Do we prefer being unhappy?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
They say people gamble not to enjoy the rush of winning (since mathematically that's extremely unlikely) but rather to enjoy the feelings associated with loosing, but with hope that the next bet will result in a win.

News shows depict unpleasant stories but aren't suffering in ratings for doing so. And people like Nancy Grace make a good living off the misery of others. And they say CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC never have higher ratings than when covering wars. If war is bad and something to avoid, why do we watch coverage of it? Why are our major forms of recreation negative as with violent videogames and movies?

Why is what should be universally positive and enjoyable as with sex denied us, but things that we make illegal and try to avoid as with murder and violence are suitable recreation?

Do we prefer being fearful, unhappy, and stressed but with some hope of improvement? Or are we being manipulated to feel that way?
They say people gamble not to enjoy the rush of winning (since mathematically that's extremely unlikely) but rather to enjoy the feelings associated with loosing, but with hope that the next bet will result in a win.

Who is they?
Do we prefer being fearful, unhappy, and stressed but with some hope of improvement? Or are we being manipulated to feel that way?

well, I don't gamble. and I have absolutely no desire to be unhappy.

I think what you're describing are two things... with the nancy grace stuff, the first rule of journalism has always been "if it bleeds, it leads". I doubt that is going to change any time soon.

as for the rest... I guess people like schadenfreude.
One of my brothers has always been the morose and moribund type. There are times when I just can't stand being around him. Some folks will just drag you down with them.
Life is generally unhappy in general for most of the population. It's happy when we learn about the perfection of every moment.

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