do the left agree with obama on the fort hood shootins was work place violence

Terrorism. I have no doubt whatsoever that in Hasan's mind he was committing jihad. An act of war.

Considering he gave this speech to fellow physicians a few years before, I don't think there is a gray area whatsoever.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the gunman who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.

He also told colleagues at America's top military hospital that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire.

The outburst came during an hour-long talk Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, gave on the Koran in front of dozens of other doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in Washington DC, where he worked for six years before arriving at Fort Hood in July.

Colleagues had expected a discussion on a medical issue but were instead given an extremist interpretation of the Koran, which Hasan appeared to believe.

It was the latest in a series of "red flags" about his state of mind that have emerged since the massacre at Fort Hood, America's largest military installation, on Thursday.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut - Telegraph

I think the guy was a fruit loop to begin with. After this speech you cited the military should have addressed these issues with the Hassan back then. I believe this was an act of domestic terrorism, he should be punished as such. Unfortunately , the conundrum that the military faces as well as DOJ and any authority that decides this matter is whether classifying this act as a terrorist act at this juncture will prevent Hassan from getting a fair trial which means it could drag out for many years to come.

I'm with you on the fruit loop title. It's hard enough for me to grasp that he was a military psychiatrist treating soldiers let alone wrap my brain around all the promotions he got.

Talk about missing red flags. Sheesh.
I'd like to see a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence"...

It was reported on site you wouldn't believe anyway....none of the liberal sites reported on it, they wanted you in the dark ya know.....looks like it worked.

I'd love to see any site that claims to have a quote of Obama, or anyone in his administration, calling the Ft. Hood shooting "workplace violence".
Do you agree with your dear leader or do you think this was terrorism

By analogy, let's look at the Boston Bombings.

There are two schools of thought.

Primarily a Local police matter. On this account, hard working Boston Cops in concert with local citizens solve the problem. The Feds play only a secondary role, and help as/if needed. Power is essentially returned to the states. On this model, we as a nation trust the states, the citizens, and the hard working police to make their communities safe. [Republicans hate the fact that local communities can solve their own problems without Big Government's global war on terror. They must have hated it when the big break in the Boston case came when local citizens worked with local cops. They crave Big Government involvement]

Primarily a Big Government matter = Global War on Terror. On this account, we err on the side of calling everything terrorism so that we can engage the centralized power of Big Government to take a global approach to fixing evil. We expand Big Government's budget and surveillance powers. We give Big Government the power to read our emails, track our internet use, listen to our phone calls along with collecting data on our purchases and library checkouts. In short, based on the utopian ideal of total safety, we build the Biggest most expensive Government of all. We give Big Government the money and power to rebuild whole Arab nations (yet we know government is not competent enough to run a laundromat). We spend untold trillions of our grandchildren's money to protect ourselves from two crazy brothers with pressure-cookers - when local police departments can solve the problem.

We ignore the law of unintended consequences by making the government bigger, more expensive and more powerful than anyone ever intended. Yet we are still not safe from 5 or 15 people who decide to do us harm. We eventually realize that freedom is more important than security - and that security is best handled by the states and local communities not big government. We stop turning every violent act into a reason to engage and grow the power of Washington. We trust the states and local communities to make their own choices and protect themselves.

So I ask you - when are you going to stop giving Big Government more power? When are you going to realize that there is no such thing as total safety? When are you going to realize that government can't end poverty or change the weather or prevent evil or build a sparkling democracy on top of a Muslim civil war? Life is dangerous. Life is unfair. You can't be guaranteed total safety when you go in a skyscraper or fly in an airplane. Each of us has to be our own first responder and make decisions on what is or is not safe.

I trust the Boston Police and the states to solve their own problems. You trust Big Government and its global war on terror. [Republicans tend to make everything a Washington Issue]

The only thing you accomplish by giving government more power-&-money is something Republicans never seem to understand: the law of unintended consequences. We'd all love to live in total safety, but some of us don't think giving Washington Bureaucrats more power and money is the answer.

Your chances of dying in a car accident or random gun shooting are 1000x greater than your chances of dying in a terrorist strike. Your chances of dying by a lightening strike are greater than your chances of dying in a terrorist strike. Yet you want to bankrupt our children and hand them a surveillance state as a response? People actually take FOX News seriously, which has a political interest in scaring morons with images of mushroom clouds and towel-heads on monkey bars. When are you people going to stop making government bigger and start trying to solve problems without Big Brother.
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The lefties still beieve the Liar in Chief, that Benghazi was the result of some barely seen video.

Of course they think Ft. Hood was workplace violence -- Pretty much like slapping a secretary on the butt!
I'd like to see a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence"...

It was reported on site you wouldn't believe anyway....none of the liberal sites reported on it, they wanted you in the dark ya know.....looks like it worked.

I'd love to see any site that claims to have a quote of Obama, or anyone in his administration, calling the Ft. Hood shooting "workplace violence".

Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence' | Fox News

Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation's Armed Forces at home.

Read more: Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence' | Fox News
I'd like to see a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence"...

It was reported on site you wouldn't believe anyway....none of the liberal sites reported on it, they wanted you in the dark ya know.....looks like it worked.

I'd love to see any site that claims to have a quote of Obama, or anyone in his administration, calling the Ft. Hood shooting "workplace violence".

This is the only site you'll probably every see it..............

During a joint session of the Senate and House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, the Maine Republican referenced a letter from the Defense Department depicting the Fort Hood shootings as workplace violence. She criticized the Obama administration for failing to identify the threat as radical Islam.
Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence' | Fox News
It was reported on site you wouldn't believe anyway....none of the liberal sites reported on it, they wanted you in the dark ya know.....looks like it worked.

