Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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The government creates government jobs but does very little to create private sector jobs and since we can't all work for the government private sector job creation is what you need to drive the economy.
You have heard of the Newport News Shipyard, Northop, Haliburton, and sooooo many private companies that provide goods and services to the government. More government contracts = more employers and employees which equals more people making and spending money. The Army didn't build the UH-60, Sikorsky built it, in order to build it they had to hire employees and had to buy various parts from suppliers who have....employees who spend their money at various businesses that have...employees. :)
The government creates government jobs but does very little to create private sector jobs and since we can't all work for the government private sector job creation is what you need to drive the economy.
You have heard of the Newport News Shipyard, Northop, Haliburton, and sooooo many private companies that provide goods and services to the government. More government contracts = more employers and employees which equals more people making and spending money. The Army didn't build the UH-60, Sikorsky built it, in order to build it they had to hire employees and had to buy various parts from suppliers who have....employees who spend their money at various businesses that have...employees. :)
Kind of interesting the examples you gave are generally military and those are things that at least some on the left want to cut first. Don't get me wrong the military much like every other government department has stuff that can and should be cut it's just interesting to me. On a side note where you been have not seen you here in awhile?
The government creates government jobs but does very little to create private sector jobs and since we can't all work for the government private sector job creation is what you need to drive the economy.
You have heard of the Newport News Shipyard, Northop, Haliburton, and sooooo many private companies that provide goods and services to the government. More government contracts = more employers and employees which equals more people making and spending money. The Army didn't build the UH-60, Sikorsky built it, in order to build it they had to hire employees and had to buy various parts from suppliers who have....employees who spend their money at various businesses that have...employees. :)
Kind of interesting the examples you gave are generally military and those are things that at least some on the left want to cut first. Don't get me wrong the military much like every other government department has stuff that can and should be cut it's just interesting to me. On a side note where you been have not seen you here in awhile?
I'm from a "military town" so I gave some examples I see everyday. Other non-military government agencies need office supplies and other services.
Thanks for asking where I have been; I got back into cycling (road bike) plus tennis, and reading books on scribd (once I start reading I have to finish it, then they have "related books"....), so I took a little break from the forum. It took a little while to figure out the new format but it's pretty nice now. I hope all is well on your end brother!
I forgot to mention that foreign consumers are also a good source of funds to both private and public sectors - which create jobs.
Anyone that says that the government doesn't create jobs has a lack of understanding the real world. jezzz...
Um no. Those who say it does lack understanding of basic econ.
In order to create a job you have to create positive cash flow. Government does not create positive cash flow. Government steals money via taxes and redistributes it, including to government workers.
STUDY --- READ ---- STUDY ---- READ ---- RESEARCH ---- RESEARCH ---- READ ----- STUDY ---- ****** Jobs are created through the demand for goods and services, and through R&D. FYI - NO DEMAND, NO JOBS !!! **** IF a business can't sell its product or service, then that business has no cause to hire anyone. ****** Businesses hire in order to satisfy the needs of their customers. NO CUSTOMERS, NO SALES, NO ONE GETS HIRED. **** Businesses do not hire just to be hiring. Businesses are not going to hire people to just sit in the break room all day. Businesses hire in order to meet the demands of their customers. RESEARCH - READ -- STUDY -- LEARN --- LEARN -- READ ---- STUDY
Do you really think that was responsive to what I wrote?
Yes, I certainly do. It was directed at your comment about job creation and cash flow. Before the "cash can flow", there first has to be a demand for a product or service. No sales, no cash flow. Very simple really. If a product or service is not doing anything, if it's idle, no cash flows. A product collecting dust in a warehouse is not producing a cash flow. Demand for goods and services creates jobs and cash flow.
OK if you thought that was responsive then you are way too stupid to engage.
Government never creates positive cash flow. Government is funded by taxpayer funds
Your name calling is very childish. Call me stupid all you want, but doing so doesn't make a case for your point. If you don't want to discuss issues in a civil and adult manner, then just ignore me and anything I post or comment on, very simple. I totally disagree with your points on this issues. They make absolutely no sense.
The government creates government jobs but does very little to create private sector jobs and since we can't all work for the government private sector job creation is what you need to drive the economy.
You have heard of the Newport News Shipyard, Northop, Haliburton, and sooooo many private companies that provide goods and services to the government. More government contracts = more employers and employees which equals more people making and spending money. The Army didn't build the UH-60, Sikorsky built it, in order to build it they had to hire employees and had to buy various parts from suppliers who have....employees who spend their money at various businesses that have...employees. :)

