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Do not kill me

That wasn't how it worked back then. Troubadours and bards in pre-literate ancient England could memorize all of the Canterbury tales, and go from place to place making a living. . .

The reason much of ancient literate, like the bible, is written as it is, in stanzas, couplets, etc., is because folks had memorized it all. In ancient times, folks had memorized entire works, like the Ulysses, the Iliad, etc. In this age when folks have limited attention spans, and memories, we can't imagine such a thing, but it was a regular feature of ancient life before the invention of the printing press.

Many ancient cultures who had no written language, had rich oral traditions. You denigrate them all by your analogy.

If you want to believe that paradigm though, feel free though. :rolleyes:

Go spend a little more time studying culture anthropology.
Human memory isn't perfect and never was. And Troubadours were performers and to think they didn't ad lib to get better reactions from their audience is naive.

And you have it backwards anyway. The bible was written years after events there was no book to memorize before the book was written.

This is why oral histories are innacurate. We have one person telling another person something then that person telling another person what he thinks he heard. Multiply that by hundreds or thousands of years and there is no way the accuracy remains 100%
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People sure do grasp at anything to justify whatever they want to do. They go as far as comparing a potato or a bowl of oats, or a flea or tick with a dog, cat, cow or pig. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

Yep, I absolutely agree.

BTW, your latest video popped up minutes ago when I was scrolling youtube. They are getting better with each new video.

Are you posting on rumble? They're growing incredibly fast as people look for alternatives to the heavily censored youtube.

Thanks!!! :) No, I've never used Rumble. But if it's a YouTube alternative, I'll definitely check it out. Because YouTube is terrible now. That's why I call it ThemTube.

And thanks for posting my latest video! I appreciate it.
Indeed anyone that has been proven ignorant by the actual content of the Holy Scriptures might think that exposing that ignorance might be butchering your New Age religion where man somehow becomes greater than the creator.

You seem to be completely unaware of God's intent for mankind which is clearly stated both in Genesis 1 and in the prophetic scriptures. ("The wolf will dwell with the lamb...")

Everything in between is a result of this fallen world, and NOT what God wants.

I've been a Christian for 22 years and I've studied the bible, both on my own and in a bible school. You're the one who is showing yourself to be ignorant, both in God's nature (love, mercy, selflessness, peace, etc) and in the bible overall. You're plucking out scriptures that give you the loophole you're looking for, for selfish reasons.

What part of each book, chapter or verse have you failed to comprehend? Other things? Such as the eating of meat being natural and authorized by "God" in scripture by Book, Chapter and Verse? Remind as again.........what was the title of this thread? Why are animals consumed by mankind? Because its the natural authorized Food Chain as authorized by the God of creation. Its not rocket science.

Do you know what "Vegetarian" means in the original first nations language? Piss poor hunter.

You lack a big picture perspective. You also lack understanding on God's nature and character. I obviously can't catch you up on what some people take years to learn, in just one paragraph. So, please start with Genesis 1:29-30, and then we can go from there. In fact, as Death Angel mentioned yesterday, I just did a video on this topic. You never did answer my question yesterday on if you watched the previous video I posted. Based on your reply, I'm guessing you didn't.

Here's the latest one, that Death Angel posted. This time I hope you actually watch it, rather than continue in willful blindness.

You know I'm actually really proud of myself right now, because I nearly started boasting how I had ribs tonight for supper and that I would start preaching to and giving the vegans the same hard time they gave me,... BUT I decided to be the better person as two wrongs don't make a right.
You seem to be completely unaware of God's intent for mankind which is clearly stated both in Genesis 1 and in the prophetic scriptures. ("The wolf will dwell with the lamb...")

Everything in between is a result of this fallen world, and NOT what God wants.

I've been a Christian for 22 years and I've studied the bible, both on my own and in a bible school. You're the one who is showing yourself to be ignorant, both in God's nature (love, mercy, selflessness, peace, etc) and in the bible overall. You're plucking out scriptures that give you the loophole you're looking for, for selfish reasons.

You lack a big picture perspective. You also lack understanding on God's nature and character. I obviously can't catch you up on what some people take years to learn, in just one paragraph. So, please start with Genesis 1:29-30, and then we can go from there. In fact, as Death Angel mentioned yesterday, I just did a video on this topic. You never did answer my question yesterday on if you watched the previous video I posted. Based on your reply, I'm guessing you didn't.

