Do Liberals support third trimester abortions?

The most amazing aspect of certain human brains are the ones that contain a chunk that says "I'm pro-life and pro-war."

And pro-capital punishment.

I always found it funny how a liberal can condone the killing or a completely innocent child and yet protect one that has no problem killing and raping. There is a HUGE difference in capital punishment of someone that has committed a truly heinous crime and the killing of an innocent. The fact that you put them on comparable ground is downright scary.

The broader issue is do you cherish life or not? It does seem ironic that those who tend to support capital punishment also oppose abortion. An aborted child can be allowed to can a murderer

You have a choice of whether to abort a child or not
You also have a choice of whether to execute a murderer
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I view the issue not as.... How do we end abortions/How to we keep abortions

But what can we do to reduce the need for an abortion. To do this we need to provide solutions to the following dilemas

I am getting an abortion because:

I screwed up/didn't use birth control Dont glamorise sex.
I don't want my parents to know I am pregnant tuff one, since it holds a deep stigma.
My boyfriend is pressuring me time to be mature and get help from elesewhere.
I can't afford the doctor bills clinics are free or close to it.
I can't keep working while I am pregnant Most places put you on sick leave.
Nobody will adopt my baby fiction
I can't afford to keep a child family help, welfare

Until we, as a society can provide solutions to these and other reasons for abortion....we will continue to have them legal or not

Simple solutions to simple problems.

Your simplistic solutions to real problems do nothing to reduce the number of pregnancies or to provide a path for single women to keep their babies.

Part of the reason we continue to have such a large number of abortions

So lets not try them at all?

give me a break, I gave you the obvious answers to your questions, the implementation isn't that hard, since much of it is in place already.
I believed there was good reason to believe that an Iraq invasion was necessary.

Not just based on the intel Bush provided...but the intel offered by agaencies of many other countries.

Enough evidence that congress voted to invade.

Sure, many are playing that monday morning quarterback you would expect anything different?

But when it happened? Sure seemed to be plenty of reason to do it.

voted in by the freedom fries bunch?

the fact remains that most pro war types are "pro life"And most "pro Choice" types are anti war.

That's a lie, and history proves it.

Most wars were started when a (D) was in office. A little wiki search can prove it to you.

I am speaking of the people not the president. And what I say is more true than not.
there is no absolute when dealing with people but it is generally true.

also Republicans are not what they were 3 decades or so ago. And that is fact as well.
thinkgs changed with the Republicans during the Reagan years.
Grenada, Nicaragua, etc.
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And pro-capital punishment.

I always found it funny how a liberal can condone the killing or a completely innocent child and yet protect one that has no problem killing and raping. There is a HUGE difference in capital punishment of someone that has committed a truly heinous crime and the killing of an innocent. The fact that you put them on comparable ground is downright scary.

The broader issue is do you cherish life or not? It does seem ironic that those who tend to support capital punishment also oppose abortion. An aborted child can be allowed to can a murderer

You have a choice of whether to abort a child or not
You also have a choice of whether to execute a murderer
I don't see it that way. You do have a choice but there is an obligation to protect the life of the innocent and an even bigger obligation to protect the life of the young. IN the case of abortion, you are talking about the youngest and most innocent of all of us. That is not comparable to protecting a criminal that just got done raping and killing 2 ten year old girls, a criminal that broke into a house and killed a family of four while they were sleeping ect. There is no obligation to protect that individual. As a matter of fact, there is an obligation to ensure that person is not allowed to commit those crimes again. I can assure you that there are ZERO repeat offenders after they have been put to death.

