Do Taxes Encourage or Discourage Behavior?

Based on the assumption that you, as a 2013 Republican, are all about "deficit reduction,"

How do you propose to do so without raising taxes? (Please bear with me a moment.)

You are mistaken in assuming that I'm a Republican.

I propose rolling back government spending to where we were in 2007, and then requiring a balanced budget with spending not to exceed 20% of GDP (unless we are truly engaged in a world war). This will require a narrowing of the scope of government activities, getting rid of corporate welfare, getting rid of unions for federal employees to milk excessive benefits, and restructuring SS and Medicare...and terminating Obamacare.

I'd also like to see the Glen Reynolds' proposal put in place which taxes income at 75% when a former elected official or bureaucrat takes a lobbying job within 5 years of leaving public service. Also, it would be better to get rid of pensions for elected officials. Let them have to make a living in the private sector under the rules they have passed after they leave office.

On final thing: tax reform. Low flat tax for all with no loopholes or deductions.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You are not a republican. Right. What do you confess to be. You have absolute libertarian ideas. None of which have ever worked.
Economists who are non partisan will probably diagree with you by at least 5 to 1 on the idea of a balanced budget. Because, you see, requiring a balanced budget will absolutely flush the economy in bad times. Stupid, really stupid, economic idea.
Pinning spending on any past year would be about as popular as a fart in church with the people of this country. Most are not interested in the libertarian ideal. So, that idea is doa. And stupid. Had you ever noticed that the population is growing. Had you ever noticed that there is inflation. Always.
And you support the flat tax. What a surprise. The flat tax is proposed by wealthy people who lie like crazy to get stupid people to support it. Because, of course, it is the wealth that benefit big time.

What I see in you is a person who has his/her nose up the ass of the Koch brothers. Every one of your ideas passes the Koch test. Odd, eh, for a non republican. Maybe a libertarian, eh. Or are you simply dishonest??

You are a blithering idiot.
Because, you see, requiring a balanced budget will absolutely flush the economy in bad times.

actually it would be 100% optimal. A deficit means libturds are spending what they don't have (borrowing or printing) both of which distort the economy with mal-investment bubbles that cause recessions.

A surplus means they have taxed more than they spend and so have money sitting that should be spent or invested by private hands from whence it came.

Best of all is a tiny balanced budget which avoids most the problems caused by libturd interference with the free market. The soviets Cuba and East Germany found that interference didn't work.
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You are mistaken in assuming that I'm a Republican.

I propose rolling back government spending to where we were in 2007, and then requiring a balanced budget with spending not to exceed 20% of GDP (unless we are truly engaged in a world war). This will require a narrowing of the scope of government activities, getting rid of corporate welfare, getting rid of unions for federal employees to milk excessive benefits, and restructuring SS and Medicare...and terminating Obamacare.

I'd also like to see the Glen Reynolds' proposal put in place which taxes income at 75% when a former elected official or bureaucrat takes a lobbying job within 5 years of leaving public service. Also, it would be better to get rid of pensions for elected officials. Let them have to make a living in the private sector under the rules they have passed after they leave office.

On final thing: tax reform. Low flat tax for all with no loopholes or deductions.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You are not a republican. Right. What do you confess to be. You have absolute libertarian ideas. None of which have ever worked.
Economists who are non partisan will probably diagree with you by at least 5 to 1 on the idea of a balanced budget. Because, you see, requiring a balanced budget will absolutely flush the economy in bad times. Stupid, really stupid, economic idea.
Pinning spending on any past year would be about as popular as a fart in church with the people of this country. Most are not interested in the libertarian ideal. So, that idea is doa. And stupid. Had you ever noticed that the population is growing. Had you ever noticed that there is inflation. Always.
And you support the flat tax. What a surprise. The flat tax is proposed by wealthy people who lie like crazy to get stupid people to support it. Because, of course, it is the wealth that benefit big time.

What I see in you is a person who has his/her nose up the ass of the Koch brothers. Every one of your ideas passes the Koch test. Odd, eh, for a non republican. Maybe a libertarian, eh. Or are you simply dishonest??

You are a blithering idiot.
Right. And you must know how important your opinion is to me.
Specifically, were you born stupid, or did you just watch fox for too long???

Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone?


Are you fucking kidding me?
I know this is probably too difficult for your little conservative mind, or whatever serves as one. But the study was not done by rolling stone, me boy. Just quoted by them. And quoted in many many other sources as well. Oddly, cons just do not believe the study. But that is what the studies say. Being a con makes you stupid, and attracts stupid people. Sorry about that. It is just the way it is.

Here are a few more that help explain your malady:
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Brock University Study Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) : Gene Expression

Alterman Study: Conservatives Display Ignorance | Nel's New Day


Liberal Sociologists do a study and conclude "conservatives" are less intelligent than liberals!



