Do we need to fear God?

I'm not the one who's ready to throw out the baby with the bathwater as so many right wing nuts on here are ready to. I see the overall good our nation has done by Us and compared to the rest of the world I'd rate it at 85%. Only about 20to 22 nations are doing better than US.

I've done the research. Since the 90's. I've seen FAR more than enough to understand that the government is corrupt... on both sides of the aisle, btw.

I no longer put my faith in it. One day you'll remember this conversation and realize that I was right. :)
The following text proves we are to fear Almighty God with a terrorizing fear that compels us to obedience. Fear and love cannot be separated. If we love, we fear doing anything that would separate us from the object of our affection. If an earthly father is a strict disciplinarian, children fear him because they fear to displease him and they fear the punishment or chastisement he will enforce. God is a strict Disciplinarian and He demands obedience. This is the generation of apostasy--people are unrepentant, walking in their own ways because they have no fear of God.
There is no fear of God before their eyes. (Rom 3:18)
Heb 12:25-29 KJV
25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:
26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear [G2124]:
29 For our God is a consuming fire.
From G2126; properly caution, that is, (religiously) reverence (piety); by implication dread (concretely): - fear (-ed).

Yes, don't be stupid. God made this world and how it works like clockwork, even better than, I wouldn't disrespect him if I was you.
He must not be a student of history, since he doesn't seem to realize that communist regimes have murdered over 100 million people. But let's trust government, because they truly care about us!!! They would never lie to us!!! Right? Ay yai yai
Islam alone has cost 90,000,000 to 1.2 billion lives and they're they're the newest kid on the block of the bog three treacherous judgemental religions.
Islam alone has cost 90,000,000 to 1.2 billion lives and they're they're the newest kid on the block of the bog three treacherous judgemental religions.

Where'd you pull that stat from? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Islam at all.... but I'm not sure what you're talking about. If you're talking about the wars in the Middle East, they were based on lies. That has already been proven.
Islam alone has cost 90,000,000 to 1.2 billion lives and they're they're the newest kid on the block of the bog three treacherous judgemental religions.
Islam has nothing to do with God. Really not ary a thing. Mohammed has nothing to do with the creator of this world, and I'm sure he's in hell right now.
Islam has nothing to do with God. Really not ary a thing. Mohammed has nothing to do with the creator of this world, and I'm sure he's in hell right now.

I can predict what's coming from him next.

Which goes to show, nonbelievers don't seem to understand that God and religion are two different things.
Where'd you pull that stat from? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Islam at all.... but I'm not sure what you're talking about. If you're talking about the wars in the Middle East, they were based on lies. That has already been proven.
I just asked the question, " How many lives has religion cost the world ? " and the article came up with a lot of others. I don't believe they're wrong, Islamic history has been almost continuous warfare. They actually must believe that even their brothers are " infidels " if they are of another sect.
I can predict what's coming from him next.

Which goes to show, nonbelievers don't seem to understand that God and religion are two different things.
LOL, that's exactly what I've been saying all along. GOD has nothing to do with religion. That's all mankind's fault.
Islam has nothing to do with God. Really not ary a thing. Mohammed has nothing to do with the creator of this world, and I'm sure he's in hell right now.
Islam is one of the Abrahamic religions. Their version of god is even more primitive. Their god still allows for the murder of non-members. It's not just special cases as it is with Christians and Jews.
LOL, that's exactly what I've been saying all along. GOD has nothing to do with religion. That's all mankind's fault.

No, we're not saying the same thing. There is a true faith, and that is Jesus. The true power of this world.

But again, even within Christianity, there's a difference between mere 'religion' and God. There are a lot of people who play religion... and for them it's a cultural or tradition thing. But if you read the NT, you'll see that Jesus had the highest criticism for the religious leaders who promoted empty or false religion. Because it's not about that.
No, we're not saying the same thing. There is a true faith, and that is Jesus. The true power of this world.
Most religions come with that disclaimer, they are the TRUE faith. You simply believe the one you were indoctrinated in or chose, is the correct one. Newsflash, they're all not true. At least most of the eastern religions play on philosophy and personal improvement. They don't pit people against each other.
Most religions come with that disclaimer, they are the TRUE faith. You simply believe the one you were indoctrinated in or chose, is the correct one. Newsflash, they're all not true. At least most of the eastern religions play on philosophy and personal improvement. They don't pit people against each other.

