Do the 50 States need to invoke their power to call a Constitutional Convention?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Let's face it. Washington can't fix itself from the top down.

It needs to be fixed from the bottom up.

An easy way to restore popular control would to call a Constitutional Convention, and propose the least controversial of all fixes --- vastly increasing the size of the House of Representatives and restoring State control over the Senate. Today we are under-represented. Approximately 1 Representative for every 700,000 citizens, as opposed to 1 per 30,000 at the founding of the United Stated.

There shall exist 1 Representative for every 30,000 citizens.

The 17th Amendment is repealed, and the original method of choosing Senators is restored.

With 10,000+ Representatives we could finally end the Washington gridlock, implode the 2-party tyranny and use the FEDERAL government to fix itself. Local and State control would be restored, as would Popular Sovereignty, the foundational philosophy of republican and democratic governments.
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Didn't you already start a thread almost exactly like this one? You know, the kind where you propose something very, very, very unlikely because you think you need to share your genius insight with the world?
Didn't you already start a thread almost exactly like this one? You know, the kind where you propose something very, very, very unlikely because you think you need to share your genius insight with the world?

No, I was talking about Nullification. Did I ever mention Constitutional Conventions or amending the constitution (other than repealing the 17th?)

It just happens that the ideas connected very well.

Also, what was your point of posting here (other than hating me for partisan reasons)?
Too risky IMO.

You can't unring that bell once rung.

Risky? Sure

But how would it be any more risky than continuing on the current course?

No need to rediscover the wheel, just work together to correct the course.

What we...and by we, I mean those of us that are mostly on the same page...what we need to do it get together and decide on ten things that most need rectified that we can all agree on, and concentrate on those 10 reforms...put 85% of our political energy into the list...and 15% towards the things we disagree on.

Think of what could be accomplished.
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Think of what could be accomplished.

Nothing will accomplished until either:

1) We call a Constitutional Convention


2) Nullify federal laws at the State and Local level


3) Use the 2nd Amendment

Not to mention, that OPTION #2 would force the federal government to invade an occupy any State or County that nullified their laws, forcing OPTION #3.

So it looks like OPTION #1 is the best choice, since it won't result in economic collapse and disaster.

It's very sad that those truly are our only three options. Do you have others?
Think of what could be accomplished.

Nothing will accomplished until either:

1) We call a Constitutional Convention


2) Nullify federal laws at the State and Local level


3) Use the 2nd Amendment

Not to mention, that OPTION #2 would force the federal government to invade an occupy any State or County that nullified their laws, forcing OPTION #3.

So it looks like OPTION #1 is the best choice, since it won't result in economic collapse and disaster.

It's very sad that those truly are our only three options. Do you have others?

None of them are going to happen. It's not brilliant insight, it is just wallowing in self-indulgent blather.
Think of what could be accomplished.

Nothing will accomplished until either:

1) We call a Constitutional Convention


2) Nullify federal laws at the State and Local level


3) Use the 2nd Amendment

Not to mention, that OPTION #2 would force the federal government to invade an occupy any State or County that nullified their laws, forcing OPTION #3.

So it looks like OPTION #1 is the best choice, since it won't result in economic collapse and disaster.

It's very sad that those truly are our only three options. Do you have others?

Getting folks together for a general purpose convention is going to be dangerous. What if some other nutball does something stupid like attack a group of soldiers at a bar and the populations decides "well regulated" means "well regulated" and folks want to make a list of gun owners.

My other choice would be to just raise heck until the patriot act is repealed and go from there.
Think of what could be accomplished.

Nothing will accomplished until either:

1) We call a Constitutional Convention


2) Nullify federal laws at the State and Local level


3) Use the 2nd Amendment

Not to mention, that OPTION #2 would force the federal government to invade an occupy any State or County that nullified their laws, forcing OPTION #3.

So it looks like OPTION #1 is the best choice, since it won't result in economic collapse and disaster.

It's very sad that those truly are our only three options. Do you have others?


Stop crying over lost elections. Write your representatives and ask them to do their jobs. Trust in the rule of law....which is still fully in effect.

And, for names needed....a lobotomy would probably be the best option.
Think of what could be accomplished.

Nothing will accomplished until either:

1) We call a Constitutional Convention


2) Nullify federal laws at the State and Local level


3) Use the 2nd Amendment

Not to mention, that OPTION #2 would force the federal government to invade an occupy any State or County that nullified their laws, forcing OPTION #3.

So it looks like OPTION #1 is the best choice, since it won't result in economic collapse and disaster.

It's very sad that those truly are our only three options. Do you have others?

Good points. The path forward should be the non-compliance of Unconstitutional laws put in place by partisan judges. The minute that happened, the Constitution became a whipping post.

Trust in the rule of law....which is still fully in effect.

This is not truth... this is an attempted appeasement statement... for the rule of law is not in effect every time something is done by the federal government that is not strictly laid out in the constitution.. the rule of law has been thrown out the window long ago.. and it needs to be brought back
Trust in the rule of law....which is still fully in effect.

This is not truth... this is an attempted appeasement statement... for the rule of law is not in effect every time something is done by the federal government that is not strictly laid out in the constitution.. the rule of law has been thrown out the window long ago.. and it needs to be brought back

Why do Conservatives hate the Constitution?

What if that convention repeals the Second Amendment?
Trust in the rule of law....which is still fully in effect.

This is not truth... this is an attempted appeasement statement... for the rule of law is not in effect every time something is done by the federal government that is not strictly laid out in the constitution.. the rule of law has been thrown out the window long ago.. and it needs to be brought back


No.. not bullshit..

You do not have the rule of law when the government itself thwarts the rule of the law of the land (I.E. the Constitution)... it is quite simple to understand... except when your agenda blinds you

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