Do US veterans feel they and the military is being used properly?

Name ONE war since WWII that has effectively protected American Rights and Freedoms here in the US. You can't.
The continuing political war against the far right and the libertarian wings.

And, yes, our post-WWII adventurism has done nothing to protect the homeland.
Name ONE war since WWII that has effectively protected American Rights and Freedoms here in the US.

Better yet feel free to name one that hasn't. You and Jake are no more than ungrateful spoiled brat idiots that prefer to whine rather than try to understand historical realities. If we wait until we have to fight a foreign enemy at or inside our borders we will have already lost.
Name ONE war since WWII that has effectively protected American Rights and Freedoms here in the US.

Better yet feel free to name one that hasn't. You and Jake are no more than ungrateful spoiled brat idiots that prefer to whine rather than try to understand historical realities. If we wait until we have to fight a foreign enemy at or inside our borders we will have already lost.
Any time we have to go somewhere to fight or to provide support and materail to an ally to fight is for our protection and security. That goes for Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm all for providing support for countries such as Ukraine and others who are fighting evil.
The US Military has not been used correctly since WW2. Everything else has not been about protecting America but rather it has all been political.
The US Military has not been used correctly since WW2. Everything else has not been about protecting America but rather it has all been political.
Correct. That's why the micro-managing should be removed from the White House and let the Pentagon run the show and screw the politics.
Name ONE war since WWII that has effectively protected American Rights and Freedoms here in the US.

Better yet feel free to name one that hasn't. You and Jake are no more than ungrateful spoiled brat idiots that prefer to whine rather than try to understand historical realities. If we wait until we have to fight a foreign enemy at or inside our borders we will have already lost.
Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Kosovo, How exactly did these "wars" protect American Rights and Freedoms in the US?
Quit drinking the Kool Aid and see things for what they are.
Name ONE war since WWII that has effectively protected American Rights and Freedoms here in the US.

Better yet feel free to name one that hasn't. You and Jake are no more than ungrateful spoiled brat idiots that prefer to whine rather than try to understand historical realities. If we wait until we have to fight a foreign enemy at or inside our borders we will have already lost.
I may have served longer than you, and in the 9th Infantry battalions certainly, 9thID. Your comments demonstrate you have almost no understanding of our role, abilities, and limitations in international world. Your mouthing is nothing useful at all.

I have tremendous respect for Hossfly, but I disagree with him on this issue of fighting across the world. We can defend ourselves easily with our naval and air and ground forces without going overseas.
Not just during this administration but all administrations. Do you feel your service was honorable, just, proper, etc.? Or do you feel American military might was misused?
The abuse of the volunteer military is a national disgrace.

Any military action worth pursuing longer than six months, or involving more that say 100,000 troops, should trigger a draft.
We fought on the right side in Vietnam. My service was honorable.
Your service was honourable.

We fought on the side of one of the most corrupt regimes on Earth.

A war of OUR making, as the Vietnamese would have reunited under Ho had the promised elections been held.
Apropos of what, whitehall? MacArthur was an American hero, had been for more than twenty years. Yes, he screwed up the PI. Yes, he was a very good commander thereafter. Yes, he screwed up at the Yalu, but he pulled off Inchon.

You are a backseat observer, nothing more. Let's get some perspective, buddy.
Don't we all sit in the backseat? MacArthur wasn't a hero. He was a political appointee after a relatively lack-luster career in WW1. FDR coerced congress to award MacArthur a MOH as payback for in effect losing his entire army in about the shortest recommendation in MOH history. (look it up). . MacArthur was just a tool of the administration but Truman was a coward who sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and didn't have the guts to control the general who insulted him. The 50,000 Americans who died in the "forgotten war" were on Truman's head but the fawning media would never turn on a democrat. Korean Veterans didn't forget though. Truman didn't even have the support of his own party to withstand a primary in a bid for a 2nd term. MacArthur thought he had republican support for a presidential bid but unauthorized fliers by Veteran groups calling him "dugout Doug" were circulated even if the media ignored them and Mac ultimately ran as an independent trying to syphon votes from Ike in a last desperate attempt at glory.
Mac was an egomaniac whose ego cost the lives of thousands.

