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Do not kill me


This is your example of American men?
Among all predators, dogs are especially disgusting in that they are cowardly, and huddle in packs for their dirty deeds. They never fight, they try to scare the victim with "thrash talks", when they see resistance, they run away.

Undoubtedly, dogs display the lowest behavior that noble peoples have always despised.

I was thinking about this comment.

And since most nobility not only had dogs, but often included them in portraits.

So which nobility despised dogs? Certainly not Russian, nor Celtic, nor Roman, nor Chinese.
This is your example of American men?
I don't know what kind of person this is. I meant the masculine image of a hero, superman, cowboy, supercop, and so on. Traditional man of the US.
Not talib fag, not democrat, not stinky dog, not feminist bitch not british and so on.
Responsible for woman and family
I was thinking about this comment.

And since most nobility not only had dogs, but often included them in portraits.

So which nobility despised dogs? Certainly not Russian, nor Celtic, nor Roman, nor Chinese.
The word noble in Slavic meant "good family", this is a military aristocracy that originated from the Aryan patriarchal culture.

Matrons, priests, merchants and slave owners have nothing to do with this.
then the difficulties of the language, I do not know how to express it more precisely in English.

The word nobility actually comes from the plebeians
Certainly not Russian, nor Celtic, nor Roman, nor Chinese.
The original Russians are the Balts, like the Prussians, there were dogs, but they have no direct relation to Russian culture and Russians.

The Celts did not have any dogs, these are the Aryans of the Danube valley, the founders of the La Tène culture.

The concept of "Romance" is too vague. The first Rome is the Celtic kings, the Patricians. They had a patriarchy, and they worshiped the heavenly bull Jupiter, like all the Aryans.
I don't know what kind of person this is. I meant the masculine image of a hero, superman, cowboy, supercop, and so on. Traditional man of the US.
Not talib fag, not democrat, not stinky dog, not feminist bitch not british and so on.
Responsible for woman and family

He is an actor in a fictional work. He is also an Australian.
The legend of Romulus and Remus apparently originated during the period of the Republic and comes from the plebeian nobility. There were no wolves on the oldest Roman coins, there are chariots and horses everywhere.

Perhaps they were Etruscans, their language does not come from ancient Latin.
Every truth goes through 3 stages: 1) It is laughed at 2) It is severely objected to 3) It is accepted as obvious.

Arthur Schopenhauer
Listen pal, I studied anthropology at university, I'm aware of the ecological niche that humans evolved in, and their biological relationship to nature.

If you want to talk facts, you only need to look at the crown molds of our upper and lower dental molds, our nutritional neurological needs as infants, how cooking influence our evolution, and a host of other factors to understand, the difference between which great apes are herbivores, and which great apes, clearly are intended to be omnivores.

You will never, ever gas-light an experienced and educated physical anthropologist with primatology study, about your. . . "truth." I have facts, physical and biological science on my side. I don't need to resort to political, or philosophical arguments. In the end, we are still creatures of the good Earth, and of our very, VERY physical natures. . .

The Teeth of Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores​

How To Be A Healthy Omnivore​

". . . Humans are ultimately omnivorous creatures. A recent UC Berkeley study found that meat eating in our ancestors was necessary for our evolution. Our jaws and teeth are designed for both the crushing and chewing of vegetable matter, as well as the tearing of animal flesh. Yet, many people raised on meat-filled diets are beginning to question the necessity or benefits of eating meat.

Vegetarian diets are popular today for moral, environmental, and health reasons a plenty, as it becomes clearer that one can eat healthily without consuming meat. But with many still consuming meat on a regular basis, there is a need to focus on how to eat meat healthily. Meat can definitely be part of a lifestyle just as healthy as vegetarianism, as long as one simply watches what they consume in moderation. As meat provides many key proteins and fats for the body, there is little need to take supplemental vitamins, as long as the rest of the diet is balanced well.

When choosing meats, tread away from picking red meat all the time. A steak or serving of ground beef is a fine cone in a while, but make sure to mix in some poultry and fish regularly as well. When eating red meat, look for the leanest pieces available, or at least trim the fat off before cooking. The main concern in consuming too much red meat is the abundance of saturated fat, which can lead to problems throughout the body, from your colon to your arteries. Chicken and turkey, on the other hand, are already relatively low in saturated fat by comparison, and far lower in cholesterol as well. Fish is not only naturally lean, but the fat contained within is generally extremely healthy since it includes Omega-3 fatty acids, which may lower your risk of heart disease.. . .


As for fish, many morally concerned fish consumers look out for species that are fished sustainably and whose fishing practices do not cause collateral environmental damage. Fish lower on the food chain and shellfish tend to be the most easily sustainable, but some specific fish that are considered always safe are Tilapia, Alaskan Salmon, Calamari, Clams, Sole, King Crab, Oysters, Anchovies, and Sardines. These fish and shellfish are nearly always caught with little to no marine damage incurred, and are not considered threatened or at risk of overfishing. On the flip side, Halibut, Sea Bass, most Tuna, Grouper, Cod, and Swordfish should be avoided almost completely. These fish are generally either caught through deep-sea nets, trawling, or through other fishing systems that cause extensive damage to marine ecosystems or are fished to the point where they are considered a threatened species.