I'd love to see any site that claims to have a quote of Obama, or anyone in his administration, calling the Ft. Hood shooting "workplace violence".

Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence' | Fox News

Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation's Armed Forces at home.

Read more: Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence' | Fox News

Yeah, I've found a shitload of sites that are "outraged" that it was called "workplace violence".

But all of them quote a "letter" from the "Department of Defense" without any context - and none of them include a link to that "letter".

I want to see who the "letter" is actually from, and what it actually says.
It was reported on site you wouldn't believe anyway....none of the liberal sites reported on it, they wanted you in the dark ya know.....looks like it worked.

I'd love to see any site that claims to have a quote of Obama, or anyone in his administration, calling the Ft. Hood shooting "workplace violence".

This is the only site you'll probably every see it..............

During a joint session of the Senate and House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, the Maine Republican referenced a letter from the Defense Department depicting the Fort Hood shootings as workplace violence. She criticized the Obama administration for failing to identify the threat as radical Islam.
Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence' | Fox News

Again, I want the actual quote.

Not another story about the outrage.
I'd like to see a quote from Obama calling it "workplace violence"...

It was reported on site you wouldn't believe anyway....none of the liberal sites reported on it, they wanted you in the dark ya know.....looks like it worked.

I'd love to see any site that claims to have a quote of Obama, or anyone in his administration, calling the Ft. Hood shooting "workplace violence".

The issue of "workplace violence" as it has been classified has been all over the news just recently because Hasan has collected over half a million dollars in pay but the victims and their families have had to launch a lawsuit to get the designation changed.

Here you go. NBC Investigative reports just on May 22/13

: On Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA), reacting to the NBC 5 Investigates report that first aired Monday night, introduced an amendment (see it here) that would give the Fort Hood victims the combat-related pay and Purple Heart benefits they’ve been denied because the Pentagon has called the attack “workplace violence” and not an act of terrorism.

Accused Fort Hood Shooter Paid $278,000 While Awaiting Trial | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

And this is from wiki.

The Department of Defense and federal law enforcement agencies have classified the shootings as an act of workplace violence.

They have declined requests from survivors and family members of the slain to categorize it as act of terrorism, or motivated by militant Islamic religious convictions.

In November 2011 a group of survivors and family members filed a lawsuit against the government for negligence in preventing the attack, and to force the government to classify the shootings as terrorism.
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Here's Washington Times.

The news of Hasan’s continued pay has added fuel to the controversy over the Defense Department’s classification of the event as “workplace violence” instead of a “terrorist attack,” and has prompted many to call for department to change the designation of the shooting, to allow its victims to receive the same benefits afforded to those who suffer “combat-related” injuries.

Retired Army Specialist, Logan Burnett, was a reservist who was being processed to be deployed to Iraq when Hasan opened fire in the Fort Hood Soldier Readiness Processing Center. He was shot three times in the Fort Hood attack. He was stunned when he learned that Hasan was still receiving his military salary.

“There have been times when my wife and I cannot afford groceries. We cannot afford gas in our car,” Burnett said. “Literally, times where we ate Ramen noodles for weeks on end. This makes me sick to my stomach,” said Burnett.

Burnett, who has had more than a dozen surgeries since the shooting, says post-traumatic stress still keeps him up at night. However, according to the Army, neither his wounds nor the wounds of any of the other Fort Hood victims are classified as “combat related”; they are the result of “workplace violence”.

Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan still being paid while awaiting trial | Washington Times Communities
And here's another report....this time from ABC

The victims of Hasan have been seriously getting screwed over by this Administration.

Members of Congress Demand Obama Administration Classify Ft. Hood Attack as an 'Act of Terrorism'

Feb. 13, 2013

In the wake of an ABC News story detailing claims by victims of the Fort Hood shooting that they have been neglected by the military and 'betrayed' by President Obama, the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee has sent a letter to his fellow members of Congress demanding that the Obama administration classify the attack as a terrorist act and provide full benefits to the victims and their families.

"It is time for the administration to recognize the Fort Hood shooting for what it is—an act of terrorism," wrote Rep. Michael McCaul, R.-Texas, in a letter cosigned by Rep. Frank Wolf, R.-Virginia. "To date, the Department of Defense and the Army classify this attack [as] 'workplace violence,' despite mountains of evidence [that] clearly proves the Ft. Hood shooting was an act of terror."

Members of Congress Demand Obama Administration Classify Ft. Hood Attack an 'Act of Terrorism' - ABC News
I've seen all of these articles. All of them are expressing outrage about it.

I'm asking for a direct quote from Obama or his administration that called the Ft. Hood shooting "workplace violence". You'll notice that none of the articles you linked actually show evidence or context of this.
Terrorism. I have no doubt whatsoever that in Hasan's mind he was committing jihad. An act of war.

Considering he gave this speech to fellow physicians a few years before, I don't think there is a gray area whatsoever.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the gunman who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.

He also told colleagues at America's top military hospital that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire.

The outburst came during an hour-long talk Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, gave on the Koran in front of dozens of other doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in Washington DC, where he worked for six years before arriving at Fort Hood in July.

Colleagues had expected a discussion on a medical issue but were instead given an extremist interpretation of the Koran, which Hasan appeared to believe.

It was the latest in a series of "red flags" about his state of mind that have emerged since the massacre at Fort Hood, America's largest military installation, on Thursday.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut - Telegraph

Saying something as evil as that is more than a simple red flag. The guy should have been put in a padded cell right after saying that.

Could it have been any more obvious that the guy was a ticking time bomb? Fucking political correctness likely played a huge part in his boss and co-workers opting not to sound the alarms. If they did, they would have been accused of picking on Muslims.

Anyone who talks of killing infidels needs to see a psychiatrist, not practice as one.
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