do the left agree with obama on the fort hood shootins was work place violence

I would like to know....why can't "workplace violence" also be terrorism? Are they mutually exclusive?

If Obama would have called it terrorism from the beginning the people who got hurt would be able to get the same benefits as people who were hurt in war and the ones who were killed would have been decorated . NO ONE got a purple heart or bronze star not even the ones who helped take down the shooter
This entire case is a Travesty of Justice.

1. We have an administration that is so worried about Political Correctness and Diversity that they don't have the GUTS TO LABEL ACTS OF TERROR ....TERRORISM.

2. By not Labeling it as an ACT OF TERRORISM, the Victims of the Fort Hood shootings did not get the benefits THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ENTITLED TOO. They are VERY UPSET ABOUT THIS, which is exactly why 160 of them have a LAWSUIT IN 2011.

We have become a Society that worries more about the RIGHTS OF THE CRIMINALS THAN THE VICTIMS OF THE CRIMES.

3. The Department of Defense has labelled it a WORKPLACE VIOLENCE CASE. That is how they have decided to prosecute the case. Obama is the CNC and COULD HAVE PRESSED FOR THIS TO BE CLASSIFIED AS A TERRORIST ACT. But didn't. Therefore, he is CULPABLE of it being CLASSIFIED THIS WAY as HE DID NOTHING TO CHANGE THAT OR PRESS THE ISSUE. So it doesn't really matter whether he said it or not on the Workplace violence issue.

CATCH 22. Classifying it as a Terrorist Attack NOW WOULD FURTHER DELAY THE TRIAL.

4. The case has been DELAYED FOR A VERY LONG TIME ARGUING ABOUT A F..........BEARD. The Appeals Process over this issue has DELAYED JUSTICE. I don't care about his beard, WITH ONE EXCEPTION.

Diversity in the Military over this issue. I.e. Worrying MORE ABOUT THE MURDERERS RIGHTS THAN THE VICTIMS. In my day they'd have shaved his beard for him, and shaved him bald. BUT NOT NOW, IN A CULTURE PUSHING FOR CRIMINAL RIGHTS OVER THE VICTIMS.

5. He still gets a paycheck minus the FINES FOR FAILURE TO SHAVE. Ridiculous.

If this is OUR FUTURE FOR JUSTICE WE ARE ////////////// Fill in the last word.
Ft. Hood was a terrorist attack plain and simple.

Loads of good soldiers were gunned down by a terrorist in our own Army. I hope that fucking dirtbag gets the death penalty.

Work place violence my ass.
I would like to know....why can't "workplace violence" also be terrorism? Are they mutually exclusive?

If Obama would have called it terrorism from the beginning the people who got hurt would be able to get the same benefits as people who were hurt in war and the ones who were killed would have been decorated . NO ONE got a purple heart or bronze star not even the ones who helped take down the shooter

So...if any active duty military members had been injured in the Boston Marathon bombing, they would have gotten the same benefits as those hurt in war....because the President called it an act of terror. Truly?
I would like to know....why can't "workplace violence" also be terrorism? Are they mutually exclusive?

If Obama would have called it terrorism from the beginning the people who got hurt would be able to get the same benefits as people who were hurt in war and the ones who were killed would have been decorated . NO ONE got a purple heart or bronze star not even the ones who helped take down the shooter

So...if any active duty military members had been injured in the Boston Marathon bombing, they would have gotten the same benefits as those hurt in war....because the President called it an act of terror. Truly?

PURPLE HEART CRITERIA - Recognize the Sacrifice

Had it been classified as a Terrorist Attack Hassan could have been given the classification of an enemy combatant. Thus allowing them to receive the extra benefits AND HONORS OF THOSE WHO SERVE OUR COUNTRY IN A TIME OF WAR.

