Do we agree that a fundamental difference between the right and the left is...

Look at your link it's not the Danish it's one guy in some think tank. Who gives a damn but brainwashed functional morons?

And Marx was wrong about just about everything, so that isn't hard to do dingbat...

Marxism is great, if done right.
Marx was just doing Marxism wrong!

Wait, what?
Nobody said Marxism is great or communism is great. Those are the first two definitions of socialism, until in both cases it was found that democracy was missing. Now and 4 years socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net and everybody knows it but Republican brainwashed functional moron voters.... Marx thought it would take place in heavily industrialized countries like England. But instead it happened in a feudal autocracy. Socialism was always supposed to be democratic. It just took a while to find out that the Soviet Union and its Soviets were not Democratic at all LOL. Sorry about my masters in history....
Yeah it sure is fair when someone who is working his ass off to make a living for his own family, then has money taken out of his paycheck and given to some bitch who cant keep her legs closed and must feed her illegitimate brats....

Socialism Didn’t Work at Plymouth Plantation, Either
“In one common telling,” Zernike writes, “the pilgrims who came to Plymouth established a communal system, where all had to pool whatever they hunted or grew on their lands. Because they could not reap the fruits of their labors, no one had any incentive to work, and the system failed—confusion, thievery and famine ensued.”
Well thank God for ObamaCare which gives free birth control to the poor and cuts abortion rates 40% immediately.... Actually much better than free because it means we stopped lives of welfare for mothers....except greedy idiot scumbag red states of course who don't get expanded medicaid....

The GOP has been in charge of tax rates the last 35 years, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Only your alternate scumbag GOP universe makes this possible.... I know a tax cut for the rich and giant corporations!! How dumb can you get? Whoops brainwashed functionally dumb.... The GOP is the swamp, for crying out loud LOL. Cutting intelligent regulation under the GOP has given us a corrupt bubble and bust every time. Wake up and smell the coffee. S&l crisis, W Bush's corrupt real estate bubble and World depression, the corrupt GOP World depression of 1929, and whatever they're up to under Trump LOL aaarrrggghhh....and you brain-washed functional morons don't know about any of that, just the biggest stories of the last century...
Yeah, thanks Obama for making the rest of the country pay MORE for a shit system. It is all about wording, all the poor had to do was go to a local clinic and receive services, but hey, it wasn't the same as a working person, so punish them so they too now have to use the poor clinic. Fuck you liberals, fairness isn't making the poor better, it is make everyone poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just some liberals are more equal than others, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton....
Funny how 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month for healthcare for a change... ACA is a beautiful framework to make our Healthcare work for a change. If you have a problem fix it, and the problem is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after having a GOP scam cut off system forever.... The GOP will never do a damn thing except a giveaway to Big Pharma big health whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our Health Care system costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country pays about 9 to 11% and get much better care on average. But we in the richest country in the world can't afford it. Total garbage propaganda, super duper.
Nobody said Marxism is great or communism is great. Those are the first two definitions of socialism, until in both cases it was found that democracy was missing. Now and 4 years socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net and everybody knows it but Republican brainwashed functional moron voters.... Marx thought it would take place in heavily industrialized countries like England. But instead it happened in a feudal autocracy. Socialism was always supposed to be democratic. It just took a while to find out that the Soviet Union and its Soviets were not Democratic at all LOL. Sorry about my masters in history....

Sorry about my masters in history.

