Do Republicans have to "trick" people when fundraising?

How's the wording of "Hope and Change" working out for everyone?
No deception there, huh? :lol:
Speaking of "tricks".................nobody bamboozles Americans like the radical left, which, of course, Obama is a part of..............

Economists: The stimulus didn't help
By Hibah Yousuf, staff reporterApril 26, 2010: 3:56 AM ET

NEW YORK ( -- The recovery is picking up steam as employers boost payrolls, but economists think the government's stimulus package and jobs bill had little to do with the rebound, according to a survey released Monday.

In latest quarterly survey by the National Association for Business Economics, the index that measures employment showed job growth for the first time in two years -- but a majority of respondents felt the fiscal stimulus had no impact.

Whats particularly hysterical is that invariably, every single lefty internet k00k actually thinks stuff like the stimulus is beneficial for the country at large.:tomato: It was 800 billion in special interest payments you fcukking morons!!:lol::lol: They've worked you assholes for years with this class warfare garbage and invariably, every internet liberal k00k buys this stuff hook, line and stinker!!! Every time!!!:eusa_whistle:
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Pass a law then that stops solicitations from looking like bills as well.

What are you too fucking stupid to read what you get in the mail before you send a check?

But what am I thinking?

Libbies never read anything before they sign it.
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Speaking of "tricks".................nobody bamboozles Americans like the radical left, which, of course, Obama is a part of..............

Economists: The stimulus didn't help
By Hibah Yousuf, staff reporterApril 26, 2010: 3:56 AM ET

NEW YORK ( -- The recovery is picking up steam as employers boost payrolls, but economists think the government's stimulus package and jobs bill had little to do with the rebound, according to a survey released Monday.

In latest quarterly survey by the National Association for Business Economics, the index that measures employment showed job growth for the first time in two years -- but a majority of respondents felt the fiscal stimulus had no impact.

Economists say the stimulus didn't help - Apr. 26, 2010

Whats particularly hysterical is that invariably, every single lefty internet k00k actually thinks stuff like the stimulus is beneficial for the country at large.:tomato: It was 800 billion in special interest payments you fcukking morons!!:lol::lol: They've worked you assholes for years with this class warfare garbage and invariably, every internet liberal k00k buys this stuff hook, line and stinker!!! Every time!!!:eusa_whistle:
There is little if any proof that government attempts to control the economy work. Economist are always arguing over this. Heck, we are still arguing whether all the stimulus in the 30's really worked. Many believe it was WWII that pulled us out of the depression. Fed attempts to simulate the economy through lowering interest are just as controversial as fiscal methods. However, whether there is proof that fiscal or monetary methods work or not, government will always do something because people demand action.
Do Republicans have to "trick" people when fundraising?

Nope. You Democrats got a lock on that tactic.

Yes they do.

My republican senator John Ensign has raised 50 bucks for his re elction campaign to date.

You read that right 50 bucks

Funny how the republicans hold their own accountable, and the democrats try and defend their own.

Got anything else for us, TDM?
Nope. You Democrats got a lock on that tactic.

Yes they do.

My republican senator John Ensign has raised 50 bucks for his re elction campaign to date.

You read that right 50 bucks

Funny how the republicans hold their own accountable, and the democrats try and defend their own.

Got anything else for us, TDM?

Like you held Bush accoutable for spending like a drunken sailor?

Holding them accountable is re-electing them?
Funny how he sees Ensigns corruption as a problem for the democrats.

Jesus what warpped views
Funny how he sees Ensigns corruption as a problem for the democrats.

Jesus what warpped views

Pelosi defending Rangle, you buffoon. For the love of God, please take a course in reading comprehension.
Yes they do.

My republican senator John Ensign has raised 50 bucks for his re elction campaign to date.

You read that right 50 bucks

Funny how the republicans hold their own accountable, and the democrats try and defend their own.

Got anything else for us, TDM?

Like you held Bush accoutable for spending like a drunken sailor?

Holding them accountable is re-electing them?

So you are saying that barry is a one term president?
It's to protect Democrats, who are too stupid to read.

It is sad and unfortunate that we must pass laws to protect ourselves from slime that can only succeed when they are decietful. Some groups consider cheating just normal business practice eh...RABBI!! Straight out of your book of don't have one..:lol::lol:

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