This did not happen on the streets of Boston. It happened on base, with our troops getting ready to go to the War ON TERROR. Some where killed and injured RUSHING HASSAN TO TRY AND STOP HIM. They DESERVE THE HONOR OF THEIR SACRIFICE FOR SERVING THIS COUNTRY.

This could have been done even VIA A PRESIDENTIAL ORDER to insure they are taken care of by the POTUS.

CATCH 22. It is obvious to me that JAG is being VERY CAREFUL ON THIS ONE. Trying to dot their I's and T's to make sure THEY DON'T VIOLATE ANY REGULATIONS that could later be used against the Prosecutors to DELAY THE TRIAL or ALLOW MORE APPEALS BEFORE SENTENCE IS FINALLY CARRIED OUT. Not to mention the attention this type of trial sees on the national level.

Which brings me to my original thoughts, that I wish they'd put him down on scene to avoid all of this.
Ft. Hood was a terrorist attack plain and simple.

Loads of good soldiers were gunned down by a terrorist in our own Army. I hope that fucking dirtbag gets the death penalty.

Work place violence my ass. CAN'T be both?

Say that it can be 'both'... for shits and giggles... then why the fuck does the dear leader refuse to use the 2nd part of the description??

We already know that answer, but it seems like you and others like you have to come to that realization
Hands down: terrorism.

I feel like the hands of the military were somewhat tied by "political correctness." This guy should have been dealt with immediately when his problems were first noticed. Any other soldier would have been discharged immediately.

What's going on now is ridiculous. The damned beard issue gets my goat. He was clean shaven while on active duty, he's still on the military payroll ... but his religion requires him to be bearded? Screw that. As far as I'm concerned he should have faced a firing squad a long time ago. I just have no patience with PC crap of any kind.

It surprises the hell out of me that the phrase "going postal" is allowed ... some poor Postal employee might get his or her feelings hurt.
The lefties still beieve the Liar in Chief, that Benghazi was the result of some barely seen video.

Of course they think Ft. Hood was workplace violence -- Pretty much like slapping a secretary on the butt!

Baloney. Pseudo-outrage fueled by thier zealot leaders overblowing the stupid video caused much of the violence throughout the ME during that time. Don't know the motives of the attackers in Benghazi, do you?

The Ft Hood Shooter was in the military, attacked and killed his fellow soldiers and should have faced swift military justice. IMHO he should be pushing daisys right now.

Does that mean they're gonna take my Leftie Card away?
The lefties still beieve the Liar in Chief, that Benghazi was the result of some barely seen video.

Of course they think Ft. Hood was workplace violence -- Pretty much like slapping a secretary on the butt!

Baloney. Pseudo-outrage fueled by thier zealot leaders overblowing the stupid video caused much of the violence throughout the ME during that time. Don't know the motives of the attackers in Benghazi, do you?

The Ft Hood Shooter was in the military, attacked and killed his fellow soldiers and should have faced swift military justice. IMHO he should be pushing daisys right now.

Does that mean they're gonna take my Leftie Card away?

Nah, but you might want to be scarce down at the lodge hall for a while.
Hands down: terrorism.

I feel like the hands of the military were somewhat tied by "political correctness." This guy should have been dealt with immediately when his problems were first noticed. Any other soldier would have been discharged immediately.

What's going on now is ridiculous. The damned beard issue gets my goat. He was clean shaven while on active duty, he's still on the military payroll ... but his religion requires him to be bearded? Screw that. As far as I'm concerned he should have faced a firing squad a long time ago. I just have no patience with PC crap of any kind.

It surprises the hell out of me that the phrase "going postal" is allowed ... some poor Postal employee might get his or her feelings hurt.

Actually, asserting that this is "terrorism" is PC, it just adheres to a different form of P adherence, than the one you choose to denigrate.
Ft. Hood was a terrorist attack plain and simple.

Loads of good soldiers were gunned down by a terrorist in our own Army. I hope that fucking dirtbag gets the death penalty.

Work place violence my ass. CAN'T be both?

