Do most Americans have German surnames?

René Le Conte, and Glenn R. Conrad. “The Germans in Louisiana in the Eighteenth Century.” Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association, vol. 8, no. 1, Louisiana Historical Association, 1967, pp. 67–84,
But really, what about all the white people who claim American heritage?

They’re clearly not American (in terms of heritage), so which ethnic group should we ascribe them to?
If you don't know, you cannot logically declare them to be of British ancestry.
Because of the Rittenhouse case, I saw some names like Grosskreutz, Rittenhouse, Huber, etc. and all of them are German or possibly Ashkenazi (Ashkenazis have somewhat strange sounding German names). So do most Americans have German surnames? Is a german surname a typical american surname?
At one time 1/3 of america had german blood---with the flow of illegals from south of the border this had/is changing. On top of this----former slaves adopted last names---aren't african.
Because of the Rittenhouse case, I saw some names like Grosskreutz, Rittenhouse, Huber, etc. and all of them are German or possibly Ashkenazi (Ashkenazis have somewhat strange sounding German names). So do most Americans have German surnames? Is a german surname a typical american surname?
We are MUTTS. We will fuck any race as long as the Booty Tang is good.
Ok, I’ll admit I don’t “know” most of the self declared Americans are of British origin. But someone’s being drastically undercounted.
Bottom line: Americans are the best because we are everything of everyone from everywhere.
Ok, I’ll admit I don’t “know” most of the self declared Americans are of British origin. But someone’s being drastically undercounted.
Plus, it’s worth repeating that while all German people (there’s Austrian, Swiss, Bavarian etc) are lumped into « German » on those
lists, while British are separated into English, Scottish, Welsh….. that makes a big difference.
Interesting point. Although I never thought of it, it might be true for Ashkenazi Jews. That is my heritage, and my surname is of German origin.
It’s a common misconception that most white Americans are of German origin.

In polls, German is the single largest self identified origin among white Americans.

But a large portion of white Americans with English surnames (Johnson, Smith, etc) self identify origin as “American”, not “English”. Most Americans with German surnames identify as German.

Also, British surnames are split into English, Scottish, Welsh. Whereas all Austrian, Prussian, Bravarian, whatever surnames simply fall under “German”.

Thus, the results of polls are skewed to over represent Germans and under represent English. The single largest ethnicity of origin in the USA is, indeed, English.

All that said, my ancestry is almost pure German (Austrian) and I’m proud of it. Everyone should be proud of their heritage.
It’s a common misconception that most white Americans are of German origin.

In polls, German is the single largest self identified origin among white Americans.

But a large portion of white Americans with English surnames (Johnson, Smith, etc) self identify origin as “American”, not “English”. Most Americans with German surnames identify as German.

Also, British surnames are split into English, Scottish, Welsh. Whereas all Austrian, Prussian, Bravarian, whatever surnames simply fall under “German”.

Thus, the results of polls are skewed to over represent Germans and under represent English. The single largest ethnicity of origin in the USA is, indeed, English.

All that said, my ancestry is almost pure German (Austrian) and I’m proud of it. Everyone should be proud of their heritage.

well said!

Most Common US Surnames By Rank​

RankSurnameSurname OriginEstimated Population
2JohnsonEnglish, Scottish1,932,812
3WilliamsEnglish, Welsh1,625,252
4BrownEnglish, Scottish, Irish1,437,026
5JonesEnglish, Welsh1,425,470
7MillerEnglish, Scottish, German, French, Italian1,161,437
8DavisEnglish, Welsh1,116,357

thank you!

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