Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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Government cannot create jobs Virtually all government jobs are paid for by taxes taken from corporations and private citizens. That represents money that cannot be spent on improving products, inventing new ones, etc. Obviously some government functions are necessary, like patent office and courts. But the vast majority of the bureaucracy represents dead loss--money thrown down a pit.

Are you really that fucking dumb?

Yes he is.

We routinely treat the INS border patrol at our campuses. It represents a good amount of income to our health care system. Through that income, we have expanded into markets where we had no presence 20 years ago. That competition that we brought to those markets lowers the price for everyone in that market while providing greater healthcare availability to persons who live there.

The question answers itself.
Government cannot create jobs Virtually all government jobs are paid for by taxes taken from corporations and private citizens. That represents money that cannot be spent on improving products, inventing new ones, etc. Obviously some government functions are necessary, like patent office and courts. But the vast majority of the bureaucracy represents dead loss--money thrown down a pit.

Are you really that fucking dumb?
Translation: I am really that fucking dumb.

Finally we agree...
Maybe we can discuss issues again one day. But, since I'm stupid, it may take awhile for that to happen. Just ignore me and you'll have one less stupid person to contend with.

You still trying to have a real conversation with a rabbit? You are an optimist. I'll give you that.
I was able to get rabbit to put my posts on ignore. And I didn't even have to ask. I am pretty proud of that. Mac too.
I don't know if any one else has me on ignore. But I know they are thinking about it. I can be nasty. And they deserve it IMO. My purpose on here is to fuck with right wingers. And it's so much fun. Cause they're so stupid. And I really hate stupid.

But I like optimists.
The government creates tens of millions of jobs........federal and state employees, teachers, cops, firemen

Indirectly they create tens of millions more in defense, construction, research
The internet would have been created eventually by private enterprise once personal computers became wide place. Probably for a lot less cost than what the DOD spent on it.

See sonny. This is what I mean. Flashy here is about as stupid a poster going right now. Maybe only second to the rabbit and a couple others.

Flash makes statements that he has absolutely nothing to back his statements up with. But likes to presents his views as "facts".

Just read the above from flash.

Funds that would have been spent in the private economy so defense jobs are not "created". They are necessary but they come at the cost of private jobs.

Here is another example. Flash ain't smart enough to realize that all that armament needed for the defense/offense of the nation are built by private sector, for profit, capitalist companies. Who hire private citizens to do the JOBS that need to be done to build the weapons and support materials. Hence jobs created by the defense industry due to orders from the government.

Amazing levels of stupidity flash has.
The government creates tens of millions of jobs........federal and state employees, teachers, cops, firemen

Indirectly they create tens of millions more in defense, construction, research

You dunmass. You haven't been listening.

How can the governemnt create a job when the money that it is used to pay for those jobs is taken out of the productive private economy????? Money that would have been used for other jobs???? The government doesn't create jackshit. They take from one pocket and put it in another.

They do defense research. That is a good job for them to be doing. If that was all we had to pay taxes for in addition to a the courts, police etc then there wouldn't be much bitching about the government.

It is all this other shit the government does like welfare, subsidies, entitlements, bailouts, pork projects and regulations that pisses people off because it is such a tremendous burden on the American economy.
The government creates tens of millions of jobs........federal and state employees, teachers, cops, firemen

Indirectly they create tens of millions more in defense, construction, research

You dunmass. You haven't been listening.

How can the governemnt create a job when the money that it is used to pay for those jobs is taken out of the productive private economy????? .

Is it non-productive to have police, firefighters, education, infrastructure, a postal service, in this country?
Here is another example. Flash ain't smart enough to realize that all that armament needed for the defense/offense of the nation are built by private sector, for profit, capitalist companies. Who hire private citizens to do the JOBS that need to be done to build the weapons and support materials. Hence jobs created by the defense industry due to orders from the government.

Amazing levels of stupidity flash has.

I think you have just proven what a dumbass you are. You need to really take a course in economics so that you won't be showing everybody how ignorant you are every time you post something.

When a country goes to war it builds up a war industry that produces profit and jobs but it is at the cost of private investment because the money that is used to fund the industry is taken out of the productive economy and the profit and jobs that would have been created with that money is lost.

It is like the broken window in the Broken Window Fallacy.

Here is another example. Flash ain't smart enough to realize that all that armament needed for the defense/offense of the nation are built by private sector, for profit, capitalist companies. Who hire private citizens to do the JOBS that need to be done to build the weapons and support materials. Hence jobs created by the defense industry due to orders from the government.

Amazing levels of stupidity flash has.

I think you have just proven what a dumbass you are. You need to really take a course in economics so that you won't be showing everybody how ignorant you are every time you post something.

When a country goes to war it builds up a war industry that produces profit and jobs but it is at the cost of private investment because the money that is used to fund the industry is taken out of the productive economy and the profit and jobs that would have been created with that money is lost.

It is like the broken window in the Broken Window Fallacy.


Money in the private sector that is invested in one business takes money away from any other business that might have wanted/needed that investment. What's the difference?

Get it?
The government creates tens of millions of jobs........federal and state employees, teachers, cops, firemen

Indirectly they create tens of millions more in defense, construction, research

You dunmass. You haven't been listening.

How can the governemnt create a job when the money that it is used to pay for those jobs is taken out of the productive private economy????? Money that would have been used for other jobs???? The government doesn't create jackshit. They take from one pocket and put it in another.

They do defense research. That is a good job for them to be doing. If that was all we had to pay taxes for in addition to a the courts, police etc then there wouldn't be much bitching about the government.