Dogmatism = Stupidity, and it is apparent that all partisans, with their narrow POV's are stupid.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You are not a republican. Right. What do you confess to be. You have absolute libertarian ideas. None of which have ever worked.
Economists who are non partisan will probably diagree with you by at least 5 to 1 on the idea of a balanced budget. Because, you see, requiring a balanced budget will absolutely flush the economy in bad times. Stupid, really stupid, economic idea.
Pinning spending on any past year would be about as popular as a fart in church with the people of this country. Most are not interested in the libertarian ideal. So, that idea is doa. And stupid. Had you ever noticed that the population is growing. Had you ever noticed that there is inflation. Always.
And you support the flat tax. What a surprise. The flat tax is proposed by wealthy people who lie like crazy to get stupid people to support it. Because, of course, it is the wealth that benefit big time.

What I see in you is a person who has his/her nose up the ass of the Koch brothers. Every one of your ideas passes the Koch test. Odd, eh, for a non republican. Maybe a libertarian, eh. Or are you simply dishonest??

You are a blithering idiot.
Right. And you must know how important your opinion is to me.

If it makes you feel better, I don't think you're blithering.
Rolling Stone?


Are you fucking kidding me?
I know this is probably too difficult for your little conservative mind, or whatever serves as one. But the study was not done by rolling stone, me boy. Just quoted by them. And quoted in many many other sources as well. Oddly, cons just do not believe the study. But that is what the studies say. Being a con makes you stupid, and attracts stupid people. Sorry about that. It is just the way it is.

Here are a few more that help explain your malady:
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Brock University Study Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) : Gene Expression

Alterman Study: Conservatives Display Ignorance | Nel's New Day


Liberal Sociologists do a study and conclude "conservatives" are less intelligent than liberals!



Dogmatism = Stupidity, and it is apparent that all partisans, with their narrow POV's are stupid.

I guess that makes our Founders stupid- with all that dogma about freedom from liberal government. All they ever did anyway was create the greatest country in human history by far with that absurd dogma.
On final thing: tax reform. Low flat tax for all with no loopholes or deductions.

THIS - yes.

It might be a slightly "off-topic" observation, but in my view using taxes to manipulate behavior is the biggest problem with our tax code. And one of the most insidious abuses of government power. We need a constitutional provision banning the practice at all levels of government.

The sad thing is, most people don't even see it as a bad thing.
On final thing: tax reform. Low flat tax for all with no loopholes or deductions.

THIS - yes.

It might be a slightly "off-topic" observation, but in my view using taxes to manipulate behavior is the biggest problem with our tax code. And one of the most insidious abuses of government power. We need a constitutional provision banning the practice at all levels of government.

The sad thing is, most people don't even see it as a bad thing.

yes liberalism is like a cancer. The individual is not suppose to determine his own behavior rather elite liberals in DC are supposed to determine his behavior.

this opens the door to the nanny welfare state very nicely. It says people are too stupid and so of course need more and more welfare entitlements
On final thing: tax reform. Low flat tax for all with no loopholes or deductions.

THIS - yes.

It might be a slightly "off-topic" observation, but in my view using taxes to manipulate behavior is the biggest problem with our tax code. And one of the most insidious abuses of government power. We need a constitutional provision banning the practice at all levels of government.

The sad thing is, most people don't even see it as a bad thing.

yes liberalism is like a cancer. The individual is not suppose to determine his own behavior rather elite liberals in DC are supposed to determine his behavior.

this opens the door to the nanny welfare state very nicely. It says people are too stupid and so of course need more and more welfare entitlements

Oh bullshit. This issue doesn't fit into your left/right puppet show. Both major parties are replete with corporatist authoritarians eager to use the tax code to control people.
Last edited:
I know this is probably too difficult for your little conservative mind, or whatever serves as one. But the study was not done by rolling stone, me boy. Just quoted by them. And quoted in many many other sources as well. Oddly, cons just do not believe the study. But that is what the studies say. Being a con makes you stupid, and attracts stupid people. Sorry about that. It is just the way it is.

Here are a few more that help explain your malady:
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives
University Study Shows People With Lower IQ's Are Political Conservatives

Brock University Study Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice | Racism, Bias & Politics | Right-Wing and Left-Wing Ideology | LiveScience

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

U of Arkansas study Study ?Proves? Conservatism Linked To Stupidity - The Ulsterman Report

British Cohort study Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and conservative politics can lead people to be racist | Mail Online

LiveScience study Social conservatives have a lower I.Q.? (probably) : Gene Expression

Alterman Study: Conservatives Display Ignorance | Nel's New Day


Liberal Sociologists do a study and conclude "conservatives" are less intelligent than liberals!



Dogmatism = Stupidity, and it is apparent that all partisans, with their narrow POV's are stupid.

I guess that makes our Founders stupid- with all that dogma about freedom from liberal government. All they ever did anyway was create the greatest country in human history by far with that absurd dogma.

Um, once again, your own narrow POV betrays you. If you believe there was no compromise involved, then you're perhaps up past your bedtime.

Those that wrote and signed the constitution were not dogmatic in their POV.....

otherwise they would not have signed the document.
Those that wrote and signed the constitution were not dogmatic in their POV.....

otherwise they would not have signed the document.

actually they were very very dogmatic about creating a very very very tiny government and they did create such a government although there was disagreement about whether it should be very very very tiny or merely very very tiny!

For that to be over your head you would have to be a liberal whcih is to say, very very very slow!! Sorry.

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