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Do nothing Congress

whenever I see examples of the Dems leadership, I remember Pelosi's speech of "We are the party of Ethics"


Yadda yadda yadda. Why do we have so much superlative and absolutist political rhetoric? Can’t we simply say that each political party has its share of unethical members and corruption?
DeLay, Cunningham, Abramoff, Libby to name four off the top of my head.

45 Dems in the Senate took money from Abramoff - and Lord only knows how many in the Senate

Look at the current ethics problems with Diane Finstein, Pelosi, Reid, and Obama
Yadda yadda yadda. Why do we have so much superlative and absolutist political rhetoric? Can’t we simply say that each political party has its share of unethical members and corruption?

Dems ran on "draining the swamp" - they should be doing it right now
45 Dems in the Senate took money from Abramoff - and Lord only knows how many in the Senate

Look at the current ethics problems with Diane Finstein, Pelosi, Reid, and Obama

ONLY republicans were bribed by abramoff....3 are in jail...

dems took NO direct money from abramoff as the repubs...
did for quid pro quo.
Wrong Care

Nearly ninety percent of Senate Democrats took money linked to disgraced "Republican" lobbyist Jack Abramoff, according to a list compiled by the Republican National Committee.

Though reporters continue to insist that the Abramoff imbroglio is "a Republican scandal," 2008 Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton took more than $12,000 in tainted cash.

Compared to the party's 2004 standard bearer, however, she's a piker. John Kerry raked in nearly $100,000 in Abramoff-linked donations.

In fact, 40 of the party's 45 U.S. senators made the Jack Abramoff dishonor roll, including:

Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), who received at least $22,500 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN), who received at least $6,500 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE), who received at least $1,250 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), who received at least $2,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), who received at least $20,250 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), who received at least $21,765 in Abramoff-linked cash.
• Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), who received at least $7,500 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), who received at least $12,950 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND), who received at least $8,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Jon Corzine (D-NJ), who received at least $7,500 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), who received at least $14,792 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND), who received at least $79,300 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), who received at least $14,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who received at least $2,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI), who received at least $1,250 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), who received at least $45,750 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI), who received at least $9,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Jim Jeffords (I-VT), who received at least $2,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD), who received at least $14,250 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), who received at least $3,300 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator John Kerry (D-MA), who received at least $98,550 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA), who received at least $28,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Pat Leahy (D-VT), who received at least $4,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), who received at least $6,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT), who received at least $29,830 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) Received At Least $14,891 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), who received at least $10,550 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), who received at least $78,991 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL), who received at least $20,168 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) Received At Least $5,200 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), who received at least $7,500 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR), who received at least $2,300 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), who received at least $3,500 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), who received at least $68,941 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator John Rockefeller (D-WV), who received at least $4,000 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO), who received at least $4,500 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD), who received at least $4,300 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who received at least $29,550 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), who received at least $6,250 in Abramoff-linked cash.

• Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), who received at least $6,250 in Abramoff-linked cash.

40 0f 45 Democratic Senators Took Abramoff Money!

Democrats at all levels have attacked Republicans for ties to indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his Indian tribal clients. They do this despite the fact that 40 of the 45 members of the Senate Democrat Caucus have taken money from Abramoff, his associates, and Indian tribe clients.

Powerline carried this news earlier today from GOP Senators.com.

And on that note, I differ with you.....not that I rule it out completely, but as I have seen it, there hasn't been as corrupt of an administration or Republican congress in decades.... :(

I just don't see how the past republican congress can be beat on their overwhelming culture of corruption, cheating, swindling, quid pro quos with lobbyists, etc.

yours truely,

Nancy Pelosi :rofl:

Actually, it is me....:) Care

More oversight than legislation in Democrats’ first 100 days in power

Democratic leaders have racked up impressive numbers in their first 100 days: 189 recorded votes in the House; 53 days, including a Saturday, in session for the Senate; and an approval rating 15 points higher than last year’s Republican-controlled Congress.

But by GOP measurements, the Democratic majority has had zero impact. Republicans note that the president signed none of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) vaunted “Six for ’06” priority bills by April 14, the 100th day of the new majority’s tenure.

the house passed the measures. Pelosi did what she said she would do. Unfortunately, due to cloture rules in the Senate, Harry Reid has not been able to deliver the senate votes and, practically speaking, democrats do not have a veto-proof majority in either chamber..... not yet, anyhow.
the house passed the measures. Pelosi did what she said she would do. Unfortunately, due to cloture rules in the Senate, Harry Reid has not been able to deliver the senate votes and, practically speaking, democrats do not have a veto-proof majority in either chamber..... not yet, anyhow.

During the Clinton years, libs said how the Republican Congress had to learn to work with Pres Vlinton

Now, the libs are saying how Pres Bush needs to learn to work with the Dem Congress
During the Clinton years, libs said how the Republican Congress had to learn to work with Pres Vlinton

Now, the libs are saying how Pres Bush needs to learn to work with the Dem Congress

so what? you castigated Pelosi and I pointed out that she had been very effective in doing what she said she would do.
so what? you castigated Pelosi and I pointed out that she had been very effective in doing what she said she would do.

Effective at what?

Surrender to terrorists?

Raising taxes?

Conducting her own foreign policy?

Demanding more perks then the former Speaker?
Effective at what?

Surrender to terrorists?

Raising taxes?

Conducting her own foreign policy?

Demanding more perks then the former Speaker?

she passed all the legislation she said she would pass. COmpare that to Newt and the contract on america.... he didn't pass that.
she passed all the legislation she said she would pass. COmpare that to Newt and the contract on america.... he didn't pass that.

Newt accomplished alot

Unlike the Dem Do Nothing Congress

Of course to be fair, the name Do Nothing Congress is not fair to Dems. Other names could be...........

1 Do nothing Congress
2 Talk out of both sides of the mouth Congress
3 Hypocrite Congress
4 Pot and the Kettle Congress
5 Cant Walk the Walk Congress
6 Tail between the legs Congress
7 You mean we actually have to govern Congress
8 Social programs for everyone Congress
9 Who needs security Congress
newt did not accomplish the legislative agenda he set out to pass. Nancy did.

that's the facts.
Welfare reform

tax cuts

From about 1994-2000, they did a good job of holding spending growth below economic growth, which resulted in surpluses.
Welfare reform

tax cuts

From about 1994-2000, they did a good job of holding spending growth below economic growth, which resulted in surpluses.

that is all well and good. My POINT was: Newt set out a legislative agenda before he took office. He did not accomplish it all. Nancy set out a legislative agenda before SHE took office. SHE accomplished it all. that's a fact. address it.
that is all well and good. My POINT was: Newt set out a legislative agenda before he took office. He did not accomplish it all. Nancy set out a legislative agenda before SHE took office. SHE accomplished it all. that's a fact. address it.

Parts of the Contact With America were passed

The Senate did not run on the Contract

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