Do leftists actually think we are stupid enough to ever accept the fraudulent election?

I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
here is a pro-tip, moron.

an election is not fraudulent just because your fat fucking troll lost.
it's not "free and fair" just because your senile pedophile won.
View attachment 508403

Trump was sued along with Epstein for child rape, but yet you support Trump. Go figure.
I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
here is a pro-tip, moron.

an election is not fraudulent just because your fat fucking troll lost.
it's not "free and fair" just because your senile pedophile won.
View attachment 508403
View attachment 508425

Trump was sued along with Epstein for child rape, but yet you support Trump. Go figure.
She dropped the case shortly after the election. Gee, I wonder why she did that.
I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
here is a pro-tip, moron.

an election is not fraudulent just because your fat fucking troll lost.
it's not "free and fair" just because your senile pedophile won.
View attachment 508403
View attachment 508425

Trump was sued along with Epstein for child rape, but yet you support Trump. Go figure.
She dropped the case shortly after the election. Gee, I wonder why she did that.
Speculation is she was paid 20 mil to drop the case. Notice Trump never attacked her or her lawyers. I wonder why?
I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
here is a pro-tip, moron.

an election is not fraudulent just because your fat fucking troll lost.
it's not "free and fair" just because your senile pedophile won.
View attachment 508403
View attachment 508425

Trump was sued along with Epstein for child rape, but yet you support Trump. Go figure.
She dropped the case shortly after the election. Gee, I wonder why she did that.
Speculation is she was paid 20 mil to drop the case. Notice Trump never attacked her or her lawyers. I wonder why?
"Speculation" means you have proof of nothing. Attacking her lawyers would only giver her the attention she craved.
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Do leftists actually think we are stupid enough to ever accept the fraudulent election?

Actually, progressives understand very well that you trump Nazis are much too gullible AND stupid to realize the 2020 election results were accurate. And, that your cult leader, the big-orange-a$$hole, lost in a landslide. Also, you brainless trump Nazi cannot see he has been lying to you ever since he hit the campaign trail in 2015.

No one expects any of you fools to change in any way that is an improvement.

I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
JFK jr. still alive, ain't he?
I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.

The attacks on Rudy Giuliani by corrupt governments hacks, the savage attacks on Mike Lindell, etc. are all meant as intimidation - a warning to the public that questioning the Reich will bring retaliation, no matter who you are. America's mayor who brought us through 9-11? The Reich doesn't care, they are using every corrupt judge and crooked cop in the nation to wage war.

The Nazis use a combination of indoctrination and coercion to crush any dissent from the party agenda. Nearly everyone knows that the election was as rotten as a fish in the sun for 3 days, but few will voice opposition for fear of retaliation on social media or arrest by the Gestapo.

The 1/6 Reichstag Fire is meant to send a message that protesting against the Reich will be met with fury from the Gestapo.
Trump, Guiliani & Lindell are attacking this entire nation based on a filthy lie. They are a threat to this entire nation. My sympathies lie with our children & grandchildren because next time around they may get away with it. Ang people like YOU are enabling them by parroting the lie. You are a fool & your children & grandchildren will pay the price for your stupidity if that crew is ever put back in power.
Trump, Guiliani & Lindell are attacking this entire nation based on a filthy lie.
Questioning a corrupt election and demanding integrity is the DUTY of decent Americans.

They are a threat to this entire nation. My sympathies lie with our children & grandchildren because next time around they may get away with it. Ang people like YOU are enabling them by parroting the lie. You are a fool & your children & grandchildren will pay the price for your stupidity if that crew is ever put back in power.

In the 1930's the German people did nothing about your kind as you rose. Our children will rightfully hate us if we left you again gain that level of power.

Never Again.
Why are Trumpsters spending so much time whining at people who voted for Biden?

Why aren't you directing all this anger at Trump's Supreme Court, Trump's appointed lower court judges, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's DHS, the FBI, Republican legislators, Republican election officials, Republican governors and state supreme courts?

Those people think you are RUBES who have been CONNED. Your ire and hatred should be directed at THOSE radical pinko Deep State Hitler swamp commies, not your political adversaries.

Don't you know that?

I welcome actual audits conducted by accredited auditing firms in all 50 states. My state does a post election audit after every single election. I believe all states should. Weird that the states that DON'T do a post election audit are mostly red, Republican led states...
We're going to need recounts and audit more often now that we on to the Democrats game of stealing elections.

Do leftists actually think we are stupid enough to ever accept the fraudulent election?​

I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
So, now that it’s known that an election has/can be stolen, whatcha gonna do? Vote harder?
Right-Wingers, Your guy lost the popular vote both times. It is more probable that y'all stole the election the first time and that is why y'all are projecting so much and so hard alleging a stolen election after Your guy lost the popular vote.
I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.
choke on it like a fish bone
Why are Trumpsters spending so much time whining at people who voted for Biden?
So we shouldn't get upset when people make stupid decisions in the voting booth?
The fact that people disagree with you doesn't make them stupid. We generally learn that one before we reach high school. What happened with you?

And why are you avoiding the fact that Trump's Supreme Court, Trump's appointed lower court judges, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's DHS, the FBI, Republican legislators, Republican election officials, Republican governors and state supreme courts all think that you've been conned?
Right-Wingers, Your guy lost the popular vote both times.
Well, the alternate universe deals with that by telling them that he actually won the popular vote both times.

That's the neat thing about alternate universes: You can just make stuff up to support any delusion you'd like.
I am just wondering if they actually think any of us that are smart enough to see what happened, what has been happening, and what is happening on behalf of the world globalists will ever accept it?

We fully understand exactly what we are dealing with. Only useful idiots under the spell of the ways of the world and under the power of group think brought about by the world media, entertainment industry and marxist education actually accept it.

You are obviously stupid enough to believe a serial liar with a 40 year history of being a cheat.
And what we have seen over the years and decades by many others who are lifetime politicians who are first in line for the goodies are people of honor and integrity by your assumption. There are people who have that. But are drowned out by agendas. If Trump was a Democratic President you would have been on Cloud 9 everyday. You spew venom on the people who build and repair everything we have at a much higher percentage.

Nope. I would have resigned the Democratic party if they had promoted Trump.

Trump is a criminal.. much like Gadaffi. He's dumb, uneducated, immoral, pompous, power mad and dishonest.

Trump is the bottom of the barrel.

Search for

Gadaffi Jewish

And get some truth about the terrorist behind pan am 103

There is no evidence that Gaddafi's mother was Jewish.. Just rumor.
"I saved you", cried the woman
"and you've bit me even , why?"
You know your bite is posionous and now I'm gonna die"
"Oh shut up, silly woman", said the reptile with a grin,
"You knew damned well I was a snake before you took me in".

Letting the filthy Democrats steal the election is the same as the woman taking in the snake.

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