Do We Really Need To See And Hear A Clinton/Trump Debate?

I am actually excited about the debates and will most likely make my voting decision based on them. I'm leaning toward Trump and don't think I could vote for Hillary but I really want to keep an open mind and hear both candidates in a debate on the issues before I make a final decision.
i am pretty sure that the 100 Million viewers are only gonna watch cause they wanna see Hillary have a cough attack, then leave the stage.
I am actually excited about the debates and will most likely make my voting decision based on them. I'm leaning toward Trump and don't think I could vote for Hillary but I really want to keep an open mind and hear both candidates in a debate on the issues before I make a final decision.
There are enough fence sitters and those like yourself who could change their mind, plus a still significant number of undecided voters left to make the debates a game changer for one side or the other.
Well, let's see, Trump has been talking about issues, frightening some narco state hack into wanting to meet with him, that sort of stuff, while Hillary just talks about Trump in between coughing fits and hides under her bed. It looks like Hillary is trying to build up an alibi for not showing up and getting her pathetic treason and total lack of a platform or record hammered over her corrupt head and Trump making her cry on national TV.

We already know the Democrats shot themselves in the foot and have relied too heavily on their tabloid media hacks who have zero cred with anybody any more, and the sort of gibbering morons astro-turfing sites like this and getting nowhere, so they've really hit the wall now and no amount of money and bribes is going to help them. Their turnout is going to be too low for a win, and when that happens they will rig the electoral college, losing them even more major cred, and she will be a lame duck before she's even inaugurated and impeached. The GOP 'establishment' has already ruined themselves and will be nothing any more to their own base, and all the Dems have are a mutually antagonistic gangs of violent racists, assorted gimps, and mindless degenerates to follow them around, and a Hillary victory will crash them, since the best thing for them to survive is to lose, actually, rather than be held responsible for Hillary and Obama.

Fun times.
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I am actually excited about the debates and will most likely make my voting decision based on them. I'm leaning toward Trump and don't think I could vote for Hillary but I really want to keep an open mind and hear both candidates in a debate on the issues before I make a final decision.

I thought you said you refuse to vote for Trump in that other epic thread? Or was that someone else?
I am actually excited about the debates and will most likely make my voting decision based on them. I'm leaning toward Trump and don't think I could vote for Hillary but I really want to keep an open mind and hear both candidates in a debate on the issues before I make a final decision.

I thought you said you refuse to vote for Trump in that other epic thread? Or was that someone else?

Might have been me
I am actually excited about the debates and will most likely make my voting decision based on them. I'm leaning toward Trump and don't think I could vote for Hillary but I really want to keep an open mind and hear both candidates in a debate on the issues before I make a final decision.

I thought you said you refuse to vote for Trump in that other epic thread? Or was that someone else?

Must've been someone else. I've consistently said I am undecided.
I want to see Hillary have a stroke. I want to hear an EMT say "Shit, lost her".

She's so loony and goofy looking now it looks like she's already had several brain strokes. Her eyes are wide and bugged out she looks like a 1930's cartoon character and leering around with a particularly stupid grin on her face every time she imagines she said something witty is just creepy; she probably forgets the reasons she gets 'laughs' is because her staff pays gimps to laugh on cue to make her look good.
I need to see it and my pick for the winner won't be the one who best cracks down on their opponent. I will be deciding for myself who has the most reasonable plans to address the nation's issues. I didn't see the Democratic debates earlier this year but watching the GOP debates I wasn't impressed by Trump's generalizations. Hopefully he'll have specifics this time as he did last week in his immigration speech. If he relies on having the best people, the best policies, his spiel on America's going to win again, and name calling then I'll be disappointed. Not that I wouldn't mind seeing him attack her views and provide his in contrast.

These debates are the sole chance Hillary has to make any positive impression with me. But only if she provides reasonable solutions to issues.

If both make it a name calling contest then Gary Johnson will be my protest vote.
Do We Really Need To See And Hear A Clinton/Trump Debate?
Is there anything more disparaging they can say about each other? I don't think either knows what the hell is in store for them while in office. I mean really.. Hillary has traveled the globe meeting people in many other countries who may or may not be in a position in their governments for the next 4 years. And Donald says he can get it done no matter what the problem is.
There I said it. Now what else is on tv that night(s) I will find better to watch?
I am still not sure if I could vote for either one of 'em.
The first debate will be a media blockbuster.

