Do Jews like prophet Jesus?

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Jews don't believe in Prophet Jesus.

Christians accuse Jews of killing Prophet Jesus.

Muslims believe in both Prophets of God: Moses and Jesus.

In the light of the above stated facts, Rabbi Tovia Singer tries to answer this question:

Jews don't believe in Prophet Jesus.

Christians accuse Jews of killing Prophet Jesus.

Muslims believe in both Prophets of God: Moses and Jesus.

In the light of the above stated facts, Rabbi Tovia Singer tries to answer this question:

I dunno, but nobody likes mooslims.
Rabbi singer did not do a good job in explaining the jewish POV re Jesus.
I cannot imagine why anyone would POST UP this silly rambling speech---His
one correct point is---"jews don't talk about Jesus------other than those
jews who saw violence "IN THE NAME OF JESUS"-------my grandfather was one
who really did not like Jesus and so would react negatively if "Jesus" was
mentioned. I know what jews born in muslim countries think about
Jesus-------ABSOLUTELY NO THINKIING at all. I have to explain to my hubby---who was born in a shariah shit hole,------what EASTER is all about---EVERY YEAR!!!
Those of his group-------- who saw their relatives murdered by muslims in the NAME OF "AL NABI"-----really despise muhummad based on the FILTH jews who lived in
shariah shit holes endured for 1400 years
Jews don't believe in Prophet Jesus.

Christians accuse Jews of killing Prophet Jesus.

Muslims believe in both Prophets of God: Moses and Jesus.

In the light of the above stated facts, Rabbi Tovia Singer tries to answer this question:

Some accept Jesus as a jewish teacher but not as god
Granny says, "Dat's right...

Neither the Jews nor Muslims accept Jesus as the Messiah.

But God wants all to accept Jesus as the Messiah.

Those who don't, gonna go to the place o' fire an' brimstone...

... inna afterlife."
Jews don't believe in Prophet Jesus.

Christians accuse Jews of killing Prophet Jesus.

Muslims believe in both Prophets of God: Moses and Jesus.

In the light of the above stated facts, Rabbi Tovia Singer tries to answer this question:

No they don't, neither does your pedophile goat-humping prophet Mohammed.

Jesus is the real deal.

Established since the beginning of time, not 600 AD

By the way, that AD stands for 600 years after he died. That's the way the world counts time. ;)

Unless you buy into the libtard terms of "BC" and "BCE"

Which I don't because fuck them and it was the same for 2k years before that.

The BC and BCE thing is just another way for leftists to chip away at the stone.

Jesus wasn't a prophet, he was God.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

Neither the Jews nor Muslims accept Jesus as the Messiah.

But God wants all to accept Jesus as the Messiah.

Those who don't, gonna go to the place o' fire an' brimstone...

... inna afterlife."

you are scaring me
Jews don't believe in Prophet Jesus.

Christians accuse Jews of killing Prophet Jesus.

Muslims believe in both Prophets of God: Moses and Jesus.

In the light of the above stated facts, Rabbi Tovia Singer tries to answer this question:

Some accept Jesus as a jewish teacher but not as god

all jews are teachers------jews like to tell everyone WHAT'S WHAT
Well I am Jewish by birth and Jesus is definitely my favorite rabbi. I've always thought his central message was that you need not pay in order to pray. God requires no bribe to religion or the men that run it. You can know God anywhere, anytime...even at the dinner table.

When Jesus lived, it was the religious leaders requiring offerings to pray at the synagogue that were in charge, the central planners of their day. That Jesus stood against them appeals to this libertarian.
Jews don't believe in Prophet Jesus.

Christians accuse Jews of killing Prophet Jesus.

Muslims believe in both Prophets of God: Moses and Jesus.

In the light of the above stated facts, Rabbi Tovia Singer tries to answer this question:

Some accept Jesus as a jewish teacher but not as god

Some think Jesus is a God? Okay........

