Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people
When did conservatives ever refuse to help anyone? You're just throwing crap against the wall when you say that.

The problem is that conservatives give by choice, liberals want giving to be done with force

I invite anyone to show us how a government would function if all taxation were voluntary.

Well, the massive welfare state you defend certainly couldn't exist. That's the whole point of it.
Neither could the massive warfare-State the right defends, either.
Government created the Internet - which created zillions of jobs!

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

Who invented the internet?
From MIT's plans. It wouldn't have happened without government? The private sector turned it into what it is today, driven by commerce.
NaziCon logic: It's irrelevant if the government created or helped create ANY jobs - because eventually the private sector would have created them anyway.
If there's a market for it of course the private sector would. Profit is a better motivator than funding.
Government created the Internet - which created zillions of jobs!

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

Who invented the internet?

Government didn't create the internet, moron. I contributed to a few parts needed to create the internet. Those were logical extensions of existing technology, so the private sector would have invented them anyway eventually.

Are you on drugs? Seriously!

Do you have sex with animals? Seriously?
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people
When did conservatives ever refuse to help anyone? You're just throwing crap against the wall when you say that.

The problem is that conservatives give by choice, liberals want giving to be done with force

I invite anyone to show us how a government would function if all taxation were voluntary.

Well, the massive welfare state you defend certainly couldn't exist. That's the whole point of it.
Neither could the massive warfare-State the right defends, either.

That's true, but I don't defend it. I think defence spending should be cut drastically, but all the welfare programs should be wrung out it first, like military bases in Europe.
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Government created the Internet - which created zillions of jobs!

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

Who invented the internet?

With our money. Why do folks like you always forget that?

"Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?"

I know that the post office has a lot of people working there. But I have never been copied on any of their e-mails. So that is still kind of a gray area.

Government created the Internet - which created zillions of jobs!

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

Who invented the internet?

Government didn't create the internet, moron. I contributed to a few parts needed to create the internet. Those were logical extensions of existing technology, so the private sector would have invented them anyway eventually.

Are you on drugs? Seriously!

Do you have sex with animals? Seriously?

Well, I was raised on a farm...
lol, the same people who say the government doesn't create jobs also say we have too many people working for the government.
In other words, you are saying most government employees are unemployable in the private sector. You may have a point there.
Private sector employees are clamoring for government employment

Yeah, everyone wants a job where they are overpaid and don't have to work.

Actually they are looking for an employer who respects them and is not just looking to exploit them and toss them aside
I've heard many GOPers say they don't. However, I feel strongly that they do. All one has to do is think about it for a minute and the answer should become obvious. However, the biggest job creators are consumers with money to spend.

That's what's wrong, you "think about it for a minute" and go with the obvious and wrong answer. Liberalism in a nutshell, not thinking things through. An ideology which is well intentioned and poorly conceived.

What is evident if you actually think it through rather than cut off thinking in one minute is that all money spent by government was removed from the economy. That means every job created destroyed one and no job was created.

Then if you continue to think about it, you realize that government creates nothing. You took the money to fund the job from someone who used it to create a profit and grow the economy. Now you realize that every government job created destroyed more than one job.

And the best thing a government employee can do economically is nothing. But they don't, they create more red tape and bureaucracy for job creators. So now they are destroying even more than that.

So, you can think for one minute and believe the obvious, which is wrong. Or you can think it through and realize we need to reduce government jobs to create more jobs.
The government doesn't create anything?
Roads,bridges, parks, schools, water systems, a military, airports.....

Creates millions of jobs

It doesn't create anything that wouldn't have been created by the private sector at a lower cost.

Why didn't the private sector step up and pay for our roads, bridges, schools, armed forces, airports

They benefit from them, why didn't they provide them?
Noaa, nws, jpl, nasa, fda, cda, usgs, and nhc are all high paid jobs that do better work than most of the private sector. They're very good jobs.

I am not putting down all the other government jobs that do what we people wish. ;) I am also pro private sector but it has its place.

Sick and tired of hearing your attacks on science and public jobs.
The Government is solely "We the People." If the Government "creates jobs" it is with our money. And yes, those Government drones work solely for "We the People."

If they feel they are working for a political party they should be fired immediately.
They are
Government employees are forbidden to represent a political party as per the Hatch Act
Government created the Internet - which created zillions of jobs!

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

Who invented the internet?

With our money. Why do folks like you always forget that?

The Government IS us

Why do you folks always forget that?
Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people
When did conservatives ever refuse to help anyone? You're just throwing crap against the wall when you say that.
Having read this forum for five years, I can say that what outrages conservatives the most is government helping the poor
What outrages conservatives the most is government SCREWING THE the poor and the middle class by forcing a system of hand-outs that do not help the poor.

