Do Jews Own The Media?

while we are all here----maybe Penelope will tell me about those "jewish writings"
she claims I do not like-------or in what synagogue she heard a diatribe against a person named "JESUS" ---or "MARY"
while we are all here----maybe Penelope will tell me about those "jewish writings"
she claims I do not like-------or in what synagogue she heard a diatribe against a person named "JESUS" ---or "MARY"
.You do acknowledge there is a lot of hate in the Talmud directed against Jesus, right?

Jesus in the Talmud
while we are all here----maybe Penelope will tell me about those "jewish writings"
she claims I do not like-------or in what synagogue she heard a diatribe against a person named "JESUS" ---or "MARY"
.You do acknowledge there is a lot of hate in the Talmud directed against Jesus, right?

Jesus in the Talmud

I do acknowledge that Jesus not mentioned in the Talmud at all---however----for the record--
how about YOU give us actual citations-----quotation from the Talmud ABOUT
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I do acknowledge that Jesus not mentioned in the Talmud at all---however----for the record--
how about YOU give us actual citations-----quotation from the Talmud ABOUT
Why do you feel Peter Schäfer's Jesus in the Talmud is wrong?
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I do acknowledge that Jesus not mentioned in the Talmud at all---however----for the record--
how about YOU give us actual citations-----quotation from the Talmud ABOUT
Why do you feel Peter Schäfer's Jesus in the Talmud is wrong?

Because unlike you----and maybe even him-----I have read several volumes of the Talmud- And long before that I read islamo Nazi propaganda. ALSO ---I know the history of how and when the Talmud was written-----parts of
it were written in the era of the imposition of the stink and
filth of JUSTINIAN LAW ---(ie the era of the holy roman
empire under the Nazi pig Constantine and thereafter)------
Getting back to "anti jesus" writings----in all instances---
either the EXAMPLES used by your fellow Nazis were simply silly nonsense-------or were writings addressing NOT
JESUS-----but the piece of shit nonsense garbage written
ABOUT JESUS and shoved into the new testament by the
council of nicea (spelling?) & by Nazi piece of shit-----
Constantine. For the record---Constantine was such a piece of shit that there are Christian clergymen who PREFER to claim that he was not a Christian (his mom---
Helen-----was but not him) Let me know if you want to know anything about what Constantine did-----and how
he preferred to present "jesus"-------at that time when mentioning either Jesus of Constantine---to jews---you might
as well have said HITLER (or Mengele)
I forgot to add------jews had nothing to say about jesus whilst he lived-----nothing------did you ever wonder why? ----jews did keep records------the period of time in which Jesus lived-----actually overlaps------the period of time---in which the Talmud was written-----sorta. There was a Christian scholar---I believe an Anglican----who spent his entire life DESPERATELY looking for "jesus" in ancient jewish writings---especially the DEAD SEA SCROLLS-------the poor guy got depressed------he realized that he had wasted his life. FOR A GUY SO HATED----one would think that some one would have mentioned him--------some of the
persons mentioned in the new testament DO show up
in writings------not Jesus or Jesu or Yeshua -------
the names do show up here and there but not him. The
name Mary and Joseph also show up-----people are still
looking --------did those CONTROLLERS OF THE MEDIA
manage to find all ancient stuff and blot him out?.
I am not suggesting that Jesus did not exist-----
simply he was not a person of great interest at that time---
to jews.-----allusions to HEROD show up and even allusions
to some bad guys-----uhm ----the roman appointed
"high priest" is certainly remembered------I forgot his name-------I will find it-------he is noted in the New Testament as a kind of generic jew-------he is still a despised person in jewish
history----------sheeeesh I cannot remember his name right
now---for jews he is a generic BAD GUY SADDUCEE
Caiaphas-------<<< the name of the bad guy "high priest"---
mentioned in the NT--------if your theories about jews and
how they regarded Jesus were true ---HE WOULD BE SEEN
AS A HERO-----in fact he is considered scum-----in jewish
grammar schools------a roman appointee---SADDUCEE<<
bad guy
Getting back to "anti jesus" writings----in all instances---
either the EXAMPLES used by your fellow Nazis were simply silly nonsense-------or were writings addressing NOT
JESUS-----but the piece of shit nonsense garbage written
ABOUT JESUS and shoved into the new testament by the
council of nicea (spelling?) & by Nazi piece of shit-----
at that time when mentioning either Jesus of Constantine---to jews---you might
as well have said HITLER (or Mengele)
In the midst of your rambling and your name-calling I noticed that you feel Jesus = Hitler (or Mengele) and Constantine "shoved" "nonsense garbage" into the New Testament. It is very ignorant for you to say that Constantine imposed his views on the First Council of Nicaea - he only called the Council and deferred to the (almost unanimous) decision of the assembled bishops. Also the First Council of Nicaea did not establish the biblical canon.
Getting back to "anti jesus" writings----in all instances---
either the EXAMPLES used by your fellow Nazis were simply silly nonsense-------or were writings addressing NOT
JESUS-----but the piece of shit nonsense garbage written
ABOUT JESUS and shoved into the new testament by the
council of nicea (spelling?) & by Nazi piece of shit-----
at that time when mentioning either Jesus of Constantine---to jews---you might
as well have said HITLER (or Mengele)
In the midst of your rambling and your name-calling I noticed that you feel Jesus = Hitler (or Mengele) and Constantine "shoved" "nonsense garbage" into the New Testament. It is very ignorant for you to say that Constantine imposed his views on the First Council of Nicaea - he only called the Council and deferred to the (almost unanimous) decision of the assembled bishops. Also the First Council of Nicaea did not establish the biblical canon.