I laugh

You and AOC should open up a school for Alternative Learing.
yes yes, super duper, every respected journalist, media and law enforcement in the world is wrong. Only your bought off ex cokehead DJs and scumbag GOP billionaires know the truth LOL.... Poor America aaarrrggghhh...
respected journalist...….
Yes yes, when your party is a lying piece of crap, it is very important to disrespect all our great institutions and listen to bought off scumbag ex Coke head DJ pundits... You brainwashed functional morons are a disgrace and close to treasonous. You're the worst voters in the modern world by far.... Everything you know is wrong dumbass. Most of the Trump campaign is in prison and Mueller found Trump to be conspirator number one and only garbage GOP limp-wristed Nazis who think a president cannot be indicted saved him. Now he's blackmailing allies fighting Russians to get dirt on opponents. No problem right stupid oops brainwashed functional moron?
In Virginia Eric Cantor a lying piece of shit that was supposed to take John Behners leadership, was voted out, because we were tired of the establishment. Dumbasses like you keep them in. Try again, dumbass.
The GOP is our swampy establishment, brainwashed functional moron. I know a tax cut for the rich!!! Hillary giving a speech to bankers and getting $500,000 does not make her swampy. You know so many ridiculous phony scandals that nobody cares about that now it is all about the deep state. Every intelligent honest person in the world against you is lying. The world's biggest conspiracy theory ever and a disgrace in the greatest country in the world.
Last edited:
Of course if you don't like the Constitution of the US, that many here do love, you can leave for Cuba. dickheads aren't wanted here.

I don't live in the US. And your Constitution is an okay document at best...for all the good it does you...
it does allow US to protect ourselves against liberals shitfucks who want to take what is ours...
Google the only tax graph you need to know, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know about it is garbage propaganda... Everyone making any money in the United States is taxed about 27% on average and basically all the New wealth is going to the richest. For 35 years now! the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere is not a joke...
Marxism is great, if done right.
Marx was just doing Marxism wrong!

Wait, what?
Nobody said Marxism is great or communism is great. Those are the first two definitions of socialism, until in both cases it was found that democracy was missing. Now and 4 years socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net and everybody knows it but Republican brainwashed functional moron voters.... Marx thought it would take place in heavily industrialized countries like England. But instead it happened in a feudal autocracy. Socialism was always supposed to be democratic. It just took a while to find out that the Soviet Union and its Soviets were not Democratic at all LOL. Sorry about my masters in history....
Yeah it sure is fair when someone who is working his ass off to make a living for his own family, then has money taken out of his paycheck and given to some bitch who cant keep her legs closed and must feed her illegitimate brats....

Socialism Didn’t Work at Plymouth Plantation, Either
“In one common telling,” Zernike writes, “the pilgrims who came to Plymouth established a communal system, where all had to pool whatever they hunted or grew on their lands. Because they could not reap the fruits of their labors, no one had any incentive to work, and the system failed—confusion, thievery and famine ensued.”
Well thank God for ObamaCare which gives free birth control to the poor and cuts abortion rates 40% immediately.... Actually much better than free because it means we stopped lives of welfare for mothers....except greedy idiot scumbag red states of course who don't get expanded medicaid....

The GOP has been in charge of tax rates the last 35 years, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Only your alternate scumbag GOP universe makes this possible.... I know a tax cut for the rich and giant corporations!! How dumb can you get? Whoops brainwashed functionally dumb.... The GOP is the swamp, for crying out loud LOL. Cutting intelligent regulation under the GOP has given us a corrupt bubble and bust every time. Wake up and smell the coffee. S&l crisis, W Bush's corrupt real estate bubble and World depression, the corrupt GOP World depression of 1929, and whatever they're up to under Trump LOL aaarrrggghhh....and you brain-washed functional morons don't know about any of that, just the biggest stories of the last century...
Yeah, thanks Obama for making the rest of the country pay MORE for a shit system. It is all about wording, all the poor had to do was go to a local clinic and receive services, but hey, it wasn't the same as a working person, so punish them so they too now have to use the poor clinic. Fuck you liberals, fairness isn't making the poor better, it is make everyone poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just some liberals are more equal than others, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton....
Funny how 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month for healthcare for a change... ACA is a beautiful framework to make our Healthcare work for a change. If you have a problem fix it, and the problem is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after having a GOP scam cut off system forever.... The GOP will never do a damn thing except a giveaway to Big Pharma big health whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our Health Care system costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country pays about 9 to 11% and get much better care on average. But we in the richest country in the world can't afford it. Total garbage propaganda, super duper.
I notice that you say shit without putting up any links. Try again, you worthless sociopath.
Nobody said Marxism is great or communism is great. Those are the first two definitions of socialism, until in both cases it was found that democracy was missing. Now and 4 years socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net and everybody knows it but Republican brainwashed functional moron voters.... Marx thought it would take place in heavily industrialized countries like England. But instead it happened in a feudal autocracy. Socialism was always supposed to be democratic. It just took a while to find out that the Soviet Union and its Soviets were not Democratic at all LOL. Sorry about my masters in history....
Yeah it sure is fair when someone who is working his ass off to make a living for his own family, then has money taken out of his paycheck and given to some bitch who cant keep her legs closed and must feed her illegitimate brats....