>>Some accept Jesus as a jewish teacher but not as god<<

What don't you understand?
Well I am Jewish by birth and Jesus is definitely my favorite rabbi. I've always thought his central message was that you need not pay in order to pray. God requires no bribe to religion or the men that run it. You can know God anywhere, anytime...even at the dinner table.

When Jesus lived, it was the religious leaders requiring offerings to pray at the synagogue that were in charge, the central planners of their day. That Jesus stood against them appeals to this libertarian.

if you are jewish by birth-----you, clearly, never learned much about the religion.
There is no charge for entering a synagogue back then or now. In fact---you never
read the New Testament. Jesus does not mention the issue to which you refer
Well I am Jewish by birth and Jesus is definitely my favorite rabbi. I've always thought his central message was that you need not pay in order to pray. God requires no bribe to religion or the men that run it. You can know God anywhere, anytime...even at the dinner table.

When Jesus lived, it was the religious leaders requiring offerings to pray at the synagogue that were in charge, the central planners of their day. That Jesus stood against them appeals to this libertarian.

if you are jewish by birth-----you, clearly, never learned much about the religion.
There is no charge for entering a synagogue back then or now. In fact---you never
read the New Testament. Jesus does not mention the issue to which you refer

If we're limiting ourselves to what Jesus mentioned as sanctioned by the church, then you'd be right. There are additional thoughts on the subject, such as:

Well I am Jewish by birth and Jesus is definitely my favorite rabbi. I've always thought his central message was that you need not pay in order to pray. God requires no bribe to religion or the men that run it. You can know God anywhere, anytime...even at the dinner table.

When Jesus lived, it was the religious leaders requiring offerings to pray at the synagogue that were in charge, the central planners of their day. That Jesus stood against them appeals to this libertarian.

if you are jewish by birth-----you, clearly, never learned much about the religion.
There is no charge for entering a synagogue back then or now. In fact---you never
read the New Testament. Jesus does not mention the issue to which you refer

If we're limiting ourselves to what Jesus mentioned as sanctioned by the church, then you'd be right. There are additional thoughts on the subject, such as:


"ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS" ?? The new testament is the only existing
record of Jesus. Someone wrote a book of CONJECTURE
Well I am Jewish by birth and Jesus is definitely my favorite rabbi. I've always thought his central message was that you need not pay in order to pray. God requires no bribe to religion or the men that run it. You can know God anywhere, anytime...even at the dinner table.

When Jesus lived, it was the religious leaders requiring offerings to pray at the synagogue that were in charge, the central planners of their day. That Jesus stood against them appeals to this libertarian.

if you are jewish by birth-----you, clearly, never learned much about the religion.
There is no charge for entering a synagogue back then or now. In fact---you never
read the New Testament. Jesus does not mention the issue to which you refer

If we're limiting ourselves to what Jesus mentioned as sanctioned by the church, then you'd be right. There are additional thoughts on the subject, such as:


"ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS" ?? The new testament is the only existing
record of Jesus. Someone wrote a book of CONJECTURE

I have no problem with a religious man. I have a problem with close minded one.

Good luck to you.
Well I am Jewish by birth and Jesus is definitely my favorite rabbi. I've always thought his central message was that you need not pay in order to pray. God requires no bribe to religion or the men that run it. You can know God anywhere, anytime...even at the dinner table.

When Jesus lived, it was the religious leaders requiring offerings to pray at the synagogue that were in charge, the central planners of their day. That Jesus stood against them appeals to this libertarian.

if you are jewish by birth-----you, clearly, never learned much about the religion.
There is no charge for entering a synagogue back then or now. In fact---you never
read the New Testament. Jesus does not mention the issue to which you refer

If we're limiting ourselves to what Jesus mentioned as sanctioned by the church, then you'd be right. There are additional thoughts on the subject, such as:


"ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS" ?? The new testament is the only existing
record of Jesus. Someone wrote a book of CONJECTURE

testament in the bible, but others exist. Close to 200 other books that were not included

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