you spoke on your 'faith' not on history-----at no point did I
suggest that Jesus is like hitler----HOWEVER Constantine
was -----Constantine oppressed jews IN THE NAME OF
JESUS------it is the oppression by Constantine that tended to sour jews toward jesus ------there is absolutely no
historical evidence that jews had anything on Jesus prior
to being murdered in his name. It might interest you to know
that the founder of the NUREMBURG LAWS was your pal--
SAINT CONSTANTINE As to influence on the Biblical canon------gee you are naïve. The romans (by historical
evidence)------hated jews for rejecting THE ROMAN CULTURE. That "hate the jews" crap got into the
new testament-----is not a COINCIDENCE Constantine
needed it. Now tell me that King Henry VIII personal
ambitions had nothing to do with ANGLICANISM.
For Jesus in the Talmud-----give me an example----I so enjoy this nonsense------so many of you assume no one
ever read the books
you spoke on your 'faith' not on history-----at no point did I
suggest that Jesus is like hitler----
Well you said to Jews, Jesus was equivalent to Hitler.
HOWEVER Constantine
was -----Constantine oppressed jews IN THE NAME OF
JESUS------it is the oppression by Constantine that tended to sour jews toward jesus ------
I understand Constantine restricted Jewish ownership of slaves, but I don't know why you think his position towards the Jews was anything like Hitler's. Please provide evidence.
there is absolutely no
historical evidence that jews had anything on Jesus prior
to being murdered in his name.
Wrong. Think of the persecutions St. Paul was involved in prior to his conversion. Also think of the Bar Kochba revolt.

Texts on Bar Kochba: Eusebius

It might interest you to know
that the founder of the NUREMBURG LAWS was your pal--
you spoke on your 'faith' not on history-----at no point did I
suggest that Jesus is like hitler----
Well you said to Jews, Jesus was equivalent to Hitler.
HOWEVER Constantine
was -----Constantine oppressed jews IN THE NAME OF
JESUS------it is the oppression by Constantine that tended to sour jews toward jesus ------
I understand Constantine restricted Jewish ownership of slaves, but I don't know why you think his position towards the Jews was anything like Hitler's. Please provide evidence.
there is absolutely no
historical evidence that jews had anything on Jesus prior
to being murdered in his name.
Wrong. Think of the persecutions St. Paul was involved in prior to his conversion. Also think of the Bar Kochba revolt.

Texts on Bar Kochba: Eusebius

It might interest you to know
that the founder of the NUREMBURG LAWS was your pal--
gee you are clueless-----Justin was the grandson of the NAZI PIG Constantine. Pal Nazi Constantine decided to render
genocide against jews legal -----in the following way Jews
were not permitted to own weapons of any kind, had to be marked with YELLOW INSIGNIA-----could not own land, bascically for his laws SEE THE NUREMBURG LAWS----
Justin---grandson of Constantine----right in line with Nazi pig
Constantine and actually CODIFIED the pig's laws ---the same laws that legalized the Inquisition and the auto de fe parties of that program.
I am not at all impressed with his version of history------all Nazi pigs depend on libel. -----There is no real history of jews murdering Christians-----with the rise of
Christianity ---jews of PALESTINA were on the run or in hiding-----archaeologists are still finding hiding places---
they were running from the genocidal program of Constantine and his grandson.-------during the time that the last part of the
Talmud was written ------gee learn some history

