lightly.

Who created the jobs that government employees currently hold?
If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people
When did conservatives ever refuse to help anyone? You're just throwing crap against the wall when you say that.
Having read this forum for five years, I can say that what outrages conservatives the most is government helping the poor
Yes, we the union people, we the lawyer people, we the lobbyist people, we the bureaucrat people.

As for teh rest of us shmoes, we're just on the hook for it all.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

It's a government of the People.

If the government doesn't create jobs, then the government doesn't create taxes either.
Government wasn't created to provide jobs. That's apparently part of liberal dogma. There are things that only government can do or should do, police, military, safety and security. We are clearly well beyond that and to pretend that those jobs cannot be done in the private sector or even necessary is just faith. Further evidence that liberalism is a religion.
Of course the government was not created to provide jobs....that makes no sense

The government was created to provide public services and those public services create jobs

And the money to do that comes from ...

Let's see......could you be talking about We the People that established a government to provide those services?
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

It's a government of the People.

If the government doesn't create jobs, then the government doesn't create taxes either.
A great man once said........a government of the people, for the people and by the people shall not perish from this earth
I voted yes. Paul Ryan, John Boehner, and hundreds of others are good examples of of people having lifetime jobs with great benefits created by the government.
I wonder if Cliven Bundy counts as having a job created by Government also. Without freeloading off of government land for his cattle, he'd have to make it in the great free that republicans profess to love so much.
I wonder if Cliven Bundy counts as having a job created by Government also. Without freeloading off of government land for his cattle, he'd have to make it in the great free that republicans profess to love so much.
If government hadn't taken over the free range he wouldn't have his cattle there? Oh, I see. The government created the land out of thin air by willing it into existence. I forgot.
Government wasn't created to provide jobs. That's apparently part of liberal dogma. There are things that only government can do or should do, police, military, safety and security. We are clearly well beyond that and to pretend that those jobs cannot be done in the private sector or even necessary is just faith. Further evidence that liberalism is a religion.
Of course the government was not created to provide jobs....that makes no sense

The government was created to provide public services and those public services create jobs

And the money to do that comes from ...

Let's see......could you be talking about We the People that established a government to provide those services?

Non-sequitur. Seriously, you don't grasp the discussion, everything you say shows that.
If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people
When did conservatives ever refuse to help anyone? You're just throwing crap against the wall when you say that.

That's funny. A few natural disasters come to mind...
Government wasn't created to provide jobs. That's apparently part of liberal dogma. There are things that only government can do or should do, police, military, safety and security. We are clearly well beyond that and to pretend that those jobs cannot be done in the private sector or even necessary is just faith. Further evidence that liberalism is a religion.
Of course the government was not created to provide jobs....that makes no sense

The government was created to provide public services and those public services create jobs

And the money to do that comes from ...

Let's see......could you be talking about We the People that established a government to provide those services?

Non-sequitur. Seriously, you don't grasp the discussion, everything you say shows that.
You are slipping

You are supposed to be ranting........Strawman.......STRAWMAN
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

How would you fund the military?

If you want to learn how things would work without government you can read about it here:

Mises Daily Mises Institute
lol, the same people who say the government doesn't create jobs also say we have too many people working for the government.
In other words, you are saying most government employees are unemployable in the private sector. You may have a point there.
Private sector employees are clamoring for government employment

Yeah, everyone wants a job where they are overpaid and don't have to work.

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