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Do not kill me

Listen pal, I studied anthropology at university, I'm aware of the ecological niche that humans evolved in, and their biological relationship to nature.

If you want to talk facts, you only need to look at the crown molds of our upper and lower dental molds, our nutritional neurological needs as infants, how cooking influence our evolution, and a host of other factors to understand, the difference between which great apes are herbivores, and which great apes, clearly are intended to be omnivores.

You will never, ever gas-light an experienced and educated physical anthropologist with primatology study, about your. . . "truth." I have facts, physical and biological science on my side. I don't need to resort to political, or philosophical arguments. In the end, we are still creatures of the good Earth, and of our very, VERY physical natures. . .

The Teeth of Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores​

How To Be A Healthy Omnivore​

". . . Humans are ultimately omnivorous creatures. A recent UC Berkeley study found that meat eating in our ancestors was necessary for our evolution. Our jaws and teeth are designed for both the crushing and chewing of vegetable matter, as well as the tearing of animal flesh. Yet, many people raised on meat-filled diets are beginning to question the necessity or benefits of eating meat.

Vegetarian diets are popular today for moral, environmental, and health reasons a plenty, as it becomes clearer that one can eat healthily without consuming meat. But with many still consuming meat on a regular basis, there is a need to focus on how to eat meat healthily. Meat can definitely be part of a lifestyle just as healthy as vegetarianism, as long as one simply watches what they consume in moderation. As meat provides many key proteins and fats for the body, there is little need to take supplemental vitamins, as long as the rest of the diet is balanced well.

When choosing meats, tread away from picking red meat all the time. A steak or serving of ground beef is a fine cone in a while, but make sure to mix in some poultry and fish regularly as well. When eating red meat, look for the leanest pieces available, or at least trim the fat off before cooking. The main concern in consuming too much red meat is the abundance of saturated fat, which can lead to problems throughout the body, from your colon to your arteries. Chicken and turkey, on the other hand, are already relatively low in saturated fat by comparison, and far lower in cholesterol as well. Fish is not only naturally lean, but the fat contained within is generally extremely healthy since it includes Omega-3 fatty acids, which may lower your risk of heart disease.. . .


As for fish, many morally concerned fish consumers look out for species that are fished sustainably and whose fishing practices do not cause collateral environmental damage. Fish lower on the food chain and shellfish tend to be the most easily sustainable, but some specific fish that are considered always safe are Tilapia, Alaskan Salmon, Calamari, Clams, Sole, King Crab, Oysters, Anchovies, and Sardines. These fish and shellfish are nearly always caught with little to no marine damage incurred, and are not considered threatened or at risk of overfishing. On the flip side, Halibut, Sea Bass, most Tuna, Grouper, Cod, and Swordfish should be avoided almost completely. These fish are generally either caught through deep-sea nets, trawling, or through other fishing systems that cause extensive damage to marine ecosystems or are fished to the point where they are considered a threatened species.

Diets that include meat are natural, and can be just as healthy as any other diet, as long as you simply watch what you eat. Take things in moderation, and make sure that all your other food groups show up as well. Stay away from the fatty junk foods, and cook more things yourself. If you’re worried about the treatment animals, do some research on farms or brands, or, even better, buy local and get to know the practices of your nearby farmers and fishers. Meat can be a healthy and delicious part of anyone’s diet with some smart planning.. . . "

Even a vegetarian anatomist/primatologist agrees with me. . . :rolleyes: You are arguing against facts, because you are delusional, and have an emotional agenda. When most sane folks can see, with their own eyes that the sky is blue, you calling it red doesn't make that, "truth."


Humans are Omnivores​

Adapted from a talk by John McArdle, Ph.D.​


". . . Although evidence on the structure and function of human hands and jaws, behavior, and evolutionary history also either support an omnivorous diet or fail to support strict vegetarianism, the best evidence comes from our teeth.
The short canines in humans are a functional consequence of the enlarged cranium and associated reduction of the size of the jaws. In primates, canines function as both defense weapons and visual threat devices. Interestingly, the primates with the largest canines (gorillas and gelada baboons) both have basically vegetarian diets. In archeological sites, broken human molars are most often confused with broken premolars and molars of pigs, a classic omnivore. On the other hand, some herbivores have well-developed incisors that are often mistaken for those of human teeth when found in archeological excavations.

Salivary Glands

These indicate we could be omnivores. Saliva and urine data vary, depending on diet, not taxonomic group.


Intestinal absorption is a surface area, not linear problem. Dogs (which are carnivores) have intestinal specializations more characteristic of omnivores than carnivores such as cats. The relative number of crypts and cell types is a better indication of diet than simple length. We are intermediate between the two groups.


Humans are classic examples of omnivores in all relevant anatomical traits. There is no basis in anatomy or physiology for the assumption that humans are pre-adapted to the vegetarian diet. For that reason, the best arguments in support of a meat-free diet remain ecological, ethical, and health concerns."
[Dr. McArdle is a vegetarian and currently Scientific Advisor to The American Anti-Vivisection Society. He is an anatomist and a primatologist.]
Overkill, but you are dead wrong. You may be a great ape, but I was created human.

Vast difference between the teeth of a carnivore and a herbivore.

Man lives on nuts, seeds, grain and fruits and vegetables. EVERYTHING about our anatomy tells us so.
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Again, the left is arguing with simple facts that everyone knows: dogs stink, eat shit, fuck everything, wild dogs gather in packs of wolves and attack people and animals.

Just FYI, my dog does not stink, eat shit, try to fuck anything or attack people. None of my dogs have done those things, except for one. And that was only for a short bit.
I mean, for crying out loud, pigs actually smile! If your "breakfast" would smile at you, might be time to re-think your values.

That all depends what you mean by smiling at me. If you mean a pancake with happy face on it then I would eat it,.. if you mean something that looks like the image below then I have to admit you got me there as it would freak me out way too much to have something looking at me while I ate it. It doesn't mean I'm against people that do though.


All dogs are sexually licentious stinking dishonorable animals, they were not allowed into the house before and were not touched so as not to be defiled.

Of course they are friends with those who are similar to them. In addition, they willingly put their dicks in random holes, as leftists do.

There is no doubt that dogs are the best friends of the Left. It may even be their relatives.

So you prefer an animal that only just stands around and eats grass and gives milk over an animal that will love you unconditionally more than most people can? You're really fucked up in the head dude. :rolleyes:

I shudder to think of the love this forum member gives to cows. . .


So do I as it's not pretty. :eek-52:
Or they could be allergic. I understand a few of them. But the retard that started this thread? No excuse.

buttercup and I might disagree about eating meat but at least I understand her reasonings now. The person you're referring to,.. I think is having a love affair with cattle.
I have no problem with cats I have always had at least one

Oh and cats might not be as loyal as dogs but that doesn't mean that they can't be as loving as them. Whenever I'm sick or depressed mine is always right next to me or on my lap to headbutt and or comfort me. :)
Dogs rarely attack out of aggression. Usually it is fear or he is defending something.

I attack out of aggression more on this website even though it's verbally. I can't help it though, there's an awful lot of idiots on here and I don't have the patience and kindness of a dog.

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