The government does the same for infrastructure and tens of billions of dollars worth of science and r&d grants. Of course, the republicans don't know what they're talking about and will say CUT, slash and burn!!!! What kind of leadership is that? lol
In some cases, they all do. All levels of government has tasks ( jobs ) that someone has to do. Government, on any level, is not a one man show. But, if the question is, "do they create jobs outside of government", again, in some cases yes. Government on all levels use office supplies, general services such as utilities, building maintenance, and other areas of services associated with their duties and operations. There are hundreds of millions of government employees. So, technically, the answer to the question is yes, without a doubt. All levels of government create jobs, either directly, or indirectly.

I agree and all employee's are payed with tax dollars.
i wasnt....
Um no. Those who say it does lack understanding of basic econ.
In order to create a job you have to create positive cash flow. Government does not create positive cash flow. Government steals money via taxes and redistributes it, including to government workers.
STUDY --- READ ---- STUDY ---- READ ---- RESEARCH ---- RESEARCH ---- READ ----- STUDY ---- ****** Jobs are created through the demand for goods and services, and through R&D. FYI - NO DEMAND, NO JOBS !!! **** IF a business can't sell its product or service, then that business has no cause to hire anyone. ****** Businesses hire in order to satisfy the needs of their customers. NO CUSTOMERS, NO SALES, NO ONE GETS HIRED. **** Businesses do not hire just to be hiring. Businesses are not going to hire people to just sit in the break room all day. Businesses hire in order to meet the demands of their customers. RESEARCH - READ -- STUDY -- LEARN --- LEARN -- READ ---- STUDY
Do you really think that was responsive to what I wrote?
Yes, I certainly do. It was directed at your comment about job creation and cash flow. Before the "cash can flow", there first has to be a demand for a product or service. No sales, no cash flow. Very simple really. If a product or service is not doing anything, if it's idle, no cash flows. A product collecting dust in a warehouse is not producing a cash flow. Demand for goods and services creates jobs and cash flow.
OK if you thought that was responsive then you are way too stupid to engage.
Government never creates positive cash flow. Government is funded by taxpayer funds
Your name calling is very childish. Call me stupid all you want, but doing so doesn't make a case for your point. If you don't want to discuss issues in a civil and adult manner, then just ignore me and anything I post or comment on, very simple. I totally disagree with your points on this issues. They make absolutely no sense.
No, see. There are areas where people can disagree. If you're pro abortion there are good arguments for that and I understand that. If you're pro gay marriage, similar. I disagree but there are good arguments on both sides.
Here you simply dont get it. You dont understand we live in a system of limited powers. You dont understand that your comment didnt address my remarks at all. That makes you stupid, not wrong. And there is no sensibel discussion with stupid people.
The government creates government jobs but does very little to create private sector jobs and since we can't all work for the government private sector job creation is what you need to drive the economy.
You have heard of the Newport News Shipyard, Northop, Haliburton, and sooooo many private companies that provide goods and services to the government. More government contracts = more employers and employees which equals more people making and spending money. The Army didn't build the UH-60, Sikorsky built it, in order to build it they had to hire employees and had to buy various parts from suppliers who have....employees who spend their money at various businesses that have...employees. :)
Kind of interesting the examples you gave are generally military and those are things that at least some on the left want to cut first. Don't get me wrong the military much like every other government department has stuff that can and should be cut it's just interesting to me. On a side note where you been have not seen you here in awhile?
I'm from a "military town" so I gave some examples I see everyday. Other non-military government agencies need office supplies and other services.
Thanks for asking where I have been; I got back into cycling (road bike) plus tennis, and reading books on scribd (once I start reading I have to finish it, then they have "related books"....), so I took a little break from the forum. It took a little while to figure out the new format but it's pretty nice now. I hope all is well on your end brother!
I actually need to that on the book reading got four new ones I need to work on reading.
Jobs are never "created" by the government because the money used to pay for the work is taken out of the productive economy if it is tax revenue or taken out of the future economy (plus interest) if it is debt.