Say that it can be 'both'... for shits and giggles... then why the fuck does the dear leader refuse to use the 2nd part of the description??

We already know that answer, but it seems like you and others like you have to come to that realization
Again...who is this "dear leader" RWrs go on and on about?
Well, she recounts her motivation for the attacks:

Shelley Shannon Join The Army of AOG

She was not a member of this fringe group until after the attack.

so, you think she changed her past inner dialogue in order to fit that group's agenda? :eusa_eh:

The biggest hurdle was being willing to even consider that God could indeed require this work
of anyone. Christians don't do that kind of thing, do they? But prayer and God cleared that up.
Then I realized that I needed to stop the killing too. I prayed, "God, if you really want me to
do this, you're gonna have to show me how, because I can't even get the fire started in my

Anyone who thinks they hear God telling them to do things is psychotic. I medicated them for years. It had to do with brain structure and neurochemistry and not religion. But people like you take any non muslim killing and try to turn it into 'Christian terrorism' which simply does not exist. Why do you think kings have chosen Christianity as the 'official religion?' Because it is the opiate of the masses. The Bible, the KING JAMES Bible, tells people to respect the king and pay their taxes. It makes being a king easier. Deciding that every schizophrenic that comes down the hatch is a Christian terrorist is ludicrous.
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Terrorism. I have no doubt whatsoever that in Hasan's mind he was committing jihad. An act of war.

Considering he gave this speech to fellow physicians a few years before, I don't think there is a gray area whatsoever.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the gunman who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.

He also told colleagues at America's top military hospital that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire.

The outburst came during an hour-long talk Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, gave on the Koran in front of dozens of other doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in Washington DC, where he worked for six years before arriving at Fort Hood in July.

Colleagues had expected a discussion on a medical issue but were instead given an extremist interpretation of the Koran, which Hasan appeared to believe.

It was the latest in a series of "red flags" about his state of mind that have emerged since the massacre at Fort Hood, America's largest military installation, on Thursday.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut - Telegraph

Strange, I was just reading this article;

DOD: Ft. Hood Massacre Likely 'Criminal Act of Single Individual,' Not International Terror

It took just hours for England's Prime Minister to say a gruesome knife and cleaver attack on a serviceman in London was likely an act of terrorism. In the U.S., more than three years since a much deadlier domestic assault on American troops -- the 2009 Fort Hood massacre that claimed 13 lives, including that of a pregnant soldier -- a top Army attorney maintains that incident was likely a "criminal act of a single individual." ...

Rubinstein and his partner, Neil Sher, also said calling the attack "an alleged criminal act by a single individual" "rewrites history, consigning the government's admissions of Hasan's al-Qaeda ties… down a bureaucratic memory hole."

DOD: Ft. Hood Massacre Likely 'Criminal Act,' Not International Terror - ABC News

So Hasan is screaming "Allahu Akbar," as he is gunning soldiers down, Hasan was in communication with al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack. Al-Awlaki was apparently such a threat that he has been the only American citizen ever targeted for a drone strike," EVER!

Instead of calling it terrorism the administration is more worried about 'poor Hasan's judicial process as written by Chipman of the DOD:

As reflected in Chipman's letter, the Department of Defense has consistently said that in addition to a supposed lack of evidence, it would be irresponsible to call the Fort Hood attack "terrorism" because it "may have a negative impact on the ongoing judicial process" for Hasan.

DOD: Ft. Hood Massacre Likely 'Criminal Act,' Not International Terror - ABC News

Not to mention many investigators believed Hasan's communication with Al Awlaki was the reason for the attack!!!

Contacts between Hasan and a radical cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, were monitored by the government, but the joint task force did not share the correspondence with the Army. Some investigators believe those contacts are what pushed Hasan toward violence.

Gates makes recommendations in Ft. Hood shooting case - Los Angeles Times

But it's not terrorism? It's not terrorism when the evidence is staring us in the face? WTF?

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