Do Snowflakes Know The Meaning Of The Word 'Exculpatory'? It Does Not Seem So...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Anything that clears someone or something of guilt or blame.
-- Exculpatory comes from the Latin word 'exculpat', meaning "freed from blame."
-- The verb exculpate means to 'free from guilt or blame'.

For 3 1/2 years Democrats have been pushing the Deep State Counter-Intelligence LIE that Trump and is team were engaged in illegal 'collusion' with the Russians.

- Former FBI Agent Page's personal testimony - making it clear that the FBI's illegal internal investigation BEFORE the official Weismann-Mueller Special Counsel investigation proving there was nothing to the claim - did nothing to convince snowflakes the Obama's administration / the Democrats were lying to them.

- The Weismann-Mueller report stating NO connection / evidence of Russian collusion between Trump and/or his team and Russians was found did nothing to convince snowflakes the Obama's administration / the Democrats were lying to them.

- Mueller's personal (and disastrous / humiliating) testimony before Congress in which it was confirmed no evidence of Russian Collusion was found did nothing to convince snowflakes the Obama's administration / the Democrats were lying to them.

- US IG Horowitz's repots outlining how the FBI had knowingly used a biased, partisan, lying, untrustworthy double-dealing foreign spy working with both the FBI and Russians and his known false Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda to commit FISA Court Abuses, withhold EXCULPATORY evidence, alter documents, and manufacture false evidence did nothing to convince snowflakes the Obama's administration / the Democrats were lying to them.

- Even Special Prosecutor Durham's declaration that existing evidence proves that from the very start of the Obama administration's illegal coup attempt / FISA Abuse-fueled illegal investigation Obama's agencies - DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, and 17 Intel Agencies - found sufficient evidence proving no such illegal collusion existed but that they hid / withheld that information, kept going after Trump and his team:

“It is also clear that, from its inception the evidence produced by the investigation was ‘consistently exculpatory’

Some snowflakes still cling to the delusion / lie that the President and / or his team was / is colluding with the Russians...

At some point you have to come to the conclusion this is due to a mental disorder, not a lack of understanding of the word 'Exculpatory'.


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