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Do You Agree With Anne Coulter's Views & Beliefs On The Marijuana Issue?

Proving again why narco-libertarians are really closet liberals.

Yeah, legalizing the shit will lead to more of it being consumed. Which will lead to increased health costs and issues. Anyone who denies that is a fool.

We should outlaw cheeseburgers then too. people can abuse just about everything out there, fella. You just flunk at history, which has shown prohibition to be a failed idea and action.

yet you hang on to it with the death grip of a child losing their precious, yet soiled and ruined, security blanket.

The solution to one problem is not to make another worse.
This seems to be the only solutions the narco-libertarians can propose. Things to make problems worse.

Yes, you hate freedom to choose. Really, you hate freedom all together unless YOU, and your brand of LOLberal decide it's ok for everyone else. YOu're simply the very same type of ideology as that of the modern day liberal. You just do not see it.

There is no 'problem' with marijuana use. No more so than there is a drunk driving problem, a gun homocide problem or any other freedom that comes with dangers.

I find it hilarious to watch the cognitive failures between the democrats and republicans on issues.

I found a funny photo the other day, it said:

That moment when you piss off a conservative and leftie simultaneously:

By proclaiming you believe in gun rights for married gay couples to defend their home and marijuana plants.
It should be legalized but the civil asset forfeiture laws are enriching law enforcement to such a degree - last number was 31,000 cases waiting to be heard still in courtrooms - they could never make the same money legalizing it - even if they taxed it twice that of tobacco.

The civil asset forfeiture laws being used to strip families of their homes, vehicles, personal possessions - due to someone on their property being accused of smoking marijuana. ( even if the charges are dropped / even if they were found not guilty )

One example* A young man and his friend were pulled over and they were found to be in possession of a marijuana cigarette. The young man was driving his grandfathers cadillac. The police then confiscated the vehicle under civil asset forfeiture laws - sold it and used the proceeds for their own police dept. This is legal and a few years ago there were over 31,000 cases waiting to be heard - people trying to get their property back after having been accused of some wrong doing. Even if you are found not guilty they can still keep the property and the person must go to court to get it back.

If they want to wage a war on drugs they should begin with the large pharmaceutical drug companies that are responsible for psychotropic drugs such as Zoloft, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Paxil, Zanax the SSRI's which have been proven to destroy the liver ( cumalitive ) make people suicidal, or send the patient on murder sprees - such as witnessed in Newtown, Jerald Loughner case, etc. All of these mass shootings involved these psychotropic drugs and yet the big pharm cartels have yet to be examined or investigated by any independent study that could get these drugs off the streets ( literally ) It is amazing that Zanax is legal in this country knowing the damage it has caused to people - I've read blogs from people on Prozac who are so desperate they are begging for a way to get off the drug before they lose their minds - the side effects have been horrific for them - these drugs are designed for lifetime dependency. Companies such as Solvay designed them that way.

The big pharm cartels who have done this should be prosecuted and their products banned from America. Start with the Solvay pharm cartel ( european ) and make an example out of them.. There was a civil suit brought against them for damages in one mass shooting ( shooter was on their psychotropic prescription drug ) but thanks to lobbyists and friends in Washington they walked away scot free. Why are these big pharm cartels getting away with this?
Proving again why narco-libertarians are really closet liberals.

Yeah, legalizing the shit will lead to more of it being consumed. Which will lead to increased health costs and issues. Anyone who denies that is a fool.

We should outlaw cheeseburgers then too. people can abuse just about everything out there, fella. You just flunk at history, which has shown prohibition to be a failed idea and action.

yet you hang on to it with the death grip of a child losing their precious, yet soiled and ruined, security blanket.

The solution to one problem is not to make another worse.
This seems to be the only solutions the narco-libertarians can propose. Things to make problems worse.

I agree that the solution to one problem is not to make another worse. Yet that is precisely what came about with the matter of kids smoking marijuana. Some years ago during my time doing prison ministry I met one young man who was sent to prison for five years for a marijuana cigarette in his ashtray. Texas. His life has been destroyed because of a law that makes no sense. I do not believe in putting kids in prison with murderers, rapists, dangerous criminals because they were in possession of small amounts of marijuana. The judges, lawyers, courts and now law enforcement ( thanks to civil asset forfeiture laws ) are getting rich at the expense of the lives of these young people. It is wrong. The reason they won't legalize it - money. The love of money. That is what it is all about.
Republicans need to wise up on the pot issue.

Not only are they wrong, they're hurting the cause of freedom in this Country.