Socialism Didn’t Work at Plymouth Plantation, Either
“In one common telling,” Zernike writes, “the pilgrims who came to Plymouth established a communal system, where all had to pool whatever they hunted or grew on their lands. Because they could not reap the fruits of their labors, no one had any incentive to work, and the system failed—confusion, thievery and famine ensued.”
Well thank God for ObamaCare which gives free birth control to the poor and cuts abortion rates 40% immediately.... Actually much better than free because it means we stopped lives of welfare for mothers....except greedy idiot scumbag red states of course who don't get expanded medicaid....

The GOP has been in charge of tax rates the last 35 years, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Only your alternate scumbag GOP universe makes this possible.... I know a tax cut for the rich and giant corporations!! How dumb can you get? Whoops brainwashed functionally dumb.... The GOP is the swamp, for crying out loud LOL. Cutting intelligent regulation under the GOP has given us a corrupt bubble and bust every time. Wake up and smell the coffee. S&l crisis, W Bush's corrupt real estate bubble and World depression, the corrupt GOP World depression of 1929, and whatever they're up to under Trump LOL aaarrrggghhh....and you brain-washed functional morons don't know about any of that, just the biggest stories of the last century...
Yeah, thanks Obama for making the rest of the country pay MORE for a shit system. It is all about wording, all the poor had to do was go to a local clinic and receive services, but hey, it wasn't the same as a working person, so punish them so they too now have to use the poor clinic. Fuck you liberals, fairness isn't making the poor better, it is make everyone poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just some liberals are more equal than others, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton....
Funny how 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month for healthcare for a change... ACA is a beautiful framework to make our Healthcare work for a change. If you have a problem fix it, and the problem is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after having a GOP scam cut off system forever.... The GOP will never do a damn thing except a giveaway to Big Pharma big health whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our Health Care system costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country pays about 9 to 11% and get much better care on average. But we in the richest country in the world can't afford it. Total garbage propaganda, super duper.
I notice that you say shit without putting up any links. Try again, you worthless sociopath.

There is something radically wrong with that one.
Of course if you don't like the Constitution of the US, that many here do love, you can leave for Cuba. dickheads aren't wanted here.

I don't live in the US. And your Constitution is an okay document at best...for all the good it does you...
it does allow US to protect ourselves against liberals shitfucks who want to take what is ours...
Google the only tax graph you need to know, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know about it is garbage propaganda... Everyone making any money in the United States is taxed about 27% on average and basically all the New wealth is going to the richest. For 35 years now! the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere is not a joke...
New wealth is going to the richest.
Ah yes, finally the retard has spoken about wealth envy. Instead of this idiot going out and using his God given gifts to make something of himself, he is probably sitting in his parents basement, smoking dope, collecting welfare and bitching and moaning how unfair his life is. My avatar shows me and my best friend who have not only a business but quite wealthy also. We laugh at stupid people like you.
Nobody said Marxism is great or communism is great. Those are the first two definitions of socialism, until in both cases it was found that democracy was missing. Now and 4 years socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net and everybody knows it but Republican brainwashed functional moron voters.... Marx thought it would take place in heavily industrialized countries like England. But instead it happened in a feudal autocracy. Socialism was always supposed to be democratic. It just took a while to find out that the Soviet Union and its Soviets were not Democratic at all LOL. Sorry about my masters in history....
Yeah it sure is fair when someone who is working his ass off to make a living for his own family, then has money taken out of his paycheck and given to some bitch who cant keep her legs closed and must feed her illegitimate brats....