To say the government create jobs is the same as saying you create money by taking it of one pocket and putting it in another.

The government doesn't earn any money. All it does it take the money that has already been earned and spends it on what the bureaucrats thinks is important.

One of the reasons our economy is doing so poorly is because the cost of combined government (fed, state, local) is over 40% of the GNP.
STUDY --- READ ---- STUDY ---- READ ---- RESEARCH ---- RESEARCH ---- READ ----- STUDY ---- ****** Jobs are created through the demand for goods and services, and through R&D. FYI - NO DEMAND, NO JOBS !!! **** IF a business can't sell its product or service, then that business has no cause to hire anyone. ****** Businesses hire in order to satisfy the needs of their customers. NO CUSTOMERS, NO SALES, NO ONE GETS HIRED. **** Businesses do not hire just to be hiring. Businesses are not going to hire people to just sit in the break room all day. Businesses hire in order to meet the demands of their customers. RESEARCH - READ -- STUDY -- LEARN --- LEARN -- READ ---- STUDY
Do you really think that was responsive to what I wrote?
Yes, I certainly do. It was directed at your comment about job creation and cash flow. Before the "cash can flow", there first has to be a demand for a product or service. No sales, no cash flow. Very simple really. If a product or service is not doing anything, if it's idle, no cash flows. A product collecting dust in a warehouse is not producing a cash flow. Demand for goods and services creates jobs and cash flow.
OK if you thought that was responsive then you are way too stupid to engage.
Government never creates positive cash flow. Government is funded by taxpayer funds
Your name calling is very childish. Call me stupid all you want, but doing so doesn't make a case for your point. If you don't want to discuss issues in a civil and adult manner, then just ignore me and anything I post or comment on, very simple. I totally disagree with your points on this issues. They make absolutely no sense.
No, see. There are areas where people can disagree. If you're pro abortion there are good arguments for that and I understand that. If you're pro gay marriage, similar. I disagree but there are good arguments on both sides.
Here you simply dont get it. You dont understand we live in a system of limited powers. You dont understand that your comment didnt address my remarks at all. That makes you stupid, not wrong. And there is no sensibel discussion with stupid people.
Very well. Since you feel that way, then just ignore anything that I post or comment on, very simple. If I'm stupid, then avoid anything where I have made some sort of comment on. I'm sure that you dislike having a conversation with a stupid person, you've said it and made it obvious. Also, if I may, people will enjoy conversations and discussions with you if you'll stop the name calling and personal attacks. Try hard to engage as an adult, and in a civil manner. Don't appear to be childish, and try to use name calling as a way to get your point across. People will enjoy you more, and be more willing to have a conversation with you if you'll stop using such words as "stupid". Words like that does NOT enhance conversations, nor do they add any meaning to the point that you're trying to make. Try to be courteous and adult, and please do so in a civil manner. I have read many comments others have said about you, and most of them are very negative. Show some respect for yourself and stop the silly and childish use of words and attacking the person instead of attacking the issue being discussed.