They conflate pot with other, actually very harmful, drugs and foolishly believe that pot is a 'gateway' drug.

The biggest reason pot might be a gateway drug is that the only place you can get it is from drug dealers.

Republicans are just wrong on this issue

The classicly accepted 'very harmful' drugs like heroin, cocaine, and meth are being challenged by some doctors now who suggest their relative harm may be more about the user than the chemical itself.

Many pharmaceuticals advertised on tv are more immediately harmful than illicit narcotics. If illicit drugs caused cancer and killed you instantly I dare say they wouldn't be very popular yet many of the tv drugs have these sort of side effects.

According to this chart, alcohol is far more dangerous to users and thr public than any of the banned substances:
Drugs that cause most harm: Scoring drugs | The Economist

The pattern seems to be any drug that promotes feelings of peace and happiness is banned. Ones like ecstacy and mushrooms and lsd appear at the bottom of the above list while drugs that promote violence and aggression appear at the top of the risk chart, and often aren't illegal like alcohol and nicotine.

Big Pharm drugs are 100xs more lethal imo. I have a family member who had to have most their liver removed due to an agressive form of cancer. I began looking up blog sites on users of SSRI's ( my family member was on Paxil for past 12 years ) and the cumalitive effect on the liver. Guess what? Many, many people diagnosed with cancer of the liver due to using these SSRI's and yet not a single govt agency investigates these drug cartels because of their lobbyists. Then you have those who mentally breakdown and go on shooting sprees, killing others. Psychotropic drugs are extremely dangerous and should be banned in America. People in America worry about what would happen if the EBT cards were cut off - would there be rioting, etc. Imagine a blackout - extended time our power grid is down and there is no access to pharmacy prescriptions being filled. It would be mass insanity x's 10,000 in America within days. People who could not get their zanax prescriptions would not be sleeping - people on these SSRI's would be capable of anything if they suddenly are unable to get their prescriptions. It is a recipe for disaster.
Ann Coulter is again correct. Marijuana destroys all initiative. However, I would compromise, potheads can use all the pot they want, they just have to use it under the same conditions as it was when marijuana was legal. No medical care, no welfare, no housing, no public benefits at all. No rehab, no counseling, nothing.

Or, treat it as a medical issue the way China does.
Because to be truly great as a nation, we should be more like the People's Republic of China rather than the United States of America.

In some ways, yes. Just because they are Chinese doesn't mean that everything they do is wrong. They have sound methods of treating drug addiction. How many people think we should be more like Portugal and legalize drugs? Has that helped Portugal become a successful country? No. China is kicking our asses all over the world.
Ann Coulter is again correct. Marijuana destroys all initiative. However, I would compromise, potheads can use all the pot they want, they just have to use it under the same conditions as it was when marijuana was legal. No medical care, no welfare, no housing, no public benefits at all. No rehab, no counseling, nothing.

Or, treat it as a medical issue the way China does.
Because to be truly great as a nation, we should be more like the People's Republic of China rather than the United States of America.

In some ways, yes. Just because they are Chinese doesn't mean that everything they do is wrong. They have sound methods of treating drug addiction. How many people think we should be more like Portugal and legalize drugs? Has that helped Portugal become a successful country? No. China is kicking our asses all over the world.

If you endorse programs that work in Commie countries the left/narcos paint your as a commie. If you endorse programs that have failed in Euro countries, you're a kewl guy.
Coulter's position on this is not typical of Republicans, many of whom lean Libertarian.

I and most of my R friends (a) strongly support legalization of pot, and (b) won't smoke it even if it is legalized.

We consider that it's an opportunity for government to take more money from stupid people, which is a good thing.
So if the freedom to choose does not make the nation "great" by conservative standards, then the idea is "wrong" or "bad". Regardless to the other forces playing out, the reason Portugal isn't becoming a "successful" (the conservative variety) nation, is because they legalized drugs!

See how easy it is to navigate complex socio-economics in conservative world!?
Where do you turds come up with this shit?

Proving again why narco-libertarians are really closet liberals.

Yeah, legalizing the shit will lead to more of it being consumed. Which will lead to increased health costs and issues. Anyone who denies that is a fool.

We should outlaw cheeseburgers then too. people can abuse just about everything out there, fella. You just flunk at history, which has shown prohibition to be a failed idea and action.

yet you hang on to it with the death grip of a child losing their precious, yet soiled and ruined, security blanket.
He's a far RW religious fundamentalist.

Facts, history, common sense...all mean nothing to him.

For him it's a MORAL issue, and those who don't share HIS particular brand of morals are the problem and no legal action would be too small to curb them.
As for MediaMatters, opinion is one thing.