Socialism Didn’t Work at Plymouth Plantation, Either
“In one common telling,” Zernike writes, “the pilgrims who came to Plymouth established a communal system, where all had to pool whatever they hunted or grew on their lands. Because they could not reap the fruits of their labors, no one had any incentive to work, and the system failed—confusion, thievery and famine ensued.”
Well thank God for ObamaCare which gives free birth control to the poor and cuts abortion rates 40% immediately.... Actually much better than free because it means we stopped lives of welfare for mothers....except greedy idiot scumbag red states of course who don't get expanded medicaid....

The GOP has been in charge of tax rates the last 35 years, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Only your alternate scumbag GOP universe makes this possible.... I know a tax cut for the rich and giant corporations!! How dumb can you get? Whoops brainwashed functionally dumb.... The GOP is the swamp, for crying out loud LOL. Cutting intelligent regulation under the GOP has given us a corrupt bubble and bust every time. Wake up and smell the coffee. S&l crisis, W Bush's corrupt real estate bubble and World depression, the corrupt GOP World depression of 1929, and whatever they're up to under Trump LOL aaarrrggghhh....and you brain-washed functional morons don't know about any of that, just the biggest stories of the last century...
Yeah, thanks Obama for making the rest of the country pay MORE for a shit system. It is all about wording, all the poor had to do was go to a local clinic and receive services, but hey, it wasn't the same as a working person, so punish them so they too now have to use the poor clinic. Fuck you liberals, fairness isn't making the poor better, it is make everyone poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just some liberals are more equal than others, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton....
Funny how 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month for healthcare for a change... ACA is a beautiful framework to make our Healthcare work for a change. If you have a problem fix it, and the problem is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after having a GOP scam cut off system forever.... The GOP will never do a damn thing except a giveaway to Big Pharma big health whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our Health Care system costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country pays about 9 to 11% and get much better care on average. But we in the richest country in the world can't afford it. Total garbage propaganda, super duper.
I notice that you say shit without putting up any links. Try again, you worthless sociopath.
Google it dumbass I'm not your mother. They are all well-known and I put links for them a million times. Google anything you doubt.
Of course if you don't like the Constitution of the US, that many here do love, you can leave for Cuba. dickheads aren't wanted here.

I don't live in the US. And your Constitution is an okay document at best...for all the good it does you...
it does allow US to protect ourselves against liberals shitfucks who want to take what is ours...
Google the only tax graph you need to know, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know about it is garbage propaganda... Everyone making any money in the United States is taxed about 27% on average and basically all the New wealth is going to the richest. For 35 years now! the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere is not a joke...
New wealth is going to the richest.
Ah yes, finally the retard has spoken about wealth envy. Instead of this idiot going out and using his God given gifts to make something of himself, he is probably sitting in his parents basement, smoking dope, collecting welfare and bitching and moaning how unfair his life is. My avatar shows me and my best friend who have not only a business but quite wealthy also. We laugh at stupid people like you.
Brainwashed much? LOL these are facts about our unfair country thanks to the GOP their propaganda machine and silly dupes like you. I am happily retired I don't like what is happening to my country. In fact the new bulshit GOP is getting totally out of hand. They are the swamp duh.
Of course if you don't like the Constitution of the US, that many here do love, you can leave for Cuba. dickheads aren't wanted here.