Nope, I didn't grow up in a Christian home. My dad was a hardcore atheist and my mom believed in God but the topic of God or religion was NEVER talked about in our home. (My parents made that agreement early on in their marriage, so that they would be able to have a peaceful marriage) The bible was just another dusty book on the shelf. Literally. In fact, God wasn't even on my radar for years, not until the very moment I began to believe.

Also, you don't seem to get how things actually work when it comes to faith. You don't just believe because someone told you to. It doesn't work that way. At some point it has to be one's own faith, not that of their parents, but their own. In fact, many kids who grow up in religious homes rebel and go off into the world on their own journey of finding truth.... and eventually they either reject the religion they were raised in, or sometimes they realize it IS what they truly believe, because they had their own experiences with God. But it has to be their own, for it to be real.

Another wrong thing you said is your wrong assumption that Christianity is not about personal growth. The exact opposite is true, when one is truly walking with God. It's a continual journey of learning, growth and transformation.
Nope, I didn't grow up in a Christian home. My dad was a hardcore atheist and my mom believed in God but the topic of God or religion was NEVER talked about in our home. (My parents made that agreement early on in their marriage, so that they would be able to have a peaceful marriage) The bible was just another dusty book on the shelf. Literally. In fact, God wasn't even on my radar for years, not until the very moment I began to believe.

Also, you don't seem to get how things actually work when it comes to faith. You don't just believe because someone told you to. It doesn't work that way. At some point it has to be one's own faith, not that of their parents, but their own. In fact, many kids who grow up in religious homes rebel and go off into the world on their own journey of finding truth.... and eventually they either reject the religion they were raised in, or sometimes they realize it IS what they truly believe, because they had their own experiences with God. But it has to be their own, for it to be real.

Another wrong thing you said is your wrong assumption that Christianity is not about personal growth. The exact opposite is true, when one is truly walking with God. It's a continual journey of learning, growth and transformation.
If personal growth is limited in any way then it then it is counterproductive. Many of the eastern religions or, may I dare infer, philosophies encourage growth but don't attempt to direct or control that growth. This allows for real personal growth, not just the appearance of it. Goodnight !
^ Good night. I was going to reply to what you said, but maybe another time. Besides, it doesn't appear that you'd believe what I have to say anyway. ;)
^ Good night. I was going to reply to what you said, but maybe another time. Besides, it doesn't appear that you'd believe what I have to say anyway. ;)
Don't believe you'd believe my personal story either. My personal growth out of religion. Had a near death experience that confirmed my suspicions about religion. Left my body and became part of this purple cloud. I felt total peace and love, it was only for a few minutes earth time but it felt like I was there for hours or even days. Was able to ask all type of questions, got some amazing answers. Felt glee and in that moment I raised my hands in joy but then I noticed I didn't have any hands and just like that I was back in the physical body that I occupy in this lifetime here. And NO I do not do drugs, smoke or even drink. That's why I know what I know and much, much more. But again, I realize most people won't or can't believe me. Your loss, not mine. In the end it really doesn't matter, you will discover the truth sooner or later you will die in this life and understand why and how you were here to begin with.
Islam is one of the Abrahamic religions. Their version of god is even more primitive. Their god still allows for the murder of non-members. It's not just special cases as it is with Christians and Jews.
Abraham was long dead and gone before Islam came around. He had nothing to do with Islam.
Abraham was long dead and gone before Islam came around. He had nothing to do with Islam.
Your argument is not with me, but religious scholars. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are collectively called the Abrahamic Religions. There are others too.
Your argument is not with me, but religious scholars. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are collectively called the Abrahamic Religions. There are others too.
I'm not arguing with you per se; Just telling it like it is.

Abraham was centuries dead before Christ was born, and Islam came 6 centuries after Christ died.
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Islam alone has cost 90,000,000 to 1.2 billion lives and they're they're the newest kid on the block of the bog three treacherous judgemental religions.
"A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could."..." Vladimir Lenin
I'm not arguing with you per se; Just telling it like it is.

Abraham was long dead before Christ was born, and Islam came 6 centuries after Christ died.
By your own standards, Christianity is not an Abrahamic Religion also. Therein lies the fault in your suggestion.

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