We're all strangers here, we don't know anything about anyone on a personal level. It doesn't make sense to say things about someone that you've never met, nor know anything about. There are over 6 billion people on Earth, and there are over 6 billion different views and opinions on any given subject. We're going to disagree, see things in a different light, and that's fine. We don't have to agree in order to be civil and adult. We don't have to agree in order to have pleasant conversations. We don't have to agree in order to be courteous and polite. These discussions can be fun, educational, and create long lasting friendships. I have friends now that I met in 2005 on another discussion forum. We still chat all the time on Facebook. I have one that we chat every single day that I met on a discussion forum in 2005. Be nice, it doesn't cost one single penny to be nice to people.

Disagreement is human, it's natural, it's to be expected. But, it doesn't have to turn ugly and result in name calling and personal attacks. My guess is that most of us on this forum are adults. But, why is it so many act like they're 8 year old kids fighting on the playground at school? Calling people stupid, and other names, is not acting adult, nor is it enhancing conversations. Believe it or not, I'm saying all of this to help you enjoy this forum, and to encourage you to make friends, make people want to talk with you about the important issues that affect all of us every single day, and to gain the respect of other members of this forum. From the comments that I've read, you have enemies on this forum, and you shouldn't have any, not one. Respect yourself, and respect others. Thanks for your time, I appreciate it. Maybe we can discuss issues again one day. But, since I'm stupid, it may take awhile for that to happen. Just ignore me and you'll have one less stupid person to contend with.
Do you really think that was responsive to what I wrote?
Yes, I certainly do. It was directed at your comment about job creation and cash flow. Before the "cash can flow", there first has to be a demand for a product or service. No sales, no cash flow. Very simple really. If a product or service is not doing anything, if it's idle, no cash flows. A product collecting dust in a warehouse is not producing a cash flow. Demand for goods and services creates jobs and cash flow.
OK if you thought that was responsive then you are way too stupid to engage.
Government never creates positive cash flow. Government is funded by taxpayer funds
Your name calling is very childish. Call me stupid all you want, but doing so doesn't make a case for your point. If you don't want to discuss issues in a civil and adult manner, then just ignore me and anything I post or comment on, very simple. I totally disagree with your points on this issues. They make absolutely no sense.
No, see. There are areas where people can disagree. If you're pro abortion there are good arguments for that and I understand that. If you're pro gay marriage, similar. I disagree but there are good arguments on both sides.
Here you simply dont get it. You dont understand we live in a system of limited powers. You dont understand that your comment didnt address my remarks at all. That makes you stupid, not wrong. And there is no sensibel discussion with stupid people.
Very well. Since you feel that way, then just ignore anything that I post or comment on, very simple. If I'm stupid, then avoid anything where I have made some sort of comment on. I'm sure that you dislike having a conversation with a stupid person, you've said it and made it obvious. Also, if I may, people will enjoy conversations and discussions with you if you'll stop the name calling and personal attacks. Try hard to engage as an adult, and in a civil manner. Don't appear to be childish, and try to use name calling as a way to get your point across. People will enjoy you more, and be more willing to have a conversation with you if you'll stop using such words as "stupid". Words like that does NOT enhance conversations, nor do they add any meaning to the point that you're trying to make. Try to be courteous and adult, and please do so in a civil manner. I have read many comments others have said about you, and most of them are very negative. Show some respect for yourself and stop the silly and childish use of words and attacking the person instead of attacking the issue being discussed.

We're all strangers here, we don't know anything about anyone on a personal level. It doesn't make sense to say things about someone that you've never met, nor know anything about. There are over 6 billion people on Earth, and there are over 6 billion different views and opinions on any given subject. We're going to disagree, see things in a different light, and that's fine. We don't have to agree in order to be civil and adult. We don't have to agree in order to have pleasant conversations. We don't have to agree in order to be courteous and polite. These discussions can be fun, educational, and create long lasting friendships. I have friends now that I met in 2005 on another discussion forum. We still chat all the time on Facebook. I have one that we chat every single day that I met on a discussion forum in 2005. Be nice, it doesn't cost one single penny to be nice to people.