I guess it comes down to the fact that, for me, life is NOT sacred. Sacred has nothing to do with the fact I would not abort a child of my own free will without MASSIVE circumstances but would put a criminal to death. For me it comes down to right, wrong and obligation. I look at my son and I would do anything to protect him from harm. I look at a multiple murder and don't see someone worth the time, effort or expense to house and feed. There is nothing inherently wrong with the end of his life no matter how it comes yet there is something very wrong with a child dyeing even if the causes were natural. The criminal has wronged society in a manner that can never be repaid or healed and has cast their life aside as a result. I know the standard retort is that the DP is more resource intensive than life and that is why I do not support the DP as it stands but I would prefer to see reform not abolishment. Anyway, THAT is how I reconcile the 2 beliefs and it fits quite well. Although, I do support the right to abort so I guess I don't really fit in that far right mold that the original statement embodies anyway.
Simple solutions to simple problems.

Your simplistic solutions to real problems do nothing to reduce the number of pregnancies or to provide a path for single women to keep their babies.

Part of the reason we continue to have such a large number of abortions

So lets not try them at all?

give me a break, I gave you the obvious answers to your questions, the implementation isn't that hard, since much of it is in place already.

Much of it is in place and yet young women are still answering "I prefer to get an abortion". Until we, as a society can change that response....we will still have abortions
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It's funny (or scary) what it takes for a war to be "necessary" in the 2000's compared to what's been necessary in past history to go to war.

If you cheered on the the Iraq War, which was done to enforce UN treaties and save people from a meanyhead dictator (very liberal reasons btw) and you're cheering on more war now in Iran than you're pro-war.

Nobody cheers on more abortions and hopes for more and more like people do with war.
That is a case of being irresponsible. Of you are having sex then you can get pregnant, period. Get a test. They cost little to nothing and are easy enough to administer. [/quote]

Several of them took the test.

Let me google that for you
Addressed in another thread

☭proletarian☭;1826986 said:
Viability isn't really a set point or all that useful, as technological improvements allow us to save preemies that would have died ten or twenty years ago and there's always the possibility of a child developing slowly or having a medical condition that must be treated after birth to ensure survival. Thus, I find the concept of 'viability' to be of limited usefulness. Additionally, a child with no midbrain or real head, but with a functioning brainstem can be 'viable' in that the brainstem can ensure that the heart and lungs function, yet we're dealing with a creature that has no consciousness- not only it effectively braindead, it never was and never will be aware of its own existence. This is why I think we should focus on consciousness and and the earliest point at which a conscious mind appears to develop.
WOW, you dug that up!! [/quote]

It addressed the matter quite well.

There were a lot of posts in that thread


. Anyway, the consensus that most of us came to in that thread was

-was what i quoted
Any sensitive, caring human being supports third tri-mester abortions if not having one threatens seriously the well being and life of the mother.

I believed there was good reason to believe that an Iraq invasion was necessary.

Not just based on the intel Bush provided...but the intel offered by agaencies of many other countries.

Enough evidence that congress voted to invade.

Sure, many are playing that monday morning quarterback you would expect anything different?

But when it happened? Sure seemed to be plenty of reason to do it.

voted in by the freedom fries bunch?

the fact remains that most pro war types are "pro life"And most "pro Choice" types are anti war.

That's a lie, and history proves it.

Most wars were started when a (D) was in office. A little wiki search can prove it to you.

Was Wilson pro-choice? Roosevelt? Truman? Kennedy? Johnson?
Yes, it's clear they do. It's called partial birth abortion.

They go into the uterous, turn the baby around, bring it out feet first up to the chin, shove a sharp tube through the back of the skull and vacuum out the brain.

The doctor has to be carefull not to drop the baby, as it's alive, and kicking, when it comes out.

but if it does fall our the doc uses scissors and cuts the spinal cord, murdering the human, living baby.
And that's why it has been illegal for YEARS, and it is opposed by almost all pro-choice organizations. Welcome to 2011, I hope you had a nice cryogenic nap from whatever time you came from. Please try to catch up to current events before complaining more.

