Do Republicans believe any of the 19 women that accused Trump of sexual assault?

The zealots on both sides here including you are literally tripping over each other trying to pin it on the other side.

Its rather pathetic and sad. None of you care about victims, just political points.
You get zero points.

I bet you lean right. Because this is usually the reply we get when someone on the right gets busted. "They all do it" is usually what you guys say or "they're all just as bad"

Then don't vote. If there is no clear difference between the parties stay home.
Go to hell.
I will not be staying home.
I will vote Trump regardless of those on the right and left working against him.
I still find it hilarious that there are a dozen threads "proving" Trump or Clinton was Epstein's best bud.
I will wait for the chips to fall. Not holding my breath that anyone is going to "pay".

To add...
Anyone agreeing with the site tard, by default, is one.

And WTF is it with lighting up my old threads? A little stalking issue?

You don't care if trump is a pedophile or a rapist. You just drool over his ability to lie bald face to the world. He likes you too....

He loves the poorly educated....toothless.....drooling idiots that he can drag around like deflated balloons...

You are a typical mindless POS...
I don't care
just as long as he MAGA
It was already great for me. Wasn’t it for you? How much more do you make now?

Funny because I make about $45,000 more now than I did in 2016. But that was going to happen regardless.
....the country was going to shit--with the riots/looting/burning because cops were defending themselves from dangerous jackass criminals
....Obama was backing the criminals
...whites were/are being victimized for NOTHING --Smollet/Kavanaugh/Covington/etc
MSM WAY out of hand--enemy of America/WHITES/etc
....FINALLY a POTUS with common sense that is not afraid to tell the truth/kick ass
sure Trump's a dick and a liar who has been accused of rape and treason and all the rest, but with the economy doing so well, what difference does it make? as long as your life is going great, you need to vote to re-elect Trump in 2020!
Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Why haven't any of these women been able to convince a prosecutor to bring charges?

Seems like they're lying drunken sluts like the ones who tried to derail the Kavanaugh nomination.
Yeah, I believe them. Especially the one who claimed he grabbed her ass during the Ray Charles concert at Maralago. The one that was CANCELLED. :laugh2:

The one recently that said Trump forcibly kissed her. Video showed it was a mutual air kiss.
Do Republicans believe any of the 19 women that accused Trump of sexual assault?

Not a one, but i'm a democrat and thanks to the liberals I don't know how good my word is anymore.
Are you having second thoughts about being a Democrat? Maybe they've gotten a little too extreme or weren't what you thought they were?
Are you having second thoughts about being a Democrat? Maybe they've gotten a little too extreme or weren't what you thought they were?
Not second thoughts, the party isn't for democrats anymore, its for leftist communists who I want to rid the party of, the most effective way to do that is from inside the party...I've know this for quite some time now.
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.

Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.

Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?

Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?

Women detail sexual allegations against Trump - CNNPolitics

Judge Tells Trump He Can Be Deposed in Summer Zervos Sexual Harassment Suit

Meet 19 women who claim affairs with Trump or accuse him of unwanted advances

Trump fails for the third time to stop the Summer Zervos defamation lawsuit

New York’s highest court rejects Trump’s attempts to stop Zervos defamation suit

So two lawsuits will be moving forward. One is for sexual harassment and the other is for the Trump Foundation, a criminal organization.

Five things to know about the lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

Underwood also referred the case to the Federal Election Commission and Internal Revenue Service, arguing that the agencies should examine the foundation for possible violations of federal election and tax laws.

That means that the current state investigation into the charity could expand to the federal level — and Trump’s own administration could be examining the president and his charity.


So which is worse for Trump? Sexual harassment or using charity to shield a slush fund?
I saw jim acosta [sp] assault a woman in front of trump and he did not subdue acosta, so there's that as well.

No you didn't. Jim Accosta never touched that woman. Trump faked video that made it look like something it was not. Accosta went to court, exposed the fake video, and the judge ruled against Trump.

This is not the first time that Trump has tried to fake video and lied about it.
No you didn't. Jim Accosta never touched that woman. Trump faked video that made it look like something it was not. Accosta went to court, exposed the fake video, and the judge ruled against Trump.

This is not the first time that Trump has tried to fake video and lied about it.
So you saw it too then.
The current Supreme Court is the most pro-business and anti labor since World War II.

You think kicking illegals out is going to fix things? Not if "they" won't go after illegal employers. Not if they just increase legal immigration before wages go up.

You are happy when Republicans, who always favor the rich, throw you a crumb. That's all Trump has given you was a crumb. The middle class is still disappearing. College is still unaffordable for the masses. People still aren't saving enough. But the rich are even richer.

That's really not true. The Janus Decision is very Pro-Worker, as it allows civil servants an opportunity to either join or not join Big Labor

You mean the decision to not force people who are protected by unions to not pay dues?

This is the problem with right wing nut jobs. They can spin anything. You just took a decision that hurts labor and claimed it to be pro labor. LOL.

Breaking unions doesn't help labor. Since unions went from 35% of our workforce to about 9%, wages have steadily gone down. No coincidence. Free market capitalism didn't create the middle class we all knew and loved. Liberal policies like social security and affordable college did. Things conservatives don't care about.

Actually, the American Middle Class took off in the roaring 20's, when the electronic, radio and automotive ages caught steam. And Unionism was at its nadir.

Since the 1950's when unions were at 35% of the workforce, income and living standards have actually risen to new heights. When I was a kid, we didn't have a/c, in home computers, and only 1 car in the whole house.

In fact if my memory on history is correct, the time you are referring to is when Unions got real popular. Why did they? Because the free market capitalism corporations didn't want to pay a living wage. Sound familiar?

Let me give you an example of how things are today like they were then. Today Walmart is the largest employer and the owners are billionaires with a B. They pay their employees so little that they qualify for foodstamps which they spend in WALMART!

I think Walmart should pay a better wage so that their employees don't qualify for government assistance. Walmart's business model is taking advantage of us. Don't you think?

So don't cry that Ford and GM employees made too much. First of all, no they didn't. Second of all, at least they weren't on Welfare.

I never said Ford or GM(or Chrysler, BMW or Toyota workers for that matter) make too much.

But the retail industry has never paid very much. The jobs that are offered are a lot less demanding than working in the Open hearth or in a coal mine as well. Walmart workers get paid comparable to those that worked in the past at Zayre, Kresge's, WT Grant's, Kmart and the most notorious slavedriving penny pincher employers of them all, Mom and Pop.

Mom and Pop stores paid a LOT more than Walmart and other mega-employers. Walmart is responsible for LOWERING wages across the retail sector. Other chains had to do the same in order to remain competitive.

A Downward Push: The Impact of Wal-Mart Stores on Retail Wages and Benefits

The impact of big-box retailers on communities, jobs, crime, wages and more: Research roundup - Journalist's Resource

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