Do we continue paying for abortions when a woman has already had 2 or more abortions?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
As these statistics (reality..) show.. 44% of abortions were performed on women that are not responsible or why else would they all have had a previous abortion.

  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control
Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

Now where is the funding from tax payers that pay for these abortions going???

Planned Parenthood Total Revenue
$1,049,600,000 ...
$538,500,000 Government health services,grants,etc... 45% comes from OUR TAX dollars.
ISSUU - 2010-2011 Annual Financial Report by Planned Parenthood Action Fund

According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
"Choice" cuts two ways. No taxpayer should be forced to fund abortion. Its not a treatment for a disease or accident. Pregnancy is natural.

Though I can see the argument if pregnancy is a result of rape.
Or incest or if her life/health are at risk.

Do we continue paying for abortions when a woman has already had 2 or more abortions?
healthmyths question is legitimate
I don't know why some of you cannot get off of this topic. Roe v Wade has been around now for over 40 years. We have had a conservative court now for decades--and NOTHING has changed regarding abortion--other than the banning of late term abortions.

Meaning that no matter how many pro-life politicians that stand in front of you--"claiming that they can make a difference regarding this issue" that you continue to nominate only to later see them defeated in the general election--there is absolutely nothing they can do about it either.

This is a US SUPREME COURT issue. From Ronald Reagan--Sandra Day O'Conner a conservative who continually REFUSED to even let abortion enter her court--yet you still want to talk about abortion.

I am a pro-life conservative--I don't like abortion either--I would prefer to pay for the birth control pills and I understand that to get abortion overturned in this country would be a one in a zillion miracle. It's here to stay. Get over it.
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Yes we do. The legal murder of the unborn is not restricted.
Who says you are paying for anything?

Ever heard of the Hyde Ammendment?
The op seems counter-intuitve. Frankly I have no interest in whether a woman chooses, or doesn't choose, an abortion, and would prefer to not be informed in either case, but SERIOUSY, if a woman has already chosen three or so abortions, is it really in socity's interest to force her to become a mother at that point?
Taxpayer money isn't used for abortion. There is no "we".

If taxpayer money is going to Planned Parenthood then it's going for abortion no matter how they try to spin it.

There is no's the law.

Anyone making a claim that taxpayer money is used for abortions is simply lying.

:rolleyes: riiiiiight
Next thing you're going to tell me that there is oversight from our government like leftwinger did. :lol:

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