I don't know if the others will be as well watched.

Most people will make up their minds after the first debate.
Yes, we need to see Presidential Debates. Don the Con will be made to look like the grifter he is...shouldn't have nominated a con artist flim flam man.

shouldn't have nominated a con artist flim flam man.
or a professional liar

Yes, pathological liar describes Don the Con as well.

What's the average for his speeches, 70+% lies?

Yes, pathological liar describes Don the Con as well.

I was talking about the OTHER pathological liar running.

There's only one HUUUUGGGE liar running...

PolitiFact scorecard

Donald Trump's file

True9 (4%)(9)
Mostly True27 (11%)(27)
Half True36 (15%)(36)
Mostly False42 (17%)(42)
False84 (35%)(84)
Pants on Fire44 (18%)(44)

The PolitiFact scorecard

True55 (22%)(55)
Mostly True68 (28%)(68)
Half True54 (22%)(54)
Mostly False35 (14%)(35)
False27 (11%)(27)
Pants on Fire6 (2%)(6)
Yes, we need to see Presidential Debates. Don the Con will be made to look like the grifter he is...shouldn't have nominated a con artist flim flam man.

shouldn't have nominated a con artist flim flam man.
or a professional liar

Yes, pathological liar describes Don the Con as well.

What's the average for his speeches, 70+% lies?

Yes, pathological liar describes Don the Con as well.

I was talking about the OTHER pathological liar running.

There's only one HUUUUGGGE liar running...

PolitiFact scorecard

Donald Trump's file

True9 (4%)(9)
Mostly True27 (11%)(27)
Half True36 (15%)(36)
Mostly False42 (17%)(42)
False84 (35%)(84)
Pants on Fire44 (18%)(44)

The PolitiFact scorecard

True55 (22%)(55)
Mostly True68 (28%)(68)
Half True54 (22%)(54)
Mostly False35 (14%)(35)
False27 (11%)(27)
Pants on Fire6 (2%)(6)

I stopped paying attention to Politifact when I saw this poll months ago.

Which 2016 Candidates Are The Biggest Liars According to Politifact?.

Hillary and Bernie at the bottom of the list, making them the most truthful?

Ben Carson - Lying Frequency 100% (Pants on Fire 0%; 3 statements)

Donald Trump - Lying Frequency 83% (Pants on Fire 21%; 29 statements)

Ted Cruz - Lying Frequency 70% (Pants on Fire 8%; 49 statements)

Mike Huckabee - Lying Frequency 50% (Pants on Fire 12%; 34 statements)

Scott Walker - Lying Frequency 49% (Pants on Fire 7%; 146 statements)

Marco Rubio - Lying Frequency 39% (Pants on Fire 2%; 95 statements)

Rand Paul - Lying Frequency 35% (Pants on Fire 5%; 40 statements)

Jeb Bush - Lying Frequency 32% (Pants on Fire 2%; 46 statements)

Hillary Clinton - Lying Frequency 29% (Pants on Fire 2%; 114 statements)

Bernie Sanders - Lying Frequency 26% (Pants on Fire 0%; 23 statements)
I wonder...
Will America see The Donald's Rule from the Ivory Tower of Babel
Will it be Queen Hillary's Reign for the Land of the Free?
Do We Really Need To See And Hear A Clinton/Trump Debate?

Well if you don't need or don't want then good news - you can just change the channel.
Yes, we need to see Presidential Debates. Don the Con will be made to look like the grifter he is...shouldn't have nominated a con artist flim flam man.

shouldn't have nominated a con artist flim flam man.
or a professional liar

Yes, pathological liar describes Don the Con as well.

What's the average for his speeches, 70+% lies?

Yes, pathological liar describes Don the Con as well.

I was talking about the OTHER pathological liar running.

There's only one HUUUUGGGE liar running...