Here's the latest one, that Death Angel posted. This time I hope you actually watch it, rather than continue in willful blindness.

Anyone that must take "years" to learn from sources other than the foundation of Christianity, the Holy Scriptures, (faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God -- Rom 10:17) their doctrine is not founded upon Truth.

What is Christian Truth? "Sanctify them through Thy Truth; Thy Word (the word of God) is Truth." -- John 17:17

We are commanded to worship in both Spirit and Truth, not one void of the other -- John 4:24.

There is only one method for our spirit to come into contract with the source of the word of God, the Holy Spirit of God (All scripture is inspired of God -- 2 Tim. 3:16) Study the word of God to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Tim 2:15), rightly dividing the word of Truth.

If anyone claims they know God void of having the required knowledge that God has revealed through the Holy Scriptures is either lying or mentally unstable. There are no miraculous paths in coming to the knowledge of the truth. The Truth based upon the content of the Holy Scriptures is our weapon against the 2 most used weapons of Satan..........deceit and deflection.

Everyone can take note that all your posts use both methods..........Deceit and Deflection. If the Christ had no problem with consuming meat, (God incarnate)......why should anyone that claims they are in contact with the very nature that God created?
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I have no problem with folks that are vegetarian or vegan. I have lot of friends that are.

OTH? buttercup wants to find scriptural versus in her belief system that mandate it on all of humanity. . . it just isn't there.

What are you talking about? Where did I say it should be mandated? I did say that when Jesus returns, according to the bible He is going to restore the peace and harmony that God created in the first place. Is that what you thought I was trying to mandate to the world here and now? No, that's not my intent, all I'm doing is raising awareness and in particular making Christians aware of God's intent and perfect will, which Christians are supposed to want!

Jesus Himself said to pray for God's perfect will to be done "on earth as it is in heaven." Christians are supposed to have an eternal perspective, not an "embrace the ways of this fallen world" perspective.

In fact, just the reverse is true. IN both Jewish and Islamic traditions, they follow kosher and halal proscriptions from the Old Testament. In the New Testament, there are specific versus, that tell us, FAITH, is more important than diet, and people are to eat any plant, and any animal. Now, some vegans and vegetarians misinterpret ROMANS 14:21 "It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble." To mean, you should no longer eat meat. BUT THAT IS NOT what this verse is about. When you read it in the context of the entire chapter, it mean, your faith is more important than what you eat, and if eating something that is neither kosher or halal would cause your brother in the creator to lose faith while you are in his house? Then you are to refrain. If you, as a friend of buttercup, were over at her house, and you are both Christians, you should not eat meat in her house, if it should cause her to lose faith. That is all this verse is about. It is simply a proscription of when to still stay kosher, and later, after the creator gave the Arabs Islam, halal. But for Christians, this chapter does away with all dietary proscriptions.

There are CLEARLY, other places in the NT where Jesus is pro-meat eating. You would have to have cognitive dissonance and denial to be vegan and find veganism in the NT to justify your lifestyle. :heehee:

Mark 6:38-44​

"38 “How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.”

When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.”

39 Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. 40 So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties. 41 Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. 42 They all ate and were satisfied, 43 and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. 44 The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand."

And when I proved, scientifically, that the creator MADE us omnivores? It triggered her world view, she will accept no other points of view on this. Most of my friends that are vegan and omnivore, accept that humans were created or evolved as omnivores, this is self evident.

I have no problem with folks that choose that life style, I encourage it. I have actually lived it myself. For health reasons, it did not work out for me. Even with supplementation, I lacked proper amino acid and B complex and protein absorption. It is absolutely useless to discuss with followers of this type of lifestyle that plant protein and animal proteins are inherently different, and that for some, their neurological functioning, eventually, with time, depend upon proper nutrition, because, it has, become an article of faith, not science.

This was a good interview.

Way too much to reply to in a couple short paragraphs, which is all I have time for right now. I'm sorry, Mister Beale, because I usually agree with you on just about everything, but on this topic, you are simply wrong. Very wrong. You take all the usual bible verses that flesh eaters point to, but every single one of your objections can be answered, and put into proper context. If you would've posted a shorter post, it would've been easier for me to address it all point by point, but when you do a super long post with numerous different points, that's not a good way to have a discussion. Like I said to the other guy, I just started a new video series on this topic.... Here's the playlist so far. I hope you check it out. :)
What are you talking about? Where did I say it should be mandated?