Lies are another.

Do they ever lie Immie?

Do they ever provide honest stories? I've never seen one from them. Another Soros mouthpiece.

In answer to your question, Marc, that would depend on whether they actually knew their half-truths and complete untruths were incorrect or not. You see, someone can say something for instance, "the sky is green", of course unless it is tornado weather they are 100% wrong! but if they are color blind and cannot tell the difference between blue and green! they are not lying but are just mistaken. Then again if they know it is blue but state it is green, they are lying.

I'm guessing the writers at MM are not as stupid as they appear and are in fact partisan liars.
Republicans need to wise up on the pot issue.

Not only are they wrong, they're hurting the cause of freedom in this Country.

They conflate pot with other, actually very harmful, drugs and foolishly believe that pot is a 'gateway' drug.

The biggest reason pot might be a gateway drug is that the only place you can get it is from drug dealers.

Republicans are just wrong on this issue

The classicly accepted 'very harmful' drugs like heroin, cocaine, and meth are being challenged by some doctors now who suggest their relative harm may be more about the user than the chemical itself.

Many pharmaceuticals advertised on tv are more immediately harmful than illicit narcotics. If illicit drugs caused cancer and killed you instantly I dare say they wouldn't be very popular yet many of the tv drugs have these sort of side effects.

According to this chart, alcohol is far more dangerous to users and thr public than any of the banned substances:
Drugs that cause most harm: Scoring drugs | The Economist

The pattern seems to be any drug that promotes feelings of peace and happiness is banned. Ones like ecstacy and mushrooms and lsd appear at the bottom of the above list while drugs that promote violence and aggression appear at the top of the risk chart, and often aren't illegal like alcohol and nicotine.

Big Pharm drugs are 100xs more lethal imo. I have a family member who had to have most their liver removed due to an agressive form of cancer. I began looking up blog sites on users of SSRI's ( my family member was on Paxil for past 12 years ) and the cumalitive effect on the liver. Guess what? Many, many people diagnosed with cancer of the liver due to using these SSRI's and yet not a single govt agency investigates these drug cartels because of their lobbyists. Then you have those who mentally breakdown and go on shooting sprees, killing others. Psychotropic drugs are extremely dangerous and should be banned in America. People in America worry about what would happen if the EBT cards were cut off - would there be rioting, etc. Imagine a blackout - extended time our power grid is down and there is no access to pharmacy prescriptions being filled. It would be mass insanity x's 10,000 in America within days. People who could not get their zanax prescriptions would not be sleeping - people on these SSRI's would be capable of anything if they suddenly are unable to get their prescriptions. It is a recipe for disaster.
Excellent post.

BRAVO!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Coulter's position on this is not typical of Republicans, many of whom lean Libertarian.

I and most of my R friends (a) strongly support legalization of pot, and (b) won't smoke it even if it is legalized.

We consider that it's an opportunity for government to take more money from stupid people, which is a good thing.

Which is why heavily GOP states have legalized it, right?
Oops. It isnt up to you to say what is typical of Republicans or not.
If it's any indicator, if I was a rep of the GOP, I wouldn't want you defining typical. Seems like a serious election losing idea there.
Her position and beliefs are not typical of Republicans. She believes that marijuana AFFECTS YOUR PERSONALITY PERMANENTLY, which is not a typical view

There is no doubt that a poll of republicans would indicate they do not support full legalization, but Coulter's views are atypical. Most R's just think it's a bad idea, but not that MJ destroys your personality.

The governor of PA (my home state) announced this week that if the legislature passes a "medical marijuana" law, he will veto it.
Marijuana should be supported by conservatives and libertarians.

The issue is freedom to act and liberty to choose allied to personal accountability.

This is not a freedom to choose issue. Once you light that thing up you can't control which way the wind is blowing and who else will get that crap in their lungs. Your "freedom to choose" doesn't' extend to my lungs as well.
Very true. It is also a question of how an altered state of consciousness may affect the marijuana smoker in terms of getting behind the wheel of a car, etc.
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Coulter's position on this is not typical of Republicans, many of whom lean Libertarian.

I and most of my R friends (a) strongly support legalization of pot, and (b) won't smoke it even if it is legalized.

We consider that it's an opportunity for government to take more money from stupid people, which is a good thing.
I'm not certain the Republican Party is with you on that as a group.

I haven't seen evidence of that to date.

Yes, one or two here and there are OK w/it, but it seems the majority have some problem w/legalizing pot. Official party leaders and politicians that is.

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