I don't live in the US. And your Constitution is an okay document at best...for all the good it does you...
it does allow US to protect ourselves against liberals shitfucks who want to take what is ours...
Google the only tax graph you need to know, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know about it is garbage propaganda... Everyone making any money in the United States is taxed about 27% on average and basically all the New wealth is going to the richest. For 35 years now! the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere is not a joke...
New wealth is going to the richest.
Ah yes, finally the retard has spoken about wealth envy. Instead of this idiot going out and using his God given gifts to make something of himself, he is probably sitting in his parents basement, smoking dope, collecting welfare and bitching and moaning how unfair his life is. My avatar shows me and my best friend who have not only a business but quite wealthy also. We laugh at stupid people like you.
we're all very happy for you, but statistics show the middle class is being slowly ruined and we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in the world. Not to mention the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good infrastructure and great vacations, and mainly the only country that has a flat tax system if you count all taxes. You are brainwashed functional morons politically. Your success is irrelevant to your political savvy. You guys appear old enough to haveg cheap education and training back in the good old days before the Republicans took over the tax policy. Now you pulled up the ladder you came up on. And now you blame the poor the victims of the policy. God will not be amused by your shenanigans.
Yeah it sure is fair when someone who is working his ass off to make a living for his own family, then has money taken out of his paycheck and given to some bitch who cant keep her legs closed and must feed her illegitimate brats....

Socialism Didn’t Work at Plymouth Plantation, Either
Well thank God for ObamaCare which gives free birth control to the poor and cuts abortion rates 40% immediately.... Actually much better than free because it means we stopped lives of welfare for mothers....except greedy idiot scumbag red states of course who don't get expanded medicaid....

The GOP has been in charge of tax rates the last 35 years, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Only your alternate scumbag GOP universe makes this possible.... I know a tax cut for the rich and giant corporations!! How dumb can you get? Whoops brainwashed functionally dumb.... The GOP is the swamp, for crying out loud LOL. Cutting intelligent regulation under the GOP has given us a corrupt bubble and bust every time. Wake up and smell the coffee. S&l crisis, W Bush's corrupt real estate bubble and World depression, the corrupt GOP World depression of 1929, and whatever they're up to under Trump LOL aaarrrggghhh....and you brain-washed functional morons don't know about any of that, just the biggest stories of the last century...
Yeah, thanks Obama for making the rest of the country pay MORE for a shit system. It is all about wording, all the poor had to do was go to a local clinic and receive services, but hey, it wasn't the same as a working person, so punish them so they too now have to use the poor clinic. Fuck you liberals, fairness isn't making the poor better, it is make everyone poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just some liberals are more equal than others, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton....
Funny how 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month for healthcare for a change... ACA is a beautiful framework to make our Healthcare work for a change. If you have a problem fix it, and the problem is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after having a GOP scam cut off system forever.... The GOP will never do a damn thing except a giveaway to Big Pharma big health whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our Health Care system costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country pays about 9 to 11% and get much better care on average. But we in the richest country in the world can't afford it. Total garbage propaganda, super duper.
I notice that you say shit without putting up any links. Try again, you worthless sociopath.

There is something radically wrong with that one.
you are the people that live on an imaginary planet and vote against the interests of yourselves to your family and friends every time. worst voters in the modern world brainwashed out of their minds totally misinformed so many phony scandals. nobody outside your bubble of Bologna believes any of your crap. Anywhere in the world.
Yeah it sure is fair when someone who is working his ass off to make a living for his own family, then has money taken out of his paycheck and given to some bitch who cant keep her legs closed and must feed her illegitimate brats....

Socialism Didn’t Work at Plymouth Plantation, Either
Well thank God for ObamaCare which gives free birth control to the poor and cuts abortion rates 40% immediately.... Actually much better than free because it means we stopped lives of welfare for mothers....except greedy idiot scumbag red states of course who don't get expanded medicaid....