for the record-----give me a line of "jesus hate" from the
Talmud-----I find them amusing -----tell me that BALAAM
is an alternate "CODE" name for "jesus" I need a good laugh. I really like that idiot thing in the islamo Nazi propaganda that claims "jesus is in hot semen in hell"----
from the book of 'gitten'--------
PS Paul was imprisoned by the Romans------of course "the romans did it as a "favor"
to the jews" just like they fed Christians ----well also jews (at that time the romans
considered Christians to be a variety of jew) ----to lions in the colliseum---
built as a "favpr to the jews" by forced jewish slave labor-----SO MANY FAVORS TO THE
JEWS done by the romans-------crucifixtions-----feeding the jewish lions with kosher
Christians ----letting jews
build the coliseum so the romans could feed the lions-----then the romans----instituted
the laws that rendered the inquisition and the genocide of the jews of the "HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE" (first reich) no wonder jews like pizza. I wonder what Goebbels would have
said about DA JOOOOOS had his pal adolf won the war. For the record----
Goebbels was not only born a catholic ----he was UNLAPSED unlike his pal Adolf-----
he and Magda were PIOU and unlapsed to the very end when Magda shoved cyanide down
the throats of her five babies and took a bullet to her holy head
Pal Nazi Constantine decided to render
genocide against jews legal -----in the following way Jews
were not permitted to own weapons of any kind, had to be marked with YELLOW INSIGNIA-----could not own land, bascically for his laws SEE THE NUREMBURG LAWS----
no wonder jews like pizza.
A lot of fascinating remarks about the Nuremburg laws and pizza and many other topics, but please provide some EVIDENCE. I don't want people to think you are the sort of buffoon who makes hysterical accusations without evidence.
I wonder what Goebbels would have
said about DA JOOOOOS had his pal adolf won the war. For the record----
Goebbels was not only born a catholic ----he was UNLAPSED unlike his pal Adolf-----
he and Magda were PIOU and unlapsed to the very end when Magda shoved cyanide down
the throats of her five babies and took a bullet to her holy head
Again I've caught you spreading lies.

quote: Though raised a Catholic, Goebbels was one of the most aggressive anti-Christian radicals in the Hitler regime and saw the conflict with the Churches as a priority concern.[63] The Nazi regime intended to destroy Christianity in Germany, if it could.[64] Though Hitler was often prepared to restrain his anticlericalism out of political considerations, his inflammatory comments to his colleagues gave underlings like Goebbels all the license needed to intensify their anti-Church Struggle.[63] On 8 April 1941, Goebbels wrote that Hitler 'hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity."[65] He wrote on 29 December 1939, that Hitler viewed Christianity as a "symptom of decay" and added his own opinion: "Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed".[66]
Clergy, nuns and lay leaders were targeted, leading to thousands of arrests over the ensuing years, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or "immorality".[67] Goebbels led the Nazi persecution of the clergy.[68] In 1933, the Nazis established a Reich Chamber of Authorship and Reich Press Chamber under the Reich Cultural Chamber of the Ministry for Propaganda. Dissident writers were terrorised.[69] The flourishing Christian press of Germany faced censorship and closure. Finally in March 1941, Goebbels banned all Church press, on the pretext of a "paper shortage".[70]
1935-6 was the height of the "immorality" trials against priests, monks, lay-brothers and nuns. By early 1937, the Catholic Church hierarchy in Germany, which had initially attempted to co-operate with the new government, had become highly disillusioned. Pope Pius XI issued the encyclical Mit brennender Sorge - accusing the Nazis of violations of the 1933 Reichskonkordat, and of fundamental hostility to the Church; the encyclical also attacked Nazi racial ideology.[71][72] The Nazis responded with, an intensification of the Church Struggle.[68] Goebbels noted heightened verbal attacks on the clergy from Hitler in his diary and wrote that Hitler had approved the start of trumped up "immorality trials" against clergy and anti-Church propaganda campaign. Goebbels' orchestrated attack included a staged "morality trial" of 37 Franciscans.[68] On the "Church Question", wrote Goebbels, "after the war it has to be generally solved... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[68]

link: Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There is no real history of jews murdering Christians

Stalin s Jews - Israel Opinion Ynetnews
Pal Nazi Constantine decided to render
genocide against jews legal -----in the following way Jews
were not permitted to own weapons of any kind, had to be marked with YELLOW INSIGNIA-----could not own land, bascically for his laws SEE THE NUREMBURG LAWS----
no wonder jews like pizza.
A lot of fascinating remarks about the Nuremburg laws and pizza and many other topics, but please provide some EVIDENCE. I don't want people to think you are the sort of buffoon who makes hysterical accusations without evidence.
I wonder what Goebbels would have
said about DA JOOOOOS had his pal adolf won the war. For the record----
Goebbels was not only born a catholic ----he was UNLAPSED unlike his pal Adolf-----
he and Magda were PIOU and unlapsed to the very end when Magda shoved cyanide down
the throats of her five babies and took a bullet to her holy head
Again I've caught you spreading lies.