PolitiFact scorecard

Donald Trump's file

True9 (4%)(9)
Mostly True27 (11%)(27)
Half True36 (15%)(36)
Mostly False42 (17%)(42)
False84 (35%)(84)
Pants on Fire44 (18%)(44)

The PolitiFact scorecard

True55 (22%)(55)
Mostly True68 (28%)(68)
Half True54 (22%)(54)
Mostly False35 (14%)(35)
False27 (11%)(27)
Pants on Fire6 (2%)(6)

I stopped paying attention to Politifact when I saw this poll months ago.

Which 2016 Candidates Are The Biggest Liars According to Politifact?.

Hillary and Bernie at the bottom of the list, making them the most truthful?

Ben Carson - Lying Frequency 100% (Pants on Fire 0%; 3 statements)

Donald Trump - Lying Frequency 83% (Pants on Fire 21%; 29 statements)

Ted Cruz - Lying Frequency 70% (Pants on Fire 8%; 49 statements)

Mike Huckabee - Lying Frequency 50% (Pants on Fire 12%; 34 statements)

Scott Walker - Lying Frequency 49% (Pants on Fire 7%; 146 statements)

Marco Rubio - Lying Frequency 39% (Pants on Fire 2%; 95 statements)

Rand Paul - Lying Frequency 35% (Pants on Fire 5%; 40 statements)

Jeb Bush - Lying Frequency 32% (Pants on Fire 2%; 46 statements)

Hillary Clinton - Lying Frequency 29% (Pants on Fire 2%; 114 statements)

Bernie Sanders - Lying Frequency 26% (Pants on Fire 0%; 23 statements)

1. "On a national level, most people now know PolitiFact is nothing but another Obama-shilling mainstream media joke -- an entity so in the tank for the White House it ruled as mostly true that "Barack Obama has lowest spending record of any recent president:"
sing inflation-adjusted dollars, Obama had the second-lowest increase -- in fact, he actually presided over a decrease once inflation is taken into account."

2. is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times, in which reporters and editors from the Times and affiliated media outlets "fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups" - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The St. PetersburgTampa Bay Times, which started PolitiFact in conjunction with the Congressional Quarterly, is a traditionally liberal paper. We note that PolitiFact's stories appear to damage Republicans far more often than Democrats despite the fact that PF tends to choose about as many stories dealing with Republicans as for Democrats. If the selection process was blind then either proportions should be approximately even or else the party with worse ratings should receive more ratings overall according to what PolitiFact lists as its selection criteria. Plus our independent research helps confirm the hypothesis. PolitiFact Bias: About PolitiFact Bias/FAQ

3. "The Tampa Bay Times, which produces the PolitFact Truth-o-Meter, has not endorsed a single Republican candidate this century for any of the three most important positions on the Florida election ballot. Accordingly, the Times scores a “Pants on Fire” for its lack of objectivity, according to an extensive analysis by Media Trackers Florida.

Since 2000, the Times has issued 10 endorsements in elections for U.S. President, U.S. Senate, and Florida Governor. Nine of the 10 endorsements went to Democrats, with the sole exception being theTimes’ endorsement of Democrat-leaning Independent Charlie Crist in the 2010 U.S. Senate contest." PolitiFact Parent Tampa Bay Times Scores ‘Pants on Fire’ for Partisan Bias - Media Trackers

4. PolitiFact’s liberal bias, yet again (Arizona law; Climategate)
PolitiFact's liberal bias, yet again (Arizona law; Climategate) | RedState
if it is announced that Hillary will be sitting on a toilet. at least 150 Million will watch.
Will it be one of these toilet seats?
Do We Really Need To See And Hear A Clinton/Trump Debate?
Is there anything more disparaging they can say about each other? I don't think either knows what the hell is in store for them while in office. I mean really.. Hillary has traveled the globe meeting people in many other countries who may or may not be in a position in their governments for the next 4 years. And Donald says he can get it done no matter what the problem is.
There I said it. Now what else is on tv that night(s) I will find better to watch?
I am still not sure if I could vote for either one of 'em.
We need to see Hillary crumble under the pressure of Trump, as she says that she can't talk when she thinks about him.

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