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Do not kill me

I attack out of aggression more on this website even though it's verbally. I can't help it though, there's an awful lot of idiots on here and I don't have the patience and kindness of a dog.

Well I doubt you have ever killed any of them. But yeah, dealing with idiots can be seriously frustrating. That is one of the reasons I am no longer a mod.

Give'em hell!
You don't know anthropology. Jaws and teeth even in modern people are very different. Part of the population has sharp incisors and a "wolf bite", a massive protruding jaw, and this is exactly what those who descended from hunters are.

@MisterBeale By the way, what do academic anthropologists say about the origin of women who have a pronounced expansion of the hips in the femoral neck area, who have a gap in the vaginal area because of this? Why are their hips shaped like that?

Obviously, there were 2 main ecological niches: forest-swampy and steppe. The steppe population ate grains natural for the steppe and later tamed the horse and cow. These people could not eat meat, and most likely did not eat it.

The second part, the forest, lived by hunting and gathering. That is why they developed the cult of the wolf and the dog. Perhaps this is also connected with the pig, and may explain the physiological similarity with the pig of modern man. The wolf and the pig are essentially related species, they are very similar.

As for the forest population, carbohydrate intolerance could indeed have evolved there. There are very few carbohydrates in the forest. These are only rare berries and root crops poor in starch. Potatoes were bred relatively recently; before that, there were no such root crops rich in starch.

Diabetes and a low renal sugar excretion threshold may be associated with this.
Funny how the guy who started this thread led to a discussion (argument) about respecting ALL life, but while he worships the cow, he hates Man's best friend 😄
I recommend looking at their other threads (ops.) This member is a troll and a shit stirrer that knows nothing. They never participate in any thread other than ones they start, and rarely posts links to back up their BS.
I do, don't I? I think I am just more tenacious than most when it comes to crazies.
This goes beyond crazy. This is Russian super troll. . . . :113:

I'm willing to be most people who eat meat are unwilling to do the dirty work of killing and preparing the meat they eat.
I'd take that bet.

If every store closed down tomorrow, and the only place folks could get their food, was to either kill and eat an animal for food, or to mill some grain to flour and bake bread, I would be willing to bet, the majority of folks would kill to eat in a very short time indeed.

You are pretty ignorant of anthropology and the history of humanity, and what folks will do when they are hungry, it is clear.
Or they could be allergic.
I'm mildly allergic.

I still love them, they still love me. It is like, we are almost telepathic. I just make sure not to touch my clothing or face after I touch them or they touch me, and I wash my hands and change clothes after exposure. . .
buttercup and I might disagree about eating meat but at least I understand her reasonings now. The person you're referring to,.. I think is having a love affair with cattle.
I have no problem with folks that are vegetarian or vegan. I have lot of friends that are.

OTH? buttercup wants to find scriptural versus in her belief system that mandate it on all of humanity. . . it just isn't there.

In fact, just the reverse is true. IN both Jewish and Islamic traditions, they follow kosher and halal proscriptions from the Old Testament. In the New Testament, there are specific versus, that tell us, FAITH, is more important than diet, and people are to eat any plant, and any animal. Now, some vegans and vegetarians misinterpret ROMANS 14:21 "It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble." To mean, you should no longer eat meat. BUT THAT IS NOT what this verse is about. When you read it in the context of the entire chapter, it mean, your faith is more important than what you eat, and if eating something that is neither kosher or halal would cause your brother in the creator to lose faith while you are in his house? Then you are to refrain. If you, as a friend of buttercup, were over at her house, and you are both Christians, you should not eat meat in her house, if it should cause her to lose faith. That is all this verse is about. It is simply a proscription of when to still stay kosher, and later, after the creator gave the Arabs Islam, halal. But for Christians, this chapter does away with all dietary proscriptions.

There are CLEARLY, other places in the NT where Jesus is pro-meat eating. You would have to have cognitive dissonance and denial to be vegan and find veganism in the NT to justify your lifestyle. :heehee:

Mark 6:38-44​

"38 “How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.”

When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.”

39 Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. 40 So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties. 41 Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. 42 They all ate and were satisfied, 43 and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. 44 The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand."

And when I proved, scientifically, that the creator MADE us omnivores? It triggered her world view, she will accept no other points of view on this. Most of my friends that are vegan and omnivore, accept that humans were created or evolved as omnivores, this is self evident.

I have no problem with folks that choose that life style, I encourage it. I have actually lived it myself. For health reasons, it did not work out for me. Even with supplementation, I lacked proper amino acid and B complex and protein absorption. It is absolutely useless to discuss with followers of this type of lifestyle that plant protein and animal proteins are inherently different, and that for some, their neurological functioning, eventually, with time, depend upon proper nutrition, because, it has, become an article of faith, not science.

