Do republicans only pretend to think compromise is a virtue?

If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
I don't think they even pretend. LOL They don't like compromise. Not even a little. And the Founders thought people would always compromise. And except for 1861, we have. till now.
You think this is still a Republic.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
uuummmm….ummmmmmm Elections have consequences, get to the back of the bus and shut up and besides you drove the car into the ditch …….forget who tol me all that
And elections are why there's not going to be a wall, regardless of the merits.

But a compromise would have given Trump at least part of the wall.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
uuummmm….ummmmmmm Elections have consequences, get to the back of the bus and shut up and besides you drove the car into the ditch …….forget who tol me all that
And elections are why there's not going to be a wall, regardless of the merits.

But a compromise would have given Trump at least part of the wall.

Why do you want to let people walk across the border?
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
uuummmm….ummmmmmm Elections have consequences, get to the back of the bus and shut up and besides you drove the car into the ditch …….forget who tol me all that
And elections are why there's not going to be a wall, regardless of the merits.

But a compromise would have given Trump at least part of the wall.
except he doesn't need Congress to build it
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?

1. I have never pretended that compromise is a virtue. I don't know who you are talking about.

2. Checks and balances are a completely different topic. Do you even know what you are unhappy about?
Uh well instead of checks and balances, he took the government hostage and pretended the House was illegitimate.

Compromise to people like you is capitulation, nothing else is acceptable.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
uuummmm….ummmmmmm Elections have consequences, get to the back of the bus and shut up and besides you drove the car into the ditch …….forget who tol me all that
And elections are why there's not going to be a wall, regardless of the merits.

But a compromise would have given Trump at least part of the wall.
No it wouldn't. Piglosi's idea of a compromise is no wall. Haven't you been paying attention?

I guess the Dims are going to have a national emergency stuff down their throats. I can't wait to see all the wailing and bleating.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
So why did Democrats just a few years ago have no problem spending money for a wall?
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
So why did Democrats just a few years ago have no problem spending money for a wall?
They wanted fencing where it could actually be built. They still had the basic sense to know a physical barrier isn’t some magical solution.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?

1. I have never pretended that compromise is a virtue. I don't know who you are talking about.

2. Checks and balances are a completely different topic. Do you even know what you are unhappy about?
Uh well instead of checks and balances, he took the government hostage and pretended the House was illegitimate.

The position the House took is illegitimate. Only an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what comes into our community.
Lol you are such a doofus. They agreed to billions more in border security funding. You can pretend a wall is all that matters if you want but you sound like 2nd grader.

So, if they are for controlling the border, supposedly, what is their excuse for not supporting the Wall?
Uhh because it’s a useless waste of money according to actual independent experts on the subject. You think it’s a good idea simply because Trump says it is. That’s it.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
That isn't compromise, asshole. $5 billion instead of $25 billion for the wall is already a big compromise. No matter how much Republicans compromise, turds like you always insist on more compromise to the point where Republicans get nothing.

Go fuck yourself. It's the wall or National Emergency. Take your pick. Compromise on that.
Lol do you know how much of a fascist toddler you sound right now? The ONLY reason you want a wall is because your cult leader told you it’s a good idea. That’s it. That’s the only reason. If Trump had never proposed this idea, republicans would never talk about it. Actual independent experts know that a wall is a waste of money. Plus, why should democrats cave if Trump originally promised Mexico would pay for it?
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
So why did Democrats just a few years ago have no problem spending money for a wall?
They wanted fencing where it could actually be built. They still had the basic sense to know a physical barrier isn’t some magical solution.
Wrong. There was solid wall built during Obama's administration.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
So why did Democrats just a few years ago have no problem spending money for a wall?
They wanted fencing where it could actually be built. They still had the basic sense to know a physical barrier isn’t some magical solution.
It's not magic, asshole, it's just basic security practice. Walls work wherever they are tried. No one is fooled by all these bullshit snowflake lies about walls.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
So why did Democrats just a few years ago have no problem spending money for a wall?
They wanted fencing where it could actually be built. They still had the basic sense to know a physical barrier isn’t some magical solution.
Wrong. There was solid wall built during Obama's administration.

Yeah. In Israel.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
So why did Democrats just a few years ago have no problem spending money for a wall?
They wanted fencing where it could actually be built. They still had the basic sense to know a physical barrier isn’t some magical solution.
It's not magic, asshole, it's just basic security practice. Walls work wherever they are tried. No one is fooled by all these bullshit snowflake lies about walls.