quote: Though raised a Catholic, Goebbels was one of the most aggressive anti-Christian radicals in the Hitler regime and saw the conflict with the Churches as a priority concern.[63] The Nazi regime intended to destroy Christianity in Germany, if it could.[64] Though Hitler was often prepared to restrain his anticlericalism out of political considerations, his inflammatory comments to his colleagues gave underlings like Goebbels all the license needed to intensify their anti-Church Struggle.[63] On 8 April 1941, Goebbels wrote that Hitler 'hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity."[65] He wrote on 29 December 1939, that Hitler viewed Christianity as a "symptom of decay" and added his own opinion: "Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. This can be seen in the similarity of their religious rites. Both (Judaism and Christianity) have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end they will be destroyed".[66]
Clergy, nuns and lay leaders were targeted, leading to thousands of arrests over the ensuing years, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or "immorality".[67] Goebbels led the Nazi persecution of the clergy.[68] In 1933, the Nazis established a Reich Chamber of Authorship and Reich Press Chamber under the Reich Cultural Chamber of the Ministry for Propaganda. Dissident writers were terrorised.[69] The flourishing Christian press of Germany faced censorship and closure. Finally in March 1941, Goebbels banned all Church press, on the pretext of a "paper shortage".[70]
1935-6 was the height of the "immorality" trials against priests, monks, lay-brothers and nuns. By early 1937, the Catholic Church hierarchy in Germany, which had initially attempted to co-operate with the new government, had become highly disillusioned. Pope Pius XI issued the encyclical Mit brennender Sorge - accusing the Nazis of violations of the 1933 Reichskonkordat, and of fundamental hostility to the Church; the encyclical also attacked Nazi racial ideology.[71][72] The Nazis responded with, an intensification of the Church Struggle.[68] Goebbels noted heightened verbal attacks on the clergy from Hitler in his diary and wrote that Hitler had approved the start of trumped up "immorality trials" against clergy and anti-Church propaganda campaign. Goebbels' orchestrated attack included a staged "morality trial" of 37 Franciscans.[68] On the "Church Question", wrote Goebbels, "after the war it has to be generally solved... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[68]

link: Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There is no real history of jews murdering Christians

Stalin s Jews - Israel Opinion Ynetnews

more idiocy from the islamo Nazi pig-----communists murdered people-----amongst the communists the islamo
Nazi dogs found a few people with a jewish grandmother.
Stalin was an EASTERN ORTHODOX ----guy ----so good at
his studies of RELIGION------that his teachers hoped to make him a PRIEST of the CHURCH-----ie----he was---actually a child of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---with the
same approach to jews----all the way down to the yellow
insignia favored by SAINT ADOLF
Stalin was an EASTERN ORTHODOX ----guy ----so good at
his studies of RELIGION------that his teachers hoped to make him a PRIEST of the CHURCH
Another lie. Stalin was of course an atheist. I'd ask you for evidence, but I know you are only capable of disconnected, fact-free rants.
Pro-Palestinians here have been claiming Jews own the media. Here's the real story. Also read the link by Matti Friedman at the beginning of the blog.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP’s anti-Israel bias
Posted on 08/26/2014 by Meryl Yourish
This is an extraordinary article by former AP Jerusalem reporter and editor Matti Friedman. Read it all, and weep.

He explains what we’ve been telling you for years: There is a narrative that the news media follows on Israel. Anti-Israel stories are pushed. Most articles that show the Palestinians in a bad light are suppressed.

The AP Jerusalem editor exposes AP 8217 s anti-Israel bias

It is well known why the truth is suppressed ... news outlets rightly fear for the safety of their journalists in the "peaceful" Arab/Muslim World and it isn't just pro-Palestinians who make that old blood-libel claim but rather insipid Nazis of all stripes.
Stalin was an EASTERN ORTHODOX ----guy ----so good at
his studies of RELIGION------that his teachers hoped to make him a PRIEST of the CHURCH
Another lie. Stalin was of course an atheist. I'd ask you for evidence, but I know you are only capable of disconnected, fact-free rants.

you stepped into that one------the "jews" who were communists were also atheists Stalin was born in an
eastern orthodox family and was actually a divinity
student in his youth-------He so impressed his teachers----
the priests---that they were into grooming him to be a cleric --------gee you are dim------do you know how to google?
I read your propaganda long ago-----anyone with a jewish great grandfather is defined as A JOOOOOO
Its a good question, in the OP.

There is a very good answer to it: No.

Media power is in many hands. Many moreso now that we all have access to the world through the internet and can blog our way to stardom. However CORPORATION media is controlled by big money and by people so rich that money no longer matters, and their currency is power.

As well as the very well financed - by those who control the money - security operations.

So you admit that the old "Jews own the media" canard is just hate at work, that the MSM is actually in biz to make money for its stakeholders, and that thanks to the wide array of international outlets and the Internet only a fool is fooled by camel crap.
Since you claim to understand these realities, why is it you post so much BS?

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