Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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Government is overhead and creates no capital. It only costs capital. Therefore it cannot create jobs. Democrats are stupid and should not be allowed to vote

Talk to china about this ;) I love the private sector but the government plays a very big part in areas that keep us ahead of the game.
I'm sure that China would know. After all, government debt is the only catalyst keeping us afloat.
Government produces no capital. You can't pay for work without generating a capital. Therefore government workers are paid with others' money making those non-government others the job creators.
Social Security is the largest holder of U.S. national debt - which also creates jobs to administer. Medicare also creates jobs. The Veterans Administration creates jobs.
Social Security is the largest holder of U.S. national debt - which also creates jobs to administer. Medicare also creates jobs. The Veterans Administration creates jobs.
Where do they get the necessary capital to sustain?
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Anyone that says that the government doesn't create jobs has a lack of understanding the real world. jezzz...
The government creates government jobs but does very little to create private sector jobs and since we can't all work for the government private sector job creation is what you need to drive the economy.
Governments only create government jobs. The biggest role governments play in creating jobs, is in policy. Tax them out of the market, regulate them out. There are other less direct ways government can affect jobs, but for the most part if it leaves the market to itself capitalism will be the judge.
The government creates government jobs but does very little to create private sector jobs and since we can't all work for the government private sector job creation is what you need to drive the economy.
No. The taxpayers work, the government takes their money, then spends their money. Thus the taxpayers created the jobs with their income through their employees, aka. government employees. Government is nothing but a group of our employees.

You dumb asses are giving our employees way too much cred.
Hey Coakhota, why not just give everyone a Government job? Wouldn't that just be grand? You can be born and tattooed with a barcode that tells you what jobs you are allowed to have for the rest of your life.
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Anyone that says that the government doesn't create jobs has a lack of understanding the real world. jezzz...
Um no. Those who say it does lack understanding of basic econ.
In order to create a job you have to create positive cash flow. Government does not create positive cash flow. Government steals money via taxes and redistributes it, including to government workers.
In some cases, they all do. All levels of government has tasks ( jobs ) that someone has to do. Government, on any level, is not a one man show. But, if the question is, "do they create jobs outside of government", again, in some cases yes. Government on all levels use office supplies, general services such as utilities, building maintenance, and other areas of services associated with their duties and operations. There are hundreds of millions of government employees. So, technically, the answer to the question is yes, without a doubt. All levels of government create jobs, either directly, or indirectly.

I agree and all employee's are payed with tax dollars.
In order to create a job you have to create positive cash flow.

Really rabbit, where do you get this level of stupidity?

According to your asinine beliefs, companies create jobs all the time without knowing if their product will sell and cause a positive cash flow. Remember, investment creates jobs. Not demand.

Remember how you say all the time investment is what creates jobs. You can invest in a product all you want and if it don't sell, you have no positive cash flow. I guess that means those jobs were not created without the demand to give a positive cash flow. Even though the business owner invested all the money he had.

LMAO Stupid fucking rabbit.
Anyone that says that the government doesn't create jobs has a lack of understanding the real world. jezzz...
Um no. Those who say it does lack understanding of basic econ.
In order to create a job you have to create positive cash flow. Government does not create positive cash flow. Government steals money via taxes and redistributes it, including to government workers.
STUDY --- READ ---- STUDY ---- READ ---- RESEARCH ---- RESEARCH ---- READ ----- STUDY ---- ****** Jobs are created through the demand for goods and services, and through R&D. FYI - NO DEMAND, NO JOBS !!! **** IF a business can't sell its product or service, then that business has no cause to hire anyone. ****** Businesses hire in order to satisfy the needs of their customers. NO CUSTOMERS, NO SALES, NO ONE GETS HIRED. **** Businesses do not hire just to be hiring. Businesses are not going to hire people to just sit in the break room all day. Businesses hire in order to meet the demands of their customers. RESEARCH - READ -- STUDY -- LEARN --- LEARN -- READ ---- STUDY
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.
Technically, the government owns millions of acres of land, our national parks and national forest. They collect revenue from visitors to those parks and forests. Also, they lease drilling rights to oil companies that drill off-shore. They do generate income. But, if you really want to get technical-technical, the American people own America. There are different ways to look at it.

But they already use our tax dollars to run and maintain those parks.
So in essence we payed for the business that now charges us the price of admission.
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.
Technically, the government owns millions of acres of land, our national parks and national forest. They collect revenue from visitors to those parks and forests. Also, they lease drilling rights to oil companies that drill off-shore. They do generate income. But, if you really want to get technical-technical, the American people own America. There are different ways to look at it.

But they already use our tax dollars to run and maintain those parks.
So in essence we payed for the business that now charges us the price of admission.
Yes, but they still own the land. The land has value.
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.
Technically, the government owns millions of acres of land, our national parks and national forest. They collect revenue from visitors to those parks and forests. Also, they lease drilling rights to oil companies that drill off-shore. They do generate income. But, if you really want to get technical-technical, the American people own America. There are different ways to look at it.

But they already use our tax dollars to run and maintain those parks.
So in essence we payed for the business that now charges us the price of admission.
Yes, but they still own the land. The land has value.

A value they cant realize without the tax payers money.
You can keep kicking the can down the road but it always ends up coming out of the tax payers wallet at some point.

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