I dunno. Let's ask folks in our Penal System if Walls work.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
That isn't compromise, asshole. $5 billion instead of $25 billion for the wall is already a big compromise. No matter how much Republicans compromise, turds like you always insist on more compromise to the point where Republicans get nothing.

Go fuck yourself. It's the wall or National Emergency. Take your pick. Compromise on that.
Lol do you know how much of a fascist toddler you sound right now? The ONLY reason you want a wall is because your cult leader told you it’s a good idea. That’s it. That’s the only reason. If Trump had never proposed this idea, republicans would never talk about it. Actual independent experts know that a wall is a waste of money. Plus, why should democrats cave if Trump originally promised Mexico would pay for it?
Wrong. I've been talking about building a wall for at least 10 years. Trump didn't propose it. He just supported it. Your theories about my motivation are just the usual baseless ad hominems.

The most effective way to use our money for border security is to build the wall. The claim that walls don't work has been proven to be bullshit thousands of times.

Who are these "independent experts?" It's guaranteed that they are Democrat party shills. Real experts know that walls work. Just ask the experts who built the wall in Israel. Those are real experts with real experience, not tools or propagandists.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
So why did Democrats just a few years ago have no problem spending money for a wall?
They wanted fencing where it could actually be built. They still had the basic sense to know a physical barrier isn’t some magical solution.
Wrong. There was solid wall built during Obama's administration.

Yeah. In Israel.
Wrong. Over 700 miles.
1. I have never pretended that compromise is a virtue. I don't know who you are talking about.

2. Checks and balances are a completely different topic. Do you even know what you are unhappy about?
Uh well instead of checks and balances, he took the government hostage and pretended the House was illegitimate.

The position the House took is illegitimate. Only an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what comes into our community.
Lol you are such a doofus. They agreed to billions more in border security funding. You can pretend a wall is all that matters if you want but you sound like 2nd grader.

So, if they are for controlling the border, supposedly, what is their excuse for not supporting the Wall?
Uhh because it’s a useless waste of money according to actual independent experts on the subject. You think it’s a good idea simply because Trump says it is. That’s it.
That's a flat out lie.
If Trump gets his way like the toddler he is and the wall is funded, that is not compromise. That is not compromise with another branch of government. What compromise actually looks like is democrats agreeing to additional billions in spending on border security that simply doesn’t include a wall. That is compromise in its purest form. Do republicans only care about checks and balances when it suits their narrative and demands?
So why did Democrats just a few years ago have no problem spending money for a wall?
They wanted fencing where it could actually be built. They still had the basic sense to know a physical barrier isn’t some magical solution.
Wrong. There was solid wall built during Obama's administration.

Yeah. In Israel.
Wrong. Over 700 miles.
1. I have never pretended that compromise is a virtue. I don't know who you are talking about.

2. Checks and balances are a completely different topic. Do you even know what you are unhappy about?
Uh well instead of checks and balances, he took the government hostage and pretended the House was illegitimate.

The position the House took is illegitimate. Only an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what comes into our community.
Lol you are such a doofus. They agreed to billions more in border security funding. You can pretend a wall is all that matters if you want but you sound like 2nd grader.

So, if they are for controlling the border, supposedly, what is their excuse for not supporting the Wall?
Uhh because it’s a useless waste of money according to actual independent experts on the subject. You think it’s a good idea simply because Trump says it is. That’s it.

Not good enough. Even if they really believed that, which they don't, it is not like they would not be wiling to wasted a few billion to get the government moving again.
Uh well instead of checks and balances, he took the government hostage and pretended the House was illegitimate.

The position the House took is illegitimate. Only an enemy of the people could be against controlling who and what comes into our community.
Lol you are such a doofus. They agreed to billions more in border security funding. You can pretend a wall is all that matters if you want but you sound like 2nd grader.

So, if they are for controlling the border, supposedly, what is their excuse for not supporting the Wall?
Uhh because it’s a useless waste of money according to actual independent experts on the subject. You think it’s a good idea simply because Trump says it is. That’s it.

Not good enough. Even if they really believed that, which they don't, it is not like they would not be wiling to wasted a few billion to get the government moving again.
They're willing to spend trillions on global warming, but $5 billion for a wall is too expensive? Who do these turds think they're fooling?

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