Do republicans actually have faith that Trump will get his way in the summit?

Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.
The thing is Trump is respected by these guys, they don't see him as some soft bitch ass.......they know he's serious and they also trust him when he says what he can and cant do as opposed to an Obama or Bush type (ie a regular politician).

Who knows what we happen......but we're closer to a positive outcome than we have been.
Oh please. Trump is a whiny little bitch. Sure he puts up a facade of being manly but you fall for it.
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.

It's okay to admit you want America to fail, Billy. We already know you do, so it's not a revelation.
Look multiple presidents have tried to resolve this conflict since the 1950's and failed. Just cool it and give Trump a shot at solving the problem, that goes for you to OP.
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.

It's okay to admit you want America to fail, Billy. We already know you do, so it's not a revelation.
If he gets a deal, a REAL deal liberals here will shit their pants!
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.

It's okay to admit you want America to fail, Billy. We already know you do, so it's not a revelation.
Lol whenever you try to make this about me I know that you secretly agree with me.
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.
This ‘summit’ is an act of desperation on Trump’s part for some sort of ‘win’ – and Republicans are just as desperate.
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.

WTF is wrong with you folks, hopefully everyone feels Trump gets his way.
Poor Whitney left wing babies, another oh no thread about Trump.

I am not positive that this summit will produce much of anything, however he can’t do worse than he predecessors who basically gave NK what they wanted without NK having to do anything.

So while I’m reserved about this, i do see it as a positive and not worried at all.

Ok, little left wing cry babies, get back to your thread and thanks again for the laughs.
Trump will receive promises which won't be kept. Kim, his father and his grandfather have played every President for most of my life by making promises they didn't keep without suffering the consequences. You can bet the house that's his plan. I don't think we'll know much two days from now - positive or negative.

P.S. The real game will begin, in the future, when Kim breaks his promises.
This whole thread is speculation, and a little silly since by bedtime we should have some actual data. But I wouldn't bring up broken promises too loudly. Our house (WH) is a little brittle itself when it comes to broken promises. Remember 'better healthcare cheaper', 'coal and manufacturing resurgence', or how about (don't laugh now) middle class wage increase thru tax relief? That's the domestic ones. Then there is climate change agreements, NATO promises, dropping sanctions placed on the new USSR due to Ukraine and Crimea invasions. Trump has 2 columns at my house...A for what he says, and B for what he does. Reconciliation of the two is an impossible bitch.
Trumps comes back saying he won - hes a liar.

after 65 years NK wont submit in one meeting.
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.

It's okay to admit you want America to fail, Billy. We already know you do, so it's not a revelation.
Lol whenever you try to make this about me I know that you secretly agree with me.

What specifically do I agree with?
I don’t think trump is going to do the puffy bully thing. He needs this meeting to look successful so I think he pulls out the charm and tries to build a relationship with rocketman. They will both come out saying that the talks went well but no details were decided. Then they spend the next few months milking the political capital they both will get by spinning the meeting to their favor.
Trump already got his way when he cancelled and rocket man came crawling back.
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.
------------------------------------------------- you are pretty invested in this eh Billy ?? TRUMP is just going to do whatever he thinks is best same as he slapped around the 'g7' and made it the 'g6' . Remember , if talks don't work then the Military Option is ready to go at The TRUMPS Command Billy .
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.

The detail work was all done in advance, this deal is a win-win for both sides.

Rocket Man isn't stupid, I think this is going to be a great summit.

I think when its all said and done, NK will do the right thing and there will be a top resort and casino in Pyongyang before you know it.

Both President Trump and Rocket Man are great fans of the King of Sports, Professional Wrestling, they'll probably talk about getting some big shows in NK. Remember that the North Korean people are huge wrestling fans, they drew the biggest crowds of all time in Pyongyang for Collision in Korea in the 1990's.
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.

It's okay to admit you want America to fail, Billy. We already know you do, so it's not a revelation.
Lol whenever you try to make this about me I know that you secretly agree with me.

What specifically do I agree with?
That Trump is a whiny little bitch and a terrible president.
Trump is going to go in there with his chest puffed out and do his weird, wannabe-dominant handshake with Kim and expect that to be enough. He even said he didn’t do any preparation work for this summit before hand. He’ll just “touch and feel” Kim. He deludes himself into thinking he is a closer when really is a just a moron. Hell, Kim probably speaks better English than Trump does. Any translator present would have to figure out how to make sense of his jumbled sentence construction before translating it to Korean.

The caveman-like song and dance Trump will do to try and intimidate Kim will backfire spectacularly because Kim’s ego is just as fragile as Trump’s is. Nothing will get accomplished because Kim is going to expect concessions from America and Trump thinks saying no to that will fix everything.

Once again your desperation that America fail is duly noted! Why?

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