Disagreement is human, it's natural, it's to be expected. But, it doesn't have to turn ugly and result in name calling and personal attacks. My guess is that most of us on this forum are adults. But, why is it so many act like they're 8 year old kids fighting on the playground at school? Calling people stupid, and other names, is not acting adult, nor is it enhancing conversations. Believe it or not, I'm saying all of this to help you enjoy this forum, and to encourage you to make friends, make people want to talk with you about the important issues that affect all of us every single day, and to gain the respect of other members of this forum. From the comments that I've read, you have enemies on this forum, and you shouldn't have any, not one. Respect yourself, and respect others. Thanks for your time, I appreciate it. Maybe we can discuss issues again one day. But, since I'm stupid, it may take awhile for that to happen. Just ignore me and you'll have one less stupid person to contend with.

Amen! Thank you! You seem too mature for this forum.
Jobs are never "created" by the government because the money used to pay for the work is taken out of the productive economy if it is tax revenue or taken out of the future economy (plus interest) if it is debt.

To say the government create jobs is the same as saying you create money by taking it of one pocket and putting it in another.

The government doesn't earn any money. All it does it take the money that has already been earned and spends it on what the bureaucrats thinks is important.

One of the reasons our economy is doing so poorly is because the cost of combined government (fed, state, local) is over 40% of the GNP.

You have so much to learn. Do you know how the Internet got started?
Yes, I certainly do. It was directed at your comment about job creation and cash flow. Before the "cash can flow", there first has to be a demand for a product or service. No sales, no cash flow. Very simple really. If a product or service is not doing anything, if it's idle, no cash flows. A product collecting dust in a warehouse is not producing a cash flow. Demand for goods and services creates jobs and cash flow.
OK if you thought that was responsive then you are way too stupid to engage.
Government never creates positive cash flow. Government is funded by taxpayer funds
Your name calling is very childish. Call me stupid all you want, but doing so doesn't make a case for your point. If you don't want to discuss issues in a civil and adult manner, then just ignore me and anything I post or comment on, very simple. I totally disagree with your points on this issues. They make absolutely no sense.
No, see. There are areas where people can disagree. If you're pro abortion there are good arguments for that and I understand that. If you're pro gay marriage, similar. I disagree but there are good arguments on both sides.
Here you simply dont get it. You dont understand we live in a system of limited powers. You dont understand that your comment didnt address my remarks at all. That makes you stupid, not wrong. And there is no sensibel discussion with stupid people.
Very well. Since you feel that way, then just ignore anything that I post or comment on, very simple. If I'm stupid, then avoid anything where I have made some sort of comment on. I'm sure that you dislike having a conversation with a stupid person, you've said it and made it obvious. Also, if I may, people will enjoy conversations and discussions with you if you'll stop the name calling and personal attacks. Try hard to engage as an adult, and in a civil manner. Don't appear to be childish, and try to use name calling as a way to get your point across. People will enjoy you more, and be more willing to have a conversation with you if you'll stop using such words as "stupid". Words like that does NOT enhance conversations, nor do they add any meaning to the point that you're trying to make. Try to be courteous and adult, and please do so in a civil manner. I have read many comments others have said about you, and most of them are very negative. Show some respect for yourself and stop the silly and childish use of words and attacking the person instead of attacking the issue being discussed.

We're all strangers here, we don't know anything about anyone on a personal level. It doesn't make sense to say things about someone that you've never met, nor know anything about. There are over 6 billion people on Earth, and there are over 6 billion different views and opinions on any given subject. We're going to disagree, see things in a different light, and that's fine. We don't have to agree in order to be civil and adult. We don't have to agree in order to have pleasant conversations. We don't have to agree in order to be courteous and polite. These discussions can be fun, educational, and create long lasting friendships. I have friends now that I met in 2005 on another discussion forum. We still chat all the time on Facebook. I have one that we chat every single day that I met on a discussion forum in 2005. Be nice, it doesn't cost one single penny to be nice to people.

