Do ‘Independents’ of today tend to ‘lean’ left / Democrat? If so, why do they?

The Border and current immigration policy.
I do not support BLM, viewing them as lying c#cksuckers, for a multilevel marketing scam, which only give a damn about black people's lives if a cop is involved, caring not, nor speaking out in protest to the violence of black on black crime and deadly violence which permeates their low income areas and spilling over into normal society, taking far more black lives than the target of their supposed fury.
I don't support boys and men (with their d#ck still attached) using girls or women's restroom under the guise of transgender equality, as it infringes the rights of girls and women, placing them in danger.

You asked for 1. I gave you 3.
Groups that support these things are the same short people Randy Newman wrote the song about, but on the other side of the fence.

Yet you vote for people who support exactly the opposite of the 3 things you mentioned, you're full of hot air. :dunno:

Just what I told him. What policy would be more important to americans?

Choosing the lessor of two weevils at the time. If facing the same choice, I would have to choose same.
White 6 could not have done a better job summarizing the title / my OP and affirming my suspicions.
He says he stands against open borders, against BLM bullshit and against chicks with dicks lunacy but then he votes for the party that firmly and openly STANDS FOR the very things he proclaims to detest. The shit just doesn’t make sense.
Golfing Gator plays the freedom fighter / liberty lover LibTarian role, one would think he would be quite vocal about his opposition to the most fascist, most marxist, most authoritarian, most totalitarian administration this nation has ever seen.….but he isn’t, instead he seems to be butt-buddies with every Biden lover on this forum giving the appearance that he fully approves.
Mac1958 expresses vehement HATE for the “extremes” yet he proudly admits to voting for and supporting the most extreme administration we’ve ever had in D.C.

This Twilight Zone shit is just plain weird….OR people are flat out lying and pretending.
no, 2020, the jan 6 thing didn't happen until after the election right? 2021? 2021 is after 2020, right? dude, you doubled down on your stupid.
So, you think we should forget what we know and forget what we know? Ah, NOPE.
I can sleep better at night knowing i didnt vote for those things.

