Do not crucify the whistle blower

He is a spy...fuck him...when will the coward stand up?...
The White House knew he worked for the CIA when he got posted to the WH. Do you somehow think he "snuck" in? He was doing his job and so were the other people who have been watching Trump abuse his office. He spoke up. At least, that's all we know so far. Immediately jumping to the conclusion that the guy is lying is a huge leap with no foundation, at least at this point.
Oh good Christ he passed on hearsay and cited left wing partisan news rags.
He passed on hearsay about a conversation that the transcript proves happened. Yes, I agree some parts of that letter put me in mind of that anonymous letter sent to the NYT a couple years ago saying they (the letter writers) were in the Trump administration protecting the country from the worst Trump could do ... that they were hidden you remember that letter? Parts of it put me in mind of that. But there was a kernel of truth in it, that the IC IG agreed was a credible and serious concern. NDI tried to squirm out of it but Adam Schiff held their feet to the fire and made them cough it up.
Pelosi didn't cave and agree to an impeachment investigation UNTIL AFTER the WH tried to withhold the transcript and complaint. She'd had enough of that shit and I don't blame her.
There is no whistleblower...There is only a spy spreading gossip.
Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic
He's a planted CIA Spy.

In Ukraine matter, Democrats apply Russiagate lesson: Strike fast, don’t wait to find out what happened.
Yes, CIA employees are called spies. The WH knew where he worked. There was no subterfuge here. The transcript shows that the allegations were true.
You got nothing there.
How do we know Schiff isn't the whistleblower? He's a proven liar and he has shown a knack for fabricating fictional stories. Brennen falls into that category too.
Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic
I agree. Drawn and Quartered is the way to go.

Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic

I agree!

Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic

He had less info than we all do now
This so-called whistle blower is just another plant by butthurt dims. Third party hearsay bullshit. The longer they play this game, the sloppier they get. Who the fuck ever heard of anyone’s calls being monitored, let alone listened in on and transcribed. No less the President. If two trailer trash drug dealers were having a phone conversation, they could expect more privacy and confidentiality. And should information be available to the public? Hell no. You hire someone to deal with sensitive issues of running the country. Let them do their job. Because I’m not at all impressed with the buffoons monitoring him. If government was so important, they wouldn’t be on vacation for six weeks, back for one and on vacation again. No wonder nothing gets done.

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He is a spy...fuck him...when will the coward stand up?...
The White House knew he worked for the CIA when he got posted to the WH. Do you somehow think he "snuck" in? He was doing his job and so were the other people who have been watching Trump abuse his office. He spoke up. At least, that's all we know so far. Immediately jumping to the conclusion that the guy is lying is a huge leap with no foundation, at least at this point.
Oh good Christ he passed on hearsay and cited left wing partisan news rags.
He passed on hearsay about a conversation that the transcript proves happened. Yes, I agree some parts of that letter put me in mind of that anonymous letter sent to the NYT a couple years ago saying they (the letter writers) were in the Trump administration protecting the country from the worst Trump could do ... that they were hidden you remember that letter? Parts of it put me in mind of that. But there was a kernel of truth in it, that the IC IG agreed was a credible and serious concern. NDI tried to squirm out of it but Adam Schiff held their feet to the fire and made them cough it up.
Pelosi didn't cave and agree to an impeachment investigation UNTIL AFTER the WH tried to withhold the transcript and complaint. She'd had enough of that shit and I don't blame her.
he wasn't on the call, I don't quite give a damn
Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic
1. it's NOT a whistleblower because
2. nothing has been proven!!!!!!!!!duh
plain and simple
by the way, all this person did was yell orangemanbad
Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic
I heard from a fren of a fren of mine that you give handjobs in the men's room at the bus station....

Do not crucify the whistle blower. Do not give them sainthood, either. INVESTIGATE WHAT THEY CLAIM.

Trump and his lap dogs are crucifying the whistle blower. Bullshit, go before congress and provide evidence that what he/she heard is incorrect. Bring the people who the whistle blower says have first hand knowledge and what they say.

If after the process and the whistle blower made a mountain out of a mole hill, then crucify them.

If what they say is true, I would not make them a saint but give them huge credit for having the guts to come forward and expose actions that threaten are great republic

HEARSAY is not real popular in legal Courts of law.
But this is purely political, so fuck this spy!

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