Disagreement is human, it's natural, it's to be expected. But, it doesn't have to turn ugly and result in name calling and personal attacks. My guess is that most of us on this forum are adults. But, why is it so many act like they're 8 year old kids fighting on the playground at school? Calling people stupid, and other names, is not acting adult, nor is it enhancing conversations. Believe it or not, I'm saying all of this to help you enjoy this forum, and to encourage you to make friends, make people want to talk with you about the important issues that affect all of us every single day, and to gain the respect of other members of this forum. From the comments that I've read, you have enemies on this forum, and you shouldn't have any, not one. Respect yourself, and respect others. Thanks for your time, I appreciate it. Maybe we can discuss issues again one day. But, since I'm stupid, it may take awhile for that to happen. Just ignore me and you'll have one less stupid person to contend with.

Amen! Thank you! You seem too mature for this forum.
Thank you. I sincerely appreciate the kind words. I enjoy these discussions, they're fun and educational. I learn something every single day by reading what others say. We can listen to others and see things that otherwise we would've never thought of. It basically opens up new avenues of thought, and in doing so, teaches us in the process. Again, thanks.

You have so much to learn. Do you know how the Internet got started?

Yes the defense department.

Defense is one of the few necessary functions of the federal government. The defense department is paid for out of taxpayer's funds. Funds that would have been spent in the private economy so defense jobs are not "created". They are necessary but they come at the cost of private jobs.

The internet would have been created eventually by private enterprise once personal computers became wide place. Probably for a lot less cost than what the DOD spent on it.

Taking money from people that earn it and giving it to the people that didn't earn it is not a necessary function of government, which is what welfare, subsidies, entitlements and bailouts are all about.

You evidently have not learned that lesson yet.

Of course Moon Bats like yourself have already proved your stupidity by voting for an idiot like Hussein Obama so I doubt you will ever figure it out.
Last edited:

You have so much to learn. Do you know how the Internet got started?

Yes the defense department.

Defense is one of the few necessary functions of the federal government. The defense department is paid for out of taxpayer's funds. Funds that would have been spent in the private economy so defense jobs are not "created". They are necessary but they come at the cost of private jobs.

The internet would have been created eventually by private enterprise once personal computers became wide place. Probably for a lot less cost than what the DOD spent on it.

Taking money from people that earn it and giving it to the people that didn't earn it is not a necessary function of government, which is what welfare, subsidies, entitlements and bailouts are all about.

You evidently have not learned that lesson yet.

Of course Moon Bats like yourself have already proved your stupidity by voting for an idiot like Hussein Obama so I doubt you will ever figure it out.

Duh, can you spell R-E-T-A-R-D?

You have so much to learn. Do you know how the Internet got started?

Yes the defense department.

Defense is one of the few necessary functions of the federal government. The defense department is paid for out of taxpayer's funds. Funds that would have been spent in the private economy so defense jobs are not "created". They are necessary but they come at the cost of private jobs.

The internet would have been created eventually by private enterprise once personal computers became wide place. Probably for a lot less cost than what the DOD spent on it.

Taking money from people that earn it and giving it to the people that didn't earn it is not a necessary function of government, which is what welfare, subsidies, entitlements and bailouts are all about.

You evidently have not learned that lesson yet.

Of course Moon Bats like yourself have already proved your stupidity by voting for an idiot like Hussein Obama so I doubt you will ever figure it out.

Duh, can you spell R-E-T-A-R-D?

I've heard many GOPers say they don't. However, I feel strongly that they do. All one has to do is think about it for a minute and the answer should become obvious. However, the biggest job creators are consumers with money to spend.

Of Course the Government Can Create Jobs - Forbes


Every government job sucks money away from the biggest job creators, as you say, the consumers. Of course some government jobs are necessary, too many are not.

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