Everyone should vote.
But you did vote for those things. Anyway, for the sake of argument, let's say that you voted Libertarian for president so that you didn't vote for those things. What do you think a Libertarian president would accomplish with a Congress full of Democrats and Republicans? Your vote would accomplish nothing, even in that case.
See, there is your misconception. There was no such overthrow attempt initiated.
That was just one of the many, I have listed.
That doesn't quite work timewise, you would have voted for Biden in 11/2020, no mention of any election fraud at that point. So you can't use that as your primary reason for voting against that which you said you stood for and supported. If you think Biden is the lessor of 2 evils, you need to have your head examined.
Except for most of my post #16 from thread "Trump kicks NBC reporter off plane, slams network as 'fake news:' 'Get him out of here'
That doesn't quite work timewise, you would have voted for Biden in 11/2020, no mention of any election fraud at that point. So you can't use that as your primary reason for voting against that which you said you stood for and supported. If you think Biden is the lessor of 2 evils, you need to have your head examined.
Nah, it was mostly his judgement, the crooks he brought to office (confessed or convicted), holding foreign policy for ransom for personal political gain, making fun of Gold Star families of fallen heroes as well as live troops injured in combat, acting like he had a line item veto over budget he signed, then redirecting from military base rebuilds, military schools, and sanitation and clean water on military bases for his wall that would not go through congress in the budget, his attacks on any news he didn't like as fake news, even if accurate and true, his hiring and firing practices that would have got him an ass whipping, firing somebody by tweet while across country on a business trip, his siding with Russia and Turkey to allow Turkey to do cross border raids on our war allies, not getting our troops out of Afghanistan as he campaigned on, after Obama also failed to get them out after killing Osama bin Laden (the reason were in Afghanistan to begin with), his lack of commitment to any normal standards of character, morals or oaths before God, and of course, his support for the culture war dividing America and other things, like his Covid response, his public denial of the seriousness, while telling a biographer in taped sessions how serious he knew it was, you know, his lying to the American public. Just stuff like that. Those were plenty of reasons normal people refused to give him another try in 2020. Now of course we have his post 2020 Un-American activity, so everybody is well aware he is a piece of shit, and he has Zero chance at election again, just a drag on the Republican party, he already injured.
Nah, it was mostly his judgement, the crooks he brought to office (confessed or convicted), holding foreign policy for ransom for personal political gain, making fun of Gold Star families of fallen heroes as well as live troops injured in combat, acting like he had a line item veto over budget he signed, then redirecting from military base rebuilds, military schools, and sanitation and clean water on military bases for his wall that would not go through congress in the budget, his attacks on any news he didn't like as fake news, even if accurate and true, his hiring and firing practices that would have got him an ass whipping, firing somebody by tweet while across country on a business trip, his siding with Russia and Turkey to allow Turkey to do cross border raids on our war allies, not getting our troops out of Afghanistan as he campaigned on, after Obama also failed to get them out after killing Osama bin Laden (the reason were in Afghanistan to begin with), his lack of commitment to any normal standards of character, morals or oaths before God, and of course, his support for the culture war dividing America and other things, like his Covid response, his public denial of the seriousness, while telling a biographer in taped sessions how serious he knew it was, you know, his lying to the American public. Just stuff like that. Those were plenty of reasons normal people refused to give him another try in 2020. Now of course we have his post 2020 Un-American activity, so everybody is well aware he is a piece of shit, and he has Zero chance at election again, just a drag on the Republican party, he already injured.
Actually, keep talking, it just adds to his poll numbers.
And I couldn't care less if he runs or is the nominee again. you just add to the strength of whomever the Republicans choose.
Actually, keep talking, it just adds to his poll numbers.
And I couldn't care less if he runs or is the nominee again. you just add to the strength of whomever the Republicans choose.
What a schlep you are. You really think any of the 1600 plus/minus people across the country that participate in national contact polls by established polling organization are hanging on the words of a message board poster, me or anybody else? NOPE. Wake up. They know everything, haven't forgotten little, so Donny has not chance, except the chance to take the party down further for not fielding an adequate candidate again.
What a schlep you are. You really think any of the 1600 plus/minus people across the country that participate in national contact polls by established polling organization are hanging on the words of a message board poster, me or anybody else? NOPE. Wake up. They know everything, haven't forgotten little, so Donny has not chance, except the chance to take the party down further for not fielding an adequate candidate again.
Schlep right back atcha fake Independent. At least my team takes a stand then stands by it instead of pretending to be one thing then doing another. People pay plenty of attention to what is being discussed, printed, shown, etc, and you represent one type that is being shown up for what they are.
The more you attack a single person over what he has represented for Americans, yes even given his faults, the more people see you and others like you for what you are. You wake up.
Trump stands for America, Biden and the Dems do not...that simple.
Schlep right back atcha fake Independent. At least my team takes a stand then stands by it instead of pretending to be one thing then doing another. People pay plenty of attention to what is being discussed, printed, shown, etc, and you represent one type that is being shown up for what they are.
The more you attack a single person over what he has represented for Americans, yes even given his faults, the more people see you and others like you for what you are. You wake up.
Trump stands for America, Biden and the Dems do not...that simple.
I'm not running for anything, so could give a sh#t. Independents already know everything I said, as it was in the news and on the internet. Democrats take an even more unfavorable view and even centrist Republican have not forgotten, nor those RINOS you guys bitch about. I just give my views while you guys try to have a circle jerk amongst yourselves. That is what piss you off. Have fun. Hope you have so tissues ready.
Your childish remark is exactly why many independents lean left. Why would you call everyone who doesn't share your political views effeminate? There is no rational reason to ty to make that connection. Petty and childish isn't an attractive look if you are wanting to attract mature reasonable voters.
whatever lady . you know darn good and well the more effeminate someone is the more likely they are to lean left .
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Probably my military background.

I thought Bernie was some kind of Socialist, running to represent that state on the Democratic ticket for party name support and caucusing with the Democrats in office. From what I have heard, he does not sound independent. Is this incorrect?
and yet Sanders the socialist is very very pleased with the policies of the man you voted for .

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