The GOP has been in charge of tax rates the last 35 years, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Only your alternate scumbag GOP universe makes this possible.... I know a tax cut for the rich and giant corporations!! How dumb can you get? Whoops brainwashed functionally dumb.... The GOP is the swamp, for crying out loud LOL. Cutting intelligent regulation under the GOP has given us a corrupt bubble and bust every time. Wake up and smell the coffee. S&l crisis, W Bush's corrupt real estate bubble and World depression, the corrupt GOP World depression of 1929, and whatever they're up to under Trump LOL aaarrrggghhh....and you brain-washed functional morons don't know about any of that, just the biggest stories of the last century...
Yeah, thanks Obama for making the rest of the country pay MORE for a shit system. It is all about wording, all the poor had to do was go to a local clinic and receive services, but hey, it wasn't the same as a working person, so punish them so they too now have to use the poor clinic. Fuck you liberals, fairness isn't making the poor better, it is make everyone poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just some liberals are more equal than others, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton....
Funny how 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month for healthcare for a change... ACA is a beautiful framework to make our Healthcare work for a change. If you have a problem fix it, and the problem is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after having a GOP scam cut off system forever.... The GOP will never do a damn thing except a giveaway to Big Pharma big health whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our Health Care system costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country pays about 9 to 11% and get much better care on average. But we in the richest country in the world can't afford it. Total garbage propaganda, super duper.
I notice that you say shit without putting up any links. Try again, you worthless sociopath.

There is something radically wrong with that one.
Yes I am well informed unlike you Chumps of the greedy idiot rich, trolls.
Of course if you don't like the Constitution of the US, that many here do love, you can leave for Cuba. dickheads aren't wanted here.

I don't live in the US. And your Constitution is an okay document at best...for all the good it does you...
it does allow US to protect ourselves against liberals shitfucks who want to take what is ours...
Google the only tax graph you need to know, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know about it is garbage propaganda... Everyone making any money in the United States is taxed about 27% on average and basically all the New wealth is going to the richest. For 35 years now! the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere is not a joke...
New wealth is going to the richest.
Ah yes, finally the retard has spoken about wealth envy. Instead of this idiot going out and using his God given gifts to make something of himself, he is probably sitting in his parents basement, smoking dope, collecting welfare and bitching and moaning how unfair his life is. My avatar shows me and my best friend who have not only a business but quite wealthy also. We laugh at stupid people like you.
Brainwashed much? LOL these are facts about our unfair country thanks to the GOP their propaganda machine and silly dupes like you. I am happily retired I don't like what is happening to my country. In fact the new bulshit GOP is getting totally out of hand. They are the swamp duh.
Brainwashed, I am not parroting the liberal talking points. I used my skills to make plenty of money, while by bud, he created a business and is using the loopholes to his advantage. Dumbasses like you, just moan and groan.
Well thank God for ObamaCare which gives free birth control to the poor and cuts abortion rates 40% immediately.... Actually much better than free because it means we stopped lives of welfare for mothers....except greedy idiot scumbag red states of course who don't get expanded medicaid....

The GOP has been in charge of tax rates the last 35 years, a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else and our infrastructure. Only your alternate scumbag GOP universe makes this possible.... I know a tax cut for the rich and giant corporations!! How dumb can you get? Whoops brainwashed functionally dumb.... The GOP is the swamp, for crying out loud LOL. Cutting intelligent regulation under the GOP has given us a corrupt bubble and bust every time. Wake up and smell the coffee. S&l crisis, W Bush's corrupt real estate bubble and World depression, the corrupt GOP World depression of 1929, and whatever they're up to under Trump LOL aaarrrggghhh....and you brain-washed functional morons don't know about any of that, just the biggest stories of the last century...
Yeah, thanks Obama for making the rest of the country pay MORE for a shit system. It is all about wording, all the poor had to do was go to a local clinic and receive services, but hey, it wasn't the same as a working person, so punish them so they too now have to use the poor clinic. Fuck you liberals, fairness isn't making the poor better, it is make everyone poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just some liberals are more equal than others, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton....
Funny how 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month for healthcare for a change... ACA is a beautiful framework to make our Healthcare work for a change. If you have a problem fix it, and the problem is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after having a GOP scam cut off system forever.... The GOP will never do a damn thing except a giveaway to Big Pharma big health whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our Health Care system costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country pays about 9 to 11% and get much better care on average. But we in the richest country in the world can't afford it. Total garbage propaganda, super duper.
I notice that you say shit without putting up any links. Try again, you worthless sociopath.

