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Do nothing Congress

If only we could have an actual, do-nothing congress.


January 4, 2012


"But there are reasons to believe otherwise. Electoral prospects for Republicans have dimmed considerably, removing some of the incentives for opposing the president. The election brought a startling opening for a comprehensive immigration bill. New natural gas reserves provide an opportunity to craft a bipartisan approach to energy production and conservation. Gun-control legislation is suddenly more feasible. One more round of spending cuts and revenue increases totaling about $1 trillion over the next decade, with tax reform a major source of the latter, would at least stabilize the debt-to-GDP ratio for the medium term and free policymakers to focus on economic growth, and health-care delivery and financing reforms.

Not all of these things are likely to happen. But if even a few do, it would mean a productive record for the 113th Congress compared with its dismal predecessor."


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The Democrats said they would put an end to the "do nothing Congress" and the partisan bickering that had stymied the institution since the 2000 election. Nancy Pelosi promised to get rid of corruption, promised an open and transparent method of governing and promised to work with the Republicans. Since the promises made in the election we have had many of the most corrupt elements of the Democratic Party placed in positions of honor and leadership, we have had the minority party blocked from working on legislation. We have had time wasted on non-binding resolutions which do nothing other than send a clear message to our enemies that we cannot be trusted to stand and fight. So what about this current Congress, where are the accomiplishments? Since the term "do nothing Congress" has already been used what are we to call this Congress? It seems they can't even satisfy the hard core left in their own party, much less the rest of America.

This is absolute garbage. The minority has in the span of 4 years levied more filibusters than the combined number from the past 30 years. Mitch McConnell is notorious for raising legislation and then voting against it if the Democrats try to pass it. The point is pure obstruction so that Americans get sick of the dysfunction and "throw the bums out" - thus replacing the Democratic lead Senate with Republicans.

Silly Rabbit. When Republicans obstruct government and force it to fail, they win. Why? Because when the public hates government, it's easier for the GOP to reduce the amount of money Americans send to government . . . which helps them lower the taxes on the concentrated money that owns the GOP.
Speaking of do nothing Congress is the Senate going to pass a budget this year we have officially started year number five without one from them.

The greatest threat to the concentrated money that owns the GOP is confidence in government. This is why minority filibuster>obstructionism is designed to keep government from working effectively for the middle class. When government works effectively for the majority of Americans, there is upward pressure on the taxes of the concentrated money which own GOP politicians and media sources. Please recall: the GOP was in the wilderness for decades during the postwar years when the New Deal created a powerful bond between Democrats and the middle class through very popular programs like Social Security and Medicare.

The last thing the GOP wants is for the Dems to create more programs that make it hard for them to win Florida. During every election the GOP is forced to dance around the "Third Rails" of politics (Social Security and Medicare) because these programs are so popular with seniors. This is why the entire point of the Reagan Revolution was to change the minds of Americans - and to convince them that government was absolutely dysfunctional and incompetent. Why? Because the only way to kill these programs was to convince younger Americans that sending money to Washington was useless. (This is akin to leading the sheep to slaughter because those young Americans will want Social Security and Medicare just as much as the current seniors who won't vote for the GOP in Florida.) By obstructing government and making it fail, the GOP is playing a very corrupt game. They are protecting the tax interests of the offshore dynasties and concentrated political power of the special interests who own the GOP and finance elections and - as a result - staff government. By destroying government's ability to work for the middle class, the GOP is making it so government only supports the mega-wealthy. This is why TARP bailed out the wealthy investors and bankers while foreclosing on the middle class. FDR's government for the middle class has turned into Reagan's government for the wealthy. This is accomplished by making government fail so it can be shrunk to the size where, as Grover Norquist says, it can be drowned in the bath tub.

(The GOP has to make government fail by gumming up the wheels of congress. Learn this fact and you will understand that the low approval rating for congress is literally the main policy goal of your party)
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