Most conservatives wouldn't give a shit if the hand-outs were vetted better. That said, hand-ups are the preferred mechanism of conservatives to help the poor. More particularly, voluntary hand-ups, but the most important part is that people are actually helped vs. the current system that is primarily designed to keep people on welfare, not help them get off it.
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The Government is solely "We the People." If the Government "creates jobs" it is with our money. And yes, those Government drones work solely for "We the People."

If they feel they are working for a political party they should be fired immediately.
They are
Government employees are forbidden to represent a political party as per the Hatch Act

Unless they work for the IRS. You forgot about that part.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Need me to explain it to you?
As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

It's a government of the People.

If the government doesn't create jobs, then the government doesn't create taxes either.

The government doesn't "create" taxes. Government employees "collect" taxes. Government representatives of the people draft bills that include new types of taxes, and changes of percentage to existing taxes. But that is not creating a tax. It's creating a bill, that includes taxes, the bills when passed are converted to law, which is enforced by different government employees. Again these, representatives and other government employees all work for "us."
Taking the money destroys more jobs than the government "creates." You turds will never admit that.

Bottom line: the net number of jobs government creates is less than zero.

I'm sorry.......but discussing the merits of government with an anarchist is like discussing great restaurants with an anorexic

I always thought our soldiers, sailors, and airmen got paid. I didn't know they volunteered.
That doesn't mean government to them. They are only outraged about helping poor people
When did conservatives ever refuse to help anyone? You're just throwing crap against the wall when you say that.

That's funny. A few natural disasters come to mind...

As stated, "we the people" do these things. Not the government.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

It's a government of the People.

If the government doesn't create jobs, then the government doesn't create taxes either.

The government doesn't "create" taxes. Government employees "collect" taxes. Government representatives of the people draft bills that include new types of taxes, and changes of percentage to existing taxes. But that is not creating a tax. It's creating a bill, that includes taxes, the bills when passed are converted to law, which is enforced by different government employees. Again these, representatives and other government employees all work for "us."
Who has ever claimed they don't work for us?
Government created the Internet - which created zillions of jobs!

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

Who invented the internet?

The engineers who worked on the various technologies did. Software & hardware stacks were cobbled together from existing tech. Not much if any was what you would call new. More so they were just slight modifications or exact copies of existing tech. FTP, HTTP, HTML, TCP/IP, SMTP, etc... all based on existing or modified standards, and the code to implement based on existing or modified code.

For example, a group of engineers I know at IBM created GML. Some guys at CERN created SGML from GML. One of the contractor working at CERN proposed small subset of SGML called HTML. Voila, the first document format for web pages. Note: document formatting was not new stuff.

The same type of sequence exists for every technology used to put the internet together. Inter-networks were not new, they were based on intra-networks.

More standardization is needed when sharing files over inter-networks. Standardization is easier to achieve when you agree on simple standards.

As far as the government involvement... yeah they acted as middle man for taxpayer funds. For example, most of the fiber was laid down by telcos with taxpayer funded tax breaks.
We the people formed that is us
Word nit. The government "is" not us. It is from us, funded by some of us, elected by some of us, and staffed by some of us. Big difference. I know exactly what you mean but, the term "is" means the definition of the term follows.

It is not correct to say government creates jobs as if government is separate from "us" which is the implication proffered by some of the folks in the left. For example, the president saying you didn't build that... He implied government built that, not the taxpayers. Maybe he meant you didn't build that by yourself. But that's not how he said it, nor is it how it was taken.

However, you could say we create jobs with our money. We create some great works and some not so great works with out money. That works. Or you could say we create government jobs with our money. That works too.

If you want to say the government doesn't create jobs, We the People create jobs......go for it

Doesn't negate the fact that the government takes money from We the People to provide services. Those services create jobs

It's a government of the People.

If the government doesn't create jobs, then the government doesn't create taxes either.

The government doesn't "create" taxes. Government employees "collect" taxes. Government representatives of the people draft bills that include new types of taxes, and changes of percentage to existing taxes. But that is not creating a tax. It's creating a bill, that includes taxes, the bills when passed are converted to law, which is enforced by different government employees. Again these, representatives and other government employees all work for "us."
Who has ever claimed they don't work for us?
We're talking about taxes. I'm just repeating what we already agreed to, as a description to help carbineer understand why the phrase "government creates taxes" is wrong. It's wrong for the same reason the phrase "the government creates jobs" is wrong. It's wrong because it ignores the part about the taxpayer being the active component.

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