There is something radically wrong with that one.
Yes I am well informed unlike you Chumps of the greedy idiot rich, trolls.
So you are informed by the stupid liberal poor. Why is it greed to keeps ones own money, but not greed to take it away from that person and give it to someone else...

I don't live in the US. And your Constitution is an okay document at best...for all the good it does you...
it does allow US to protect ourselves against liberals shitfucks who want to take what is ours...
Google the only tax graph you need to know, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know about it is garbage propaganda... Everyone making any money in the United States is taxed about 27% on average and basically all the New wealth is going to the richest. For 35 years now! the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere is not a joke...
New wealth is going to the richest.
Ah yes, finally the retard has spoken about wealth envy. Instead of this idiot going out and using his God given gifts to make something of himself, he is probably sitting in his parents basement, smoking dope, collecting welfare and bitching and moaning how unfair his life is. My avatar shows me and my best friend who have not only a business but quite wealthy also. We laugh at stupid people like you.
Brainwashed much? LOL these are facts about our unfair country thanks to the GOP their propaganda machine and silly dupes like you. I am happily retired I don't like what is happening to my country. In fact the new bulshit GOP is getting totally out of hand. They are the swamp duh.
Brainwashed, I am not parroting the liberal talking points. I used my skills to make plenty of money, while by bud, he created a business and is using the loopholes to his advantage. Dumbasses like you, just moan and groan.
so you think it's a great idea for college and training to be so expensive that people can't do it anymore and you think the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is Grand? That is called politics. What you are saying it's just stupid irrelevant bragging. And no you couldn't have done it by yourself. Those were the good old days- now you brainwashed functional morons and your greedy idiot Heroes have screwed it up, super dupers. On average the country is going to hell but you're fine great job're what people used to call fortunate before Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor and screw them over. Then he started screwing over the middle class..... The top tax rate was 70% when he started he got it down to 50% and had success, then on his way out he cut it to 28% and we've been screwed ever since. Hello?!?
Yeah, thanks Obama for making the rest of the country pay MORE for a shit system. It is all about wording, all the poor had to do was go to a local clinic and receive services, but hey, it wasn't the same as a working person, so punish them so they too now have to use the poor clinic. Fuck you liberals, fairness isn't making the poor better, it is make everyone poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just some liberals are more equal than others, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton....
Funny how 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month for healthcare for a change... ACA is a beautiful framework to make our Healthcare work for a change. If you have a problem fix it, and the problem is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after having a GOP scam cut off system forever.... The GOP will never do a damn thing except a giveaway to Big Pharma big health whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our Health Care system costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country pays about 9 to 11% and get much better care on average. But we in the richest country in the world can't afford it. Total garbage propaganda, super duper.
I notice that you say shit without putting up any links. Try again, you worthless sociopath.

There is something radically wrong with that one.
Yes I am well informed unlike you Chumps of the greedy idiot rich, trolls.
So you are informed by the stupid liberal poor. Why is it greed to keeps ones own money, but not greed to take it away from that person and give it to someone else...