Not that he did not pull of some successes, but, his failures and squandering of troops outweigh those.
Name ONE war since WWII that has effectively protected American Rights and Freedoms here in the US.

Better yet feel free to name one that hasn't. You and Jake are no more than ungrateful spoiled brat idiots that prefer to whine rather than try to understand historical realities. If we wait until we have to fight a foreign enemy at or inside our borders we will have already lost.
Any time we have to go somewhere to fight or to provide support and materail to an ally to fight is for our protection and security. That goes for Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm all for providing support for countries such as Ukraine and others who are fighting evil.
You would support the usurper government in Ukraine, the one that deposed the elected government?

I sure as Hell don't.
If Obama was CIC when I servered, I would have left the Military pronto. I served six months under Jimmy Carter, then came Regan and the Military got way better, then came Bush1 and the Military got better, then came Clinton and the Military got worse for 8 long years, Then came Bush 2 and then it got better and then I retired.
Apropos of what, whitehall? MacArthur was an American hero, had been for more than twenty years. Yes, he screwed up the PI. Yes, he was a very good commander thereafter. Yes, he screwed up at the Yalu, but he pulled off Inchon.

You are a backseat observer, nothing more. Let's get some perspective, buddy.
Don't we all sit in the backseat? MacArthur wasn't a hero. He was a political appointee after a relatively lack-luster career in WW1. FDR coerced congress to award MacArthur a MOH as payback for in effect losing his entire army in about the shortest recommendation in MOH history. (look it up). . MacArthur was just a tool of the administration but Truman was a coward who sent Troops to Korea on an executive order and didn't have the guts to control the general who insulted him. The 50,000 Americans who died in the "forgotten war" were on Truman's head but the fawning media would never turn on a democrat. Korean Veterans didn't forget though. Truman didn't even have the support of his own party to withstand a primary in a bid for a 2nd term. MacArthur thought he had republican support for a presidential bid but unauthorized fliers by Veteran groups calling him "dugout Doug" were circulated even if the media ignored them and Mac ultimately ran as an independent trying to syphon votes from Ike in a last desperate attempt at glory.
Mac was an egomaniac whose ego cost the lives of thousands.

Not that he did not pull of some successes, but, his failures and squandering of troops outweigh those.
Not at all.
Yo, JakeStarkey, why are you thanking my post when you took the time to let me know you were putting me on IGNORE?

Did I sob for days for nothing?
Yo, JakeStarkey, why are you thanking my post when you took the time to let me know you were putting me on IGNORE? Did I sob for days for nothing?
Think you got me mixed up with someone else, which is not unusual for you. I am glad it was important enough to remind me of your (mistaken) concern. :lol:
Yo, JakeStarkey, why are you thanking my post when you took the time to let me know you were putting me on IGNORE? Did I sob for days for nothing?
Think you got me mixed up with someone else, which is not unusual for you. I am glad it was important enough to remind me of your (mistaken) concern. :lol:
Can I have permission to post the proof?
Was that after you were going to Ignore me? :lol: Is your concern then not mistaken? Such a whiner. :)
The US Military has not been used correctly since WW2. Everything else has not been about protecting America but rather it has all been political.

ALL wars are political and always have been.
Name ONE war since WWII that has effectively protected American Rights and Freedoms here in the US.

Better yet feel free to name one that hasn't. You and Jake are no more than ungrateful spoiled brat idiots that prefer to whine rather than try to understand historical realities. If we wait until we have to fight a foreign enemy at or inside our borders we will have already lost.
Any time we have to go somewhere to fight or to provide support and materail to an ally to fight is for our protection and security. That goes for Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm all for providing support for countries such as Ukraine and others who are fighting evil.
You would support the usurper government in Ukraine, the one that deposed the elected government?

I sure as Hell don't.
I said Uukraine and others who are fighting evil I meant the good guys in Ukraine.
Yo, JakeStarkey, why are you thanking my post when you took the time to let me know you were putting me on IGNORE? Did I sob for days for nothing?
Think you got me mixed up with someone else, which is not unusual for you. I am glad it was important enough to remind me of your (mistaken) concern. :lol:
Can I have permission to post the proof?
Was that after you were going to Ignore me? :lol: Is your concern then not mistaken? Such a whiner. :)
I never use the ignore feature.

Again, may I post the proof?

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