Diets that include meat are natural, and can be just as healthy as any other diet, as long as you simply watch what you eat. Take things in moderation, and make sure that all your other food groups show up as well. Stay away from the fatty junk foods, and cook more things yourself. If you’re worried about the treatment animals, do some research on farms or brands, or, even better, buy local and get to know the practices of your nearby farmers and fishers. Meat can be a healthy and delicious part of anyone’s diet with some smart planning.. . . "

Even a vegetarian anatomist/primatologist agrees with me. . . :rolleyes: You are arguing against facts, because you are delusional, and have an emotional agenda. When most sane folks can see, with their own eyes that the sky is blue, you calling it red doesn't make that, "truth."


Humans are Omnivores​

Adapted from a talk by John McArdle, Ph.D.​


". . . Although evidence on the structure and function of human hands and jaws, behavior, and evolutionary history also either support an omnivorous diet or fail to support strict vegetarianism, the best evidence comes from our teeth.
The short canines in humans are a functional consequence of the enlarged cranium and associated reduction of the size of the jaws. In primates, canines function as both defense weapons and visual threat devices. Interestingly, the primates with the largest canines (gorillas and gelada baboons) both have basically vegetarian diets. In archeological sites, broken human molars are most often confused with broken premolars and molars of pigs, a classic omnivore. On the other hand, some herbivores have well-developed incisors that are often mistaken for those of human teeth when found in archeological excavations.

Salivary Glands

These indicate we could be omnivores. Saliva and urine data vary, depending on diet, not taxonomic group.


Intestinal absorption is a surface area, not linear problem. Dogs (which are carnivores) have intestinal specializations more characteristic of omnivores than carnivores such as cats. The relative number of crypts and cell types is a better indication of diet than simple length. We are intermediate between the two groups.


Humans are classic examples of omnivores in all relevant anatomical traits. There is no basis in anatomy or physiology for the assumption that humans are pre-adapted to the vegetarian diet. For that reason, the best arguments in support of a meat-free diet remain ecological, ethical, and health concerns."
[Dr. McArdle is a vegetarian and currently Scientific Advisor to The American Anti-Vivisection Society. He is an anatomist and a primatologist.]
The plebeian nobility was descended from foreigners. They were rich but did not have equal rights and could not have land and be elected to the senate. Initially, they were not considered Roman citizens. In republican times, they could only be represented in the lower house.

These are the ancestors of the modern left.
Never mind. The image of a responsible right-wing man who does not shift responsibility to a woman - that's what was meant.

Your ideas that women are not smart enough to take responsibility for their lives is simply ridiculous.
Listen pal, I studied anthropology at university, I'm aware of the ecological niche that humans evolved in, and their biological relationship to nature.

If you want to talk facts, you only need to look at the crown molds of our upper and lower dental molds, our nutritional neurological needs as infants, how cooking influence our evolution, and a host of other factors to understand, the difference between which great apes are herbivores, and which great apes, clearly are intended to be omnivores.

You will never, ever gas-light an experienced and educated physical anthropologist with primatology study, about your. . . "truth." I have facts, physical and biological science on my side. I don't need to resort to political, or philosophical arguments. In the end, we are still creatures of the good Earth, and of our very, VERY physical natures. . .
You don't know anthropology. Jaws and teeth even in modern people are very different. Part of the population has sharp incisors and a "wolf bite", a massive protruding jaw, and this is exactly what those who descended from hunters are.
MisterBeale By the way, what do academic anthropologists say about the origin of women who have a pronounced expansion of the hips in the femoral neck area, who have a gap in the vaginal area because of this? Why are their hips shaped like that?
, I'm aware of the ecological niche that humans evolved in, and their biological relationship to nature.
Obviously, there were 2 main ecological niches: forest-swampy and steppe. The steppe population ate grains natural for the steppe and later tamed the horse and cow. These people could not eat meat, and most likely did not eat it.

The second part, the forest, lived by hunting and gathering. That is why they developed the cult of the wolf and the dog. Perhaps this is also connected with the pig, and may explain the physiological similarity with the pig of modern man. The wolf and the pig are essentially related species, they are very similar.
As for the forest population, carbohydrate intolerance could indeed have evolved there. There are very few carbohydrates in the forest. These are only rare berries and root crops poor in starch. Potatoes were bred relatively recently; before that, there were no such root crops rich in starch.

Diabetes and a low renal sugar excretion threshold may be associated with this.
Is it a coincidence that human insulin is identical to pig insulin? It is not yet known whether this is true for all people.
Insulin clearly has a connection with fat, because adipose tissue itself produces insulin.

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