After reading the first 7 pages of this thread, I've lost hope of finding any indication of what I was looking for. So I'll ask: How many people here actually know anything about late term abortions? How many people know under what circumstances such procedures are legal, or when a doctor will perform them? How many of you understand the purpose of a D&X procedure?

I don't see any indication that anyone here knows much about the actual subject, they just have ideological bends that are telling them yes or no. Whatever your position may be on abortion, anyone taking a stand on so profound an issue without thorough knowledge is the worst thing of all. Especially if you're zealous about your stand.

Until we, as a society can provide solutions to these and other reasons for abortion....we will continue to have them legal or not
This is spot on correct, and a gigantic problem. Before abortion was legalized, data shows that about the same number of abortions were taking place each year. The only DIFFERENCE after the legalization of it where real doctors were involved was that A LOT FEWER WOMEN WERE DYING.

This is how public health works. It has nothing to do with what YOU personally WANT to have happen. It has to do with minimizing unnecessary deaths. Regardless of whether you consider a 5 week old embryo a life or not, making abortion illegal will INCREASE the number of lives lost, not decrease it.
Yes, it's clear they do. It's called partial birth abortion.

They go into the uterous, turn the baby around, bring it out feet first up to the chin, shove a sharp tube through the back of the skull and vacuum out the brain.

The doctor has to be carefull not to drop the baby, as it's alive, and kicking, when it comes out.

but if it does fall our the doc uses scissors and cuts the spinal cord, murdering the human, living baby.

but hey, it's the mothers right.

Here we go, a zealot who doesn't even know what he's talking about.
Yes, it's clear they do. It's called partial birth abortion.

They go into the uterous, turn the baby around, bring it out feet first up to the chin, shove a sharp tube through the back of the skull and vacuum out the brain.

The doctor has to be carefull not to drop the baby, as it's alive, and kicking, when it comes out.

but if it does fall our the doc uses scissors and cuts the spinal cord, murdering the human, living baby.
And that's why it has been illegal for YEARS, and it is opposed by almost all pro-choice organizations. Welcome to 2011, I hope you had a nice cryogenic nap from whatever time you came from. Please try to catch up to current events before complaining more.

After reading the first 7 pages of this thread, I've lost hope of finding any indication of what I was looking for. So I'll ask: How many people here actually know anything about late term abortions? How many people know under what circumstances such procedures are legal, or when a doctor will perform them? How many of you understand the purpose of a D&X procedure?

I don't see any indication that anyone here knows much about the actual subject, they just have ideological bends that are telling them yes or no. Whatever your position may be on abortion, anyone taking a stand on so profound an issue without thorough knowledge is the worst thing of all. Especially if you're zealous about your stand.

Until we, as a society can provide solutions to these and other reasons for abortion....we will continue to have them legal or not
This is spot on correct, and a gigantic problem. Before abortion was legalized, data shows that about the same number of abortions were taking place each year. The only DIFFERENCE after the legalization of it where real doctors were involved was that A LOT FEWER WOMEN WERE DYING.

This is how public health works. It has nothing to do with what YOU personally WANT to have happen. It has to do with minimizing unnecessary deaths. Regardless of whether you consider a 5 week old embryo a life or not, making abortion illegal will INCREASE the number of lives lost, not decrease it.

I described what happens, I was not complaining.

If you don't like the truth, there's not much I can do about it.
Yes, it's clear they do. It's called partial birth abortion.

They go into the uterous, turn the baby around, bring it out feet first up to the chin, shove a sharp tube through the back of the skull and vacuum out the brain.

The doctor has to be carefull not to drop the baby, as it's alive, and kicking, when it comes out.

but if it does fall our the doc uses scissors and cuts the spinal cord, murdering the human, living baby.

but hey, it's the mothers right.

Here we go, a zealot who doesn't even know what he's talking about.

Prove me wrong.

Here's a step by step link

Partial Birth Abortion Diagrams

And I posted a thread 2 weeks ago about a doctor that was murdering children that came out.

You don't know jack shit

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