It is all this other shit the government does like welfare, subsidies, entitlements, bailouts, pork projects and regulations that pisses people off because it is such a tremendous burden on the American economy.

You don't understand ...the Government IS We the People

We the people task them to do things for the common good. Schools, police, roads, defense, courts, mail, research......all create tens of millions of jobs

The American economy cannot function without the government
I fail to see the obsession the right has with stopping "Big Government"

Government should do what needs to be done and at the level of government where it is most efficient

Look at a simple thing like garbage collection. Should it be a government responsibility?

I say, if they can do it better and at a less cost than a private company....Yes

If a private company charges $100 a month to collect my garbage and if my local government can do the same thing for $75.....Why shouldn't I want my local government to collect my garbage?
I fail to see the obsession the right has with stopping "Big Government"

Government should do what needs to be done and at the level of government where it is most efficient

Look at a simple thing like garbage collection. Should it be a government responsibility?

I say, if they can do it better and at a less cost than a private company....Yes

If a private company charges $100 a month to collect my garbage and if my local government can do the same thing for $75.....Why shouldn't I want my local government to collect my garbage?

because thats not the way it works. private garbage collection is cheaper, more efficient, and creates tax paying jobs and tax paying companies. The govt cannot do anything more efficient than a company with a profit motive.

one of you cited defense spending as govt creation of jobs, do any of you libs think DOD operates efficiently?
I fail to see the obsession the right has with stopping "Big Government"

Government should do what needs to be done and at the level of government where it is most efficient

Look at a simple thing like garbage collection. Should it be a government responsibility?

I say, if they can do it better and at a less cost than a private company....Yes

If a private company charges $100 a month to collect my garbage and if my local government can do the same thing for $75.....Why shouldn't I want my local government to collect my garbage?

because thats not the way it works. private garbage collection is cheaper, more efficient, and creates tax paying jobs and tax paying companies. The govt cannot do anything more efficient than a company with a profit motive.

one of you cited defense spending as govt creation of jobs, do any of you libs think DOD operates efficiently?


If a private company can collect garbage better and at a less cost than the government then private companies should be used

But if the non-profit government can collect garbage cheaper ....why shouldn't we let them?

Why can't the functions of government be determined by what makes the most sense?
Money in the private sector that is invested in one business takes money away from any other business that might have wanted/needed that investment. What's the difference?

Get it?

You obviously have never taken a course in economics. You are very ignorant on the subject.

Government expenditures are very inefficient uses of earned money due to the political nature of determining how the money is being spent. Private businesses have to spend the money in an efficient manner or they go out of business.

A great example of that is General Motors. That company wasn't worth shit and turned out a product that very few people wanted. In steps that turdbrain Obama who gives them billions of taxpayer's dollars in order to pay back the filthy ass inefficient UAW for the campaign contributions he got from them. The billions of dollars that was given away could have been used to buy good and services that the taxpayers wanted. Instead it went to inefficient shitheads that couldn't make a profit on their own. Jobs were "saved" but at a great cost that exceed what the the more efficient private industry would have produced with the same amount of money.

U.S. government says it lost 11.2 billion on GM bailout Reuters

U.S. government says it lost $11.2 billion on GM bailout

When the government spends money on a tank or M-16 it doesn't produce a commodity that is useful to the people that had to give up money in order to fund the commodity. It is necessary because of the nature of defense but it takes money out of the productive economy.

When a shithead bureaucrat uses taxpayer's money to fund a bridge to nowhere or give money to a foreign country or subsidize bloated union wages, gives welfare or gives money to Solundra they have taken money out of the productive economy and introduced a significant loss.

You really need to take a course in economics so you don't look like a fool when you post on an internet discussion forum. It is embarrassing to have to educate you on some very basic economic principles.
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If a private company can collect garbage better and at a less cost than the government then private companies should be used

But if the non-profit government can collect garbage cheaper ....why shouldn't we let them?

Why can't the functions of government be determined by what makes the most sense?

Because of the political nature of government.

The bureaucrats that makes the determination of how money is spent are elected by special interest groups that often only have their own greedy interest at heart.

Government expenditures are always an inefficient use of earned money because the government doesn't have to make a profit. There is no incentive for the bureaucrats to spend the money in a cost efficient manner. All a filthy ass bureaucrats has to do is convince a bunch of idiots (like Obama did with the gaggle of stupid Moon Bats) that he/she is a peach and they are home free. There is no real accountability in government because the American people are mostly morons.

If a private company can collect garbage better and at a less cost than the government then private companies should be used

But if the non-profit government can collect garbage cheaper ....why shouldn't we let them?

Why can't the functions of government be determined by what makes the most sense?

Because of the political nature of government.

The bureaucrats that makes the determination of how money is spent are elected by special interest groups that often only have their own greedy interest at heart.

Government expenditures are always an inefficient use of earned money because the government doesn't have to make a profit. There is no incentive for the bureaucrats to spend the money in a cost efficient manner. All a filthy ass bureaucrats has to do is convince a bunch of idiots (like Obama did with the gaggle of stupid Moon Bats) that he/she is a peach and they are home free. There is no real accountability in government because the American people are mostly morons.

If my town can buy a couple of garbage trucks and hire some guys to man them and it saves me money, why shouldn't they?

Your rants about the inherent inefficiency, laziness and corruption of government have no merit. Corporations are looking to make a profit. If my local government can do it cheaper than a private company why shouldn't they?
Do they create jobs? Only in the loosest sense of the laws they make make businesses having those jobs more or less likely.

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