Do ‘Independents’ of today tend to ‘lean’ left / Democrat? If so, why do they?

so dude, listen up, this dude is trying to tell us he didn't vote for trump in 2020 was because 2021 jan 6, hahaahahahhahahahaahhahahaahahahaahahahahaahahahaha fk I can't stop laughing.
He claims to be Independent so he can say he agrees with this of one party and disagrees with that of actual stand on anything. But when it comes to voting, since his hatred for Trump outweighs anything he truly supports, he votes for Biden.
What possible reason would anyone have, or give, for supporting anything Biden has done?
who did you vote for for the second term election?

Michael Badnarik

Michael Badnarik - Wikipedia

1980 Reagan. 1984 John Anderson. 1988 Ron Paul. 1992 Lyndon LaRouche (I was beginning to figure out they are all corrupt so might as well vote for the one in jail) 1996 Harry Brown. 2000 Bush. 2004 Badnarik. 2008 Bob Barr. 2012 Vermin Supreme. 2016 Jill Stein. 2020 Jo Jorgensen.
No. Trump has taken many actions I do not support, including trying to orchestrate an overthrow of an election that clearly did not go his way.

That doesn't quite work timewise, you would have voted for Biden in 11/2020, no mention of any election fraud at that point. So you can't use that as your primary reason for voting against that which you said you stood for and supported. If you think Biden is the lessor of 2 evils, you need to have your head examined.
That doesn't quite work timewise, you would have voted for Biden in 11/2020, no mention of any election fraud at that point. So you can't use that as your primary reason for voting against that which you said you stood for and supported. If you think Biden is the lessor of 2 evils, you need to have your head examined.
His immense hatred of Trump was his reason for voting for Biden.
Not unlike most I would guess who would vote for that cretin.
Michael Badnarik

Michael Badnarik - Wikipedia

1980 Reagan. 1984 John Anderson. 1988 Ron Paul. 1992 Lyndon LaRouche (I was beginning to figure out they are all corrupt so might as well vote for the one in jail) 1996 Harry Brown. 2000 Bush. 2004 Badnarik. 2008 Bob Barr. 2012 Vermin Supreme. 2016 Jill Stein. 2020 Jo Jorgensen.

Not unlike my voting record.

Jorgensen - 2020
Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
Clinton- 1992
Bush I -1988
Reagan - 1984
Not unlike my voting record.

Jorgensen - 2020
Johnson - 2016
Johnson - 2012
Barr - 2008
Badnarik - 2004
Browne - 2000
Perot. - 1996
Clinton- 1992
Bush I -1988
Reagan - 1984

I have noted that I met Johnson in 2016. I was the photographer for the Libertarian Party convention in WV that year. I had no problem with him and appreciated his honesty but I got the impression at that point he was just looking to stroll off into the sunset. (not that I blame him).

When Stein was willing to back her words and go and protest and get arrested even over the water rights protests out west, she earned my vote.
Trump is a known piece of shit
“Known” by Americas abnormals, illegals, criminals and degenerates? Yes, absoulutyely.
yet still supported by small group of vocal supporters
“Small group”? Like 74 million?
so when they voice their support, I often give counter argument, sometimes using facts, as facts are antiseptic to the spread of disease.
“Facts”? Like “Trump is mean” or “Russia, Russia, Russia” or “INSURRECTION”?
I do it with Fox News (FAKE NEWS) supporters, also.
LibTard Logic:
”When a new agency says things that don’t align with my positions I deem them to be fake news”
Hahaha….W was far from a conservative….Further, I actually despise ‘Conservatives‘. Generally speaking, they are nutless cowards who haven’t conserved or preserved shit. The aggressive left has stomped on their spineless asses for decades.

This is what KARL ROVE and W brought into the Party....

I actually despise ‘Conservatives‘.

This dumb, lazy hateful moron loves big government and HANDOUTS.

He really is no different than a Democrat on the dole, except he support Zionist Fascism and wants all Middle East Muslims exterminated to enable Jesus to float down from the clouds...
Trump is a known piece of shit, yet still supported by small group of vocal supporters, so when they voice their support, I often give counter argument, sometimes using facts, as facts are antiseptic to the spread of disease. Don't feel bad. I do it with Fox News (FAKE NEWS) supporters, also.

Roflmao at supported by a small group


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