This was a good interview.

I have no problem with folks that are vegetarian or vegan. I have lot of friends that are.

OTH? buttercup wants to find scriptural versus in her belief system that mandate it on all of humanity. . . it just isn't there.

In fact, just the reverse is true. IN both Jewish and Islamic traditions, they follow kosher and halal proscriptions from the Old Testament. In the New Testament, there are specific versus, that tell us, FAITH, is more important than diet, and people are to eat any plant, and any animal. Now, some vegans and vegetarians misinterpret ROMANS 14:21 "It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble." To mean, you should no longer eat meat. BUT THAT IS NOT what this verse is about. When you read it in the context of the entire chapter, it mean, your faith is more important than what you eat, and if eating something that is neither kosher or halal would cause your brother in the creator to lose faith while you are in his house? Then you are to refrain. If you, as a friend of buttercup, were over at her house, and you are both Christians, you should not eat meat in her house, if it should cause her to lose faith. That is all this verse is about. It is simply a proscription of when to still stay kosher, and later, after the creator gave the Arabs Islam, halal. But for Christians, this chapter does away with all dietary proscriptions.

There are CLEARLY, other places in the NT where Jesus is pro-meat eating. You would have to have cognitive dissonance and denial to be vegan and find veganism in the NT to justify your lifestyle. :heehee:

Mark 6:38-44​

"38 “How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.”

When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.”

39 Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. 40 So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties. 41 Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. 42 They all ate and were satisfied, 43 and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. 44 The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand."

And when I proved, scientifically, that the creator MADE us omnivores? It triggered her world view, she will accept no other points of view on this. Most of my friends that are vegan and omnivore, accept that humans were created or evolved as omnivores, this is self evident.

I have no problem with folks that choose that life style, I encourage it. I have actually lived it myself. For health reasons, it did not work out for me. Even with supplementation, I lacked proper amino acid and B complex and protein absorption. It is absolutely useless to discuss with followers of this type of lifestyle that plant protein and animal proteins are inherently different, and that for some, their neurological functioning, eventually, with time, depend upon proper nutrition, because, it has, become an article of faith, not science.

This was a good interview.

OTH? buttercup wants to find scriptural versus in her belief system that mandate it on all of humanity. . .

partly they see the dominion as such a mandate, responsibility ...


- living nature are not the slaves and fodder for humanity.

He also divided the two fish among them all.

so sad, the book of forgeries and fallacies ...
MisterBeale Don't play fool.
As for the shape of the teeth and jaws, these are well-known facts, you can easily find it yourself. And you should know this anyway. You lied that you studied anthropology?

About ecological niches these are my own thoughts.
One of the funny parts of this thread is the OP's insistence that dogs are so bad.

I posted 17 profound ways that dogs serve humanity.
"Dogs lead the blind, even on crowded streets, and keep them safe. They also allow them to be independent.
Dogs sense impending seizures and let their owners know. And if needed, they will summon help.
Dogs can smell cancer, allowing early diagnosis.
Dogs guard property and livestock. You say they are enemies of cows? Several breeds will guard them against larger predators.
Dogs move herds of animals safely, and keep them away from hazards.
Dogs can track the lost or find criminals by scent alone.
Dogs can find explosives, thereby saving many many lives.
Dogs find drugs that would go undetected otherwise.
Dogs can take down criminals and hold them, without injury (if the criminal cooperates).
Dogs provide companionship and comfort to the lonely and bereft.
Dogs aid hunters in finding and retrieving.
Dogs have transported people and goods for thousands of years.
Dogs have been frontline soldiers, preventing human deaths in war time.
Dogs assist humans with mobility problems, opening doors, picking up objects etc.
Dogs assist diabetics by smelling the telltale odors of low blood sugar long before a human can. And they even retrieve juice or glucose to help them.
Dogs can assist autistic children in many ways, allowing them to better integrate into society.
Dogs can assist deaf people just like they assist the blind."

He just thinks they are "stinky".
I am not the one embarrassing myself, you are. There is no greater companion to humanity than the dog. Your nonsense arguments are meaningless.
For me there is no sense from dogs, only problems.
I have never owned a dog

Plus, they're child killers.

Dog killed 5 year old

Once again
Video Description

The state kills the population with dogs This is how the Nazis did it, you CANNOT defend yourself !!! THE LAW WILL PUNISH YOU!!! the law is on the side of the dogs!!! WE ARE EXTERMINATED BY DOGS!!!
[...] How long will the eating of people by dogs continue?!?!?! The Russian authorities need to decide who should be protected by laws, dogs or people?!?!?! I DO NOT SEE yet, CARE OF THE POPULATION !!!

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