everyone in the modern world but you brainwashed functional morons know you have to tax the rich their fair share or else you got the worst inequality and upward mobility in the world like we have now. And it just keeps getting worse. And then Amazon what is the story. 35% of small businesses are going out of business because of Amazon and Amazon doesn't pay any taxes? Big oil big Pharma big Pharma are getting away with murder still. We need to go after their costs. And the ACA is a perfect framework for it. This ACA is the Republican plan they always say they want to do. But somehow never do anyting.... like everything else another phony issue. Phony scandals phony issues they aren't doing anything for anybody but the rich.
Yeah, thanks Obama for making the rest of the country pay MORE for a shit system. It is all about wording, all the poor had to do was go to a local clinic and receive services, but hey, it wasn't the same as a working person, so punish them so they too now have to use the poor clinic. Fuck you liberals, fairness isn't making the poor better, it is make everyone poor and miserable, then everyone is equal. Just some liberals are more equal than others, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton....
Funny how 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month for healthcare for a change... ACA is a beautiful framework to make our Healthcare work for a change. If you have a problem fix it, and the problem is the ridiculous cost of healthcare after having a GOP scam cut off system forever.... The GOP will never do a damn thing except a giveaway to Big Pharma big health whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our Health Care system costs 18% of GDP while every other modern country pays about 9 to 11% and get much better care on average. But we in the richest country in the world can't afford it. Total garbage propaganda, super duper.
I notice that you say shit without putting up any links. Try again, you worthless sociopath.

There is something radically wrong with that one.
Yes I am well informed unlike you Chumps of the greedy idiot rich, trolls.
So you are informed by the stupid liberal poor. Why is it greed to keeps ones own money, but not greed to take it away from that person and give it to someone else...

Neutral observation of the facts shows that our middle-class is being taxed too much and our rich are being woefully undertaxed. All about 27% on average in all taxes. So our infrastructure and institutions and middle-class go to hell. And all you can do is brag about how much you make. Irrelevant stupid idiocy. Try and get a brain politically.
it does allow US to protect ourselves against liberals shitfucks who want to take what is ours...
Google the only tax graph you need to know, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know about it is garbage propaganda... Everyone making any money in the United States is taxed about 27% on average and basically all the New wealth is going to the richest. For 35 years now! the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere is not a joke...
New wealth is going to the richest.
Ah yes, finally the retard has spoken about wealth envy. Instead of this idiot going out and using his God given gifts to make something of himself, he is probably sitting in his parents basement, smoking dope, collecting welfare and bitching and moaning how unfair his life is. My avatar shows me and my best friend who have not only a business but quite wealthy also. We laugh at stupid people like you.
Brainwashed much? LOL these are facts about our unfair country thanks to the GOP their propaganda machine and silly dupes like you. I am happily retired I don't like what is happening to my country. In fact the new bulshit GOP is getting totally out of hand. They are the swamp duh.
Brainwashed, I am not parroting the liberal talking points. I used my skills to make plenty of money, while by bud, he created a business and is using the loopholes to his advantage. Dumbasses like you, just moan and groan.
so you think it's a great idea for college and training to be so expensive that people can't do it anymore and you think the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is Grand? That is called politics. What you are saying it's just stupid irrelevant bragging. And no you couldn't have done it by yourself. Those were the good old days- now you brainwashed functional morons and your greedy idiot Heroes have screwed it up, super dupers. On average the country is going to hell but you're fine great job're what people used to call fortunate before Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor and screw them over. Then he started screwing over the middle class..... The top tax rate was 70% when he started he got it down to 50% and had success, then on his way out he cut it to 28% and we've been screwed ever since. Hello?!?


I remember watching , sitting in my 1st mortgaged place, naively thinking 'yeah, that might make sense'.....

40 years on, i've a different view....


Not Denmark. They said so.

But Venezuela? Definitely socialist. Such a success story!
A few people said that maybe, most people around the world know it is socialist. Just another ridiculous talking point based on basically nothing and no one LOL. Venezuela can't even sell their oil anymore thanks to the GOP and Obama wasn't much better, but I think he stopped before too much covert action and coups.Pill To blame their problems on socialism is insane. And they still want to vote for the socialists even now. They know what an oligarchy is and what garbage banana republics are. Thanks to us.
I'm more willing to believe the Danish than I am a random internet Commie.

But then, you're the guy who said you know more about Marxism than Marx.

You're dismissed.
Look at your link it's not the Danish it's one guy in some think tank. Who gives a damn but brainwashed functional morons?

And Marx was wrong about just about everything, so that isn't hard to do dingbat...
One guy? No. Several people, and they're Danish, and they know more about it that a dumbass Commie.

Run along, Comrade.

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