You did make it seem like you were trying to mandate veganism even if you didn't say it which is the major reason I got upset with you.
You did make it seem like you were trying to mandate veganism even if you didn't say it which is the major reason I got upset with you.

No, I understand human nature and I know that true change doesn't happen because of any law. People's minds and hearts have to change, and that comes through learning about the horrors of the animal industries and (for Christians) how that completely goes against God's nature of love, mercy, selflessness, justice, etc. I think change also comes when people see with their own eyes that the animals they eat are just like their dog and cat, in all the ways that matter.

No, I understand human nature and I know that true change doesn't happen because of any law. People's minds and hearts have to change, and that comes through learning about the horrors of the animal industries and (for Christians) how that completely goes against God's nature of love, mercy, selflessness, justice, etc. I think change also comes when people see with their own eyes that the animals they eat are just like their dog and cat, in all the ways that matter.

Wait for it... the proud smile at the end of this clip. :04:

Okay, I'm still a meat eater but even I have to admit that those videos were pretty cute and apparently to them those animals are like their pets so there isn't anything wrong with that either. I do wish that abortion was illegal though for the record as even you have to admit that people kill these animals for a purpose, with abortion there is no purpose and no reason to kill the child just because you feel like it.
No, I understand human nature and I know that true change doesn't happen because of any law. People's minds and hearts have to change, and that comes through learning about the horrors of the animal industries and (for Christians) how that completely goes against God's nature of love, mercy, selflessness, justice, etc. I think change also comes when people see with their own eyes that the animals they eat are just like their dog and cat, in all the ways that matter.

O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!
I was also thinking about it and maybe some people don't want dogs because they're an awful lot of work and responsibility (although not to me who desperately wants one right now) and an uncommitted person shouldn't have one. However, that being said just because some people don't want to own dogs doesn't mean they also can't still love them.

I gave milk to your children. I gave milk to your ancestors. Why are you killing us?

Because we are carnivores. Why are YOU trying to make us feel guilty for being what nature made us?
I don't really care about the taste of food. Gourmets are like perverts who are looking for delights in eating shit, because they are not capable of normal emotions.
A person with a healthy mind has a healthy appetite and will enjoy simple food.
Good for you. But me liking a prime rib every once in a while does not make me a pervert. And you liking simple food does not make you virtuous.
Because we are carnivores. Why are YOU trying to make us feel guilty for being what nature made us?
So there is never a time that you think people can rise above their carnal nature and do something different?

And I went vegan 2 years ago now and I didn't do that to make anyone feel guilty. I did it first for health reasons then I came to realize that I liked not being the cause of so much death and suffering of the trillions of animals slaughtered every year.

Now I don't preach to anyone but I notice that when my friends hear I went vegan they do nothing but give me shit about it so it seems to me they are the ones that feel threatened by my dietary choices.

Funny how the meat eaters I know all want me to go back to eating meat even if I tell them I don't care what they eat.
Because we are carnivores. Why are YOU trying to make us feel guilty for being what nature made us?

Humans are NOT carnivores. :rolleyes: I mean even avid flesh eaters don’t claim that, they claim that humans are omnivores, which is what most people believe.

But even that is wrong, it is only the case behaviorally.

Now I don't preach to anyone but I notice that when my friends hear I went vegan they do nothing but give me shit about it so it seems to me they are the ones that feel threatened by my dietary choices.

Funny how the meat eaters I know all want me to go back to eating meat even if I tell them I don't care what they eat.

It sounds like it’s their conscience, not you.
Humans are NOT carnivores. :rolleyes: I mean even avid flesh eaters don’t claim that, they claim that humans are omnivores, which is what most people believe.

But even that is wrong, it is only the case behaviorally.

Yes, humans also eat plants. Thank you for the digression from the point, which I'm sure made you feel very smart while at the same time added nothing whatsoever to the discussion in either direction.

Humans are designed by nature to eat and digest meat. Whether or not we also eat and digest plants is irrelevant to the point that it's silly to make us feel guilty for eating something nature designed us to eat. This is why I consciously chose not to use the word "omnivore", which would only confuse the issue, especially when talking to someone like Rupol, who has the IQ of a rock. I'm very, very happy that you came along and "helpfully" confused it anyway.

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